
Open List is designed to cover public events not covered elsewhere in the magazine. We welcome submissions. which will be included subject to space. to reach our Edinburgh ollice not later than seven days betore publication.

GAY/BISEXUAL Thursday 19

I Day 01 Lesbian And Gay Awareness Queen Margaret linion and [Tniversity' L'nion. L'niversity ofGlasgow . l'nivers‘ity' Avenue. Glasgow. lnfo:33985~11. Organised by the SRC's Lesbian and Gay Society. this day is intended to promote gay rights within the university and in society as a whole. Events confirmed as we go to press include a lunchtime performance by Clyde L'nity Theatre. a programme of readings by gay Glasgow writers (including Edwin Morgan) at 6pm. and a ‘flexi-ses‘ disco at 9pm (admission £1 ). There will also be a bookstall supplied by West (5‘; Wilde. speakers from various gay support groups and the Scottish Council For Civil Liberties: and it is hoped that the new rector Pat Kane will assist in the establishment ofa Lesbian And Gay Rights Charter.


I Drumming. Movement And Mask Play Salisbury Centre. 2 Salisbury Road. Edinburgh. 667 5138. Info: 55-1 3671 ()33 781 120. lllam—Spm. £180.12). Kresanna Aigner and Neil Stoddart. Making masks and drumming to develop group and individual creativity in a spirit of playfulness. Bring loose clothing. a blanket to sit on and a drum ifpossible.

Wednesday 11

I Glasgow's Place Among The Cities OlThe World Moir Hall. Mitchell Library. Granville Street. Glasgow. lnfo:2()~1 2581). 7.30pm. Free. Lord Jenkinsofl-lillhcad. founder member of the Social Democratic Party. is the first speaker in a seriesof lectures arranged by the Royal Philosophical Society ofGlasgow.

I Popular Mountain Areas Centre for Human Ecology. 15 Buccleuch Place. Edinburgh. lnfo (evenings only): 556 8913 228 128-1 553 5292 2281284 556 562-1. 7.30pm. £1 (member 511p). This month‘s talk for the British Association Of Nature Conservationists is given by Rachel llellings of the Countryside Commission for Scotland.

Thursday 12

I The Mirror Of Truth Glasgow Buddhist Centre. 329 Sauchiehall Street. Glasgow. 33311524.7.3(1pm.£2(£l). ln the secondof a series of four talkson ‘Miraclcs And Mysteries ln Buddhism‘. Vairocana

, '

Edwin Morgan. See Gay/ isexual.

According to the latest news bulletin trom the AA. the joys ot spring are not to be reserved tor living things, but should be shared with our tour-wheeled lriends as well. The AA’s technical experts have drawn up a pampering plan, which all caring motorists should lollow to repay their vehicles tor cold starts on damp mornings and long nights in the snow.

Mechanical maintenance should begin at the heart with the over-worked battery, which should be cleaned and checked tor any corrosion, as should lts terminals. Hoses should be checked lor splits or loose clips. drive belts lor tension and air lilters cleaned. Finally, the engine compartment should be given a wipe down.

The interior should be thoroughly cleaned, dried and checked lor leaks, which tend to occur near welded seams and bung holes. Interior littings should also be checked tor damage and



Exterior grime should be tackled with warm water and washing-up liquid or car shampoo, working lrom the top down to allow the nether regions to soak. Any patches of surface rust should be removed with a wire brush and then sealed with paint.

Finally, illacilitles are available, the car should be raised oil the ground so that the underside can be cleaned and checked tor leaks, loose connections and rust. ll possible, the wheels should be removed, cleaned and checked tor damage. '

Remember, ltyou want a co-operatlve car, it pays to foster lriendly relations. (Andrew Burnet) Full details trom the AA, Fanum House, Erskine Harbour, Erskine, Hentrewshlre. 041 848 8628/Fanum House, 18 Melville Street, Edinburgh, 1131 2201834.

discusses the importance for individuals of

taking responsibility for their actions. Tuesday 17

I Glasgow And The Heavens Glasgow's Glasgow. Midland Street. Glasgow. 20-1 3993. 2.45pm. Admission to the Arches: £-1(£2.5()). Investigator ofextra-terrestrial phenomena. Professor Archie Roy, formerly of Glasgow University. speaks.

Wednesday 18

I Springbum Locomotives Glasgow's Glasgow. Midland Street. Glasgow. 2114 3993. 2.45pm. Admission to the Arches: £4(£2.5()). Mark ()‘Neillspeaks.

Thursday 19

I The History 01 The Citizens' Theatre Glasgow‘s Glasgow. Midland Street. Glasgow. 20-1 3993. 2.45pm. Admission to

the Arches: “(£25111 Giles l lavergal. the theatre‘s artistic director since 1969. speaks.

I The Symbolism 01 The Tibetan Wheel 01 Lite Glasgow Buddhist Centre. 329 Sauchiehall Street. Glasgow. 333 (152-1. 1n the third of four talks on ‘Miracles And Mysteries ln Buddhism‘. Arycitta discusses the continuing relevance ofthe 25(X1-year-old symbols which have special significance to Buddhists.


Saturday 7

I Amnesty International Open Air Event George Square. Glasgow. Info: 227 5556. 2.3(1pm. Free. To highlight the late ofits three chosen prisoners of conscience. w ho are detained for cultural activities.

Amnesty has arranged a poetry -reading event. Poets contributinginclude Aonghas MacNeacail. Shirely' [inland l’itika Ntuli. who will read lrom theirow it work and from that or imprisoned poets Jack Mapanje of Malawi and Nyugcn (‘lii Thein of South Korea Giant postcards

w ill also be collectively signed. w hieh w ill then be sent to the heads ol gov ernrnent responsible for holding Mapanie. Nyugen and Vietnamese visual artist llong Song Dam.

Saturday 7/Sunday 8

I P1180an Project Gapsite next to Bridgeton Library. Landressy Street. Glasgow. lnfo: 55-1 6502. H.3lipm for 9pm. Free. More than twenty citizensof Glasgow‘s East End present the culmination of a project set up by the Glasgow Film and Video Workshop. '1 he performances take place on an outdoor. multi-media installation with three screens. and combine documentary and archive footage with some live theatre and music. though the emphasis is on film and photography. Call the above numberor visit the Dolphin Arts Centre. 7James Street. for further details.



Cinema Books 8: Posters

_ m 1:“ De Courcy's Arcade 5 Cresswell Lane GLASGOW 612 041 339 5373

__l The List 6 19 April 199059