_ ' l

I DOC and the kid zoom

straight irom Woodstock to

Deadwood in Back to the

Future lll. Fortunatelytheir

attire tits in pertectly.

though Doc's eyes are a bit

ol a giveaway. The

non-awaited sequel to the

world's longest trailer (Back

to the Future ll) opens

across Central Scotland

lrom July 13. See Film

Openers page 17.

I WHAT'S open seven days a week every week at the year? The tour guides at

HIT usr

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy had , t ,, Sizewelleagerlyawaiting . the summertourist rush. 50 struck down some of the y ! yam anemewwme staff. Fortunately there " : Worlds waslirstbroadcast, terrorising the population at were one or tvvo left to "cum", “mm flght the gOOd llght and tunloving aliens descend on Big Bean Illinois. Canthe Cafry 0“ the work' They Sheritt and hislarmerchum hadn t been, mooo. affec— save the world? See Film moooaad ted at all. Pass the hay would you?

Index page 18.

I CHEER UP. Iggy! Itmight never happen . . .Broken glass enthusiast Iggy Pop shows heartfelt emotion in John (Hairspray) Waters' deeply moving new opus, Cry Baby, due out in August. List readers can claim tree tickets lor special previews in Edinburgh and Glasgow on Fri 20.

I FESTIVAL Fringe companies undergoing an w ~ intensive course in venue . . iinding. in orderthatthe general populace are saved irom the embarrassing 'Excuse me butwhere's venue number954 (b)?' question. Alright. it's actually a scene irom Nuts .. in May a one-time BBC Play . ;lorToday and now owned by . -

,5; I Channel 4. See TV Listings :nlgrgg‘zzwhzm MS") I i : page 68' _ Artmachine, McLellan i ' i ; Gallery. Glasgow. See Art 5

Listings and Kids Listings |

I HAMATEUH theatricals? No chance. Bacon stage at T the Traverse. thistimeto sty. it's Pig Play: A Strategy lor Two Hams. Actually it's a one-man show starring Robert McIntosh. 0h aye. I Err-Argentinian iootballer it's trough at the top. See t Batista sulks at home after Theatre Listings page 45. his team were voted the “Most Likely to Succeed in Q Organised Crime' during i the 1990 World Cup. Art lovers may notice the surprising resemblance to W. Holman Hunt. See Art Preview page 50.

I AND now, incredibly dangerously. I will balance this dancer on my shoulders. Thank you very much. The punningly titled and highly innovative 0V8 Dance Group are back. See Theatre Preview page 43.

2 The List 13 26 July 1990