ITurnerand Hooch (PG) (Roger Spottiswoode. US. 1989) Tom Hanks. Beazley, Mare Winningham. 108 mins. Hanks plays an obsessively clean and efficent cop who inherits Hooch the pooch. a massive mastiff. The limited comedy revolves around the dog's ability to drool gallons of of saliva and dismantle all obstacles while helping the police with their enquiries. Needless to say. the two form a loving relationship and needless to say the film was a winner in the US. but UK audiences had best hope that talents like Hanks. Spottiswoodc and even Beazley get better scripts in the future. Glasgow: Cannon The Forge. Odeon. Edinburgh: Odeon. Strathclyde: Odcon Hamilton. UCI Clydebank. UCl East Kilbride.

I Venus Pater ( 12) (Ian Sellar. UK. 1989) Ray McAnally. Gordon R. Strachan. David Hayman. 92 mins. Affecting adaptation shot on Orkney of Scots writer Christopher Rush‘s impressionisticA Twelvemonrh AndA Day. set in a fishing village in the 1950s. One ofMCAnaliy‘s last roles casts him beautifully as the sympathetic grandfather of Peter. played by nine-year-old Strachan (who is not to be confused with the diminutive Scottish midfield genius) in this moving study ofa dying community seen through the eyes of a young boy. Glasgow: OFT.

I West Side Story (PG) (Robert Wise & Jerome Robbins. US. 1961)Nataiic Wood. Richard Beymer. Russ Tambiyn. Rita Moreno. 155 mins. Romeo Andluliet revisited against a background of New York gangs. Great songs of course. but the playing of the stylised dancing against a realistic background contrives to make it all look rather camp these days. Edinburgh University Film Society.

I When Harry Met Sally ( 15) (Rob Reiner. US. 1989) Billy Crystal. Meg Ryan. Carrie Fisher. 95 mins. Thoughtful sex comedy has Crystal (Harry). Ryan (Sally) and Reiner on top form. with highly entertaining results. Nora Ephron‘s witty

screenplay intelligently ponders the possibility of male/female friendship with or without romance. and guess which side wins. . . Annie Hall for the late 19805. with now-famous faked orgasm. Glasgow: Odeon. Edinburgh: Dominion. Odeon.

5 Strathclyde: La Scala. UCI Ciydebank. UCI East Kilbride. WMR Film Centre. I Wings OI Desire ( 15) (Wim Wenders. W.

Germany .1987) Bruno Ganz. Otto Sander. Solveig Dommartin. Peter Faik. 127 mins. Restless angel Ganz on duty over Berlin takes a tip from American

movie star and former angel Falk on the

possibilities of crossing over. and follows his mentor's path to consummate his relationship with beautiful circus acrobat

Dommartin.Gorgeousblack-and-white photography and a sensitive feel for the people and places of Berlin grace this_

thematically rich and uncharacteristically optimistic slice of Wenders enchantment. Highly recommended. Edinburgh University Film Society.

I A WinterTan (18) (Canada. 1987) Jackie Burroughs.Erando Gonzalez. 91 mins. A sexual monologue with an extraordinary performance from Burroughs as American authoress Maryse liolder abandoning herself to the pursuit of pleasure in the form of numerous Mexican genitalia. Some kind of meditation may be going on about the nature of desire or on the other hand she‘s just having a few bonks over the border. Glasgow: GET.

I Women On The Verge or A Nervous Breakdown ( 15) (Pedro Almodovar. Spain. 1988) Carmen Maura. Antonio Banderas. Julieta Serrano. 98 mins. When Pepa’s illicit affair with an older man is abruptly terminated. she sets out for revenge. but is distracted by a succession of offbeat visitors seeking her calming influence. A splendidly bizarre character comedy from the maker of Law OfDesire. with some off-the-wall acting and a plot that pays ironic but affectionate homage to the classic Hollywood comedies of the 1950s. Glasgow: GET. Edinburgh: Cameo.

Kenneth Kare



Most important and dramatic work

Edinburgh Filmhouse March 4 - 10 Glasgow Film Theatre March 12 - 16

22 The List 23 February 8 March 1990


Friday 23—Thursday 29

Readers are advised that programmes may be subject to late change at any time. [D] indicates that wheelchair access is available, though prior notiiication is advisable. [E] indicates the availability olan induction loop. lor the convenience of hearing aid users.

