llansJ Wegner.

225 667l. Mon—Sat ltlam~5pm. Sun 2—5pm.

Scotland's Pictures t‘niil 23 ()ct. More than 400 years of Scottish art are. torthc first time. squeezed into one gallery . in this exhibition of works lrorn the three National (ialleries of Scotland.

I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 94 ( ieorgc Street. 225 5955. Mon-Iri llIam bpm; Sat ltlam~ lprii.

Frances Thwaites (1908-1987): Memorial Exhibition I 7ntil 2 ()ct. Born in India. and educated in Iidinburgh. 'l'hwaites studied stained glass at the Iidinburgh (‘ollege of Art. Btit it was painting which oftered her real freedom. and which enabled her to deyelop the highly indiyidual style for which she is still acclaimed.

S.J. Peploe: Paintings t'nul 3 ( )ct. ()ricot' Scotland‘s best loy ed artists. remembered by some for his still-Iifesof roses andtulips and by others for his landscapes. I le wasa modernist who was. iii the words ot(itiy I’eploe. ‘ritoy'ed and energised by the physicality' of his subjects.

International Ceramics t'niil 2 ()ct. A unique opportunity to .see some of the best ceramic work from around the world. Some 26 countries are represented. James Morrison: Angus and Assynt— New Paintings 5—3ll ()ct. Morrison‘s recent work depicts landscapes around Montrose and the North-West Scottiin coast; dramatic. romantic skies contrast with the stillness of lochs and hills.

I SOLSTICE GALLERY 18a I)undas Street. 5575227. Slon—I-‘ri l 1am 5pm. Sat

ltlam— 1 pm.

Gordon M. Scott: A Provocative Look at Lite L'ntil 2‘) Sept. Symbolist paintings from the winner ol last year's Iirnst Young Award.

Mixed Exhibition Ill—3] ()ct. A \ariety of work lroni 20th century and contemporary Scottish artists.

I STEP GALLERY 3‘) Howe Street. 556 1613. Mon-Sat Haiti—5.30pm.

Mixed Exhibition L'ntil 3t) Noy. Iieaturiiig Brian Kelly. Williarii l.ittlejolinaridlari (‘ookp

I STILLS GALLERY “5 l Iigh Street. 557 1140. Tue -Sat 1 Iain 5.3lem.

Peter Beard: The End otlhe Game tour 13 ()ct. An exhibition ot photographs »— from Beard‘s book of the same name which examine the plight of wildlife in Africa oyer the last twenty years. front killing for profit to the devastation ofnatural habitats by mechanisation and modern urban life.

The Slaughter ol the Atrican Elephant 3 ()ct. 7.3tlpm. Royal Botanic (iardens. Tickets £2 (£1 ) front gallery. Talk by Iari Redmond.

I TALBOT RICE ART GALLERY ( )ld ('ollcgc. L'niyersity of lidinburgh. South Bridge. (167 llll 1 ext 4308. 'l'tie—Sat 10am—5pm: Sun 2—5pm

iNext exhibition starts 2tI()ct.


Place. 22h 5425. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm and



r9“ , -.. 2

Peter Beard: The End 01 the Game, Stills Gallery, Edinburgh.

In Uganda, game ‘control’ olticer Captain Pitman shot 4000 elephants in three years. That's an average 01 tour a day, every day. On the same scam some years later, Peter Beard could boast 18 zebras one day, a whole pride ot lions, cubs and all, the next. Seeing the magniticent photos that Beard took at live and dead elepheants, lions, antelopes, etc, it is a little upsetting to know that he comes from that rotten-hearted breed, the big game hunters, for whom the bottom line (whatever their excuses) is that they

get a buzz out of putting Rambo-calibre

slugs into anything Irom great tuskers to little dikdik deer. Bang, wallop, crash! ‘Nice shot, Pete.’

