night comedy and music llirl )L’Il‘l‘L'I,

Arnnld wmpcrL-x Ll \ llrlcl} ml L‘wmclh .mll music llL‘ls It you are interested in lry‘lll: your hand at ii \pUI ml \IllnLl-llp. L‘llll Arnold (in SIN 1335


l Back On The Road Tour l’la} home. (irccnslllc I’lliL‘c. I1lllnhllruh.ll‘~l 55“ 3mm L5 5‘1 L13.51l.SL'L‘Slllll~1

allpm illlLl I’r‘L-xiL-xx.


I Belladonna! Village IlllL‘iIIIkKI ;l\l Kllhrlllc. H.352 JSNNV L-l l L: l. \\ llIllL'l‘. jllllll pl‘csclll an ex L'illllL‘ ml mlisll‘. \Hll‘J. pllclr} illlll pcrlwrlllnllcc \l.ll l in}; Sir/inim- lilrnnlll. SllL‘lld ( ~lllllcmll. l' Ll\ lhcc. \Illrcclla l‘\ .ill‘ll. ( ilrrllL'nllim \Iig( 'llllm‘h and \‘illL‘rlc I hllrnlliir

IMark Sleel Slralhchllcerl'lxlll l'mlm. John Stu-cl . ( ilaxglm . ll-ll <5: 1W5. “pllli L3 (\lllLlL‘llI\ .lllll Llllcxlxwllll l \L-rxillllc. l;l\l‘l.lll\'lll_L‘L'llllllc‘“llllil li;lr'll-llllllil_u.lrlll PL'IL'L'I‘IHL‘ pulllll'nlcllgln lll\|lllPlL'\\ll‘Il\ \lllllL‘IllllL'\llllpl'll\l\L'll «m lhc \plll ml the mumcnl LlIL' \ lL'lllll\l\ llrlll llllill'lllll\l_\ splilmh. Durl'l llll\\


IThe Funny Farm l)ill\lL‘\ MM "critic. New Slim-l. l).ll\lL‘_\ . \V IN” \pm L1 lil.<lll (illle'ka \ll‘A ll L‘lllllLllA U lllL‘L’IHL‘ \L'Ilkl\ lI\ lll'\l lL‘illll Ill L'llIL‘l llllll IllL‘ L'l‘llll

purple Ul l’.ll\lL‘_\.

FRIDAY 19 .'.‘ I

IVIC Reeves Sllnlhl‘hllcLimelle I'nilm. .ll‘l‘ill \llk‘CI‘ L ll.l\L'll\\ . (HI “.1 lh‘li‘mm. L1(\llllll‘rihnlllllzllcxlxlnllx l \Xillrghalllcluh‘nlxixllilL-lllhlenlzzhlulll \inhth‘hlchlx llllL'Ll l\\\ Stilllhghlll‘l lllHIl eclx lllllllllL' \\\lIlL'lll lI\ lllxl-riltlmillllillliiL'lllmrl'l\L.i\i»il

I ROUerI Halpern I’ll‘.llll\ll l llL‘lillL‘l l_‘.l RL’IIIIL‘lLl \IlL‘L‘l, ( illixlu »\\ .llll 1%: lwlh ".3llplrl H Sel- l'll l.‘


I The Comic Club Bldthlll.” \. 4* :\ll‘lllll Sllccl. \lL’lL'll.llll (All\~ (illlxgliv. .l|.1l SS: 5‘12»1.‘)pm. L-l FINES-Sill lllli l‘I‘L‘ll \.,‘\llplil lillllrilehl Ihl‘plwpmcllliill 111‘ ll” llillluhl lllL’lllllu luhn I’llllll ouch .l\ L'llmpcrc. l’hll Ixhs .l\ \LlllL'.il \l‘llllk _lIlLl in he“ Lllllll‘lL' .iLl IL'.lIllllll;' ll.“ l.

I [L'nlluwir “llll L1\L‘ll It “Hi L ‘wlllltll lilL' (‘lrrllld‘lllhlxll

I ROUGH Halpern I’llxillnll lllL'.lIlL‘, ll RL‘llllL‘lll SIIL'L‘I. (illnglm All: S1: l\»1'~ " ,‘llpm llnll IllllllllL‘llI If \Ll-l ll l7,


lThe SalamanderClubl lm- Ruin. \M-q Register Slrccl. lillllll‘llltlll \ lll‘lil \L'L' Sun 14


I Belladonna! \\l\l'l\\lllll\ lllL‘llIIL‘. HiIIlIlL‘IIHIIIl l ligh Schm ~l. l%.illil~\lurl.|l-1l

