America‘s bible belt to fleece gullible punters taken in by their fake messages . from beyond. One night however. .1 V7"- W ' ' - " Arquctte accurately predicts the . / , I ."- circumstances of a murder. soattracting

the unwanted attentions of journalist Tom I The Abyss i 15 l (James ( ~ameron. ['S. Hulce and corrupt industrialist John lustii l-.d Harris. Michael Biehn. .‘ylary Benncs who'll do anything to prevent his lili/abeth .\lastrantonio. Hi) mins. Art ' secrets from escaping. After the Prayer est r aiigcd couplc get caught tip in a tense ' For The Dying debacle. writer'dircctor drama on the sea floor in this movie made Hodges bounces back with a nicelvjudged almost entirely underwater. 'I‘hough . shockcrthat‘salways relianton ' ('ameron has opted for a more characterisation rather than cheapthrills. cotitcrnplatiy c exercise in tension. the Glasgow: Grosvenor. iiitertvy iriiiig oi plots leads one to leelthat I Black Women: lmage/lrnaginationi 15) he‘s crammed too much into the film‘s Screening as part of l lIiR'IAKI-Z. length it may not godown as agreat Glasgow's first international women's film artistic achicy cmcnt. btit it does push back festival. this programme of scveit short a levy boundaries of the possible iii films centres on the work ofseven black nu iy l'c"ii‘i.iisillf.‘. so it w on‘t sink without American women filmmakers who go it ..e l .irrib.rr git ('ariieo. against the grain of the social realistor I Aliens l Isiilanies(‘.iriieroit.l'S.1986) documentary output that'slargcly Sieotr: li.'_‘. "A case; . Michael Biehii. 137 expectcdofthcm to concentrateinstead iniris Key :\ ed in im a 51y ear sittmle in on fictional or experimental modesof deep space. \Vai rant ()flicer Weaver is I -; expression. Glasgow: (il’l‘. caioled into ioiitinga marine rescue _y , i " Ialue HeattlS) (John McKenzie. L'S. mission to the planet that is home forthc ' 'L 1990) Brian Dennehy. Joe l’aritoliano. original alreri beastic. l'nrelentingly ' i Jeff Fahcy. lliomins. 'l‘heeyer-reliablc paced w ith a tcr‘r'itically gutsy Dennehy stars as undercover cop Frank pci tormaiicc irom Weaver. this Daly. an old-fashioned battler for rigltt nci y e-slii'cddiiig sequel not only matches against wrong. who leads a team ot'law its predecessor but caririrly surpasses it. enforcement agents to the brink of .'\rr ( hear is tuner for special effects. crackinga ntassive South American drugs

Another 43 H83 (18) (Waller Hill, US. bad language and vvisecraciting

I All Dogs Go to Heaven r t ' ) ( Don Bluth. 199‘” Edd'e "Why, ""3" "we. 3"3," dialogue that’s indispensable to the ring. However. his progress i. halted by .. [2%. 19b")! With the voices- of Burt James. 96 minS- 48 “as! wane' Hm 8 genre. I expected no less but Hill shady partnership ofsenior police officials Reynolds. l.onr Anderson and Dom comedy thriller and alphelvpa' buddy pushes the action '0 the limits 0' and high-powered government men. Thus De I .tiisc. :sJ miiis. lzi Bluth's latest movie was the surprise hll0l1982 absufdity_ A plethora of helpful it‘s left to our Frank to carry on the battle animated torture, like-able Alsatian i establishing Eddie Murphy’s big star coincidences and wild impossibilities against corruption single-handed.

('harlie liarkrn is killed by his partnerin . ' Passable ant well-intentioncd liberal small-time crime. btii manages to trick his canybtlhemmmgorwam: cenam scenes’ actioner combining the tisual plot about way out of the Afterlife to face earthbound the tense lovemate fa on between "ma y um y 33""th American involvement in Sotith America adv eni tire with cute orphan Anne-Marie pp . knee-capping 0' a thug, OTTO! up totally with the usual plot about dodgy cops.

as he seeks to citgc on his double-crossing Jac" cm“ (“0"”) and 9999” senseless and offensive violence in the Glasgow: ('annon Sauchiehall Street. buddy ()ecasiotially'sloppy artiitiatioriis Hammond (Mllfphvl- name ot humoof. IBlue Velvett 18) (David Lynch.l'S. mun- [hgm made; up for by the inventive The end 0' saw Ianef Another is a competent 1986) Kle MitCl.ZlChlitll. [)CiiniS l itippcf. story -linc and an tilltlsive- sense of humour '06“!!! up ‘0! six years, his friendship moderate” entertaining action firmer, Isabella Rossellini. 120 mins. In

that should ey en hay c adtilts suppressing with Nolte consolidated but taftrom with the look and imemgence 0' a small-town Middle America. would-be

tire odd guttayy. Str'athcly’de: ()deon Ayr. mutual. Anothefaa HRS begins boy detective Macl.achlan finds a severed IAnother48 HRSt isiiyy‘aiier i hit. L's.

