Slam-bang starvehicle with g e I l x l h 9 Mel Gibsonbeginninga

newlite on the witness

protection programme. and

Goldie Hawn.the old girllriendaboutto blowhis E u - cover. See review. Cannons

and UCIs lrorn Fri 19 Oct.


Oscar-winner in this year‘s

documentarvcategorv '00k5 ('ct'tntnI} the grandest ttllLI .tt'gttathh anhe Singmarcourage 0'3 Ihc ntmt stuntl'itxtnt Iilnt event L‘\ or diverse grouD (“Maple [ti It.t\ e [Lth‘Il place in Setttlttntt. will

with AIDS. Make an ettorito catchthis genuinely

take place ttn Snntlnt I DL'L'L‘HTI‘L‘I‘

impunammm See Illl\ \unr . v. hen the I ttr‘ttpunn I’tlnt I‘CLII\{IK'CHL1III tt‘xpttnxihility I‘ll‘ . :L)!IIXI\"I:'tILille-lllll'}“\'ltllyf'll"{Lg311;"..tlll'llt" fireviewfmnburqh .‘\\\.;tttI\t't‘tgtnttnj» tnuth‘cttttr; IlL‘Illlllgltiill‘tth‘lift-Mlle ultnttttnt } w s'. lekIXVILeilat"tlt'.llli.tiiht‘t'tft‘lk Filmhouse‘lueZSartd \III‘QL' in I. ll.t\:_‘tl\\ \ ttt-xx Rtttul and an \ttmmrt Lt'\\‘ltIL'IIIIIf_' _ tttttxe LtIL \ . /’:( I: . .113. GIaSQOWFI‘mTheaWWBU A thneertllnll. I’hgtlewntngthe I‘l‘lll inPlL'LILIIlUlIUI t'tttttpc.1r‘t ptne-nmtn \kitht‘tt-ht lliillilll t.ltlttl‘~ Int-hot 24 0“ ' Ikslixex will he hztnttctl nut. the general. [IIKIL‘L’\1.1IIL“\C‘I'§ Inelthal .r\etrc\w .m .II t! t‘ttttlt! In: t.» ITHELITTLEMERMAIMU) Pittlltl//l-tIL‘\luITL‘tI\ILtlllL‘llL‘\llt\l thcttrgnntxcrxI(}I;txgtm District .‘\l”ltltltl‘,;1['I‘L‘QHIIH( Hm,“ MM“ Latesmisneyammated hummingassignittt‘nntIttrthe‘ (‘ttttnt‘ilflhcHI’I.tthe‘tttltxhl'iltn Ittt'tnrlttx SnttttxSitgtntxltk-mlW” teammisrecmnedm b-eme ['IIIUPL'JIIIIIIITTIITLIIINII‘VLISIIIL‘()Nt‘tth ('«tttnctlttntl I’t;\I"I .-\lh;t\cht'ttttuht th;tt:t;t.lt. ( trmrt.'./.'ttt't .lIIlI\‘\ smdios‘b'esuorsome‘zme. atrctnIIttltht'tttttI. \Itlltttrtxttl itIttSctttInntI1xinthmttwul IIICIIL'L'II \\IIIIIL‘I I\.t‘.\tj.n.t_l.tnti.t wiltlllll‘xllltl hrggttlirrhleaprtihfioara tclcvtaittn viewer's :tll m‘cr‘ IZUI'UI‘L' ttt make the ex cnt seem .ts yttrletn I‘lv‘vf/ni til lit-ILA 5 / H comelYmerIassburstsinto “I”\L‘CIIIL‘UL‘L‘LHIHITII\C.\\ITIIL' \VHI'IIIWIIIIL‘IUIIIL'I I\;l\ll I\[UIIIL‘ Ugh V/tl'I’rls‘litl/I. Ittt.tsltttttett:lt\t. memmagreatsemi I'hnnncHu'tllhct‘Ltt’t'tinuIttIl I'L‘\II‘IIIIL‘[ZLII'Hl‘CilllI‘Ik‘\\;llltl pittintlnjt netnihu [‘)l.lll.lL‘IlIt':"I". Songs'seerevmw'wme . uncmuulhenc\ItI;t\. public 'I'ht‘rtutttltt I‘l‘l2.trttl1w_\tttttl l-_\t.