I The Chill Chain Royal College of Physicians. 9 Queen Street. 7.30pm. Brian Bruce checks out the quality control of time and temperature sensitive food products through the chain from manufacturers to supermarket shelf. and explains how producers. distributors and retailers all contribute to provide convenience. quality and value for today's

I Blood Transfusion Service: 50 Years Gone, 50 to Come Royal Museum of Scotland. (‘hambers Street. 10.30am. Safe and effective blood transfusion did not emerge until the early part of the 20th century. The 50 years since this time have I Food Irradiation Queen Margaret College. 36 (‘lerwood Terrace. 2pm. The Scottish Branch ofThe Institute of Food Science and Technology is arranging a public talk during the Science Festival. The speaker will be Dr David Sanderson who will bring his audience hang up to date on ‘Food Irradiation’.



From the depths oi the sea to satellite sensing oi Australia's climate. From the diet oi grouse to the South American rainiorests, lectures concerned with the environment cover many issues. The backgrounds oi the lecturers are equally varied; irom academia, iarms, laboratories and even an MP.

The obvious question is what does an MP know about rainiorests? Tam Dalyell, MP, having brought a rainiorest issue beiore the House oi Commons, was invited to the Altimera Rally oi the Amerindian people oi the Xingn river early last year. In his talk he recounts what measures are being taken to protect the rainiorests and, importantly, suggests ways in which this could result in more land tor the world. Among his other credits, are a weekly column in ‘New Scientist' ior over 20 years and publication at ‘A Science Policy tor Britain’ in 1983.

Another lecturer concerned with


rainiorests and their place in the world’s ecosystem is John Gribbin, author oi ‘Hothouse Earth’ (1990), and contributerto ‘New Scientist’, ‘The Guardian’ and the BBC. He highlights how the dramatic changes that are predicted in our climate will produce extremes in weather and why these changes might occur. He also suggests that since deforestation and other environmental degradations are inextricably linked with third world debt and development in general, they are political issues and should be tackled accordingly.

In Britain, we destroyed our forests to build navies and conquerthe world. Who are we to stop Brazil using their resources to pay oil their debt? Now is a chance to iind out. (Hick Woodward)

Tam Dalyell is at the Royal Scottish Museum 2 Apr, 12.30pm. Tickets £1 (50p) are available irom the Science Festival box oilice.

seen an explosive growth in both scientific discoveries and their clinical applications. ProfJohn (‘ash explains...

I Cell Wars-The Body Fights Back Mountbatten Building. (irassmarket. 2.30pm. Dr Frances Balkwill tells the story of the microscopic heroes ofthe human body. in which cells zap virusesand bacteria fight cancer. repair cuts and scratches. mend broken bones and tiiake spots disappear.

I Drug Development: From Sorceryto Science Mountbatten Building. (irassniarket. 4pm. Prof John Midglcy traces the developriierit of therapeutic

Highlights include :

Public Lecture : 'Computers in Education : an Emerging Technology', Wed 11th April, 6pm, Mountbatten Building. Conference : Computers and Writing Ill, 6 - 7 April,

Edinburgh Conference Centre, Riccarton.


Computer systems don't have to be unappetising or hard to swallow. The Scottish HCI Centre at Heriot Watt is dedicated to the development of software for all tastes. Some of our recent delicacies will be on display

at our Open Day on 11th April, 9am to 6pm, Mountbatten Building, Grassmarket. This year our contributions to the Science Festival focus on uses of computers in education, and in supporting writing of all kinds.

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E—DT N B_'U_R_G__H_ in 5th»? ._ -

For further details, see the Science Festival programme, or contact Patrik Holt or Alistair Kilgour on 031 225 6465

