I Delirium 7 at Rooftops (Secrets Lounge ). llpm-ralate. £2.50. (iothic.glam. grunge. go-go: don't take(iran.

IJoy at the StthCluh. [lpm-5am. £3.50. llouscy ~housey in a sweaty. steamy atmosphere of serious dance and serious dancers. .\'ot a place for the uneo-ordinated. but great if you throw yourself into it. lileyate your mind. free your sottl. get your T-shirt all smelly. ()n Hi 24 only . liye sets from ()rhital and lt'resistihle liorce: gttest 1)] is(ilenn (ittnner.

I Radio City at the Mayfair (Catneo Suite). 10.30pm- 3atn. £2. Whetherit's mos ing with the times or jumping on the bandwagon. Radio City is certainly a hell of a lot different from what it used tobe: no longer purely h0s. they now cater tothe Manchester posse and exert play straight dance records like Chad Jackson. The towering temperatttres and hoorish houncers are unfortunate minuses to an otherwise fine cltth. htit definitely worth a \ istt lot surprise \alue.

I Rumble a! Joe Paparazzi.

10pm 3.30am. £3l£l student). Iznjoythe gloriously oyer-thc-top green laser show while you dance. or just sit on the steps 1‘vehindthc l).l‘s console and let it wash all m er you. lixcellent mixture ofrap. hip-house and indie crossover dance. httt their way oftelling yott it's time togo (switching the lights on and turning offthe sound hallway throttgh a record) leayes something to he desired.

I Shag at l-ury Mut'rays. llpm- 5am. £2.50. limeagatntorallyouJohn

ll .tyolta fans to stand up. stick one arm in the air and he counted. llfllohn Waters came to (ilasgow. he would definitely go Shagging. Watch his new film Cry Baby. o: ey en hetter. Hairs-pray. then check otit Shag and you‘ll see what 1 mean. And watch out for the ‘silly nights' the Shaggers has e planned soonish- shouldn't that he 'stlltcl‘l'i


I The Alhambra Spm-2am. Free.

I Bennets l lptn-~ 3.30am. £2.50.

I Cleopatras 10.30pm 2.30am. £3.

I Club Hacienda t1.30pm--7am.£3.50. t'nder [S‘s disco 7-1 1pm.

I Crash at the Cotton (‘luh

11pm 5.30am. £4 (£3 with ticket.£2 before midnight ).

I Follies 10.30pm 3.30am. £3.50.

I Hard Rock Cane at the Venue. 10pm until late. L“ 511.

I Hollywood Studios 1 lpm—5am. £3.50. Happy hour 3am 5am. drinks half—price. I Mickey Finn's at Tin Pan Alley.

10.30pm 5am. £2 before midnight. £4 alter.

I MrD's l lpm 4am. £2.

I Rattles 10.30pm 3am. £3.

I Savoy l lpm 3.30am. £4.

I Stomp at Mardi (it'as. 10.30pm--3.30am. £3.50.

I SW1 11.45pm 5am. £1.50.

I Three Amigos at Tin Pan Alley.

lipm late. £4l£l .50with leaflet ).

I Xposed at Club \changc.

11.30pm 5.30am. £2.50.


I Atlantis at the Sub Club. llpm—»5am. £5. t'pfront dance and obscure house for the ‘in‘ crowd. Entry requirements are a soupcon of prctension. a smatteringof style. a sharp haircut and bags of energy— thcy come to dance until their turtleneeks melt.

I Burnout at Rooftops. llpm--late. £2.51). Alt. close your eyes and you could almost he in the good old QM . . . solidindie layes. htit to he honest. if I hear ‘1 Wanna Be Your Dog' again. 1‘” start howling myself. The odd new release would be welcomed. and the Mancunian emphasis touted at the start seems to base fallen away a hit. lloweycr. that could all change soon. with the tantalising line-upofgigs they have coming up; nothing this week though.