‘lt;ttttw-'~ M the tint. -l titl‘ltgti Odeonsanduclsrelease [‘stuhltxltuitnBurl-intn I‘Mh‘xxtth ottnttnttcxthctrutnmtllunttt‘\tr'ttutxlc I'ilniltwtth}. mm “120” itPL‘IIIILIIIL'IIItll'flitlll\itlltillLIIM‘INHCKI againstttttt'wt'ct'th‘\‘it'tttttl .'\IHII\}‘|‘HII.ih‘hl‘pfidilltlltl\ there.thecwnt‘xtnttttgttrxtltcttt‘smx tlttnttnnltttnh}, I‘Setttnntcrt'ml nt;tn\ IlI-Ilte‘llllllilllttheI‘*~\.‘.:I! he l’tthxh muster Kr/Vs/IUI Ke‘isltttx'skt's pr‘tttlttt‘1\. [iI'LwL‘nl in I Iltl\‘.ll‘\‘. w. tgi fl]; I‘mxcrlttlxlVin/'1Frr'niA/murKit/trig Asameasureni‘tltt'cwnt'x tut‘Lt-ntlwl lnt' lint? I. pithttpthcIztnnpcnnI‘tltnttl'l‘hc huruuttntn};cruhhtht}.Inutngtr' .IVIIIII‘tliltt’lllqllh."wllll‘_‘Ie'l.tllI"‘IV‘ tutt‘r‘trt/c.titheI'Hllttxt‘ctltwelve Burunmnhuxlttt'thcln'stltntenurutl tttiqtgmi .\n/r.~1\.\.:;t._.\p.wtttfin is; ntttnthxlntcrtnl’nt‘tshx I'hcn tttxe-rwusehntrtnttnnl the llll‘_\' {Mtn tttztugqn clttx I ttgttntu IMOVBETTERBLU-ESHB) -\n\'cl<tttpttttltt<ht'ttttthnuUrcck \L‘lccttngthc I‘J‘llluinncrs. He‘llhc :\t'l‘.n'\<‘ntcnt .\\\.nti In 1h; Spike Le'e remmsmma in;th tttlwxm [tun/wu/n‘ In Hit’ .‘lIVI. itttnCtI It} :t httxt til ltnntnatrttw int-.tnltntty ( li.l‘~l_1t‘\\ I tint i ltwttt- JdaezlfaTeUdlaes-tiserrggyolhis It'spr'tthgthlt'trttchunt-wt.Inuit tnt‘htthnt:Ikhttrnh KCI'I'..IL‘;IIIIIC‘ éllifilth titt‘ttnti'etltwirltant: all the workwherein dedicated IIILIIL"UII\L‘IHII\IIL‘\\UI thementnn \Ittrctttt;tntl(tt:rtn;tntattle-r (IVII'CLIUI' nunttnait-ttttlntwnilt; .tttntgnt "umpmeroeme' thew\httr‘t-xhnxtcttttrcttt‘lt;tpc;tk Margarethch lr‘utt;t.p;t\\tng l1I\)‘l[’]|i[)le.k.llYE\k‘I_,.\\]llitlll1']\. wasmngmmsmcedwnh HI Icrxtttn'..tsttttttttttnemphasise-titn judgementttnthclistnl'ttnnl lit-xi I'llliil‘u‘nll l lilllt.‘t‘llT;‘iltIL‘l* Choosmgbetweenms WSW“ {ITCUI‘IIMII:tl‘ttIIU IIlLlI nttnttntttittnx\xhte‘htne'ltttlc l‘ctnushtmntnthem-tentltp careerandtwowomen’see L't‘cctetl I‘.’.\“.I\t\\trtVtctnt'twlttt the .lL'tlIl-PLIII] Ruppt-nuttt‘xhighly—ruled IIIHIIWIII};IIIK'.thIxhlllt‘IlI lltwt. feature'UClSEdmpuighand ‘k'I‘IUlllltlllk‘L‘lil RuthShct-nnntl (INHIU/h'[{(V'YL’UI'IU \kllll(rL'l'{ll'Ll IIIII\L'(II "I .t Ictxnww ;nt: ill. x'll .flideba.term—FEED“ iItlnn[)ttt'cin\IiI\L*I.L-iult\/lru/t Dcpttrthett.uhtt'llheenntpcttng ;:it.tt;tttlt-ciit.t: ..:tt * It-vu. the I." l/rI/u'x. \ against Kenneth Bittnagh‘s l/t'rrrt l' tunnel llr‘<_'\.wt lttltnxtttnt Ihc IWII ( Thwgtfik cct‘cntttnt thus l'nr the Best .-\etttr [Til/C. ( )ther

