I The Comedy Shop The Shelter. 7 Renfrew Court. Renfrew Chambers. Glasgow. 04] 332 6231. Doors open 8.30pm. £4.50 (£3.50). Your chance to see Stu Who? in the flesh after his weekly TV appearances. llere he‘ll be introducing bill-topper Sean Hughes. NHS

the minds of Stu Who'.’. David (‘osgrove. Claire llemphill. May Mc(‘readie and Gordon Robertson as the Funny Farmers explore uncharted comic territory in an evening of improvised mirth.


I The Funny Farm The Arches Theatre

muonhghtcr Mm, Mcfrwdic‘ and Cafe Bar. Glasgow's Glasgow. Midland double-act Burns and Nun. The same Slrcm~ 248 4775 WW“. £3 Th0 Flinn." line-up moves to Edinburgh tomorrow. Farm “lends "5 mm“ c"‘P'rc ‘0

Glasgow's newest venue. the atmospheric R 7 theatre and cafe bar beneath (‘entral . Station.

I The Comic Club Blackfriars. 45 Albion I the Last supper Third E“. (mm. 350 Street. Merchant Cit)" Glasgow. 553 Sauchiehall Street. Glasgow. 041 332 5924- 9P"‘- “~50 (£3-5m- BMOPCP 7521 . 9.30pm. £l3. The fourth in a series 8.3“Pm-mldnlghl- A “30' Strong l'nc'up of Performance Banquets organised by

" ' and starring off-beat comic. Ian Smith. I‘m sure this isn‘t what vou‘re meant todo

tonight. introduced by compere JJ. Topping the bill is Brice Morton (see preview) and he‘s joined by Phil Kay. 1, Gary Hagan and the Three Men Trio Bros on Good Friday. but guests will be treated

Troupe. The club has been turning people to a four course meal interspersed with away at the door each week. so make sure entertainment. Book in advance. stating you arrive early. preference for meat or vegetarian. on (141 I Cavern Comios (‘lyde Cavern. Clyde 554 4335'

Place ( ‘ust over Jamaica Brid ’e .

(ilasgojw. 9.30pm. £2. Resideéntz'ugglers. 14

UP Fm Grub-V MC Fm” hm“ and lhc)’ NC I The Comic Club BliiCklfliirS.-15 Albion [:3 I Street. Merchant City. (ilasgow. 552 “‘ 5924. 9pm. £4.50 (£3.50). Baropen

8.30pm—midnight. Poor old John (iillick n I was very disappointed to get his name

missed out of these prestigious listings last

' d.‘ “'zl " l‘ 1L2“i{,§1‘£lpai‘i.f‘..‘f’i§.il‘ ill‘il‘iitliiili?‘ JO BRAND & JAMES MACABRE tonight by Parrot and May McCreadie.

and the proceedings will be kept in some N s M kind oforder by Fred MeAulay. I"! F F Tl ‘A ‘h ~th " ‘.

Glaszog'Télzaistgim'Klidlarid Str::ttr.L2-18 H E N 4775. 10pm. £3. See Fri 13.

I Join: 80X Bar Point. 42 Wellmeadow R E -

Street. Paisley. (Ml 889 5188. 8.30pm. Music tonight comes from Foreign Affair.

23333.33$333752?lefii‘lii‘ifiififiii": GLASGOW EDINBURGH TH U RSDAY 19 Friday 20 April 1990 Saturday 21 April 1990

A, 1 v9\ 1 “7 "I I

joined regular improvisation team I Who S “‘88 Was TllCaAI'CllCS Them“. Ncmmsm‘ and magician R0an Theatre. (ilasgow s Glasgow. Midland 7 RENFREWCOURT. STUDIO'fflEATRE Alexander. Street. 248 4775. 10pm. £2. The Funny RENFREWCHAMBERSfiLASGOW 233 COWGATE 50mm,an

lThe Gilded Balloon 233 (‘owgate. Fafmcén'wct “tough “this 7.5“ ‘°‘” 3326’" m: (031) 225 6364

Edinburgh. ()31 335 6364. Doorsopcn improvisation lark and have booked ""9" °" “’9 ‘" “"9 "We Tickeis on sale a! reception a! 8.30pm, £4,5()(£3,5()). Glasgow's themselves in fora seriesofeveningsof 369Gallery-YoI-‘031-225 30'3 Comedy Shop “new, last night moves inspirational comedy in Glasgow‘s new est

throughto aid Edinburgh's comedyquota. "mime-

l Bruce Morton Comedy Tour East Kilbride 8 VillageTheatre.0335248069.8pm.“ £2.Th'Huli'avT I’ (Lat; IComicClublmprov Blackfriars.45 ( ) L f‘ ' U (mum \ KM n

Albion Street. Merchant Citfiolusgow‘ offhis own mini-tourofthe (‘entral Belt. for & m,

He's got a load of new material up his

553 5934- 8-30Pm- £35“ (£3.50). Your sleeve. so he should be worth catching up

chance to delve into the murkier partsof with, sec preview.


The List b—- WApi'il lWll49