ROYAL SCOTS CLUB o irate VENUE 57-The Ronl Scots Club 30 Aberciomby Place Tickets 557 5091 F8 This elegant comlortable venue presents a wide-ranging season of Premieres and revivals, cornedy. drama and music Located in the New Town. iust a couple of blocks "cm the Assembly Rooms in a handsOme Georgian Town House Full bar and bar snacks

AMERICAN FESTIVAL THEATRE presents WAITING FOR THE PARADE - Funny. emotionally powerful ponraval of live Spirited Canadian women waging their own battles tor survival during WWII

Aug 13. 15. 22, 25. 27. 3! 0.00m 10.30l [3.05 “2.0!” Aug 1‘, II. 20. 23. 20. Sept 1 10me (11.30l ALSO EXTREMITIES Chilling graphic exploration of the psychology of terror A brutal attempted rape The tables turned on the rapist Ran Oll-Broadway lor two yea's

Aug 15, IA. 21. 24. 25. 29 0.00m (9.30) £3.35 ((2.95) Aug 13. 15. 22. 25. 27. 31 10.00” l11.30l ALSO BABY WITH THE BATHWATER by Christopher DurOng America's Iunniest playwright takes an irreverent whack at parents children and their nannies Mary Poppins was never like this

Aug It. 17, 20. 23. 20. Sept I 0.00m 19.30l Aug 15. IA. 21. 2‘. 25. 29 10.00iirn 111.30)

a ALSO THE SHOESTRING PLAYERS production of HOneybees—tales from arOund the world Third consecutive year Magic' New Yark Times

Aug "Sept 1 (not Sun 19/ 12 Inn (1.00! (3.00 “2.001

9 HOME VALUES SNOW—STAGEWORKS LTD. Stageworks satirical look at America‘s latest madness TV home shopping by phone. With Mackland Monty

and Fill - Aug 27 Sept I (not Aug 30) 12 midnight (1.30) (3.50 ((2.50.

ADULT ORGASM ESCAPES FROM THE 200 Franca Rame and Dario Fo's luriny pOignant and thought-prOvoking play aboat women and sexual oooressmn. Aug 20 Sept I (not Aug 10/ 0.009rn (7.30i (3.70 ((2.50)

DUCK VARIATIONS A humOrous piece of wide appeal. an evening of discossions displaying reasoning beliefs. revelation, honesty. absurdity and amusement

A_ug 13.13 0.15m (7.25! [3.50 (£2.50l

1 ANGELS OF FREEDOM Irom one of Hawaii 5 most successlul theatre campanies. A chamber play set in the primal landscape of Hawaii.

Aug 27 Sept 1 0.00m (5.30) [4.00 10.00)

a COMING ATTRACTIONS A sizzling productiOn of Ted Tally's outrage0us dark comedy about crime and lame lr0m L.A YOuth Ensemble Theatre

Aug 13 25 (not Aug 19/ A.009iri (5,45) (3.50 ((2.00)

n THIRTEEN NEAVENS AND NINE HELLS Iocuses on nine teenagers travelling to New York City. Their enc0unters with one another leave them changed

Any 13-10 2.00pm 13.30) (3.05 ((2.05)

THE ENTIRE COMPANY-BY POPULAR DEMANDI British Music Hal! laced with deliCious numbers from the Twenties and Thirties to give you 'pure ioy' The Scorsman

Aug 20-25 2.009m (3.30) I 4.00 (£2.50) Including 1m tea or Mac

ALSO CONTINENTAL BRECHTFEST —comedy, coffee and crorssants at the cale on the Creissant-Neut-a nourishing start to your Festival day'

Aug 2025 10.00am 110.401 [2.50 ((2.00) INC/Udlfm free Canti'nenta/ breakfast ALSO COFFEE WITH PROKOFIEV —Actor/Pianist Lewis Lev's lyrical. humprous evocation of personalities and events in pro-revolutionary RuSSia Prokofiev‘s wards. Prokofiev's music.

Aug 20 25 10.00am 11010) (2.50 (£2.00! including Inc Continental breaklast

n THE MONKEY BAZAAR Enter the Monkey Bazaar and see the world askew Timeless stories of lorble. desire and Crossing a motOrway.

Aug 1318 10.30am (11.30) £3.50 (£2.50!

BLOODY RUDOY-STAGEWORKS LTD. Last year’s acclaimed evening with Kipling in India returns with Warren.Montiero as the Poet/storyteller.

Avg 27-Sapt I 10.00am 111.00) (3.50 ((2.50)

[3.95 ((2.95!

Dragons and ’Theatrical

5-9: .e 3'93 a

Marion Z Murphy EM. Christian C“:'.~eies;'e' Eranhe “Joe

Nancy Lipschultz Debra E. Piver Caroline Ryburn

August 13-September 1 at 4.00 pm

';-e'1':es £11 I in.

The Moray House Union Theatre "L .‘TCC 33cc

Ed “Du'g” ‘estwon rWage ‘990

'“e (It-"ran. “J: :3": 39359 Peg“ _>~€ _:lgv5r






"We are Drake. We are Raleigh . . Voyagers . . . Discoverers. The gates of above are opening.

We build meanings from space and silence. When the light breaks and the water comes we will be remembered. History will throw us up and save our names. History is the boat, the raft we will cling to." Voyagers. Aug 13-26. The Chaplaincy Centre : 7.35pm.

A poignant and bitingly comic new drama. 4


20 The List 17 23 August 1990