mntantte11t1enttt1nx111 _\l~ .1 t'ttttette .-\ eumntereml \1n;1\h tn lI\ n.1t1\ e I t 11111.. Ilean‘xt‘tlnt1\;1\tttnntnul\ phutuemphed\1\t1.1le\pettente 1111.11.1111; \Itntlex 111 I‘IUL' I'\enlllhepI11l1\.1I11.11I11l tmh. the \IIIIPIIIII\1IIL‘ ntee I 1I11‘1l1'1111'h: (111111-11

I Big Noise I..ttttel 11111I I I.1t1l_\ tttttt deteettxetn Hte' \111\1'\kItteItt'et'1_’l\ .1 \peeml e;1t‘I\ e1 entne \Itt‘\\ 111:: I111 elttltlt'en Alw.tnenntttnettunxttth.-\ett1111I11111111.. the ( iI"l mII he \eteentnt: M1111 11'111’1 ’1'1’11' uhteh e‘HttIdllh mnte 1.111't1111t.1;1111t1ite tlttu'x \ [\ll 111 I'IIIIII‘IIIL‘I‘. 11: I" ‘17 .1111 [ItI/tux 1/1111 [111,11‘1'11111 .1/111.'/'11111"'1' 11t 111'ltt\ lrunt Seutttxh I'lIm\( ‘ltlL \I.11:.1.'tne

\1. hteh el.1tnt\ t11 e11nt11tn the I!l\I ttlnt lt111t;1ee'1tl\e'\\tt- KIII\ .11e 11‘.\ no! INIIlew ttttItettt;1ttttet11tthet11111tte111 thethtn

Hue (IIJMHHN (IIIII IBIrdOnAWire11211.11111111111111. :1t.I '\ I‘I‘IIIJMeIIitlmttt.(111I1I1eII111.11.I%tII

\ee te\te\\ (il.1\1;11\1..t 1111111111 I he I-1111'e. (21111111115.1ttehteht1II Stteet I‘LIIIII‘III 1th. (1111111111. I 'I 'I Stt;1thel_\1Ie (1111111111 I 't I (‘IMIeI111ttI\. I'( ~I I';1\t I\1|I1tttlt'

I Blade Runner1 1*11R11il1gx 811111.15, I‘IHSI Il;1ttt\11n I51111I. Rtttuet l I.1ttet.\e.1n

Duke. I).1111I I '.1t'.11Itne. I 11111111

Yuttne. I1 LItI\\lI .1 etmtttul tII.tIItllleIlHlIll‘11I .1tt1It11t1I~-

‘nttttx,.1\t11111:he11t111 leI\\

ttt IIIlXL'IIIII Itt-teeIt tette.t1_I11t I{.1\ttt11ntl I‘ILttttIIet.exeettteti\kttItSe11tt\ L‘IhIHltlttl} \l\tl.1I tI.111 .1111111.1th\t.111ne pettttt‘tn;111ee\. eweethll‘. 1111111 I 1111l .1111‘. Ilgtttet'. But ll\ ttsllmxtne the e‘1‘t‘1ltl\lltt.' plat II!\l ttttte .111 11.1111I. ( 1I111e11u ( 1I‘I I.1Itnhttt_1_'h,t .1111e11

lThe Blood ola P0811l511.le.1nt111'te;1‘t. I‘IRII. I'11111ee1 I ee \ItIIet . I’11ttIttteI '.1111111.. I'ttrtqttelx’ttetw “nttttx. Setttt<11tttt1htt1ut.1phte.1l\ttt.I1.11ttI1e11.1111111

Ik‘ltltl 1111 1tt‘ll\I. 111 111.1111. \1..1\\ them. ett t1» puet 1ttttI1111 1I11eet11t 1. ‘111."1e.1t'1 \ I11111 t‘tehetvitttIe.I{11ttelte't.1tt1IIe\\ \11t1lttxtte11te1Ith.11t IlIll‘1\ \ttett 1\1 I1",11/t.1' 11111111 11 Itteh Itl\ 1et11tt.1111111 111.1ttt|\ t. \I\. 1t l\. e‘1111\e'1.1tte-11tI} 1111 he he.11.1l1le t1 11 thme uhnlttttlIttntt11111‘te e'ltII1\ (1l;1\ 11111,

