arnatettr prerntere tn keeping w lIl‘: the ettrnpanx‘x.ltlteat pnlrex mt presentrne rare Hr new lllllSItttl‘ tr ll ( tlaxetiw ittltllL‘llL‘t‘S. :\ \atrrreal hulk at lire lll tire l‘illls. the llltl\le.ll was rn lkl'e' llllt the Marilyn \ltinrwe .lane l{ll\\e‘ll .rtm re .tllti S()Tlfl\llleltltle 'l)ra:nwntl\ \ze ’\ ( rtrl‘x “CST i‘liL‘ll\li

Merry Widow \1txn :3 \tl .‘ 't tel Ll Ur. \lure arnatettt tll.lll .t it‘lilt \lrner'xat’ltrl‘petrtlrrrrxtltrru pttla!



IMlTCHELLTHEATREtrt trr\.tlleSt;eet. 32131‘lS.liw\t)tttte \lt r: \at it: t-rt Bar (Kile ltettel ttl‘~l‘il“.tlltt ‘le l'l‘lTllllt'

'l'tekeH er:tre.t .rrttllertt';'\._. “1


Mun Sat lll .‘tllarn *llpzrt \.ee\\ l’l’.-\ S l l-aerhtte» \Nt .\‘» S. t r. R. it Help: .'\.;\:\l

Beyond Reasonable Dorrth air‘ Sat H >.-r

".FIIprn. \\t“\i ant. lltttzw .l.'ar~’ .'\l\t) l‘elL'.tl‘.tl.\ttl\l.I'xl.~ \t l't‘l ('ttltttr'elrasttelpetlthe l‘arl \eettre the trrxt attraagtt: rr' Arehet'stheatrreal lwlu Ct. titer

'l'eehnreall} the\ '~llt'llltlr it it we heer

.tllttwetl tn till it ‘tllllll it». at at t~ttt the

pttl‘llSlle‘tS hax e ll‘nttle an t 'plrtnr lteeathet‘l lllllll lll‘lSt' l’artlfzet t: .Illll‘t‘.t\l

an amateur prerrttere

Witch Huntl it til Sa' .‘ei let Klimt l'ttl‘lLWhlttll te\ l\e\ tt~ w r. ll zi ell Pl'tttltlellt‘ll l"t\k‘tlt‘ll rltt linil entxrn

Seritlantl that nrtrtwretl ltt‘ we r': Salem ttnl}. lr\e_\ear\e.trher lit-witeltrrtetttarrtl lCl'l'll‘lL‘ltlllllL'lll.

IOLD ATHENAEUM THEATRE ‘1 llttehanan Street. .* Q I 1 *1 Huxl )lllt e ttpe't‘. lltarn hprn anti ‘vl‘lltl‘l. :ieflttlllatllte' tla_\‘\. [:\eee\‘~. httrttetll TwelfthNightl rtttl Sal it let tt__‘,.*l'l. See l l‘tlllll‘.‘

Big Noise'sActionFactory \lt‘li 1‘ ‘\.tl in (RI .-\ \\'e‘el\ttl’e'\ellll‘;' 'lt'txtlll1 l\

}L'.rl tllilSIallLYlllL'lll‘lltl"l.'ttll.'lwllt\1'l

‘lll‘lrt s.“

Lllitlll.l_L'.Llllle'\ ltt tr1p~ wt; tlrel ilavzt w ttntletgrtittntl Se; lSlti\ l lS'tllE; .llltl Rttlx l)lL'\lt.‘\\

63 lrongate

t‘. asgow

Gt bllB

Box Office : 041 552 4257

“eff; 2 .-'V ' 4 .5: “I .2. by Christ-lair


. c v '9'1' ' v' " ‘; n.

V, Dir-dedbmclratl' m -. 8834.3 Oct --8|III'4.N i '1' “u '.l; ;

llllll lheatre Critnpany THE WITCHES OF POLLOK by Anne [Joy/rite

Directed by Michael Boyd Sat to Nov - Sat 1 Dec

at 7.30pm

he" 9’ fie R'enews ‘C 5 ii Nov

Tickets: ES/EZSO concs

DARK NIGHTS.” ' z - THEJBON.¥1‘v.'-' Free Series in the '

. Victoria Bar, "

I Thur 11 Oct:

Gong night at the Iron .3! 10.3mm -

Fri 12 net:

Dave White - Folk.

at 0.30m '

