' ' . ' Likestheatre. pubs. cinema. rclgttiti 5 , ‘- , ' ~' " 1 l . wamed‘Melc' handsomc‘ books. conversation etc. Please DorotthPailrktlrkih\titlltSimonl humOTOUStscxyt(35'4mfm 1 write with Phone number Box 1 ' k~ " Ph h “1' Lrs.’ TRAVEL - Lineage: £4 per 30 words romantic fun evenings. for - N0 131 15, 1 in." “.1”; 15"” m." 9””Cfll'i'lhm PROPERTY Semi Display: £3 per 1()words lonely. attractive female (35). ; .mL travelled tenuous” I “:3”? “.P F-IB‘“ *9 ‘~“ ~-- BUSINESS SERVICES (minimum 20 words) “News” indu‘jc mUSlC~ 1 married. . . Wriie and tell me l 1.1 '9 sci-8'9” ailr‘acme {cm‘uk‘ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Display: £5 per single column travelling. cinema. pubsand what mu require Ufa handwmc )5,“ .7 “.’."}p"“l7'c "7‘"? '” HEALTH centimetre (minimum eating OUl- Phow aPPI'CCialCd- i - k -,h - . -, . l . i lbw“. d-ud ~m- frIFndSh-lp ' I pact 1st mg tinslightly dented I'lellOnShl .Ln ovsmusl‘ DATING AGENCIES Excl. VAT Box 5013118 ', armour. Box No 131 in. cinema 'tndpstici'ili"' r s it.» t "3 30‘ numb" '3 "‘1"le "WW I “"36"” 22 "OHM guy i I Eager pair of boxer shorts hUlllt);r‘CSSellll'il Pills-tom“ 0 will be an additional charge 01521. seeks good-looking male who is I seeks female counterpart for apprecmgd 38““, 1}] a ‘; w relativelyintelligent.dCiinilCly 5 romantic pursuits etc. Please I Edinburghprolesisioniallen‘lale notcamp.clean shaven and ' send photoifpossible. Box .\'o (29). fun-loving. intelligent. ACCOMMODATION Lineage: £2.50 per 30 words around "‘0 Samc agc how" i 131'17- “WW but “01W” Interests: ANNOUNCEMENTS sommwlawm per lowords andascnsc thumouramUSll , I Kind. lriendlylemale(45). music.clubs. cinema. politics. wITlON (minimum 20 words) Box .NO 131 ’10. t smoker. sense ofhumour. feminism. seeks male VANs& DRlVERS msmawu per single column IM8|e(25)SCCkS personislif’ i honest.seeks male companion (politicallvsotind!) forfun. VOLUNTARY WORK ccmimctrc (minimum 4 comm) whom he can‘rclatc: food. WlnC. I with similar qualities friendship and who knows what EMPLOYMENT Excl. VAT Cycling Wild'ngt Walk'ngt (non-smokers accepted). Likes else. Box No 131 2.1, BUY&SELL “an” Numbetis requi'edmem music.talking.countryside. art. museums. ten pinbowling. IEdinburgh prolessionalgay GROUPS & MEETINGS m" be an woman“ mama 0'21. photography. theatre. but not ' travel. dining. talking. listening. male. (30). sincere. humorous. football. pretence. computCrS. ' laughing etc. Box No 131 18. enjovs nights out romantic intolerance. spinach and crémc I Do you appreciate Monet. eveningsin. walking. talking. caramel. BOX N0131/11- . Cezanne. Puccini. Verdi. musiciinema. Seeks similar I Male professional musmafl France. good food. travel and (25—41)) for friendship. including Box Number Lineage; £5 per 30 words liTCd Of bimbost Seeks girlie 1m" life'.’ Are you male (36—46) and relationship. Life rnav no longer semi Dismay; £4 per “mums intelligent CODVCFSifllOH. PTCfiib professional'.’ Female looking be dull! Box No 131 2'5. i (minimum 20 words) Sprout. Talking HeadS. 101m for friendship. Phone number I Guardian-reading man (38) erinC and laughs. Ifyou‘rc and photo ifpossible. Box No usual interests. new to l . caSllY (mended 1‘ 5 Pmbably 3* 131 19. Edinburgh. seeks woman m bad idea. Box {‘10131/12. . I Anglo 8th head ofcornpany. (maybe academic. teacher or 1. A" ads must be prepaid. 3. Replies m Box Nos will be I Gay (“is”) [3351 File. 9 {mics (3‘)). attractive. intelligent. social worker). Box No 131 26. Cheques/Postal Orders should forwarded once pcrfimmgm St Andrews. blondc. 5ft 8m- htimorous. fails to maximise I Glasgow female (28) bcmadc payablcto-rhc ListLtd 4. Noliabiliw can be accepted Interests: mUSlC. Mi. bOORS. numerous socialopportunities Attractive. relaxed. enjovs and enclosed with form. for mistakcs'm for forwardin Lookingfor friend In arc“ (“CF for want of suitable female socialising. meeting new people. replies. g 35 With Slmllaflnief9818- ALA; partner. Should be well-spoken. cinema and the arts would like 2. Replies to Box Numbers must 5. The Lis‘ reserves the right to P103382 “0 fat.“ 0f liilrlCS- BOX 5‘0 attractly e and ambitious. Photo to meet similar male. beclearly marked wi‘hthc refuse any advertisement mm" 13: 1. . I g _ please. Box No 131 21). Photograph appreciated. Box Box Number in the top left hand discretion and without ema e.(21)wamsmnfncnqs I Glasgow male (39) Sincm‘ N” 131 27' comeronhc envelope. explanation. Mid handtfiomc mi‘lCS- “'11” mi“) thoughtful. seeks female (3llish) I Edinburgh gay male (33) tall. . going to nightclubs‘. mUSIs‘. non-smoker. to share interests professional. non-scene. quiet travelling and sport. Please in eatingout. pubs. music. and sincere; longing for good _ write soon with photo and walking (including Munros if friendship with similar (ii-35) Prim "3mg, Address and Message in BLOCK CAPH’ALS, telephone number etc. Liven tip there are any nice days left ). who enjoy s arts. classical music. on. '0". m .ach box, and send your ad w: my weekends! Box No 131 1-1. Write soon! Box No 131 21. travel and dislikes being alone. cussmm Ans, TM Lm Ltd, 14 "in" 3mm, I Outgoing, intelligent I Twenty-something man. Box No 13128. Edinburgh EH11“, or m: [EZilCSSIOIXll mail. nevlv to d :right. modest. strong sense of I Shy. quiet male livesotitwith in urg .see 's ma e an umour. see 's thirty-soniethim (ilasgtm . needs caring. cussw'sn ms: The “3‘ L“: The Old Athenaeum "'33th (especially) female friends. man for unstereotypical gay 2‘ long-haired female owner.