(iI’I Iztlttthtttghi I-teneh l1‘1\tttttte

lThe Brave Little Toastertt 11.11.1111.t<.~1-\. I’S. I‘I‘IIII‘U 1111111 .1LI\etttttte ;1\ '1 111111111111 plneIw eIeettte 1I

Ittll11ltltll1tletI ttpplthtteexetmlt 1n \e1111 I111t thett tt‘.11\l \L‘Itttl IIHhIk'l .I .1111111 the I.1tttt1. Ifitth‘. the


\11eett‘111neI1..1ne1.11.tlll11nI..\ tI1e1_-Ieettte


.tIttllthItL' 11.11. \1111tttelx1le I I'll .1\t KlII‘l’lkIe'

I Bride ol Frankenstein 1‘1 '1 11 I.1ttte\

\\ I111Ie. I 5. EII§*III1111~- I\.1tl11tt.( 11Ittt ('It\e.I,I\.1I “>— Htlth \\1‘II11tl\I\ 1‘11} .111111e h111111t .11

.1111 hem 1 I tlte\l I Ite‘\11ie't

Ihewuet’xettt \1111'ne1I I It I pet‘xttmlexI‘Itxgkpu KI H.1t1111 I‘t'1tl‘1Ix'L‘thI1'tttIIMI It‘1\lt‘.1‘.'l\le'! 111.1-1.I~.1 nt.1te.\etttnethe\eene1111 t':1e'11tI.1111111\ eItnt11ette ete;1t111n \k‘tllle'llek \KItele lI‘1e \tet‘n I..llteItk'\It.‘t 111111» I\11I11lltl‘.IIle‘1HII~.\ ml the It\llt}_‘ mule-.111 \ :rt11.1ll\: \IeI I51‘1111I\\ .1\ Iwitrse [-1.111111'11'111‘1111111.I I111LI1311I111\1'1II1} I 1.111. R11C1I111‘11\

211‘. M. 111.

1Itx11xtt11ttxl1’2111111112ttt1tI1tt1ee11tt1itttte nt11teh the 1111t111ue111h 1111.111.111e\ 111 the 0111;111:11 IathnhtttehI ttt‘.et\ttt I tInt Stte‘let}

IBroadwayDanny Rosett‘1111\\.111111 :\IIett.I‘.\.I‘1\»11\.\11111I\.-\II1_1tt.\lt.1 I‘11l‘t‘11\\ \telx .1\t111II11 I'1111e ‘15. ltlltt\ .-\IIen11n\pletttlttl 1111111. .1\Zl‘11ttl.1‘-_'L't 111.1 \t11hle1‘tht1ttt1nt \NII1‘I11111II‘»I1111I\\11I‘1‘tllIt‘lttdeeltI‘lti

21! the 111'1'11'1. \xhen.11 11I1111'11111111et t.1I\1.\.11:11I1.Ie11. ttpxttteetttt111pttI.1ttt\ \l.1tte:~11tte e11ntttlte.1t11I Itt1\\e\e! 11\ \l.111.1 ettllllt‘eIlt‘1'1* .1111I111111111l.1ee1‘.111111.11111.’ tn\111\etnent Iée.1t1tttttII\e11ntt11IIe1I 11.111.1tt\1 \11.1:I\I11‘11:\ereettplht 111.1I e\eeIIe1:t 11.111 :111.1ttee\1i ttt.1I.e II1l\1tlle'11I

thee11tztetttt111r.1t\ :11.1\te: \1'1'111 (1:11...11‘.\ (tf“\\elt'1'

ICadtllac Man1>11t<1;;1‘1111111..l1t\1


I \ 2‘1‘1'1 I<11t 1:1\\1Ih.1:1.\ I1111I\’1 I111I).'. 1' ‘1-".11'.- \\1'1.1t.111I1If1.1‘.e f11e11.111 11:... 1111. .11111Ie I111'\‘~:II1.11:1\