October - December 1 1990

Tron Cate/Bars open 7 days a week

58'lltelrxt1; t t. r


The Big Move 'l litll'\ 25 Sat _" ( )et. " illptil Sat Slat 2.3llpnr L: t £1 l. Skint knees l‘heatre ( 'twrnpant . w lrreh \peeraltxexrn ehrltlren‘stheatre.pertnr'ntx .‘xlurae l~ttllerttin\ pla} alwttt the trattnratteetleetxtintwitttitrngertt tlwellersut rnmrrrutittheettttntr}. I PAlSLEY ARTS CENTRE New Street. l’atxlet SS" llllll. HHX ( )ttteetipen ltte Sttn ntmn S._“tlprrt. liar tupen ntmn llpnr'l tte Sat; 13.30 2.31lprrtttrrtl It 3'1 llptn Strn Steals served). ('ate titpen nttttn llptn l. |.»\eee\\: l’l’:\. S'l. l'.rellllle\i \\'( .\\'S. It. ( i. R. It. llelp: .‘\. ,\_'\l AllThe Time In The World l’rt t: ( terspm. ii i til .-\rleen Rttehre eurnpletes her .iItr .‘i/trmnrt \Srrtri‘ tr'tlity} til plays lt)l'(l\'\lL‘ t nrrx lheatre h}. takrnev llS ttp titthe pr ; vent tlax with a tale til httlttla} Kathakali and Centre Ocean Stream Mr m 15 (let. A .Sllpnr. L3 l USU). Speetaettlar emttttne. t tilttttt‘ and mm ernent tn twu \eparrtre pert'nrtnaneex eelehrattngthe Itathtrttnsttl Stittth lntlta The Funny Farm ‘l ltttl\ IS ( )et. Spnr. t1? lt.l fill). The Flitting Sat ln()et Sprrr. L-l it: i. See l'itttrtn}; Heart and Bone the 2 ~ ( )et. .Spnr. £3 lt'lfitir. See 'I tinting. THEATRE”(iteenStreet. lx'rlrnar‘nttek.(er 3350M. l.-\eee\\: l). 1.. l'itellllle‘\. \Vti. \\'S. l' . t i. R. l’). Help; ;\. .-\.\l Oklahoma l 'ntrl Sat l 1 t let. "fillprn. H. l \ er *Ptttilllttl‘ thtlggets and l latntner'stetn tlltISleal per'lttrrnetl h} l titltlllllll .\ltl\le‘;tl Sitt'leh Twelfth Night l‘ll tut )er, " .‘llprn. Lido it: illl. See lltlll'llTL’. The Lou Grant Show Sat Jitter. “Sprint. t_.1.5llt t._‘..“lll l’ttpttlar \ .tr'tet§ hill. Dundee Rep Dance Company w'etl 3st ( )et. " Rilpllt twigll 1:..‘lll. .\ Titllge‘ Ultltttlee pretex. trmrn lltitxe w tth a Spanish inrltrenee rt tlelteate wlm. and a new wtir l\ ealletl \ltilrwt Hume I PAVILION THEATRE lll Retrrteltl Street. 14.“, lSth. tux ( )ltree \lttn Sat lllarn \pnt Rat l.-\eee\\: S l'. l‘aerltttex: \\ S. (i llelp; .v\.»\] Robert Halpern l'\er_\ in and Sat, ifitlprn. .\ rnrtlntuht. L-l t5. See(‘aharet. Sunday Stripe Workshop Sttn lli( )et

1tlprn 2.3 l titre tn w ttlt tht\e\ e‘lllthS l‘vr lt‘l ntatree. there's a eharree ll‘l'e'ill n trwrn the till‘lL'SHHllalS .tl‘tltll trrakrnt’ a exrteer tn elllllL'tl\ lxertthtnutrttrn \letlllllL' w rth heeltlers tti lrrrtlrtrea rnanaeet litmlxtnetitrtl.*\-1.\‘l,I Will. See l’rextew Sunday Stripe Comedy TourStm lit let \pnt 1.1 Wit-1i Seet aharetantl l’tenew IROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND DRAMA lllll Rertlrew Street. WISH“ l.\eee\\. l’l’.-\.l ,laerlrtrex. \\ ( '. \\'S. :\S R. It. l.(i Help. A. \.’\l Sexual Peversityln Chicago Int-:3 (let

l'llltt i‘pn‘. 2311.1*lll.()net\ttwn

l lax ltl \lantet t‘l.t\\ tn ( ilaxenw lltl\ ll‘lllllLIltl txee .\rehe\ l heattel..\etru1/ /)(‘|(‘y\]l"I/’I(’II"((1k",l\\1\lllk1}()IA]A)\\[E1k. tnail tlextre ltir \e‘\tl.ll lttllrltrrerrl tlextrmx er*lllltltlllletlllllllSl‘k'IWL'ell rnenantl wwnten l’etlitrrnetl ht l-rnal Year I)l):\ \ltltlte'lll\ ttrnlet the threettttn wt :\lan

t whet:

