theme of ‘The (‘ountryside'
I RlAS 15 Rutland Square. 229 7545. Mon—Fri 9. 30am—5pm.
William T.C. Walker's Rome Scholarship Drawing 1937-1939 Walker's drawings address the subjects ofthe Renaissance Replanning of Rome and the Architecture of Filippo Brunelleschi.
The Way We Live Now L'ntil 27 Jul. A review of Scottish architects' current involvement in housing.
And. at Henry Duncan Ilouse (T‘thSB). 120George Street.
Fora Wee Country... tintil 27 Jul. A celebration ofthe 150th Anniversary of the RIAS' funding. the exhibition illustrates architectural contributions to the development of modern Scotland.
I RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY Blackfriars Church. Blackfriars Street (off High Street). 557 (I707. Mon—Sat l0am—6pm.
Jean Findlay: New Photographic Work Until 28Jul
sco‘rmt m
For exhibition details, see listings page
Opening Hours: Monday-Saturday 10. 50-530
Admission Free
36‘) (.allt-ry is subsidised by the Scrittish Arts (Iouncrl and the (luv of Edinburgh
District (louncil
mon - sat 9.30 - 5.00 sundoy 2.00 o 5.00 5 admissIOn adults £2 children and concessions £l
group discounts and iamin tickets L
ENQUIRIES 041330 4221‘,
Strategy-Gets-Arts + 20: APictlandgarden: New Works by Gunther Uecker4 Aug-l Sept. It is 20 years since the RDG presented the stunning ‘Strategy-Gets-Arts' at Edinburgh (‘ollege of Art. Now one of the original exhibitors. Gunther Uecker returns with an exhibition influenced by the Pictish settlers of Scotland.
I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 552 7171. Gardens Mon—Sat mam—sunset; Sun IIam—sunset. Plant houses and exhibitions (mounted in lnverleith House) Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 11am-5pm. Next exhibition Andy Goldsworihy: Sculptures starts ll Aug.
I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Mound. 225 6671. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm.
Scotland's Pictures 30 Jul— 16 Sept. More than 400 years of Scottish art are. forthe first time. squeezed into one gallery, in this exhibition of works from the three National Galleries of Scotland. Husbands and wives. usually exhibited under different roofs. are happily reconciled and Old and New Masters brought together with illuminating results.
I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 94 George Street. 225 5955. Mon—Fri ltlam—6pm;Sat 10am— 1 pm.
Scottish Myths Until 4 Aug. Seven leading Scottish artists take an imaginative look at some traditional Scottish myths and invent a few new ones into the bargain.
Classic Plastics: Jewellery Until 4 Aug. Steve Lemencello: Textiles Until 4 Aug. John Houston: Paintings 10 Aug-4 Sept. Houston still draws most of his inspiration from the East Coast ofScotland. This. his fifth Festival Show with the gallery. brings together some sixty oils and watercolours. Festival Exhibition 10 Aug—4 Sept. Ceramics. Textiles and Jewellery. from John Maltby. Joanne Soroka and Paul Preston. respectively.
I SOLSTICE GALLERY 18a Dundas Street. 557 5227. Mon—Fri 11am—5pm. Sat lilam—lpm.
Works from stock on display. Next exhibition The Edinburgh School 01 Painting starts 10 Aug.
I STEP GALLERY 39 Howe Street. 556 1613. Mon—Fri Ham—5.30pm; Sat 11am—4pm; Sun noon—3pm.
Sunrise Trust Exhibition Until 6 Aug. Work by eight local artists.
I STILLS GALLERY 105 High Street. 557 1140. Tue—Sat Ham—5.30pm.
Kubva Kumba: Photographs by Philip Chudy Until 4 Aug. See Review.
I TALBOT RICE ART GALLERY Old College. University of Edinburgh. South Bridge. 667 1011.Tue—Sat 10am—5pm: Sun 2—5pm Landscapesirom a High Latitude Until 28 Jul. A touring exhibition of paintings and ceramics from Iceland.
Sam Francis Nowl: Paintings 1989—1990 8 Aug—9 Sept.
I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Hamilton Place. 226 5425. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm and late during performances.
New Work Until 10 Aug. Interiors by Mal Reid. Edinburgh colourist.
I 369 GALLERY 233 Cowgate. 225 3013. Mon—Sat l0.30am—5.30pm.
Crossing the Line: New Work by Caroline
_ McNaim 4 Aug—22 Sept.
369 Studio Artists’ Exhibitions 4 Aug—5 Sept. the first of these is:
Robert Maclaurin and Callum Innes4—11 Aug.
I THE TRAVERSE THEATRE 1 12 West Bow. 2262633. Tue—Sun 10am—10pm.
The Traverse and Bangladesh Theatre photographer Sean I Iudson‘s photographs taken during the Traverse‘s tour of Bangladesh last Autumn.
I TORRANCE GALLERY 29b Dundas Street. 556 6366. Mon—Fri 11am—6pm; Sat 10.30am—4pm.
Elizabeth Reid: Landscapes Until 4 Aug. New exhibitions start on 13 Aug.
I WASPS Studio/Gallery. Patriot Hall. Henderson Row. Stockbridge. 225 1289. Mon—Sat 11am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm on exhibition days only.