18'I he I 1x1 l_‘_

.j\I)et11I11e’t I‘t‘ltl



11.11ll\ ttt!\lll'L‘\ (Inge \enegtneexeektne I‘1‘\IIII'IIII, I{1‘I‘I‘lll\. 1111;11Iex the pt‘enttxex 111\\1II1.1nt\'111111111»n11ttthe1Ie11t\.1Ie\ttt.1n IIIHILW the 111m 1e I11\1‘\ II\ \\.1\;1\11'11R11httt IllL‘\It‘I"e‘l\Il;tIICIIllIlIIII{I\L' ttphh tttt\\t11tt .\I111ttt .1\ 11111111 .1\;1 t'l.1tit\1e 111 the 1' 1111 ( '1I.1\;.!11\1. t 1111111111 he I-utge. ()1Ie11tt I‘tIlliI‘Illthl. l. )tte1 111. I II .\tr.1th1I\1l1_-. It I ( I_\1_IeI1.1ttI\. I III I'11\t Ixtlht'ttIe,

I Camille tl’t 11 1(11-11teet tlIm‘l'. IN. I‘I‘1t11I11et.1(111t'I11.I{11I\'ttI.1\|ttt. I11111eIII.111_\nt111e 11'.\ 1111111 .\1I\ttt1; e‘11‘1lt'.L'\.tlll.1II\ll‘ I11‘.e \xttI‘;1\1111n;1n11n tIIeeIlt‘ll\ttl‘I\ 1111Itett11


\1.h11:ettttn\ Itei

.ItetnIttxnntx I)IIZI1.'\Ilt1“11'I1IItll‘lt'."1’1'II.1\I1111INIIIIIIK'I {1111\lt“.1}"1!I.1t 111Ie IIet ttttnttte ttt11111e eIl.ttt‘1‘ ('ttknt'x\11111111Itt.‘ett11tt;1tttI 1111111111411 £11’\I‘Iltll‘,‘ 111 11~11111nt thtx t1te1I1.‘.1I1h I111.- tt 1-:e I'. 111111.11‘I.1\\te II11'tttt.1!e\I111\\~11:111I11 \\ tttttehwtthe 'tlnt'xxttt'ee-v.1eI11.111111I1.11I111'xente1n11tte t1lt'\e1t1 e 1111‘: 1111.11.1e. I 1Ittthttteh I'1111e1\1t\ I tl111.\11etetj. lAChineseGhostStorytl<11tt11115111

I IttlL’. Il11n1; I\111t1:. I‘IVI I exlte I ‘Itettne. “\mtnu \\l11le\1\111n1.: 1I111tttttetltemple. 1111111111111eI1t1:11Ileet111'I.1II\t1te}t11the eh.11nt\111 .IIIeIlttItIltlI 11111111; l.11l1. eItmt,

I 1111.11411111I\ the 11111.‘11ttttttetet.1l ttInt—nt.1l\1111.:t111ntII11111'I~e1ttt;:.\1.ttltIkttttu I'tl.‘\‘1\ll1I. .'11tttetI\,1:1‘ttext1nte\peeml 1_'lte_t\;11‘.1I11.11Ittt.1n;1I~1ttt‘e11111tttt;1I LIL‘lltel‘tlx 111IIe1I tweethet tt‘t111111e\‘.tltl 11.11‘l\;11:e \\ .1teh1111t I111 the 1.111111111111111nk .1111I1I1eI11IIet 11.11t1gtte I'LIlllI‘tlltLIlI I'IIZHIIUHM'

lChlttyChtttyBang Bangtt 11l\1:11 Ilttehex. I 'Ixfi I‘t111\1.\.1ll\ ‘111111.-Il.1\xe~. I)teI\ \1111 11:111-: l tent-Iletlttex I 151mm I et1t'.th\.ettc1.t\~t1lletIehtltitett'x

;11I\ entttte1‘11ne1‘11.eti 111 the \111ke'11t Hurt 1’11/111'

.11‘I1111111. 1.1111i 1.‘

111‘ htthe111t1111etet.1i\ttt‘t‘e-xItttt 111th 11-‘.1t\11t‘11_"1l.'1II11lttk-tmn,

I)1e.L. ‘»'.111 I); Ix! l\ the 111111I 111\e‘tttt1t \\ 1111\e

11111: e;1t 111111 eI\ I111» e1‘ttI1I1en11ntl ltlele\lII1“.\1“1I‘.1;'1tIIIitlt\I 111.11I\. tttttte (et1t1.;I IIemI

B Common Threads: Stories From The Quilt II’I111I1’.1>I1-1t I {1*1I1'1111‘\.I19II1L'\

I 11e1h11.11.. I \ I"\“1\.111.1.t1:1II11. I)tl\tll‘1 II1111111.11‘1 (ll’l I1I111I111t1th IlIfltIl1‘tl\e lCommunion1l,~11l)111111111.1\l1111t'5.