I ST MUNGO'S CLUB ‘NS ( treat \\ extern Rt tall ne\t [U l luntenpathte l ltt\Pllitll The Technique otSinging w etl lllttllLl w e-tl

w ( )et lllprn L-1 l Unnn-trrernherxi \tntetl expeetallt at .lellll\ wrtlt lrttle \rrttirnue\pertenee. l learttir .\la//a\ \.i.t»rl.\ltupentreentratexmnteehnrtrtte. l)etatl\ttttht\antl

wther l’etlutrnarree l \t latlue ( ‘laxxexitn

\l'xlt' tllltl etirrtttlenee

ITHIRD EYECENTRE “HSattehtehall Street. “I "‘11 (are ripen l latn ltre l tiaraltlzttrttu e\etttrtt' perlwtznarteex l-\tee'\\ l’l’:\.l \\( \\S.l' llelp


laethltex \'\;


The National Review ot Live Art t 'nttl Sttn r1 ()et. See [ rxtrnt: at the end Hi the l heatre

ITRAMWAY THEATRE \ll‘ezt 1 )t1\ e. if} ‘52“ ltekehtrwrn [lk-k\-lkixhllllixill‘1lll" 5511lllelp.l .\\( .\\\.('l

Actors Workshop llltll\ l l and llitll\ lS ()et. 3 <prn. H 1 LS nun rrternherxl llettt lentttn tt\e\ teehntttttex haxetl in the :\et<ir\ \Vtirlxxhwp t l‘r trreetttrr .tlltl l’ttlt\h [ah lheatte tntle\elitptritetpretatrttrt skillxtrxtttj; nreutnertt ttrtptt~‘»t\.ttttirt l)etatl\wl thr\ tlltl lithe? l’er ltirntanee l‘\eltan};et'laxxextin If" Frankoell‘s The Temptation otSaintAnthony l'nttl Mint '15 ( )tt. \prn l lte ~eetirttl helprneitt hi/arre \\ luster (irttttp theatre

l\ ltmxeh haxeti wit a l'latrhett l‘n“.'. l. l‘tll tltiexnt hesitate lt‘ ltth' trt l ertt1\ l'lrttee and l\'ehat \llt‘\‘.\e‘ll rz trte See \‘t'titmter (iltlttl‘Re'HC‘A

Audition Technique llllll \ t let Httfitiwrt trrt-rrrherw llxpetl‘


\laenattt'htttn prewtzls trrtttltet wwlwhup litt‘whtehputtareashetlrillvttrttialwngza pt'eparetlteu.either iiltltle‘lll'll tlaxxteal. l)etarl\ttl llll\lllltl Hillel l’etlernranet. l~\ehantte('laaxexttrr .‘..‘."“"*"

Brace Up! \\etl l" l'll I‘ll let \l‘lll t.’ (Hi. 'l he last rtt llll‘x \\ t‘ti\le‘l t ilttilt‘ lk'llttSPt'k'lHL'lStl\Kt‘il‘x’lllrl‘lth'le‘S'xll‘ltll taltext'helxhiHX //.'i't't'.\i\tw'\. tl‘xlllk‘Sltllllllt'lltlllll ltira

rrtttlreal preeetn itsttzrie ehalletternt'.tlrtttz.‘i>:ttapnetlpetltltrrtanez'. See \Vrittxtet (ittrttptew rew ITRONTHEATREhF llI rt.'.rle.."“.‘.~l:ti" llttxtllltee llle Sat \llt‘ll Spin. Sttn 13.1“ llprtr (‘ltwetl \ltintla} \eeexx: R. St l'aerhtrws' ‘v‘xS. l' t t. R. l4 llelp, .-\ \]

The Baby Sat 1 1tier Sttn- \ttx il'prn D t t_.‘,5lll. llall pttee tllt‘xlt'wxwll Sat l.1 and Sttn Ill t'ltrrx l lannan llitSIt‘ entl\ lteerr tltttne well llt l itl‘rtltilt'.‘-ltl1;rpl;i\

ahi ~ttt the t in wt t 'ttlttrte .rral rtttw he leltllll\ hiinre with an epte tale ll lt‘\e ,xe\ ;ttrtl;1r‘rel.\el lll ar:etent Rtttne lll the l rrtn's aitltrtnn \k.'.l\tlllttl new plan

See l’rextew

WV)“. \l l tlt lllllt". VV \_ l i. ll llelp. .\.\l Grease lll w ettt i)- \ttttlerttlttn UDUCDCU\'\etl_‘1ttet f‘Iptt: “‘x l tlll'l‘l‘lt‘l‘l nt'xeurlt,

\llt'tll lft‘.

