I Delirium 7 at RootiopslSccrcts Lounge). llptn late. £2.50. lt'stheclub they 're all calling "The Big liriday Alternative'. Well. the organisersare anyway The serious doom and gloom are to he toned down a little from now on.with more glam rock. ptmk. Bowie. etc. Bet you still won‘t see the goths smiling.
I Joy at the Sub ( ‘lub. 11pm 5am. £3.50. Though still one of (ilasgow 's most popular clubs. Joy has been a little quiet of late. but some special events and guest DJs are promised to liven it up duringthe summer months. There tnay be a heavier emphasis on their dance and house roots and there'll certainly be a few more ofthe live sets they've started to feature overthc last couple of weeks. Top London club The Braid or ratheritsl)1s <visitonliri ll).
I Rumble at .loe Paparazzi.
lllprn 3.30am. £3 (£1 student). linjoythe gloriously over the top green laser show
w hile you dance. or just sit on the steps behind the l).ls console and let it washall over you. lixcellent mixture ofrap. hip-house and indie crossover dance. but their way oftellingyou it's time togo (switching the lights on and turning offthe sound halfw ay through a record) leaves sometlirngto bedcsired.
I Shag at Fury Murray's. llpm—5am. £2.50. lime again for all you .lohn Travolta fans to stand up. stick one arm in the air and be counted. lfJohn Waters came to ( ilasgow. he would definitely go Shagging. Watch his new film ('ry Baby. or ev en better. Hairspray. then check ottt Shag and you'll see what I mean.
I Three Amigos at Tin l’an Alley.
11pm~|ate. £4 (£1 .50 with leaflet ). The bar staff wear silly Mexican outfits. howls of tortillas. enchiladas and taco chips are available. but there the South ofthe Border theme ends. The music is new-wave indie. so I suppose there must still be some students floatingaround (ilasgow.
I The Alhambra 8pm—2am. Free.
I Bennets 1 lpm-—3.30am. £2.50.
I Cleopatras 10.30pm—2.30am. £3.
I Club Hacienda 11.30pm—7am. £3.50. 17nder 18s disco 7pm—1 1pm.
I Crash at the Cotton Club.
1 1pm—5.30am. £4 (£3 with ticket.£2 before 12).
I Follies 10.30pm—3.30am. £3.50.
I Hard Rock Cane at the Venue. 10pm until late. £3.50.
I Hollywood Studios 1 1pm—-5am. £3.50. Happy hour 3am-5am. drinks half-price. I Mickey Finn's at Tin Pan Alley. 10.30pm ~5am. £2 before midnight. £4 after.
I Mr 0‘s 1 lpm—4am. £2.
I Raffles 10.30pm—3am. £3.
I Radio City at the .‘ylayfair(Cameo Suite). 10.30pm—«3am. £2.
I Savoy 1 lpm—3.30am. £4.
I Stomp at March (iras. 10.30pm—3.30am. £3.50.
I SW1 1 1.45pm—5am. £1.50.
I Xposed at (‘lub Xchange. 11.30pm—5.30am. £2.50.
I Atlantis at the Sub Club. 1 1pm—5am. £5. lfpfront dance and obscure house for the ‘in' crowd. lintry requirements are a soupcon of pretension. a smatteringof style. a sharp haircut and bags of energy-they come to dance until their turtlenecks melt.
I Burnout at Rooftops. l 1pm—latc. £2.50. Ah. close your eyes and you could almost be in the good old QM . . .solidindie faves. but to be honest. if i hear ‘1 Wanna Be Your Dog again. I'll start howling myself. The odd new release would be welcomed. and the Mancunian emphasis touted at the start seems to have fallen away a bit.
I Divine at the Art School. 1 1pm—2am. £1.50. \N'hydoes Saturday night attract so many (well. three) clubs with six letters. starting with 1)? This might also be called Son of Swirl. being girlie groups and tasteful thrash as before. with an interestingly dressed crowd.