_~_~_ all \\ lllllcll ll“ l PIL'\L'IlI .lil L'x L'lllllL'

ml IIIU\1L‘.\\‘II_‘_'. plwlr} .lIlLlI‘L'Lllllllllllltk' \lllrrlnLv \ll-L' BJlL'Yllilll. Sir/.lllnu Ilnillllir, Sheila(\lmL'rlin. .lllh.l Dim \lilrL'L‘llll l'.\;lll\Il. Marx .-\llll Kcrlilclh .lIlLl (IUILICIIIIIIJ \ld llllm‘h

Performance ITHIRD EYE CENTRE UV» 3" 1 \‘lil\ lllL'll.lll

SIIL'L‘I. 1:7'532

NationalReview OlLive Arll lllil minim li l)L'Illl‘L‘l llll\ L \ll'lll'lllll'zlll‘. . llll‘llt'li llllLlL‘lL'\[‘ll\L‘ll. mom lLuilllil'x upcrlrilcllllll pci lllillllllll’L' \knllx lll‘lll u \HLlL'IdIlLlL‘ l‘l lllll\l\, m‘lm ml "which .llL‘ LlilIlL'L‘fllL'IHL'll \k‘L' \.llll‘ll.ll l\'~_", il‘u

ll\Illl:_‘\llll lhl- lllll» ~\\ lllL' [‘llvl‘

Classes IDANCEFACTORY 1.1‘l ll! 1i;

‘MSlr l)lll Ill I‘lll‘Llllll llk‘illilllll. lhl

\liyvl 13“ lill‘llil} ll.l\L'llI‘L‘llL'Ll .1 sea >l1llxlzllllrl

pl'm lllll‘igd \hlalc l-lllL’L' ill classy ll‘l illlllll\ illlll phlllllglr lLM ll.lL‘L’ l'lllxx ll i‘lll L? \l' ll” 3). llklllll L'l.l\\ L: "ll L1 ‘*l* llll .‘. l. \L'llll‘l l‘lll/L'll elm» l1 \ll

Dance Exercise \l« ll rxlrmk 151m \\_ll IIIWH]

Jazz \lwll ll lDI‘ll‘lllL \k'l .Tl. 1'7; rll'lqu'l ll. llllll\ll.l_\\ ‘pll‘. ll)! l‘L-l'liilsqr \l

Callanelics \ll‘ll" l<llrll ‘9». M l*prl:

Aerobics lllljhlvrll ll-‘ml l ‘. ll larval I ll. lllllNHllll‘.

Yoga llll'“ 35pm

Tap llll‘li “pill[lil'glllllL-tw \\l;il Vim) llL'\L‘l \l llilli\" l<l‘llllll'\L'l,‘l \l‘ll; llL'\L'l ll

Ballet lll; Pym ll‘L'L'lilIlL'I‘l \\l'll ll l‘plllllL-ul ll

Ballroom & Latin l ll " IGLASGOWACADEMYDFDANCE ' I; ()llk‘l'll \llql‘l. Al"

l lives rill; liL lll ll‘illllltlli‘

"il llii' 1-. 11* ii llllrwllwllilllll‘ .':_;ll~-:ll:ll lll‘illll ll \LllllllL’ LT A W? l’i‘l ll;lll}. Lll-xl'x Open Elementary Ballel\li~i:li.ix\

Rll WW” LunchlimeSlrelch l~il~\ll.iv.~ l: “ll‘w: I l‘llrll (ll‘llllll': El“ lrllrl BeginnersJazz\\;ui;lc\llm.w m BeginnersTap lll'lllxll no Mi illiw Contemporary Beginners ll'lllelum I] hi \[im Ballrooml Hull» \lw: I HILLHEAD HIGH SCHOOL! l i.» iii ii: .'\\L"‘.llL'. plume 1 1” -: lxizl Contemporary Dance Class ‘xli l. ~ in .ll ‘-‘vllll,l.llll wry-war r l’l: l‘u "1‘41llw' llljl ill~

Callanelics and Dancercise .: z:-

l»1“}‘\l‘.l’i-l JazzDance l'f‘ll: \llll'\\ ‘~;‘fl' all”. l\ l'



SongAnd Dance \l l-v ii :ll“lll.\ll.\~l kl; ‘?‘ll:l,\\ vigil].

