\ :o‘" «a! a - Max Ernst: the Sculpture, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh. 11 is ironic that Dali, ratherthan Ernst, is popularly known as being the exemplar oi surrealism. Culturally and politically, Dali supported most of the elements that the surrealist movement
attempted to subvert and critique, and was eventually distanced from the rest of the Surrealists by his support for Franco and Hitler. Ernst, on the other hand, hated war and all its manifestations. He was anti-clerical, whereas Dali loved Catholic mysticism and hierarchies. He took issue with bourgeois culture and the cult of genius, while Dali wanted to be seen as
“rim SURREAL " ‘—
a genius and deliberately mystified his own life. Dali tetishised sexual repression, wanting everything to be quiet and orderly, while Ernst encouraged restlessness and doubt in his work. Dali wanted to paint like an old master, while Ernst welcomed exploration and new techniques. Ernst‘s wife, Dorothea Tanning, is a powerful artist in her own right; Dali, scared of women, both abused his wile Gala and placed her on an impossible pedestal.
The Fruitmarket's Festival exhibition is of Ernst’s sculpture. It’s a relatively little-known area of his work— his paintings, collages, rubbings, prints and constructions are all given prominence in the books on the Surrealists as a whole and on Ernst in particular. This exhibition will be a welcome and rare chance to see what seems to be an area of work that was equally as important to him. All his free-standing bronzes will be shown, and reliefs cast from the walls of his house in Arizona; his gold and silver jewellery will be included, and, intriguingly, a chess set. In a festival with few highlights, this should be one of the most interesting exhibitions. (Hilary Robinson)
Edinburgh artists— Rosemary (.‘attrell. Janine Rolland and Jan Struther.
I TORRANCE GALLERY 29b Dundas Street. 556 6366. Mon—Fri 11am—6pm; Sat Itl.3(lam—~Ipm.
David M. Martin: Recent Work 13 Aug-l Sept.
Tom H. Shanks: West Highland Landscapes 13 Aug-l Sept.
I WASPS Studio/Gallery. Patriot IIaII. Henderson Row. Stockbridge. 225 1289. Mon—Sat 11am—5pm: Sun 2—5pm on exhibition days only.
WASPS Artists Group Show 13—18 Aug.
I AMIGA CENTRE SCOTLAND 4 Hart Street Lane. 557 4242. Daily.
Computer Animation Workshop Suss out the latest technology. and try your hand at animation. (‘ontact the centre for booking details.
I LA BELLE ANGELE I Iasties Close. (‘owgate (next to 369 Gallery). 225 2774. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm: Sat 11am—4pm.
The Environmental Mural Until 31 Oct. Emphasising the beauty of Edinburgh and its surrounding countryside. the mural illustrates the problems we may face if environmental damage is not halted.
I BLUE MOON CAFE 6f) Broughton Street. 556 2788. Mon—Sat 12-7pm.
Talking Textures Until 31 Aug. Textiles student Alistair Warner takes a break from college to display his work in a more congenial ambience.
I C & J BROWN HOUSE FURNISHERS 31—39 South (‘Icrk Street. Mon—Sat 9am—5pm: Thurs 9am—7pm.
Meg Watson: Fabric Collage Until 16 Aug. Check out the springs in C and J Brown's three-piece suites and furnish your soul with Mcg Watson's collages.
I CITY ART CENTRE 2 Market Street. 225 2424 ext 6650. Mon. Tue. Sat 10am—6pm; Wed. Thurs. Fri 10am-9pm: Sun noon—6pm. Licensed cafe. [D].
Sweat of the Sun: Gold of Peru Until 3(lSept. Pizarro and fellow conquisrudores invaded the Inca empire in 1532 and stripped it
bare of precious objects and gold —- revered as having mystical properties by the Incas who described it as ‘the sweat of the sun’.The Spanish melted down their golden spoils. but thanks to the Incas‘ burial customs. many gold and silver objects. as well as ceramics and beautiful textiles survived. hidden away from the plunderers in elaborate tombs. A joint Peruvian-Scottish venture. the exhibition features surviving treasures from all Peru‘s prc-IIispanic cultures. I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART 1 .auriston Place. 229 931 1. Daily lilam--5pm. All exhibitions l2 Aug—2 Sept. New British Ceramics I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY George Square. 667 101 l ext661 l. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm. A Little Festival of Gardens'I‘hmughnut Aug. Three exhibitions for the green-fingered: Gertrude Jekyll: AVisionof Garden and Wood. Historic Gardens in Scotland and 'A Careless-Ordered Garden’. a collection of books from the library‘s annals. I INHOUSE 28 Howe Street. Mon- Sat 9.3(lam—6pm Design in Japan 14 Aug—8 Sept.
Contemporary furniture. textile. product. Q
I LAMB'S HOUSE Burgess Street. I-eitb. Mon—Sat 1(lam—4pm.
Paola Marcellino: Wearing Art For the fashion-conscious. a range of exotic and original tapestries to be worn and admired.
