\tii! theie iii iihiintiitii‘e

‘Xiehiah Nihil « ii innit Ht\i;tlti iliiki ik"\ w; ii‘tiie .tiii [t‘iiL'I‘wv in ii! the iii‘ the 1h.iiiiiewi‘ie ~ei.iini\ie;iii

\piiiiit i);l(i{i:\ \iev\ivmn ;i HiLtIi

whim \iinemitiiie \i.lii\ i'eeiiliii‘ii

inihice intixii; hillt‘itziihh it‘\lll i'entiei‘

theii \enxi' it ; Ytti‘ tiiit\\ii‘.\‘iii (Mei

:hexeiiiw i [C..il“\1‘lt‘iliitifle'Hiie‘ii

hetiiiimieiit ;itv?'iie\'ii Hiiiiiiitii I‘Lli‘iie[‘idi‘e'ii}i\‘xiiiiiiie\LL'(tHii Itii“1HH \Ji 1 LU (\)I(iti’1\(1lke'kiliiit‘ tum iniixii; piper iii} liiiie tiin‘ttx. LtHLi


itx iiiiliflflgil 1" it'Htj/i’t I’d/7K [U Vomit/six intiiieirte it Hi huh iii/Aer Ie'\ie'\‘.e'lYt‘\.tj..ii'“1112\thtill“ ii“niiiix.liiiii)\iii1‘ielku\e‘ij\ time. ninth l ilili1i\ii1_‘11ii\iie aux tiiiite ix'e’k’iittilti

knitw'w. _it'w_.:'i‘._3i’\\'t‘.e'\lit[‘etteit :‘iliht‘tte‘e

ii “Mei th.iii:ii\t'tie

\uiwtiiii; et‘itit» t imxpeli i;1./'./. itiiii

avian-in .ite wine at the k?i\pitliiik

L‘ie‘ItTt‘tiHiili‘iiili:'itei"‘\'f1>L‘\iii;li tlim :1th \.h lilzt‘itlie\tli‘iililt'_ \ 1' ei'-.eli ‘i ‘ie.i;itfi\7ii!tii\ hi:H .- iti‘ ‘ie ih it?


repentunee. regret. Inneine and. ye».

iih ix i’I'L‘\iL‘_\X Iilx‘is ix siimething 0i


time the iilhiim mm in (itlllgL‘I‘ «it heian milled Deal/i sini/ li/i'ix. “l‘het'e zire inure sienitieunt i1i\lttt'iCili tieitrex th;in i‘,l\ is‘i he suyx ‘hiit he\ tutnilizir In people and it\ funny ti) think Hi lilx'ix in \eehtxinn. waiting hit the tight xiine.‘

.lt‘I'kiLlH ;i|w tieittiinxtixitex .\1ne.\hiiin\muster}iit'wiiiix. i,;1/\ e‘I‘iIie‘\ in the {Mist hm e ti'ieii tii himp Me.-\l<iiin in \\ ith Rudd} i‘it‘LtmL‘ and the like. its wine \UII Hi \enxitix'e \eix \Iiin‘ Ciiqlle‘i But in truth hi\

i} t tes Lii'e ehixer It) elzissie ;\.tteI'ieztn triithtiiinx. It the debut album.

.Sii mm. tended tn ik‘lfit}' the \\ ritei'\ \exxemtle i’iiltteehnie itttgiish Iii hLieLeiiiiinii.Juriltm ix inure i'eininixeent nt his hCrUL‘\ Sondheim dihi ( tile i’iti‘tet'. iiihtt‘tlexs eiitipletx drip It'iiin e\ er_\ ti'Liek. :i writ}. tn he ti'egixtii'eii \\ hen the 1H ei‘aiee '1 up I“ hit i'exiih ex LtI'UUItti .i repented IHJIHIJ. \1e.-\liiiin ix unrepentant

zihniit heing iinhip. :iihnittine that his album is ;i ‘gt'imn—iip i‘eeiii‘ii‘. Fortunately. it ix i‘eti'exhinely li'ee Hi the pt‘eteittintixnexsiiipunipimty iistizilli' i1.\.\lk’iiliL‘ki with the epithet iitkiUll'i

