ITHEtamous ‘Whatare you looking at?’ glance ol Prelab Sprout. Not much, is the answer—they haven't played live tor live years. This time 'Jordan‘, the live show. has been cleverly timedto coincide with 'Jordan‘thealbum.The Sprouterswill be at Glasgow's Barrowland on 13 and Edinburgh‘s Playhouse on 12 Oct. See Rock Listings page 37.

l MEL Gibson isthe gamekeeper-turned- poacherin Bird OnAWire. Untortunatelygirllriend Goldie Hawn isn‘tsokeen on him livinglong onthe witness protection programme. See Film Index page 27.


In this issue‘s Shortlist: 'l‘he Ieoixe~in on l.othian Road. Scottish playwrights to kiss and make np'? .‘\ltki the truth hehintl Prinee lidward‘s rix‘eting speeeli.

EDINBI ‘R(il {‘5 lothian Road.

home ol' the kehah lllLille’Cti ‘iinirtiar

morningt tlan n-ehorte. was reeenth ehosen as the site tor a siioelest ol some signitieanee, :Xromitl tv. ei':t_\ delegates to the Eighth \(tllttttLli Bisexual ('ottlei'eitt-‘e staeetl a spontaneous 'kisviii‘ on the eentral reservation. like its larger eonnterpait in Pieeatiilh (hens. the leothian Roati lox e—in \\ as tlesigiietl to draw attention to the intimidation lelt h_\' l‘isexnals. leshians antl ea} men about tlispla}. ing their passions in pnhlie. .-\ii aetion-photool the ex‘ent exposes a i'e'iii:ii'l;;ihl_\ empt_\ Lothian Roati. although the; asstiretl us that reaetit ins \\ ere many and varied liom open snpporti open hostility. It also sho\\ etl one poor geek it ith a i‘e‘fll‘ti. looking: rather lei’t out and partiierless w presnmahl} a passer-ht tailing to get eaneht t p in the passion ol the moment.

Atterthe leiietln toiieiie~in eaeh- ittite‘i"\—e‘iie't_'k tietltttitstiatiittt the

snoeeers. in neetl ol \ttltte' restoration. titliotii‘nett to ;i loeal eale. ( )i‘ would ha\ e tloiie. had the stall itiitt\\e‘ti theme the tlisei‘nntletl deitioiistt‘ators\keie tineereiiioiiitinst}. haired li‘oiii entering the premises a partieiilai I} eml tari'assine‘ tni ii ot ei. eiits as the estalilishiiieiit hatl i‘te'e‘ll speeitiealh reeoninieiitletl to all ei iiilei'enee


llll' lengths iliu nite let“ the _ l

i‘e‘tie’llttlttlttti Seottiuh lheniti'el iti and the \eoitish Roeiet}. ot i)i;t\\\lltlilt\ lot {ks likelj. toeiitt this ittl'tltltlitt.;\l'e\t\etiitltel tittiL»1*tll‘ mmiiiiniii lee pliis lltpei eeii'. ltt\ttitle‘\l\i‘elll:\eell;t\lit: peiinltiiiiatestepiiia i‘eetiiieitiatioii lietu eett the UM) \ikik'\. [It llte me tntime Seottix h iheail'es ali'l‘teai to he in the 2H i of some tie-wiiito

iiilant texei‘. ( in l\ l {annan's latest plat. at ( il.i\f_‘it\\\ l lt'lt I he itie l\ talletl l/it' [fit/W . \t. hile the l‘Si'oatlnat iiiiisie,_il opening at

titliiil‘ini eli's times t lieati'e in

\m eiiihei' also hears the title fin/it. Rat montl Row takes a slitthth. iililet'e‘llt ttiek with his latest pi'otinetii in at the Netherlimx‘: ll'at'ti'rie l'? W li’rir'ii t tl eonrse this stieltleii nappy rash ol plats loensin}; on young ‘nns eanziot he tiiieeth traeetl to the aiiionnt ol time that \oiiie plate. rights hat. e had on their

ilitlt'ei\ l’eeelttifi'.

\VHIISI' the \\ him—hangs \Vetit oll'

reeenth ttVel’ the UM steel ske‘ie‘tttlt Lit

South ()neeiisleri‘jr. \\ e sea—does at the list sat seiatehiiie’ onr pipes and git/inf; (fill at the sen age, We relied on the rattio to keep tl\ inlt irinetl ol \t. hat was happening in the ski;

'.-\iiti you don‘t need me to tell _\'on

ion \k'oiitiei‘ltil that one looked

l lowever. \\ e eonlttii‘t help hat iiotiee a stianee phrase spring trom \onne in Net \Vintlsors lips. ,-\pparentl_\ , the inithieal eoltlen l'l\e‘t. ti i \Vhieh he ioenlai'l}, i'etei'i‘eti‘ is a \xelleknoun llttVLti euphemism l'or liiiegei'y Siiv'el} the ex-mariiie mnst ha\ e had something else en his mind.

lRl 'l . it) li_\pe. Batman. the \itieo ol the him. it ill shortly he aVailahle tor sale t a mere teniier a go). Ho\\’e\et'. even the resilient htpe lttttt'l\_t‘le‘F\ seeiiiexlianstetl, they eonltl i nil} \tlllllllltlt tip a miserahle ‘len thine» Yon ltitliiit lxnow

\th ~nt l’iiitman‘ \\ itli ninth to herald the eapetl eriisatleik latest eoiiinieieial ath eiitnie. this eoileetion oi minoi eemsot

lllit‘l'lllttt oiieoiiliinis the piihheists have now gone intot )Vl‘Rl lYl’l’. seiapiii; the hottom ol the turret. l-oi e\';tltlltie one ot the [lti‘ll\

ottei etl \\ as the news that n'lienex'ei .‘xliehael Keaton leapt into the ltatiiiol‘ile he got his take hatrears \ittll in the \iltillltl eoekpit emeifi

\\ ital iitt lile‘\ e\peetfl’ iitittl\tlllti\itl i\l\i\ 'o i tish ont tillti eialt the \ itl meielx toi 'tie pleaxme ot \L‘elllt! \ileiltte'i l\e.iti~nslaiiiiiiinehisInesin

.i slitting metal tlooi‘.’

the list i: Zfitieititier thl3