George Square/Buchamin Street.

xunngpm. Sec gm 1 1' Ballet'l ue. 7.45pm (beginner's). Wed.

I Glasgow Street Band Buchanan ; (l-hl‘m (lCVL‘l .l l. .

Street'Sauchichall Street St l-lnoch‘s Ballmom & “1'” l'”- 730W“

Square. Noon—2pm. Sec Sat ll. } I GLASGOW ACADEMY OF DANCE 3 6‘ N '< I Mike Rowan Buchanan ()"W" 8”“1' :2] “75” ,

Street Sauchiehall Street. Noon 3pm. See ' (‘I‘NCV'W “CM “ll-“l'llhm” m“ “wk m a 4/ gm 1 1‘ . mirrored and barred studio llxxlfeel

.Avami Dismay Buchunm square. £2 £28”. Phone for detailsof "I Street Sauchiehall Street Noon 3pm. See 1 m") d”““"

Sm “- Open Elementary Balletfslontlays a

I The Natural Theatre Company ( ilasgovs' 73M)?” g I _

('ity Centre. Noon 2pm. lingland's ; Lgnfm'me SllglCh lllc‘ddl‘ C t H ‘— Natural 'l‘heatrc ('ompany mingle vvith the l 1"" “Pm H‘pm' (“Md {Ur “m “mu

shoppersinaseriesolbrielscenariosthat i EWKBU‘; W i 1 (mg W turnthe(‘ity(’entrcintoahilariousstagc.' an egmnefs “HHH-“l” ‘pm'

Tap Beginners 'lihursdays 5.30 (v.3(lpm. TU 3 Contemporary Beginners lhursdays

i 0.3” 8pm. )* I The Balalaika Music 8. Dance Ensemble Ballroom p, M”) .7 3pm

(ieorgeS uar'e BuchananStrccl V

Noon» ZpiiiSce Sat ll.

I Glasgow StreetBand Buchanan t Classes 3: Street Sauchiehall Street St l'noch‘s

Square. Noon 2pm. See Sat 1 l. [ASSEMBLY ROOMSUc-orge Street.

. Mike Rowan Blls‘llimim phone dancer-in-residcnce 'I‘amsin

Street SauchiehallStrcet. Noon 2pm.Sce ' (lounge-rimZIlHR-ltst'ordetails.All I I A Sat l l.

Dance Base classes have ceased for the

I Avanli Display Buchanan holiday period and vs ill return 1‘) Sept.

Street Sauchiehall Street. Noon 3pm. See I CRAIGLOCKHART SPORTS CENTRE 177

Sat ll. (‘olinton Road. 4430101.

I "'9 "mural Thealre companyfililflll’“ A variety ol adult coaching sessions are m e e (‘ity Centre. Noon -2prn. See Mon 13. available. including Women's Activity

Mornings. Aerobics. l‘itness'l raining and .Yi‘rga. l’honc the centre for more < < a IThe Balalaika Music&Dance Ensemble """”“““"”' . P

I ELCHAT A variety ol classes and

vvor kshops in creative and contemporary

dam-Q. for all ages and abilities. are 0 E e SUCH Simchich'i” Sued St [:nm_h.\ available throughout liast l.othian. Phone

. . . -. 1 §* . 1. Square. N00” 2pm. Sec Sm l ]. Stcph llTlL Scllrc on ll, l or» 3/11 c st-“

- for details. I Mlke Rowan Buchanan .. . Street Sauchiehall Street. Noon 3pm See I EPWORTH HALLS ‘N'w'wn Squ‘m“ 2 o

S“ H phone 33‘) NW] lor inlo.

. Avami Display Blldrurm All classes are taught by Tracy l lavvkes. director ol Spring and a member of

Street Sauchiehall Street. .\'oon- 2pm. See , c . , .

S“ H lshoros Dance lheatr‘c. and are l.2.>ll( L") I The Natural Theatre Companyr am,“ P” ‘°“"”‘: “N” ““Ple "“r W

(.m (.Cmfc Nunnflpm SW ‘10” I“. summer vvrll resume at the end of August.

Contemporary/Jazz tor Adults \londays ().3llprn.