199“) itddic Murphy". Nick Nolte. Brion |

. . . micb lt.De iethi,Mr .. . .. . appropriately With his release and the fine araenersdpezempsed "mg: and wrunwmwiists smund. “hunthu

pleasant Mist that Nol'eis aggressive police shoo him away he decides todo

James. 9iimins. See review. (ilasgow: l . . believable characters than before. some investigating (if his rm n. A singular (‘aiinon(‘Iarkstoii Road. ('annon'l‘he qu'ce qehav'o!" may'a"d,mms°m" Theircommon rivalryis the llII‘I‘I'S fusion ofthe cosy and the terrifying which l-orgc.(‘aniion Sauchiehall Street. Ja'I- “9 slust kllleda man Ill 88" saving grace, both actors putting blends kitsch and nightmare. B-nioyie Iidl”‘“”‘l—’h; (WNWW U9”””'”"~ H." de'ence Who was 58‘ up '0 k'" Reggie commendable performances into detection and brutal sex to deconstruct our

something unworthy It you want more complacent vision of normal society . This

0' the same and enio'y endless is film-making of remarkable imagination . and skill. (ilasgow; (il’l‘.

Violence, Another 48 Hits delivers the . am On The mm, 0, Jul“ 18mm“

gonds‘ (Dwan Matthew) Stone. L'S. 1989) Tom ('rttise. Willem Dafoe. Raymond J. Barry . Kyra Sedgwick. 144 mins. Stone's

(‘cntral ('atiitort. Strathclvdc: Cannon. upon his release-a wild coincidence i .i Scala. r rat-on .sy-r. oar-tori lamilton. i as it provides the perfect plot premise ,“ b‘“‘*‘*”'l\';1 “'“j‘ “"Tm's- f torthetilm.Toqetherthey mustdeteat I L Atalanta i l’( i i (Jean \ igo. l-rance. an elusive "imam", known as the 1934) Michel Simon. Jean l)astc. l)ita .. i - l’arli i. .W iiilii\. See prey iew. lidinburgh: 8:98;:2&J::::?yg::se:2?ev;::gsblow"


. Au new," Les Eniams ( p( -, , l m”. 5 ayvay. So unfolds another 48 hours of From Fri 21. Glasgow: Cannon Comparinan .wmd mp u, Mm Mallc. l‘i‘atic‘c \V. (icrmany. 193T) leent mayhem- c'akaTon Road, cannon The FOTQB, features (‘ruis‘c as disabled v etei'an Ron (iiispai'tl .‘ylatiessc. Raphael l-‘eiito. V That‘s basically it. The plot repeats Cannon Sauchiehall Street, Salon. K()\'lC. in .i biograpltical depiction of Philippe .‘ylorier-( ieiiotid. l 13 mins. : the original in its's entirety; another Edinburgh; cannon, Dominion, UCI, ambition. disillusionment arid national 11‘“ *9} - ~"l"""“" Um" “mum‘ch I bus chase, another bar brawl, anothef central: cannon. Stfamclyde: cannon, betrayal. as the lad grow sup. ioitts tip. portlray ail oi iiiti'idents ttro(nt Mallc sow n final mammoth Shootout, 8" La sca'a ()deon A" (mean "ammo", gets wounded and finds his couittr}

h”) “‘m ' S“ L “rm?” 1“ lumim ° ' - - doesn't want to know him anymore. occupation. the film tolloyysthe puncmated w'm the typ'cal a'gumems’ UCI Clydebank’ ucl Eas' K'Ibnde' Kovic'siilight is renderedsymbolicot 9‘" “WWW "'icnd‘h'p WNW” “V” km.“ I state-of-the-nation dismay and ( ‘ruise at a small school run by monks. oncoi‘ brings an unprcccndcmui dcgm. m “hH‘C‘W’L‘l JCM‘“ '(k'll'lil‘m‘w UH East Kilhfids‘. l Perform“cc as “nemPJOYCdCX'mlm‘r integritvtothe Piiri.lli\'llig casin liisbest dangerous to both boysas the.\‘a/.i IBadlandS(l8)('l‘erence Malick.L'S. l Danny Scoular.whotakes up underworld performance todate, Stone‘s usual lackot presence looms. Simple. subtle. and very 1973) Martin Sheen. Sissy Spacek. 9-1 1 kingpin lan Bannen‘sofferofapotentially subtlety isnt‘fsci here- by Roy ie‘sown moving llllil. which avoids the Clichesof i mins. A young girl and her garbage I lucrative bare-knuckle bout in one last mmiw'mcm m making it“. mm to

the corriing-ot-age genre. and makesits collector boyfriend leave atrailofmurder . effort to retain his dignity.Thc Edinburgh; l-‘jlmhouse.