1‘ "l‘ {W llwmlwzril him \l J: ".‘s

ll ~\ii\\.'\"l:ll\::lxl:l.i l 11:. .11ch " \\.l'vl.\ \lgglmll‘lf \lllrli \\l'r' ITHEATREWORKSHOP llll lTilllll ll



l’le‘L'. HolVapourAnd Ice l'll 1: NH 1H m \pm. L3 *lll Llfilll .-\ L'l‘lllll‘l‘lllllllll l‘cllwcll llrlllr}; L'l‘IlIL'lllpllllll\ llnhl‘L'l lum \ .lllL‘ .lllkl Lip danger \ll‘k l’illrgc IIIllll‘l llIL‘ llL'LIllIILL‘ Y 1% l);lrl;l' lllHllL‘ll ll‘.lH\l\

\ ‘(\*L1V\

lellxlhl~ \hlm llil‘lllpwlllll'x lllll\l\ in lllx‘lhml'il. Illl‘h. l )lllkL‘ l lllllL’ll‘Il .llili llxlill'llclllll ITRAVERSETHEATRELii.l\\lll.lrl\l-I.“h in}!

The Incredible Orlando llllll\ lx syn .7 ‘l m T Fllpm lllll \llvll ( ll'll L‘ l_ 1i \ ~11 Min} h.l\l‘ \L‘L'll lllll‘. Ill wily rill lll\l\ll\ Kemp‘s lill‘llll‘Lh I‘illkl‘ll~'lll‘ll\lll perhaps \xlllkllll: \\llll \1cll‘l-l llllllllllil‘lJlll. \1.iilh.l (rlill‘ldllllli Huck .lllllll.lll :\lllll‘\l llimplglyh llllllkl. lhl.‘ lill‘ll'lllhll-l llllllllll‘ llellxwl'lL'nll-llmam ml lll\l‘\\ll\\llll'\\.

I ‘(,, [HI

lhl‘ llll‘\l :aLl‘lll ill xxlllih l‘\ / Sim/I1 Hm".

p l:‘.:“‘

Classes l ASSEMBLY ROOMS l imiul \lll ll

l’hmlllwlnlrgl'r ill lgxlxll‘lrLL lll‘will

H ilk \L'L' l‘lm IL“.\ “l‘. lllL'.lIlL

(illlllltiL'l 'll‘ I.‘I’»l 1-“ llll All‘lllll‘ lll~l illlll lll‘ lll ll‘l'\k'. llllll' ~lllLll\L' ll‘lllll‘t' llllluxx

l‘lllLl\‘~l\ llllllk lllL‘ll l ) llllL l‘.l‘l'

:lll. lllllll 1 )cl \\ lIl‘. .i llllll lL-lll: ‘.\l Lllll‘illlL‘liLlll‘,‘ l‘l lgl

Integrated Dance AndCrealive Movemenl lllL' ill Warm l\ ll‘ylll ll *ll \\illl.ll'llli\ -\L'il‘ll~

Jazz l'lix' :3 ll» OverAUs DancerciseTue1.30—2.30pm.£2 (El).

JazzLevelZ lLIL W 'plll ?‘ "W11 ‘l TapBeginners lllL will if :71: TapLevell lllL' \ l’l‘lll til Lil JazzAdvanced \Mx‘ i llllll ll‘lll re W ll: ‘lll

Contemporary\\ no 1H ‘nivi; :_l w

.‘l'pil: Li l

ll: ‘l AdullPerlormance Groupuulx Him 2?

Warm Up lliills" ‘1 ‘llllll‘l

Jazz lll’l!‘ l 1“ :1 viii 931111 llmillw Illl‘l"~\ Contemporary lT‘liii\ i'l l‘nlll} if 1\[\lll l}

I: lr_r.illl K>lll“'ll\lll\\

lllll "ll

JazzLevell lhui~ w it: <lil

Mim Beginners lglin' or,“ ;:. M; ConlemporaryAdvancedl w m MW

JazzBeginnersl w m ‘ivi: e? w

Spanish Beginnersl 'l w m :‘liliw

llll ,l1\~. Dancelmprovisalionxu in lv : w EELCHAT \1 :1! ll lll‘l mini :_ ill'xl lll‘l.l‘lil illnl il‘ ll l lll :lLl' ll‘llllllW

ii} ‘llll lwlfl l’lwlil' \‘ ll} 1‘ :11 IEPWURTH HALLS‘ w} ‘3: lll fl.l’l 7"1‘ llmwll

\lllll xi ‘.;:l.'i‘.l‘v' l' 1L.ll \ll‘lll -' YSl ll.. I \I ll l\.'i~tw.:-xllilili irillilrl. lltllizl-r.‘ W l‘ ill 1’ OpenBallel\l~i.l.l~»