TaplorAdulls'l‘u 'sdavso.3(l urn. ° I The Artangel Trust: Civic Monument 1990 Mun panama“; sump whim rm,

(leorge Square Buchanan Street, Noonme. See Sat 1 l. I Glasgow Street Band Buchanan

(ieorge Square. ‘) lllpm. Spectacular nu“ kL-Mm 339 um {m (19mm.

costumes. mov crncnt and choreography I GRACEMOUNT Lftsunf CENTRE 33

come together in a living monument ol (}r;1ccrn()un[[)[ivc‘JfiHI‘Nll.(‘lil\\C\;it - A I. S o, fillrgrllund Pmp”m””~‘- held in ballet. tap and moderndancc. I The Balalarka Musrc & Dance Ensemble yoga. l'ilrtcss vveighls. aerobics. sell

(lcmilc Squaw Bl'Cl‘limi'” Sll'CL‘l- dclence. gymnastics. and stretch and tone

Noon-me. See Sat 1 l.

I Glasgow Street Band Buchanan Street Sauchiehall Street St linoch‘s Square. Noon— 2pm. Sec Sat l l.

I Mike Rowan Buchanan

gentle exercise tor beginner's. P t F .I . intermediatesandover lllsvsithalree O

creche available during some olthe

sessions. All classes are Ll .(Tll (£1 )pu Street Sauchiehall Street. Noon 2pm. Sec

session and are held on a casual basisl vr . S t” \vomenottly. l’hone the centre for (lc‘l:llls IThe NaturalTheatre Companytilasgim ; summer COUI’SBS (‘itv(‘entre. Noon-2pm. See Mon 13. - IYOUNG EUROPEANS IN GLASGOW .lordanhill ('ollegc olliducation. phone &

Young ScotllH 3H 2-1"7 forfurthcr

information. F h

Youth Dance Mon 13 Fri 17Aug, lllam-- 3pm. £1” ( Young Scot cardholders

£8). l'ifty places available in this comprehensive five day course in tap.ja// A . E I and ballet. ()pen toyoung people I3 18 yrs with some dance experience. Beginners Sat 18 Aug. noon 3. 15pm. Hor I DANCE FACIORY HZ Calder StrcmAB £2 per class. ('lasscs in ballet. jazz. and tap

9430. Due to Popular demand. the dance would” (“Signed fl" beginncr‘

factory have opened a second studio. . “ME AND DANCE IN THE FERRY

Providing a wide range ofclasses foradults Rmecr-V l [all‘ smlth ouccn‘qcrry‘ .

and children: teenage class£15()(£2.5ll .Phlmc 31.91559” 23,4348 {Urdcmls' A BrOChures available all around the or for 2). adult Class £2.50 (£4.50 forZ). Jmm pmqu mmccn me Edinburgh

senior citizen class £1.50. [)‘l'lcc PmlCU imd (11ml) n Gavin for

Dance Exercise Mon. 6pm & 8.15pm. Wed. 17' “FNMMV “WWW £3.35 or“ 6pm. Tel: 04! 204 4059

Jazz Mon. (1.45pm (level 2). 7.30pm (level “We” 03"“ TUC H A“? H” 3 ~“ ’1“ I). Thursdays‘ 7pm (fur beginners) ' for 7—13 year-olds taught by ('arolyn

gallahnelltis qu. 6.15pm. Wed.6.45pm. Egan“ W i H \ Funded by Glasgow Dlstrlct Council Festivals Office and em rcs ue. r m 'v~ s S r r C‘ ~’ “‘1

DIM” 7pmp ( L cl 1).(.4. pmllcvcl 10.3(Mm_12.30pm(7 hymn”; Strathclydo Reglonal Councll

YogaTuc‘ 7.45pm. 1.30—3.3(lpm ( 14» 18 years i. Both classes

Tap'l'ue. 6.45pm (beginners). Wed gwcnl’y Raym‘md Ku-‘S giggles; a?“

7'45pm (level 3). “mm. fi'lspm New”). hllme I‘hurs to Aug, 1.30 3,3”er \tai k “We. 1,.” j: r Funded from Glasgow District Councrl's Festivals Budget. 8pm (level I). Saunders teaches l4 lHyear-olds “a...” " "

'l'hc l.isl lll— lo August 199087