IRDBDCOPZIIBIMuch anticipatedsequelto Verhoeven‘s caustic sci-ti original hasthe heroictin man sortingoutyetmore tuturistic corporate corruption. Widerelease trom Fri 120ct. ISILENTSCREAMIISI David Hayman makes an auspiciousdirectorial leature debutwiththis thought-provoking. emotive. andtechnically audacious collage. based ontheliteandwritingsot convicted murdererturned Barlinnie poet. Larry

lifting The Veil

The statistics. bigotry. tear. hypocrisy. disinformation and prejudice surrounding AIDS. draw an opaque veil which masks it trom most people‘s sight. Unlike modern warfare or tamine. the epidemic has not been dealt up in sound bite-size pieces for the media to portray. so to grasp the human scale of the tragedy is often impossible.

Common Threads achieves that task. by telling the stories ot tive people who


WIMB'S-lalnmengivesthe havediedlrom AIDS. Usinginterviews. Washingtonin1987.‘says director the ep'dem'caV'Sualsymbm- / performance Dialitelimein photographs. home movies andthe Jettrey Friedman. ‘We sawthatitwasa SBVBDMDOUSHDU PBODlehal/e ‘hecem'a‘m'eefi'isgow memories oltheliving.thetilm cuts very moving documentwhich neededto alreadYGICdPIAJ‘DS‘ OFA'DSI'B'BIBU F'lmTheénesunz' 0mm throughthe stereotypes and weavesa betranslatedintotilm.‘ (“393393 'nmebtates- rh'nee” _ smaNov‘Edmpurgh tabricwhichis atonceacelebration ot The Quiltis made uptrom over thousandarealreadyrememberwIn camemm “190” the lives otthe live and a d ' 13 000' d' ’d I | n the OUIII- Common Threads IWINGSOFTHEAPACHE amntng . In IVI U8 pane 8.83C naming . ' . . _ (tstmchotas-Sanor'mge indictment olthe waythatAlDS has aperson who had died asaresultoi perSODal'Sesmes? bald 3‘31'51'05'” getsto playadashing beenreportedinthe media. AIDS and made bytheirlriends and DFOIPUDGEN m0V|nQW8Y- N008 Who helicopiefpilolwiping out Alllive—an Olympic athlete, atormer families. ‘lthas helped createa Sfielicanfa'm be “NJva 3mm?” IOtSOISOUIhAmNican drug user.aNew York writer.aboy community outolaverydisparate WIHDEIGW thleave Wlmfluthawng drugswpepersonsin Brit with haemophiliaandaNaval collection otpeople who have been wept ITthledln) _ d'recmroav'd'aus‘erl Commander, are also rememberedin afiected by AIDS»'3CCOFUIDQI0 CommonTh'eadS3Stor'esnomme

Green‘stlagwaving actioner. Seereview. Glasgow Cannon The Forge lrom Fri 190ct.

the AIDS Memorial Quilt. 'Rob Epstein. Friedman. ‘encompassing people who Ouiltplays the Edinburgh Filmhouse on myco-director.and|.sawthe Ouiltthe haveAlDS.whodied otAlDSandthose TU623and1Wed240C18ndaIIhe :' tirsttimeitwasuntoldedin 1. wholovedthose peoplelthas given ; Glasgow Filmhousefrom W80 24001-


16 th' I.1\t l3 5 ( >gi~ltt~t lwn