7'“ 'tlltt‘1 \eet1te‘.te\\ t1I;1\e11\\.


('11 11 I 1.111% \11-11:?1.11.:en .I11eI<.1tl11111 \\11'.;t,\\I‘11'.I_“. \ttetI‘et 1\\.1.1.1t.111 I“ '1

“"11111» L"1tttt.1:;\.1'11_-tt!tt.1II‘.111.1

11311 111.111111 ~ 1 1:11:11” ~' 1': 111‘ :11J1..1It\e\ th.11 11; 111.11 11. 11 I1: .‘1I111‘11' .1:.1I11t'11e1\\'.111er

the x 1211. ': 1\1t.1tt111= It

1e.1'\ 1111~1I1113111 l1‘\\llIe‘

.1I1111.t‘1 Ill\e‘.t"e'llel: 11.1111I'1 1.7111 1I:.1\\t.

I11\k.1t1.I\ 1111:.1l. ‘I1llt‘t.'.1llt‘1z\klIIlI‘h ttttinttt:.1te t1I.1\1.11'1\ I.1111111118.1111311eh11II .\II1‘_'I \tt..1It.Ij1.1l. I I II .1\1I\.1I‘11‘11i1~ ITheCook.TheThtet,HisWile andHer LOVBF-l\ttI’1,-t1:(111e1111‘~1..1}..I K. I

I\11 I..111.t II1111111ee1. .ltet:.1e111.1tt.I111tt.



Ittt1lx’11th 11111.11». (itee't.1'~.\.1\It.1\11‘1.11Ie.1ttI:t: 11‘.1.1:.1ttt;e1.11111111..-tt1.Ie11:1'1.I111tt\ I I111.111It

I‘e'1t'.lllltlII\.1I' 1Itltque‘1I.I‘Itt‘Iflngt‘ItetI. 111111Ittee1I1111I.1ete.I.111ie11I\ \\ tth the 1.11M 111 xtthtegt 111111111 11111'Itt.1ll\ unit 111111111 ttntie‘ the 1.111tttte1 .11 ‘1ttle111‘. 1111 \t111e-1

( 11tttttttl\1\e .11111 111111111't‘t11111le I‘tll 1.11111!

I‘e'I1.tl1I{"lL‘\\L‘\II1‘IIILe‘IItt'IIEltl; (1I.1\}_IH\\ (tlt‘\\'e'III‘l I.1I111.':‘11:1;I1I l!l\e"\lI'1I‘lI.'t‘t \1‘el1I'1

I CWBBIJYI ‘ffll I11Itt‘1 \1‘11IIL'IN I \. I‘I‘II’I \;11\ 1ttte.

I11111111‘. H.111“, \ttmn I\1eII.

I’11II; I’1.'t1.'ett \\ 111115 I41Ittttt11te, WW. .1111I13:1111I111xtt.'1I1.1t‘1 I111111‘1I)et\p\

11\~1'1'.'tet1.1ek\11:1t.111eeuktthuneettrtzn llI


111.;t11 t\t1.1 ..1l.1I.\1I1‘tttt‘etl


:1111I11\e1~t11\t11\ ; 1'1\eII \1111t1eet th111‘.

t1t1~1 11‘1.1:\ II.1.1\1111: tI‘u ‘11\'.l 1ItI1e11111-t1111I

'11 ';..-. 111 l:.1e'.I 1:11»I’.1tt‘.II1'.1:11t.