I MARTIN AND FROST l3i) McDonald Road. 557 8787. Mon-Sat 9am—5.3ilpm; Sun noon—4.30pm.
Oriental Carpet Exhibition: Tribal Weaving I I Aug—2 Sept. An exhibition ofrugs showing the difference in weaving between tribal areas.
I NUMBER 98 (irassmarket. Daily 11am—6pm.
Celebration of Wearable Art (‘rcations in linen and wool by Anne Higgins. Details from the gallery.
I OUT OF THE NOMADS TENT 4i) Pilrig Street. Daily lilam—7pm.
Old Lamps and New 11 Aug—I Sept. ()ILI Turkish kilim fragments and stunning new weaving from the Middle East. Also nomadic jewellery. Hindu statues. Rajasthani Kalemkaris and Anatolian ceramics. I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 (‘umberland Street. 557 1020. Mon—Fri lilam-6pm.Sat lilam-«ipm. lntemational Academy of Ceramics 11 Aug—6 Sept. The British members. Jane Dickinson and Angus McFadyen: Jewellery ll Aug—(i Sept.
I OUAKER MEETING HOUSE 7 Victoria Terrace. 225 4825. Mon —-Sat lil.3tlam~~ipm: Thurs lil._i(lam--6pm. Layers: An Exploration in Wood by Tim Stead I3 Aug-fl Sept. Touch and explore the amazing qualities of wood. and then have a slap-up vegetarian lunch in the Rainforest Cafe. I OUERCUS I6 Howe Street. Daily Illam—5.3tlpm. Contemporary British Furniture and Interiors ll Aug—1 Sept. a series ofinterior designs including a children's room. garden furniture and hand-printed textiles. I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 94 (ieorge Street. 225 5955. Mon—Fri lilam—6pm:Sat lilam—ipm. Festival Exhibition 11) Aug—4 Sept. Ceramics. Textiles and Jewellery. from John Maltby. Joanne Soroka and Paul Preston. respectively.
I STJOHN'S CHURCH 3 I.othian Road.
Mon—Sat l 1am—6pm. The West End Craft and Design Fair Until 1 Sept. The 5i) exhibitors change every Monday and Thursday. so you'd better
make regular trips.
I THE TENT West Princes Street ( iardens. Daily. '
Festival Craft Tent 17--2ti Aug. The tenth glorious year of the Festiy al ('raft Tent with a bumper show of work by 5tlof Britain'stop designers.
I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Hamilton Place. 226 5-125. Mon—Sat Illam~5pm and late during performances.
Visions of Bengal 12 Aug-I Sept. The independence of Bangladesh in 197] brought with it a revival oftraditional forms of textile manufacture. These wallhangings depict the lives and customs of rural Bangladeshis.
I LA BELLE ANGELE I Iasties (’Iose. (‘owgate (next to 369 (iallery). 225 277-1. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm; Sat I lam~~tpm. Tandanya l2 Aug—2 Sept. (‘ontemporary Aboriginal art.
I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART Lauriston Place. 229 931 1. Daily lilam~5pm.
All exhibitions I2 Aug-2 Sept.
Guri Le Niche The spirit of Afghanistan. seen through its artefacts.
Mads Madsen Paintings front Denmark. I FILMHOUSE Lothian Road. 228 2688. Mon—Sat noon—I 1pm; Sun 6311-1 lpm. Cuban Screen Prints Until 31 Aug.
I THE FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366. Morr-I-‘ri 9.3()am—5.3()pm. Sat 9.3(lam- 1.30 pm Henri Michaux: Oeuvres Graphiques until 7 Sept. Michaux was already a famous writer when he started producing
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Strategy-Get-Arts + 20, A Pictlandgarden; New Works by Gunther Uecker, Richard Demarco Gallery. This year is the twentieth anniversary of the Strategy-Get-Arts exhibition which featured the work of contemporary German artists including Joseph Beuys and Gunther Uecker. The date is celebrated with new works by one of the original contributors, Gunther Uecker.
Uecker was a participant on the Demarco journey ‘The Road To Meikle Seggie‘ and the works on show have their reference point in this exploration of Scotland's past and the impressions from the journey itself. The history, topography and substance of Scotland‘s history, particularly the Pictish period, are the themes predominant in Uecker's large-scale, mixed-media works.
Uecker‘s works are like monumental reliefs which incorporate fractures caused by the penetration of nails or
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stones and the objects themselves. Sandpaper, wood, ash and layers of paint which have abstract, textural qualities invoking processes of nature, create a surface for the nail or the stone to break through or be hammered into. Metaphors of destruction and growth are considered. The stone is both tool and symbol. Nature is both ordered and chaotic, broken up and lived with. Uecker’s work seems masculine in method and content to reveal an obvious phallocentrism in others. His work lacks the humanity of Beuys in its visual severity through the use of objects which at times becomes aggressive and dispassionate. However, this is not always the case as g the work possesses an interesting visual language. Whether this g language provides enough depth for consideration of Scotland's cultural ; history is a matterot personal i judgement. (Lorna J. Waite) I
The list Ill- 16 August lil9ll59