Open Studios Until 29 Jul. Sec entry for FRUITMARKET GALLERY.
Edinburgh artists are also exhibiting some ofthcir work on the third floorof JENNERS. in Princes Street. until 1 Sept.
A selection oi exhibitions outside Glasgow and Edinburgh.
St Andrews
Either/Dr by Image and Installation, St. Enoch Shopping Centre, Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery, various sites throughout the city.
Image and Installation are the artists Oladele Bamgboye, Matthew Dalziel and Stephen Rurrel with music by the composer Michael Reynolds Forsyth. ‘EitherIOr' borrows its title trom the work oi the Danish protestant theologian Soren Kierkegaard and its exploration into aesthetic and ethical ways at living.
Either/Dr is an ‘integrated an event’ in the sense that it takes place in several locations: Si Enoch Shopping Centre, Kelvlngrove Museum and billboards throughout the city. The cultural meanings at each site are contrasted and reilected upon through the use oi video images, specially composed music and the handwritten signatures oi thousands oi Glaswegians. AJapanese tea bowl is the dominant image which perlorms as the leiimotii tor the whole concept.
In the shopping centre, the modern temple to consumerism and manipulated ‘leisuretime', headphones arranged in teabowl shapes relay sound compositions which meditate on that which Is absent or denied within this sensualiy and
spiritually deprived place — nature and the uncomplicated beauty 01 simple objects and rituals.
As a remedy to this alienated commodilicaiion oi moral values, the work at the Kelvingrove, uses sound compositions and twenty Video 8 Walkmans displayed behind glass cases. This reveals through the relay oi compelling visual images and the accompanying interplay ol sound, antiquities oi the past which are rich in spiritual meaning and counterpoint this loss in contemporary society. The video moves around and brings to lite these objects oi contemplation whether they be the simple, handcratted beauty oi the tea bowl or the boundless compassion oi Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, considered as historical relics within the dead space oi the museum.
To complete the gesture, 30 billboards containing thousands oi handwritten signatures, which collectively make the shape oi a simple tea bowl, are positioned in areas where the writers oi the cup, so to speak, live.
The gestalt oi the art event is to use the qualities oi our senses and their reaction to our environment as ways oi having spiritual meaning in an impersonal, impoverished society. (Lorna J. Waite)
Street, 0334 74610. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. A Flea on an Eiephant's Back Until 19 Aug. The fruit of Artist in Residence Alan Watson‘s research on the oil rig construction yard at Methil.
A selective round-up oi Museums listed Iirst by city, than by venue, running in alphabetical order.
I BURRELL COLLECTION Pollokshaws Road. 6497151. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm‘.Sun 2—5pm. Cafe. [D]
A veritable treasure trove of art collected by Edwardian tycoon William Burrcll
I DOME OF DISCOVERY South Rotunda. Govan Road. 417 1792. £2 (£1). Tue—Sun 10am—5.30pm. Science and technology interactive exhibition. which includes 30 images. a vertical roundabout and an air
I GLASGOW'S GLASGOW The Arches. Midland Street 9.30am—8pm. £4(£2.5()). Family ticket £1 1 .50. The 1000-year history of the city. explored through video. theatrical performances and a wide range ofexhibits.
Dear Happy Ghosts Until 28Ju1. Photographs from the archives ofthe Glasgow Herald. The Evening Times and the Bulletin.
I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM Glasgow University. University Avenue. 339 8855. Mon~Fri 9.30am—5pm; Sat 9.30am—Ipm. Giant Stops oi Mankind A new permanent exhibition which illustrates the early stages of human development using life-size models. diagrams and casts of original skulls.
I THE MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kelvin Hall. I Bunhouse Road. 427 2725. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm.
The Jessop Collection: Images of Steam Until 24 Sept. The beauty oftrains captured in oils by David Weston and Colin Garratt.
I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM Glasgow Green. 5540223. Mon—Sat l0am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. Cafe. Disabled access by arrangement.
A RerrterrArraierr Until 13 Jan. 800 yearsof Glaswegians having a good time.
I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM Ayr Street (adjacent to Springburn Railway Station). 557 1405. Mon-Fri 10.30am—5pm; Sat 10am—4pm; Sun 2—5pm.
Glasgow's Other Glasgows Didn‘t you know there were 18 other (ilasgows in the world? Andrew Stuart found out about them all.
I CANONGATE TOLBOOTH Royal Mile. 225 2424. Mon—Sat I0am—6pm.
The Peoplets Story The Museum has been established to relate the story ofthe people of Edinburgh. told in theirown words and through photographs and rc-creaied tableaux.
I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD 42 High Street. 225 2424. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm.
'Doctor Who’ Exhibition Until 12 Sept. Tardis, costumes and props from the TV show which started in 1963.
I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Chambers Street. 225 7534. Mon—Sat lOam—Spm; Sun 2—5pm.
The Discovery Room Until 2 Sep. This year the room contains jaws. masks. tea. glass and seashells tor the visitors to examine with theirown hands.
I SCOTTISH AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM Ingliston. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm. Agriculture still plays an important role in Scotland‘is culture and this museum looks at the old trades and skills ofthe countryside.
The Sword and the Plough A special exhibition exploring the changes brought by two World Wars and their effect on the communities and the landscape.
BO The List 27 July — 9 August 1990