I Club Hacienda 11.30—7am. £5. A bit
elusive. this one. but some intrepid detective work has eventually tracked down the details of Glasgow's newest club. rising from the ashes ofthe old Knightsbridge. As far as 1 can makeout. there's doesn't seem to be any actual link with the rather more famous. dizzyineg trendy one in Mane-land. except that things are aimed squarely at the ravers. with house and Italian techno beingthe order of the day. ()pen Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays. there‘s a Spanish-Mexican theme and a giant fibreglass horse on the dancefloor. Saturday nights feature an Under-18s disco from 7pm-1 1pm for hip littlc bruvvers (£3. or £2 with a ticket)and live PAs for oldsters later on. The hopping stops at 5am. and breakfast is served until 7am—visitors could spend the night here. in fact. and save the expense of a hotel room. ifthey‘ve got the energy. ..
I Helter Skelter at the Mayfair. llpm—3am. £1 .50. Recapture that authentic 60s seaside riot atmosphere as the city‘s mods and rockers fight to stay upright on the dancef‘loor the size ofa Twister board. The most confused clientele this side of the Shimmy. but at least they‘ve cut down on the twenty-minute guitar solos.
I The Alhambra 8pm-midnight. Free.
I Atsimevu at The Shelter. 9pm—midnight.
I Bennets 1 lpm—3.3()am. £3.
I The Choice 11pm—5am. £6.
I Cleopatras 10.30pm—2.30am. £3.50.
I Cotton Club 1 lpm—3.30am. £5 (£3.50
with ticket).
I Defect at Fury Murrys. l 1pm—5am. £3.
I Desire at Mardi Gras. 10.30pm—3.30am.
I Follies 10.30pm—3.30am. £4.50.
I Glam Rock at The Venue. 10pm until
late. £3.50.
I Hollywood Studios 1 1pm—5am. £4.
Happy Hour 3am—5am. drinks half—price.
I Underlos Disco at Hollywood Studios.
7.30pm—10.30pm. £1.50.
I Joe Paparazzi 11pm—5am. £5.
I Libra at Hollywood Studios. £3.50.
Over-25s disco.
I Mardl Gras 1 1pm—5am. £4.50
I Mr D's l 1pm—4am. £4.
I Rattles 10.30pm—3am. £3.
I Savoy l 1pm—3am. £4. Over-21s night. I Sechaba’s Upstairs at Nico‘s. 9pm—Late.
I UFO at Tin Pan Alley. I 1pm—5am. £5. I Xposed at Club Xchange. 11.3()pm—5.30am. £2.50. Happy hour 10pm—midnight.
I Club With No Name at Rooftops. 11pm—late. £2. Dementia 13 is dead.long live . . . well. you choose the name andthe format in a special prize competition (entry forms available from the Solid Rock Caffe). It will be featuring rock music. but the rest. as they say. is upto you.
I Hypnotonic Soundtrack at Fury Murrys. £2. The Robert Halperns ofclubland slip in the odd obscure track from the likcsof Parliament. Paris Angels. Paradise X. Kitchens 0.1).. Dream Frequency or Audio One. just to keep thingsinteresting among the more usual 808 State/Carpetsr’De La/Mondays/Charlatans/Roses numbers. lndietechnohiphop says the flyer: sounds good to me.
I The Power at the Sub Club. 11pm—3.30am. £2. Sunday's not traditionally a big night for clubs and hence The Power is not quite as busy as other Subs. It‘s a bit of a hidden gem though. mixing reggae and ska into the usual dance inferno. and well—worth missing ‘Highway‘ for.
I Sherbet Asylum at The Talk OfThe Town. 10pm—3am. £2. A new name for Peggy Sue‘s. and a new club based around indiekid and psychedelia . . . haven'twe heard this somewhere before? My sources tell me that if you go early you‘llbe swamped by seemingly-underage youngsters so maybe best to have an hour or two propping up a bar somewhere first. I Soul Kitchen at The Choice. 11.30pm—3.30am. £3.50. Great things have I heard about this new classic Club and northern soul night — We the feelingit could grow into institution status. The priciest of Sunday clubs though.
live bands.
" I m-midnight
The List 10— 16 August 199093