larger political points firmly btit across the American Midwest. Literate. l momentum towards the fight and the I Breathless i is) (Jim McBride. i ‘S. unobtrusively. (ilasgow: (ii-'1', beautifully judged and impressively central theme ofsmall town naivcty versus 1983) Richard (icrc. Valerie Kaprisky. I Back To The Future Pari3(l’(ii( Robert performed study ofsmalltowntorpor and I big city corruptionlend the filmathrust iii] mine Handsome sire-eiwise hustler on /.emeckis. l'S. two) MichaelJ. l-ox. youthful rebellion. Edinburgh: . and a scope that the overstresscd the run {mm mt. [A pulm- attcnipts to (‘hristopherl ioy d. Mary Steenhurgen. Filmhouse. Glasgow: (iFl‘. l subplotting; romantic (spouse escape in Mexico with his girlfriend. a

1 it) illllis. Alter the elongated trailer of I Betty Blue ( l8) (Jean~Jacques Beincix. Whallcy-Kilmer's secondary affair) and I l-‘rcnch student, forget the fact that this is It I I") we‘re back in 1885 for the thirdand France. 1986) Jean Hughes Anglade. i comedic (Connolly and canine). I a remake of the sacred 195% iodard aimiltitely tinal instalment of the series. in Beatrice l)alle. ill) mins. Tempestuous unfortunatelytcnds to nulify. Glasgow: l chem-and mum n on its own terms. lot

w inch Michael has to tacc up to love gone mad as an older handyman and a 5 Cannon Clarkston Road. Cannon The ! it‘s a fine. American love-oii-the-i rm longstanding enemy Bill and say c the Doc free-spirited woman embark on a ' Forge. Odeon. Salon. Edinburgh: ()deon. } mm.” (iimmm: ("ti

litim certain death. except that the latter is passionate. peripatetic fling that ends in U(‘1.Ccntral: Allanpark.Strathclvdc: : I Broadway banny Rose i i’( ‘i i i \\ oody much more interested in falling for Mary tragedy. Filmed with adazzlingtechnique i Cannon‘ ()deon Ayr‘ ()deon Hamilton ' Aug”. ['5‘ 1954) Wood. \Hm‘ MM Stcenbtirgeii. 'l he end result is not quite a . and an irritating emptiness by the maker lel Clydebank. UCI East Kilbride. l-‘umm Nick Aptiiin iotirie. .\_‘ lllllis

bad film. btit. as w rtlt almost cvcryoiher . of Diva. Edinburgh: ('amco. i WMR Film ( MIL,” on Splum“, mm] ‘B mam“! H, J

sequel ot a sequel the re s an overall. H E I The Big Man ( 18) (Day id Leland. LK. 5 I Black Rainbow(15)(Mikc Hodges,Ul\. stable- ot' bottom-ot-tlic-liill nightclub .icts. ‘lits‘klls"‘ “1"le l‘WWm‘ '1 "9'" “WWW” ' 199”) Liam NCC-‘i‘m- 101mm! 1989) Rosanna Arquctte. Jason Robards. = w ho finally looks about to make it big in Ihs‘ 3‘ mi” ‘h‘lum- I” “'mm‘ CWT.“ i hilllc.‘"K|1mCT.litn Blinncn. Bill)“ Tom Hulce. 103 mins. Superior when a fading crooner takes a stiddert

' \L'l]\L‘, w c y c been here be fore. (JitngU\\. C onnolly. 116 mins. In this screen ' supernatural thriller with Rubards and f upsurge in popularity. Matters .iic ; 2 (3111mm “10"”th- Edinburgh: 1‘ l~ iidéiplémOnOf William Mellvanney’s Arquetteasaratherdodgvtravelliiig l complicated however by Mafia

Strathclyde: ()deon Ayr. l ( l C lydebank. l novel. Liam Neeson turns in apowerful father and daughter medium act trawling i connections and .l riiisplaced lt‘llidlilit i


The List l-l ~~ 37 September 199019