I I' 11 .I11 Ute-.1]. :11_':1?;.11:t\\.1te':\ '11111'11 111.\t:..1::.1:tt11ttt111I.1t.'1\.1t:

1 111 1.11111.1111'.\111:\.1t1'e11:tI lIIl‘e‘\ l1l\e".II..'1I.'Ilt.11.11lt.'1 1111121ex I thtthtttuh


I CUI De SaC11N11R1111111111’11I.111\t\1.t't\. 191111) I tunel St11111ler. [)111111I1I I’Ie.1\.1nee. I‘r;1ne111\e [)11t'le11e. IIImlttN I-.11I_\ III'III\It e\e1‘et\e tn I’11111n\l\1;1n .1hxt111Ittx It;1\ \M1t1ntletl guttgxtet‘ Standet 1111 111111; up 1111 the t'L‘lllUIe‘ t\I;1ntI11\\ne1Il1_\ I’tmpetu IIL'IHL‘ I’Ie;t\1‘1nee;1ntlItt\.1pp.1tetttln

1II tttt1tehe1I ennettI‘ttte. lhe 1L‘\I1III\ mtnethttte Itke IIeeIxett tIlL'e'h [111' INN/Int.\NIII111L‘IIIC;1\I1.‘\ ktttm 1111;

e} ltle‘hllt :11I1Ie11 t11 the \tt‘11tt1;e ht e\\ .\n \ttIII 11ne IIIII\111I\\.(II"I

I DarkCrystalll’t‘11111111lle11\1111.l 1.11111 (Ix. I'Ix’. I‘M: l W tntn\ l he \lttt1pet 1111 11. I1111neh 11111 \\ tth thtx ttnut'tgttml eI11I1I11 11» tttttt11xf. \111'111'11111I1ne the 1tttext 1111 .1 tntwtntz \h111'1l hunt the ztII~p11\\e‘t'ltlI 1I.11I\ e't\\t.1I\\Itteh ntttxt he lL‘IllL‘\L‘III1tt"tC\ ettt e\‘1le1111\ttntttt1.ttheI1.tt11\\11v.111ltl (1I11xgtm.(‘1111111111S11ttehteh.1II\tteet

. Dark I I5) I I)L‘III\‘ .‘\IIIIIIIII‘\ 111' 511.1111. l‘th-llt‘htt‘ttnttfi,l’.1\e11.1l.,l11l1e1_1 81-11 .11111. ( .11 tttett .\l;1ttr.1. “5 111111-- Ihwt‘tntghl) tept‘ehenxthle 11111I \e1j1 11111111 e.11'I\ .-\I111111I11\;11‘ II;t\ ttttzIttelttheIt.1ntett\e I)1t\L'.1I tIeetntt Itet' III ttuaultlletI extxteneu t11xeelx t'elttue tn :1 t1tIItet ttttt1tth111l11x

11 ttI


1'1111\ ettt. \\I1L'te‘ the lltlth \Il.tte‘1111lIlI .1tttt1ttttt\11le11nttt1IIe1I\tthxt.1ttee\.1111 \e\tt.1I peeettthllw IIIII‘IIL'III l\ 1 1111111111; Illt'I‘. l/t1'.\1111111/11_'.I1’1111111.11111.Itttte\e11ttthe 11111111x \ttetehetl .1 ItttIe thttt .1111I the 11.1.1117 tttteett111n.I’e1I111'\.1tttt;t\11\11.1l1x1111111eI. the e11ntpl;1eet‘1ete\ 111 mu e\ e111I.1'. ttttttttItI}.I LIltlIttltfgItiI1ItlII111tl\e

l Dead Poets Societytt’t 1 1 .1 1’1-11-1 \\. e11. I'S. I‘NhI{11ltttt\\tllt;1tn~..I{11I11'1t\1 .11.


I.e11n;111I. I'tItttttII.1\\I1e. Itt.1 \t11t1.Ipt't\;1te I111_\\\eht111I 111 I iIIlL \ _\. '11 I‘nglnntI. .111 tttte11n‘1ent11111.1I te.1e':':1r l\\tIIt;tttt\tttttetextxIttxthmeextn Ittetntttte.1tt1lphtl11xt11‘1ht t11\tte?t.1tte1.. 1'11

tI‘1e1‘tt 1.1I11n1; \xttIt hum/e .IIIII :11 I\ 1 [1111I211

thg1t tI‘1e\ 111111111 \eetet1I1111t11111‘.e»11:' I'I111t1eh \\tIIt;1ttt\t\11tt 211111I 111111;. thettln 111ett\e\11111tnl_\ 1111 the I111\\'e11111t1111‘1.1l tIe\eI1111ntent .1111I el't\1.‘\. .1111I1 11 the