Excuses there were: the man-eaters

had to go; so had the elephants who trampled crops as they starved in shrinking habitats. Meat was also to be supplied tor the tribes-peoples whose hunting had been severely restricted. Undoubtedly, the wildlite oI Alrica (as elsewhere) has to suffer and in the end will probably be annihilated. Not quite as etticient as the relentless demands at an exploding human population and the revolting activities 01 poachers (who are the halt-wits who think that ground-up rhino horn will give them a hard-on?), the hunters nonetheless showed the way. As Beard admits in his book ‘The End at the Game’, trom which many at the photos are taken, they bump-started the extermination process and must bear much of the odium.

Peter Beard came to east Africa in the 505 at the time at the Mau Mau. He betriended Karen ‘out oIAlrica’ Blixen and shot his way around the bush. These very good photos, many annotated with Blixen's writings, were taken between then and the 70s and constitute another sad reminderthat the end at the game is now. Perhaps it is not deliberate, but it is only by buying Beard’s £17 book-cum-catalogue that the viewer would know that this talented photographer was also a dedicated gunslinger. (Patrick Vidaud)

Ian Redmond ot Eletriend will give an illustrated talk in the Stills Gallery, Wed 3 Dctat7.30pm.

late during performances.

Human Rights in South Atrica trail 4 ( )ct. An exhibition. sponsored by Amnesty International. of fifteen large. colourtul batiks the creation of South African artist Bandele Iyapo.

ThrobS ()ctr I NM: New l’op iniagesby Edinburgh-based Joe Storey -Scott. I’hotograpliically-based work in day-glo colours w itli elements of montage arid mixed media.

I 359 GALLERY 233 ('ow gate. 225 3013. Mort-Sat lll.3()am--5.30pm.

Margaret Hunter: Drawings and paintings 2r) Sept--2(I()ct. Ilunter engages in a Visual dialogue with contemporary (ierman art. using mysterious riiask symbolism in a response to the changing world.

Dorothy Steel: A Retrospective 2‘) Sept- in ()ct. Steele was a contemporary otJoan Eardlie. and works in a broadly similar style. This exhibition coyers around 50 years of work.

Mandy McCombie An installation incorporating glass. polythene and



Recent Paintings by JAMES SOMERVILLE «‘

Expressive oils and pastels of East coast land and seascapes reminiscent of Eardley

Saturday 29th September to Monday 15th October 1990

Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-5.30pm; Saturday 10am-4pm


E D I 8 W6 5‘

TELEPHONE 031-55.;2181

68'I'he List 28 September— 11 October 1990

sprouting seeds. influenced by Bergsori's philosophy of time. concentrating on one \ ital. precise moment in time.

I TORRANCE GALLERY 29b I)undas Street. 55oo3oo. Moirl'ri l lam-opin; Sat IILSIIarn 4pm.

George and Margaret McGavin l 13 ( )ct. Recent paintings.

I TRAVERSE THEATRE 1 l2 (irassniarket. 226 2033. Tue Sat llam-I lllpm. Stiii

(v ltIpm.

The Depressed Hen: Paintings by Rob Rain 9 ()ct— l8 Noy'. Ilairi lives in the Borders and spends much of his time studying animal antics. producing light-hearted miniature paintings from hisobseryations.

I WASPS Studio (iallery . Patriot I la”. Henderson Row. Stockbridge. 225 128‘). Mon Sat I lani 5prii:Suri2—5pmon exhibition daysonly.

No exhibition at present.


I CRAWFORD ARTS CENTRE 93 North street. (I334 74610. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. For A’ That: Contemporary Arists Look at Burns 28 Sept—28 Get. A major exhibition

' featuring sortie of Scotland's top artists.

which aims to shed new light on Btirns‘ life and work. examining why the poet is so rrnportant to notions of ‘Scottishness‘.

; Making Links 28 Sept—28 ()ct.l’rints from

Eastern Europe.

Church Square Ceramics 28 Sept—28 Get. An exhibition of work by local ceramicist (ieorge Young.



Allan I’ark. (WM 71-11 I .\lon Sat lllam~5pm (Wed l(Iam-- lprii). Michaelmas Exhibition 28 Sept—300d. l‘)th century British oils and watercolours. including recent acqisitions by W. I). McKay and William Beattic Brown. Also ceramics. silyerware and Oriental Rtigs.