1tlt‘ll‘. l llllkl‘lllllk'

(lite till perlwttrr true l ltrtilltt \w ‘te‘l‘

ttl‘.tlelllt antl :"w'ttt'l! Titxrattti'i it

lllltll'\ IBRUNTONTHEATRE‘xlxr \etwa'v 3.1m l.\t_-.t l’l'.\. l\‘ \l \\S. lytt. ll llell' '\ \l NDTSBSUHl nlri Sat I W let

\at i \lat ,‘ 4llpzn. 9.. \ll \

ratht .tl ettatrz'e tn llll‘llki .tx tla‘ l‘:f

it. 'vtl‘r‘


'tt lltlte~~

\tlytrrr tl‘l

it} Stir tttexttxlrartalat \lteltael l l‘xl Frill tllit‘tlS


llaelxxlatie el‘ll‘.\‘il\ tl‘t‘lll tr‘e lilwl


tr llttllallltllSHl a the the etvtrtpam wit the liltlll lt'x a t‘t‘t‘tllal elwree tll\l ttww tlte \arrte pla‘. hl‘e'lllt‘ wtayetl rrtl ttrrrlterrrattltl lw the .\pe\. l‘l.r\e:\ See Re\ tew

Bold Girls lae try Sal gilt let

{i \tlltri \ti.


See lt‘tlllllt'

The Zoo StoryanthhamberMusic llttll\.:‘ (let Sal ?.\m me ti“lltt..‘ wt Sat I\ltl. .‘ *llpttt. “l' l'rzxt lll:‘lll 2.? ‘It It: \lli \tzrtrtete \llllfltll‘lll‘le'l‘lll l‘t'lllllllletl 3'“. tr);

(t'llll‘tllI'N /l~l

lillllllt‘lt lilk'ttllt‘


lllSI pla_\ and l\ ahttttt twn men In tnutti


earn emnttnl iii a park heneh. ln( litmrlnv Maw . .\r thttr Rttprt llL‘Jle the lrrre hetween satin} and lll.ttlllL‘\\. axereht


\xttltlelt \kltttl‘ellLWL‘ lllk‘llT\L'l\C\ltll‘C

\ at littlS ereat wttrnen itl lllSIttl\ are ettnlrnetl in a rnale<rttn nrental lliSIlItlllttll ICHURCH HlLL THEATRE \ltllllllltlSItlk' Rttatl. SIS l l“. l‘reketsautrlahle ttttnt Queen's I [all and l'xher llall litt\()lllk1‘\. 84 Charing Cross Road w L‘tl 3.1 Sat 3'

Rl'ptn t3. l-tlrnhtttgh l’ettple's lheatr’e tn.latne\ l{tm\e—l'\;ttt\atlaptatrtintil

l lelene l lanll\ hext-selltnt: rim el ahttttt a hunktxh \ew Yttrlxer and a hunk-selling; lttntltiner w hteh was made lllltl a lrlrn \ t lllL' .-\nrte ltanertttt antl ;\nthtin_\ llttpltttrx

I KING'S THEATRE I l e\ en Street. .33" lllll. litt‘x t )lltee \lttn Sat lllatrr Spin liar l.'\k|.\'\\. l’l’;\.l l'.telllile\i \\ t '. \\ S. .\S. l' ( i. ll llelp; .~\;\|

The King and l l 'nttl Sat l i ( )et Mun Sat .‘llprn. \‘x'etl anti Sat Slatse‘. Ftlprn. LUSH Lljfill Marni priitlttetrunttttlte elassre l‘W Ix lltthlettl star r rnu Strxan

l latnpshrt e as .-\nna tllltl KtlSllllt‘ Statstrnrtitu as the KlilL’. See


Pinocchio \lttn l5 Sat .‘lll )et ll'..‘\llarn tnnt \ltin ) antl :Plll. {SSH :45“. Stage \L‘ISItlll til the Dime) earttmn arrnetl at

-1 ll}ear‘-~hlx

Pride olthe North Mint 13 Sat jtit )et \ltttt l‘rr fieltlprn. Sat 5pm allul Spin. L35” USU. Senttrxh \'arret_\ paekaee star‘r‘tngluhnm lleatlre. lhe .'\lk'\itlltlt‘[ Br‘ttthers antl tnan_\ rnttre.