substances through the ages. explains the processes and risks involved in bringing a new ‘active ingredient' to the market. and looks at the role of the pharmaceutical industry. and at some of the shortcomings I Polysaccharides: The Unsung Heroes oi Industry and Health Mountbatten Building. (irassmarkct. 10.30am. Why do you have to hit a tomato ketchup bottle to get the sauce out'.’ What have chicken farms and fermentation technology got to do w ith cataracts'.’ .-\nd what have these got todo with trying to riiake torpedoes go l‘aster‘.’ Prof Derek Iillwood explains. .. I Something to Get BitterAbout Royal ()verseasleague. I00 Princes Street. 2.30pm. Dr I Iarry Payne investigates the most bitter substance known to man. I'sed iii such diverse fields as alcohol denaturing and animal repellents. it is also added to many household and garden chemicals to prevent accidental poisoning. I The Leith Debate: One per cent lorArt—ls it Necessary? Leith 'l'own Ilall. 7.30pm. Tickets: Stisie Hartman 03] 555 I090. I’ollowing its success in the [ISA and I'iuropc. British local authorities are now increasingly accepting the ‘Percent for Art principle'. in which. for example. dey elopers are encouraged to urge their architectstocollaborate with artistsof other disciplines.

and means to overcome these ~ of drugs. I Genetic Engineering and the Medicine in the Future Mountbatten Building. (irassmarket . ".30. Antibiotics have contributed to our improvement in health lor over 40 years. but many inlectionsare

becoming resistant to the antibiotics used to treat them. We need to develop new ones. Genetic engineering. explains Dr Iain Ilunter. is allowing us to design novel drugs. useful not only as antibiotics bill as medicines to treat ulcers. diabetes etc. I Global Problems: How Can We Help? Royal Museum of Scotland. Chambers Street. 2.30pm. Mike Thornton covers the international campaigns of Friends ofthe Earth. the likely consequences for Scotland of the global problems that these campaigns address. and the work that the Scottish branch has been doing. I Farm Animals: Whose Are They Anyway? Royal Museum of Scotland. (‘hambers Street. 5. 15pm. Prof Whittemore looks at many of the topics raised by this question including assessment of welfare; change in emphasis from production-led to consumer-led animal farming; and the introduction of modern technologies and their consequences for both the producer and consumer. I Pollen. Herbivores, Honey, and Health Royal Botanic (iarden. Inverleith Row. 7.30pm. The amount and variety ofpollen in honey can tell us much about the food source of a bee colony. just as pollen in the facces of herbivores cati tell us about these creatures' diet and habitat. Dr Eric (‘aulton explains. .. I Two Ways to Build a Time Machine Royal Museum of Scotland. (‘hariibe rs Street. 4pm. The laws of physics as at present understood allow at least two ways to build a time machine. Dr John (iribbiri explains them so simply that even a chicken can understand! Rotating black holes. wormholes. space-time tunnels and a menageric of amazing scientific delights await I ‘Look Back in Alvey’ David I Iume Tower. (ieorge Square. 5.30. free. Brian Oakley reviews the Alvey Programme the government funded initiative in Information Technology of which he was formerly the director. I Britain in Space Royal Museum of Scotland. Chambers Street. 7.30pm. Ray Turner takes a look at the space research aspirations of Britain's engineers and scientists. and at the relationships. both national and international. that have been built up over the years between research stations and the aerospace industries. I Choice, Sex and the Embryo Mountbatten Building. (irassmarket. 5.30pm. Dr Ken Jones takes a look at the history'of attempts to influence the sex of the unborn individual. I Country Wines and Liquers Royal ()verseas League. 100 Princes Street. 12.30pm. Many plantsand locally available produce can be used to make delicious wines and liqueurs. Philippa Fraser of I Iiglilarid Wineries takes a look at sortie of the plants and techniques involved. I The Triumph of Scotch Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre. (‘astlehilL 7.30pm. £1 (50p). Michael Moss traces the development of Scotch whisky making from medieval times to the present day. I IS Our Food Sale To Eat? Royal ()verscas League. 100 Princes Street. 10.30am. I-‘ood poisoning is on the increase. with some 40,000 cases each year in the UK. from a total of 100 billion eatingoccasions. and 35 million tonnes of food consumed. Prof(ieotfrey (ampbelI-Platt reckons much can be done to help tiseat confidently.

I Living on the Land in the Scots Tradition Royal Botanic (iarden. Inverleith Row, 3pm. Tess Darwin talks about the traditional Uses of some of our native plants.


Any details and tickets about the

follow ing list ofexhibitions and events can be obtained from the Science l’estival Box Office. lHllIligh Street. lidinburgh.031 2% SIM. The box office is open Mon—Sat

78 The List 23 March 5 April 1990