A selective round-up of Museums. running in alphabetical order.

I BURRELL COLLECTION I’oIIoksliaws Road. b-W "‘l5l .\Ion Sat lllam» 5prii;Stin 2 5pm ('ate. ID]

A \ critable treasure troy e of art collected by I‘LIWitl'tIlilll tycoon William Btri'rell

I DOME OF DISCOVERY South Rotunda. (loyan Road. 4l7 I792. {2(L'l ). IIIL‘ Sun lllarii 5.3llpiii. Science and technology iritcracti\ t- exhibition. w hich int-itrtit-ssi) images. a \ertical roundabout and an arr

I IIIL‘ Arches. .‘ylidlarid Street. ‘).3ll;iiri 8pm. Adults l; I. up to two accompanied children per adult. tree. [but 5 Nos . ‘l‘he lllllll-year history of the city . explored through \ ideo. ' theatrical pcrlorrnaiices and a w idc range of exhibits. I HUNTERIAH MUSEUM ( ilasgow I'riryersity. I'riiyersrty Ayenue. 3398855. Mon-I‘r'i9.30am 5pni;Sat‘)..‘stl.irri lprii. Medals olthe Renaissance t 'nul ‘~i I)ec. Giant Steps of Mankind A per iiiancnt exhibition w hrch illustrates the early stages of human dcy elopriteiit using lite-size models. diagrams and castsol original skulls.

ASense otTouch t nut 31 lit-e. Anat- opportunity to handle all tlioscexcitrng objects usually kept in glass cases.

I THE MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Rely in Hall. I Bunhousc Road. 4272725,

.\Ion Sat Illam 5pm. Sun2 5pm,

New Clyde Maritime Image t'nui I ()ct. Next exhibition. besides permanent collection. starts .‘slI()ct.

I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM ( ilasgow (irecn.55-Ill223. Mon Sat lllani 5pm; Sun 2 .5piii. ('ale. Disabled accessby arrangement.

ARerrterrArraIerr t not I3 .laii. .s'uu tun-cur (ilaswegiaiis hay ing a good time

I POLLOK HOUSE 2Ilbll I’ollokshaw s Road. b52tl27-I. .\lon Sat llIam 5pm;\\'etl Illam ltlpm; Sun noon (rpm.

Armourin Paintings l 'ntil 31 ()ct.

I SPRINGDURN MUSEUM Ay r Street (adjacent to Springburn Railway Station). 557 l4ll5. .\lori I-i‘r Ill..‘~llarii 5piii.Sat Illamv 4pm; Sun 2 5pm.

\Nilllic‘l'titltlc I98“) Award loi Socialarid Industrial History and described asthe first real community museum irt Br itairi.


I CANOHGATE TOLBOOTH Royal Mile. 225 242-1. Mon Sat Illam opni,

The People's Story'l‘ht- Must-um has I‘L‘L‘ll established to relate the story of the people ol Izdiiibtirgli. told in their own words and through photographs and re-creatcd tableaux.

I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD ~12 High Street. 225 242-1. .‘ylon Sat lllam tipm,

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘hambers Street. 225 7534. Mon Sat llIam 5pm; Strii 2 5pm.

The Work at Angels 5 ( )ct It) tic-ts IWI. ('eltic riiasterpieees front the mh 9th centuries AI). drawn from museums in Ireland. France. Italy and Scandinas ia as well as Scotland and England.

I SCOTTISH AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM Inglistori. Mort—Fri 10am—5pm. Agriculture still plays an important role in Scotland‘s culture and this museum looks at the old trades and skills UIIIIC countryside.

The Sword and the Plough A special exhibition exploring the changes brought by two World Wars and their effect on the communities and the landscape.

I SOUTH OUEENSFERRY MUSEUM l Iigli Street ()ueensterry 331 15‘)”. Mon. Thurs— Sat lllam~lpm. 2.15 «5pm. Sun 2—5an

The Bridges, the Burgh and the People As part of the celebrations for the Forth Rail Bridge ('eriteriary. an exhibition about the bridges and aspects of life in SotitIi Queeiisterry.