The Country Wile l lttll\ 3* t )et Sat 3 \m. ",~15ptrt Sat Mar _‘~\'tt\ 3 lSprrt L4 1“ \Vetl :4 ( )et lree prex'rew \\ lnle llS (it'ltltllttp Street \ite l\ le‘tlt l‘. ttle'tl. l he Rural l }k'e‘tllll itpen\ llS itinerant \eawn w tth \thharn \\ _\ehet'le_\ \ ettrnetlx ttt ‘e‘Ltlttl ettrtttttest. l litrner \t."ltlee'\ as man}. nrat r tetl w'ttrnen as he ean w htle pretentlrtru tit he a ettntteh. and the

rne\ ttahle taree L‘llSLle‘S. See l’rex tew

I NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE 4 1 l huh Street. “(Nth—"l. ltitxt ltltee.

‘)pttt pert. e\g\ l'are

.WS. l'.ti.ll,

lltatn J. \‘llptn. l.-\eee\«; R. l’aerhttex: \\'t R. llelp. .-\. .v\.\l

The Art otthe ModelTheatre lite tr» Satin ()er llanr. Ll t tlr ltaeh rntlrrrrne Rutter't l’wttlter urn-x .t tlL‘llltlllSll'itlltlll .illtl per'ltlrrnaneettl lllS\lllllthttlltll'lel llle.llll‘\, l’titrltet llt.rl\'e'\ lllStl\\ll a'ttptx. setxantltheatres etlltltl\e‘l llllli.l‘lle‘l_'lll [lltltlllelltllh rr‘. lll‘~ :ep'e r little lheteate .tlw tllernwwn witrlexhwp limit: I Lpntal llle'\ellll'l'l‘t‘\\ \il\( ll'.tkl it; the \1‘.t»ettntt~ll llll\lllt‘lltl tLll

Scottish Storytelling Festival w er: i" ilttt‘r.t-1ite‘.‘_t Silt

\rt‘wtt lltne tSlll.' \i-

-.'l;llt‘ arzttiwet ttre

\\ ell llletl‘tl‘.‘. tltl"\lt\ltll litheet‘llle‘t‘ltlli.ttllllt‘l‘.tll\t' -\rt:I\ttr:e wt wwrltxhwp» \tt ratethat:«ewtitttaatttl eetlrtllrxaltirrz'wztl‘e‘.er‘t\.trtrzetlxr‘ect tll'. atehtltlten

Beginning with Stories w l' ill TMitt; ,\trr.etlr‘va:trettl til» at

Sari-"t tet

t‘lkl\. theme lllltf ltll‘A; \e'wrwtt»

1 ‘\e'.r.' lettltlle'tilttlltlltlllll \tr intelleuwlrwwtll trtxwhe lil'e\llll‘.llell lli tlje ‘lt‘l'yil‘..tlelllt l‘ltlek‘\\

Theatre Storytime w at t" \lt'lt :it let :l‘lll Stttrttellervptr: lllel.’_\ tIll‘~ltll \Ctllt'lel\tlll\ll'ltlk'l.1lltll“l lll"~ lllle'IL'Slt‘tl .ttlttlt~

lnternationalTales \lttn .1.‘( ‘el (iraee l lallwwttl: .ttal l lelert larxt retell


l.rle\ lrwrn lllllltl.ttl tt‘ lrwntittettn lit a elitlte \parrntn; e-xenrne wt \twtrex ‘He Who Laughs Last Laughs Longest' ltle fit let 1llpn: l tilletalm reet'ttntetl rnall their hawth \tt!‘\ t‘l\l‘. e anti etirnte e ll.tlltl m \\ tllte \lel’hee and l lelen l ast New Storytellers Workshop ltle' :‘w )et Spnt l)axttl(antphellantll’atltar: .\le\etl leatl a elasx llll tllitxe tntere\tet3 ttt \ttlrxtelhneantltheerneruerteettttrew The Storytelling World olDuncanWilliamson \\ etll-itiet illt‘lll lraxeller antl l llllellltttlttltal\lttlHL'llel.l)ttlle.ttt
