The Tree OI Lite Until 8 Jul. A South Bank Touring Exhibition for which 1500 sculptures were submitted. and only a few were chosen. The Botanics will have eight sculptures and a variety ofconnccted works on show. I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Mound. 2256671. Mon—Sat l0am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm. The RSA Annual Exhibition 2 Jun- 14 Jul. The 164th opportunity to see the RSA‘s Summer exhibition of painting. sculpture and architecture. I SCOTTISH CRAFT CENTRE 140 Canongate. 5568136. Mon—Sat 10am—5.30pm. Display of Scottish contemporary craftwork. I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 94 George Street. 225 5955. Mon-Fri 10am—6pm; Sat 10am—1pm. Ann Dram. 88W: Paintings otAndaIucia 1—26 Jun. Paintings from the Costa de la Luz (the Coast of Light) by this Edinburgh trained artist. Imogen Margrie: New Sculpture l—26Jun. Richly coloured and textured animal sculptures. Alison Scott: Paperworks 1—26Jun. Paperwork inspired by the artist‘s interest in European folk art and Mediterranean landscapes. I SOLSTICE GALLERY 18a Dundas Street. 557 5227. Mon—Fri 11am—5pm. Sat 10am-1pm. Selection from works in stock. including McTaggart. Gillies and Armour. I STEP GALLERY 39 Howe Street. 556 1613. Mon—Fri 11am—5.30pm; Sat 11am—4pm; Sun noon—3pm. Mixed show ofwork from the gallery‘s stock. I STILLS GALLERY 105 High Street. 557 1140. Tue—Sat Ham—5.30pm. TransAtlantic Dialogues Until 1 Jun. The work of three British and three black American photographers. Our Future Shouldn't Cost The Earth 8Jun—6 .lul. The winning submissions from the Spring Fling Adult Photography Competition which runs concurrently with the painting competition at the Netherbow Arts Centre. Promises to be thought provokin . I TALBOT RICE ART GALLERY Old College. University of Edinburgh. South Bridge. 667 1011. Tue—Sat lOam—Spm. Field Until 16 Jun. A mixed show ofwork by Mathew Inglis. Gordon Brennan and Ian Kane. all graduates of Edinburgh college of Art. I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Hamilton Place. 2265425. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm and late during performances. I 369 GALLERY 233 Cowgate. 225 3013. Mon—Sat 10.30am—5.30pm. Painting the Forth Bridge Until 23 Jun. The perpetual paint-job given a new angle by the gallery who invited 17 Scottish artists to provide a portrait of the monster bridge. New Scottish Colourists Until 23 J un. Four artists. three of whom. Andrew Williams. Fionna Cariislc and Caroline McNairn. studied at Edinburgh in the mid 705. were influenced by the Colourists and the fourth. Hock-Ann Teh. combines his abstract expressionism with oriental calligraphy. The gallery will host a four-day oil painting workshop 25-29 June (contact gallery for details). I TORRAHCE GALLERY 29b Dundas Street. 5566366. Mon-Fri 11am-6pm; Sat 10.30am—4pm. Aspects of East Lothian 11—23Jun. Paintings by Katherine Steele and paintings and drawings by Kenneth Wilson. Josephine Graham: Drawings and Paintings Until 2 Jun. I WASPS Studio/Gallery. Patriot Hall. Henderson Row, Stockbridge. 225 1289. Mon—Sat 12.203m—5.30pm on exhibition days only. Johannes w. Glaw: Bloodwortts 4—16Jun.
Torquil R. Anderson: Brush Drawings4—16 Inn.
A selection at exhibitions outside Glasgow and Edinburgh.
I BARRACK STREET MUSEUM McManus Galleries. Albert Square.0382 23141 Mon—Sat 10am-5pm.
' lgloolilt- Towards the Night the Light Until
16 Jun. Scottish photographer Ruth Stirling sets out to challenge our traditional notion of life forthe communities who live inside the Arctic Circle. The exhibition features photographs ofand recorded interviews with members ofthe lnuit community at lgloolik. an island in the Canadian Arctic.
A selective round-up ot Museums listed tirst by city. then by venue. running in alphabetical order.
I RURRELL COLLECTION Pollokshaws Road. 649 7151. Mon—Sat l0am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. Cafe. [D]
Besides the wealth of treasure collected by Edwardian tycoon William Burrell the Burrell currently has Pissaros indoors and Henry Moores outdoors. see galleries‘ listings on previous page.
I OOME OE DISCOVERY South Rotunda, Govan Road. 417 1792. £2 (£1). Tue—Sun 10am—5.30pm. Science and technology interactive exhibition. which includes 30 images. a vertical roundabout and an air
I GLASGOW’S GLASGOW The Arches. Midland Street 9.30am—8pm. £4 (£2.50). Family ticket £1 1 .50. The 1000-year history of the city. explored through video. theatrical performances and a wide range ofexhibits.
I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM Glasgow University. University Avenue, 339 8855. Mon-Fri 9.30am—5pm; Sat 9.30am— 1 pm. Giants, Gems and Jewels Until 2 Sept. A dazzling display ofcrystal-related sculptures from the Fondation Meccnat Science et Art in Strasbourg. accompanied by specially commissioned ambient music. I THE MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kelvin Hall, 1 Bunhousc Road. 427 2725. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm, Sun 2—5pm.
The Jessop Collection: Images of Steam Until 24 Sept. The beauty oftrains captured in oils by David Weston and Colin Garratt.
I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM Glasgow Green, 5540223. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. Cafe. Disabled access by arrangement.
Permanent exhibition featuring the history of the Glasgow people.
I SPRINGRURH MUSEUM Ayr Street (adjacent to Springburn Railway Station). 557 1405. Mon—Fri 10.30am—5pm; Sat 10am—4pm; Sun 2—5pm.
Wont: Springburn Experience 1848-1988
Until further notice.
I CAHOHGATE TOLBOOTH Royal Mile. 225 2424. Mon—Sat lOam—6pm.
The People's Story The Museum has been established to relate the story ofthe people of Edinburgh, told in their own words and through photographs and re-created tableaux.
I SCOTTISH AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM Ingliston. Mon—Fri 1(lam—5pm. Agriculture still plays an important role in Scotland‘s culture and this museum looks at the old trades and skills ofthe countryside.
The Sword and the Plough A special exhibition exploring the changes brought by two World Wars and their effect on the communities and the landscape.
Photographs by It tlm I Tlmrity
Poetry by .‘\tlll}_1I1;I\ .\I,it‘na-at‘.iil
6 - 30 lum’
Itlt-stIM S.tttl:.l.l\l_‘ft‘ 55C
4 i I UtlitIIt'iiitLt'i' Ru“ I':tIll‘.I‘llI".'il (Oil 1 1‘)! I
Subsidised by Scottish Arts Council
and City of Edinburgh Distrct Council
26 May-1Julyxv‘s ' if... JULIAN SCHNABEL-
Works on Paper 1975-88
7-29 July
29 Market Street, Edinburgh EH11DF Tel: 031-225 2383 Tuesday-Saturday10-5.30 Thursday-7 Sunday12-5 Closed Monday
SUDSIGISGU by the Scottishnrts COUflCII
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The List 1 — 14June199057