ttttxtett. 111111I11_'.111t\ \llt 1111111Itttethett


ntttlnteht ttteettttux \ \e'tt\lll‘.e. 1.1:- 1111mm; \ttttlt 111 the e1111lltet I11 I\‘1e'e'll I‘.t\\lttll.t.".1I1ttlIIlttt'lI}.e\L'tllI tIlej‘IHIh \HHIL'IIIH‘L’HI .1elt1‘he. I11I111I1t1111h Iituttehtwn I'tIttl 511etet1. I tInt ( 11.11I1I lDieHardZ:DleHarder1tx1tt<e11111 lI.1t'Itt‘1.I \. I‘1~tt|1II1111.‘e\\1IIt\.I$11txttte IIetIeIM.\‘11II1.1ttta\thett11n Ih-te111'. .l11hn \let 1tte1IIIttee \\1II1\11\ ‘11_;.111§111._1 t‘lntxttttm 11: \\ 11011111411111. httt .1\ In 111 .11 the 1111111111 t11t th 111tte\tIt;t1t1.1.1.111. tfte ‘-\I11‘I1_' t1I.1ee t\I.1I.e1:11‘.qt " tyt 11111111111111.I'11.1ee 1.131111%:

\ee'tIIe\\ I1 \11'1

'11‘11;l1Y1‘\1‘III’l1.'lYI1‘Il' .111t 1e11e: '1 111111111e\.1:._ 'e'Itl\t

11;!1eI1.';1e1.111\e 1'11.

wet I‘11\ '111\\11~\ t‘t.1tte I.11‘.1I I 111.1:


t‘ttte: ~etttteIttt1t

1111I‘1. nt~tex11utth111111111111111I.1?1 \t‘e1il 11‘ 11‘1\1II1- 7111111111111~.t:'ettpl.1\11tt1~\1..‘1ttt.'

11. ItItttI‘ttrgI: (I1Ie11tt.I t I \11 11:1.1111. 1'I(I\1Ie't1.11.1\ IDIV81‘:\11.I1'.11: I.1e1;ttexIIetttetx.


RtefmutI41111Itt1.:e: 1'1"t‘.1'.~-\ 13..

1h- e‘\}‘I1‘\l1'tt\ .1111I \ttttethet


I‘Y1111e'e'. '1‘” retictte .\1‘.1I:et. I\’11'1.11.1f I‘I\"I!Il.

Il\\1 t.1t1t'~-.111‘.e .1."]

I"-\I\IL'\II.1I;K 11'1‘1111I1111111t.111 \flle'tle11llttl‘ei.1\‘.1t." 11tItet 3111111111.; sqttttie 1111.1. t\?I11 131.111 111:.1111‘1111 1211\1I11tt\ (1.1Ihe e'tlIII.t\1"1l!tI1‘ \tj.I; 111.111Ie'11 I111It‘1e'1etj1 \111111‘ket I111Ie (1I11\1_1111\_I1I'I

lDoThe RightThtng1t1x11xt111.e t 1-1.;1 \ T‘I\11.\t‘t}\el ee.I).111.n\ .\1eII11.I R9.- I).t‘.t\. \eu. \111‘1 ~1Iet‘11'. I$1~1I11111I Stnxxemttt

I11Iatt Ittrt'ttt11 II‘IZttll‘.\ 3111ttt'xt 1.1.1'. 11l IIIe'\'.l:'l‘.It.el I'en\t11next.1l.1te\I1etueen

\:1.;tte.11t.\.1I1-\te I111.h

\111:\ .11;1I 'fte 111.11111‘. I1l.1eI\ I11e.1I


II_III11I1 \I".1'

e ‘Iltltltll1lI'1 \kItw lll.tI\k' 111‘ the I1.1II\ 111 {111

eII\I"II1L‘I\ '\\ III’e‘ \IIIIJIII‘I‘. \k1‘!\e II‘ tI‘1‘:

1.1eI1111I1.\.1111'~\1I1tltt1..\11I0111;}. 5eI11..::\t111\ \I11.1I.tetI 1.1‘tl‘1'tttIe1 $11121


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