I Club Hacienda l 1.30pm—7am. £5. One wonders if Club 1 l are getting away with their somewhat cheeky use of Fae 51 's name due to the more pressing problems facing the Mane mafia. lt'sacurious choice since the (ilasgow clttb concentrates on house and techno and is Mexican themed rather than a huge industrial warehouse; it also doesn't (yet) have the all-important respect. kudos and unmissability factor. btit it's early days. Saturday nights feature an Under-18s disco from 7pm—1 lptn for hip little bruyyers (£3. or £2 with a ticket) and live PAs for oldsters later on. The hopping stops at 5am. and breakfast is served until 7am

I Helter Skelter at the Mayfair.

l lpm-3am. £1.50. Recaptttre that authentic (ills seaside riot atmosphere as the city's mods and rockers fight tostay upright on the dancel‘loor the size of a Twister hoard. The most consted clientele this side of the Shimmy. httt at least they‘ve cut down on the twenty-minute guitar solos.


I The Alhambra Spin—midnight. Free.

I Atsimevu at The Shelter. uptn—midnight. I Bennets l lpm-3.30am. £3.

I The Choice 1 1pm—-5am. £6.

I Cleopatras 10.30pn‘t—-2.30am. £3.50.

I Cotton Club 1 lpm—3.30am. £5 (£3.50 with ticket).

I Detect at Fury Murrys. l 1pm-—5am.£3. I Desire at Mardi (iras. 10.30pm—3.30am. £3.50.

I Divine at the Art School. llpm—Zam. £1.50.

I Follies 10.30pm—3.30am. £4.50.

I Glam Rock at The Venue. 10pm until late. £3.50.

I Hollywood Studios 11pm—5am.£4. Happy 1 lour 3am—5am. drinks half-price. I Under 183 Disco at Hollywood Studios. 7.3010.30pm.£1.50. '

I Joe Paparazzi 11pm—5am. £5.

I Libra at Hollywood Studios. £3.50. ()yer-25s disco.

I Mardi Gras 1 lpm—5am. £4.50.

I Mr 0's 1 lpm—4am. £4.

I Rattles 10.30pm—3am. £3.

I Savoy l lpm—3am. £4. ()yer-21snight. I Sechaba‘s L'pstairs at Nico's. 9pm—late. I Xposed at Club Xchange.

11.30pm -5.30am. £2.50. Happy hour



6 I Club With No Name at Rooftops.

11pm—late. £2. So many weird and wonderful suggestions have been received for names for this new rock club that organiser James Flytc has decided to rotate them every few weeks. just to be difficult. Favourite thus far is the entry from a young lad called Cliffie. who modestly proposed calling it Cliffie's Place. Anything else they could do for you. sir? Co-ordinate the colour scheme with your outfit. perhaps?

I Hypnotonic Soundtrack at Fury Murrys. £2. The Robert llalperns ofclubland slip in the odd obscure tradt from the likesof Parliament. Paris Angels. Paradise X. Kitchens O.D.. Dream Frequency or Audio One. just to keep thingsintcresting among the more usual 808 State'Carpets/De La/Mondays: (.‘harlatans/Roses numbers. lndietcchnohiphop says the flyer: sounds good to me.

I The Power at the Sub Club. 11pm—3.30am. £2. Sunday‘s not traditionally a big night for clubs and hence The Power is not quite as busy as other Subs. It's a bit of a hidden gem though. mixing reggae and ska into the usual dance inferno. and well—worth missing ‘1 lighway' for. Mind you. so would defrosting your fridge.

I Sherbet Asylum at The Talk ()fThe Town. l0pm—3am. £2. This venue has undergone a bewildering series of aliases the most recent being Peggy Sue‘s bttt strangely enough. it always seems to feature a club playing indie-kid popand psychedelia; remember The Love Club'.’ White mascara and lollipops are de rigour. OTHERS

I Bennets 11pm—3.30am. 75p.

I Bete Noir at SW1. 11.45pm until late. £1 . I Boy at Club Xchange. Midnight—5am. 75p.