“(NV All this i\ guitth tiieitme itei‘(t\.\ (in \tgige ix it matter nt \UIHL‘ ennieetiii'e. I’i'etzih Spt‘iiiit hzn e nut played iiVL' tut live _\'L‘.’ll\. retiisin}; e\ en [U pt'iiiiiiite I’m/m Lune/vi Park [(2 Hemp/Iii. \1L‘A\iUUH.\ kii\I;t\IL‘ hii' tiiiirine ix \ieH-knmxn. ‘1 [me inzikine i'CeUI'LiN. l hn e \\ tiling“ he \zi}\. ‘IIK eliisei‘ tn the ehiiniiiii' «it the thing, ;i\ tzir :is I‘m eiineei neiii tinderxttinii the hem ;i\peet (it the h\ e thing; hut it I‘m really hunexti pi'eter tn make i'eeiii'tix But we‘ll tin the \tiitttin tiiiii .' It i/imlim the il\'L‘—\ht)\\ i\;itt_\1htlt}; eliixe [H./('l't/(1li' the album. it \itittlhi be «Me U) i'eineinhei'.

l’nf/u/t .xi/NYHllfl/lli l/ii' /’/ur\ hi i/m'. lit/[II/HU'fi/I I)” /‘r/ /3 mm the liar/(m hind, (i/muim (In .Su/ /,t’.


\ieiirtne x\I.tll\\\L‘;liCl\ .inii htiihhne \nim men. lhei'e;ilit_\ l\iit.lli‘il\_\ might |U\I ;l\ \\ ell enme triiin \Vunitxunith THI'JH the Suinthnmmn inthienee Hilk‘ki’e'ki heie l eiiiiltl \ieil h.i/;iiii .i tillL‘\\ zit \x hzit the} '\ e heen hxtenine tn in then tiitt’kelteti i‘ethtmnh. zinii it'xniit Abbi! ti-Si


99 WOISSWO 89 0180M '9 X102! Z? 1H9” Z? Z

INeneh Cherry: I‘ve Got You UnderMySkintCirca) :\ tmtei ikti Iite' Kiwi/lit! imi/ Hfiu' .lii‘lllli k‘i( t‘it'

l’iii tet mnex itHHL‘ti .it

samisn mlsnw

i t.it\inj_'iniinei. iHHi ;i\\.iiene\\ti\i peiit‘lewth i :\tti\,ittiiiii\ liiitI‘PIUPIiiti‘e' itie;itineni il\tili\ will};ithieee‘fletilli hxinetneiniiij. iHlx'w “Hmiiie'ttiltllli.li.tlt' \iitiee/eiiinihniwtin in .lIiL‘Iliit‘UfJiH.mini illiiti'\ iiiin't x\[llli\e\ iitxiieh innininiithiiiiiimitiniix I litititit‘itllhi xiiiehwhuniietih \tiinthe tittientiit ‘i.iiht.il ieiiiiikinex'iitiiiiiwii-“ hit .i'.\eek.it theinmt. (-\\ti I60: Keepthe Faithflriple Zero) ,-\n independent pup iiiek \HiL’h' ‘.\!Ii‘ eehiiei .i ttize inthn I‘iee‘i eiiitni h! t\i\(‘i kt \ hwiiii ilIiLiJiilii~li1ii‘iiie‘e'ilitltl“

that'xgietti.ill\ tinni- heeiiihne. Sen mi ii\1‘e Il\

h.i\ it iIII11i_\ entieni hut


lTheBlueAeropIanes: You(Ensign) \\kitlitti iJHCIH-M‘UHKiHHTt'illiJX upenxthiuiiie..ini! (le‘ltlikil tinelex xiieikx hix u.i\ thiiiitizh it. ninth in the HLIHHCI «it I he


i’iiiimhh ttie

(iii Hetnnenx i'i'1\lL‘I riiiw! li'i’x'eii' ‘ll\ ieli it

the it‘IiIftL'ili (,\\i)

[he IN I] Etieinhu iwn31