1 79 Buchanan Street, Glasgow G1 2J1. Enjoys gigs. cinema. travelling.

name A warm. caring person of average appearance. Phone number ifpossible. age 19—31.

Box No 131 2‘).

I Glass slipper not compulsory but willingness to exchange

moccasins desirable!

Warm-hearted. friendly female

l 1 Te .dayl (eve) THIS IS A DISCOUNTS (36). Edinburgh. Sit binseeks ' . compatible. tall man to share i i ADVERT'SEMENT lliCd'Sildl'Cl’lillfCStindélxn‘iéflc ! pe estrian pursuits. ox. o 1Iliivei't- note. tel nos count as 1 word 1 it border an the '31 30- _ . , round and we can include 6 consecutive insertions '.U"d?$°”9.d9395'lld'1‘ri‘t . l your company logo. forthe price ofS. ll’ghl.‘ ‘mcn'gcm- lim- g a ,1 in .1 , V i well-balanced guy (-7). seeks Rates start at £5 perslngle Scm‘i Disp‘h; ,ifiiinfq‘w similar folk. either city. for column centimetre (excl. VAT)lor inclumg ("k-AT social. not emotional. reasons. . Gloupl and £4 per single column . l I ' Food. drink. talk obligatory. '~ cenllmelfe (excl. VAT) for Display Interesting replies answered. 1 5'0092. Minimum size 4cms. . . Box No 131 Si i “Unscwmc m‘wmm” 5“ IAre allattractive unattached 1 ffzgrcug“: "l;°”'t””* thinking menextinct‘.’ Prove me - sec el ser ions ,‘(r . i‘ t - - . . W wrong. Blonde. Edinburgh l THISOIS Sfmoispuy 25 consecutive insertions 21V, woman (3%,). m»! views‘sccks i It has a line above and below relations-hip with man (25—38) l Tsr‘ld lb? “mag” “Central tall. humorous. honest. i 1 L m'mm‘fm '5 2” “""dVWd stimulating. Write with photo l “’5” ““m 1“ “’r Grime 1 and please an} V0131 12 g u f‘" GWUP 3 Personal 'tdverts ~ ' °' . i i I ' - . , ~‘ . ' ‘.‘ 1 FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING I Proless'ona' W "‘8'8131 l. t l m lh'ssll'lci '“Cll‘dmil yease tele hon . straight-looking and acting. into l Box Numbers. cost from £6. p p e' w v H' Edinburgh (031) 558 1191 sportsandthc arts.sccks similar. slim. fit and genuine guy Noollssues—_Paymentenci. ~ 1:3,?!21213:35:53Sill?.“?.‘f.. maximum of3() words willc ).‘t , " " ' ' D Tielr ll Seml Display required: (min 20 words) only £4 for Group 1 and £2.5(1i WE WELCOME CALLERS a1 lesbian (N) for Group 7 Personal adverts 14 H. h . . ~- tn ihStreeto .Jolin . .- ... E] Tleli ll Box No required. (obligatory in Personal) this style. including Box mulls "Mimi Eggnbmgh non-lbugh.fsinctir:1 . seeks . Numb . , , ' g . . v t simi ar or rien s ipor more. clJ‘SSIFIED DEADLINE lorlssue 132 isriiuns 211 seer. “’5‘ d“ ‘5 ‘0' 3"“"'d5' during busmess hours. . tinioisctncma. travel and W ' ‘3" A ' 1 music. ALA. Box No 131 34.

94 The List 14 - 27 September 1990