JazzlorAdulls \l: iii law M; :r lll ~,'ll';.". \ .I.l ll TaplorAdulls 1mm: ll uklm'llL JazzlorTeenagers \\ .liylm! luv «in BallellorAdullsw-llil llfl'illl.L‘i\\\llll'IYuf Adull Perlormance Group l’iwiu lull, i. llliv. \- l‘. 7." '1 ll llll'l.ill~


\’= “I; ll‘. l‘wv

pvl l\"‘ ‘l‘l‘fl‘.

lull L :llwllll lil'. W“ W1" ( :.l\\\‘ .ill‘ l‘..'lll‘ll"lllll l.ll‘illi\lllll'lll'fll\llllxk'. \lla'l.llliilwx'.l.yl,'3:l\ .lxzwi'rll l'll llill‘ill: .".Tlll.ll\lll\ ill‘ill‘YTL‘lLll.llixlll ill

LK lilly l'\.l"

llllgtlllul‘l; lll'\llllll\“~xl lllxulll‘, iltcl' l\.llllllll\ ll'lfllljmlrl‘ll'wl Ill

i‘-\_ \.lIL' {l


\l'xxlwllu rv'llllilll‘l ll ~il ll ll.l\l\l\'1


2*. villi lllll. l’l; lltL llzwll l;lfl lwl


ll , Dwflfiflfl EUEEI



Rllllllllll' lllllll \llll ‘; H )\l lill'l‘ lllll

\Jllkllllll Rl \ll-v ill l i\; \:l lxllll‘l‘ll'1'l'\l .llllllllll\l lilll‘llll"l\‘.l'l liliallllw; llll Illllll

ill ( IllI\‘.'l‘\\ l

.lllll [‘ll\\ll=l'. l.l\l lllllll 'i~'(

rlll‘ xxlm \.


'llillll xx. in!

l1lxlr|\ J\L‘l‘.' ll‘H‘ll illlll‘xktll‘lll‘lllll‘-‘-l‘[l\l“l(\l‘x'll’lll'lllill lll liilillhlnll;

\ll'.'\l'ill\.llk‘llillll' lhlll‘l l :ll': ‘1'» ;\'l\.l'lljl‘.!l'li.lll \lrm'llill \\ illll\‘\‘~\‘llll'l‘.‘.l\.‘ xi“ lllll'll \ ‘lil'. 'l l

\xhllhnllm‘» w lw llllli\l.lll.lll

.lI".l\ l‘xill‘l'l‘lillivfimEll "‘ll‘l "l :l‘:'- lllll lilll‘.‘~l\.llllllll‘. l‘l‘llllilllll_ I‘ll llll'llllHlllllwlwllll’nluwll i‘ullll lllll ti

l‘L'J‘lllillll'llHIIHll WW" ll Itle lhlil l'ltllllrl'l‘: llin‘ll lll‘ ii ll x'.ll.‘l\“ l‘luillw‘spllllllwlltl ll '1 ‘1':'.llllu§‘

l llllllcllili-xliil‘ 3‘» lwllllllll ll‘ \llll ll l"“:'lllll‘.lll9 lulllil‘l llwritll‘w llilrill

Wednesday ill—Sunday 14' ISllllrillsmir-il 3 .= lllillll‘l‘llllllil‘"l"l‘

\llill l'llllilll“ ill‘ ll.

.. « Alaslair MacLennan lVideo Portrailsl ~ will .. \l xi

l.i:lll mil‘ \ltlv\\ll» w. i' ‘l \ .\ Y‘f' «‘l‘lflisil‘lfi‘ :l: 't:~'.l:..' "nil l‘llli

lHOXll l ll“

\‘ ll ‘l ll

l. :i w \ll

IVIEIEUS“\“. ll' \ww', Wrw \_ .l

.ll..lll'«l. l:> ‘1 31.11

ll‘\ ‘1 "Hi .1 V”, 1" ll'.'~lf. ". I YBUUYDldEvert/lhingl'x l, .1“, \l““\l‘l"lW-st w l ill \l ii.

'w.'\i:l‘l!ll 1112'~ .\ ii'i.


:1: lllllll,|‘l l"! :3! IHowWelnvenled The/Airplane \il l.l‘:i‘lllll'i-llli1"l"l'l

lilmli'l lll‘_-ll‘ :Qiiii

'lx: 'l'..ll',l':ll‘_lr ":11'1'3' ll ITaIk: Pele B ooksand Lllair

(Il.1\,'~‘.‘. i‘.\ \i". ll'.l'


ll lil l\\

*l'pl: 1' -‘-ll \ i'LIil‘Tll.lll llfl' h\.r'l‘.\vl.‘. ill l"‘ l.' \

Talk. BobbyBakerl iii»; \.: \II

lxll -.\T l’lli ,l ll». l‘w l'li-..._\.