I Brag at the Cotton Club. 11pm—3.30am. £3 (£2 with ticket).

I Club Hacienda 1 lpm—5am. £2. 75p drinks.

I Follies l lpm—3am. £3.

I Fuddrulttters at Cleopatras. 10.30pm--2.30am. £1 .

I Hollywood Studios 9pm—3am. £2. Talent Night.

I Mr 0‘s 1 lpm—4am. £3.

I Network at the Choice. llpm--3.30am. £3.50.

I Rattles10.30pm—2am.£2.50.

I Savoy 1 lpm—3am. £2.50.

I Videodrome Rock Night at the \"ideodrome. Spni—late. £2.50.


I The Alhambra Spm-midnight. Free.

I Freewheeling at Fury Murray's.

l lpm—3am. £1.50.

I Jeans 8: T-sltirt Night at Cleopatras. 10.30pm—3am. £2 (£1 with ticket).

I Savoy 11pm—3am.£2.0ver-25s night. I Second Heaven at Club Xehange. £1 admission and £1 all drinks.


I Shimmy Club at Bennets. 1030pm 3am. £1 . Famous people who haye heen tothe Shimmy Club over the years ( Part ()ne ): Tam from City Lights. the McCluskey Brothers. Rupert liyerett. the drummer from Baby Lemonade. Wet Wet Wet . . .If you've spotted anyone more impressiy e here. do let tts know. lispecially if they got drunk attd danced to something embarrassing. Ten points extra ifthey were pop stars and it was their own record (no names. no pack drill. we‘ll leave it a sweet little mystery who was once seen doingthis very thing . . . they were theonly people on the dance floor. too).


I The Alhambra Rpm—midnight. l'ree.

I Jo Jo‘s at Tin Pan Alley. 10.30pm-3.30am. £1.50. (iay night with cheap drinks.


I Alhambra Spin—midnight. Free.

I Go West at Cleopatras. 10.30pm—2.30am. £2 (£1 with ticket).

I Hardcore at the Choice. £3. 11pm—3.30am.

I Jeans 8: T-shirt night at the Cotton Club 1 1pm—4am.£3.50.

I Libra at Hollywood Studios. llpm--3am. £2.50. Over 25s disco.

I 608 and 708 Night at Mardi (iras. 10.30pm—3.30am. £2 (£1 with ticket).

I Spank at Club Xchattge. £1 admission and £1 alldrinks.


I The Alhambra Spm 2am.1-'ree.

I Backtrack at l’ury Mu rrays. llpm—3.30am. £2.50.

I Bennetts 1 1pm 3am. £1.

I Bloomers at Cleopatras. 10.30pm—2.30am. £2 (£1 stttdcnt ).

I 803 Night at Mardi (iras. 10.30pm—3.30am. £2 (£1 with ticket).

I Exodus at the Sub Club. llpm- 3.30am.


I Genes 8t T-Shirt at Club Xchange. Midnight—5am. 75p.

I Freakscene at Raffles. 10.30pm—-3am. I Mr 0's 1 lpm 4am. £2.

I Savoy 11pm—-3am. £2. Over 25s“ disco. IThe Venue llptn until late. £2. Thrash metal night.


I The Alhambra 31 Waterloo Street . 221 3261).

I Bennets ()0 (ilassford Street. 552 5761. I The Choice 21 Royal Exchange Square. 221 5323.

I Cleopatras. 508 (ireat Western Road. Kely'inbridge. 334 05611.

I Club Xchange 23 Royal Exchange Square. 204 4599.

I Cotton Club 5 Scott Street. 332 07 l 2.

I Club Hacienda 48 Carlton Place.429 5593.

I Clyde Cavern Clyde Place. 42‘) 3785.

I Follies 193 Pitt Street. 332 7322 7522. I Fury Murer 9o Maxwell Street. 221 (i511.

90 The List 24 30 August 1990