Cinemas operating a lamin discount scheme allow an adult accompanying a child to ‘U' and ‘PG’ certlllcate programmesto gain admission tor the same price asthe child up to 5pm.


I CANNON Clarkston Road. Muirend. 637 2641. £2.30 (Child/OAP£1.20). Family discount scheme operates.

1. Honey, I Shrunk The Kids (U) 1.30pm (Sat only). 3.50pm (Sat only).6. 10pm. 8.30pm.

2. Sea DlLove (18) 2.15pm (Satonly). 5.15pm.8.15pm.

I CANNON The Forge. Parkhead. 556 4282/4343. [D]. [E] (screens 1.3 and5). Shows commencing before 6pm £1.75; after 6pm £2.80(Child£1.75).

1. Sea DlLove (18) 1.10pm.3.35pm. 6.05pm. 8.45pm.

Masters or The Universe (U)(Sat only) 11am. Admission: one jar ofjam.

2. Honey, I Shrunk The Kids (U) 1.20pm. 3.45pm. 6.05pm. 8.35pm.

3. TumerAnd Hooch (PG) 1.10pm. 3.30pm. 6.15pm.

Lock Up (18) 8.50pm.

4. Oliver And Company (U) 1.05pm. 3pm. Black Rain (18) 5.45pm. 8.25pm.

5. Ghostbusters 2 (PG) 1.40pm. Parenthood (15) 5.20pm. 8.20pm.

6. Driving Miss Daisy (U) 1.45pm. 4. 15pm. 6.45pm. 9pm.

7. Blaze (15) 1.05pm. 3.30pm.5.55pm. 8.35pm.

See also Glasgow Lates.

I CANNON Sauchiehall Street. 332 1592. £2.80 (Child/OAP£1 .40). Two bars open 6—9.30pm (Mon—Sat); 6.30—9.30pm (Sun). Family discount scheme operates. 1. Sea 01 Love (18) 1.35pm.4.55pm. 8.05pm.

2. Parenthood (15) 1.30pm. 4.40pm. 7.45pm.

3. Black Rain (18) 1.35pm.4.45pm. 7.50pm.

4. Shirley Valentine (15) 1.50pm. 5pm. 8.05pm.

5. A Dry White Season (15) 1.55pm. 5.05pm. 8.10pm.

I CITY CENTRE OOEON Renfield Street. 332 8701. Licensed bar. [D] screens 2. 3 and 4. £2.95 (Child/OAP£1 .75 [£2.25 last show]; Student/U840 £2.25 [available as advertised]). Luxury seats also available in screen 1£3. 10. £3.50. All tickets for shows commencing before l.30pm£l.75. Advance booking available from box office (11am—7.30pm)0r by Visa/Access hotline (333 9551).

Honey. i ShrunkThe Kids (U) 12.30pm. 3.15pm. 6pm. 8.45pm.

Driving Miss Daisy (U) 1.15pm. 3.30pm. 6.15pm. 8.50pm.

TurnerAnd Hooch (PG) 12.45pm. 3. 15pm. 6pm, 8.45pm.

When Harry Met Sally ( 15) 1pm (not Sat). 3.30pm. 6pm. 8.50pm.

Blaze (15) 12.45pm. 3. 15pm.6pm. 8.40pm.

Monkey Shines ( 18) 12.30pm. 3pm. 5.45pm. 8.40pm.

See also Glasgow Lates.

I OROSVENOR Ashton Lane. Ilillhead. 339 4298/7814. £2.50 (Student/UB40£2; Child/OAP£1.50). Seats can now be booked for last evening and late screenings: the box office is open 2—7pm. 1. See OI Love (18) 1.55pm (notSun).

5.40pm. 8. 10pm.

2. Parenthood (15) 2. 15pm (not Sun). 5.30pm. 8. 10pm.

See also Glasgow Lates.

I SALON Vinicombc Street. 339 4256. Circle £2.75; Stalls £2.50 (Student/11340 £2; Child/OAP £1.50).

Honey. I Shrunk The Kids (1)) 2. 1 5pm (not Sun). 5.30pm (not Sun). 8pm.

Black Sunday Horror Festival ( 18)(Sat Sun only) 11.30pm~6.30pm.

Rose Street. 3326535. (‘afe bar open 30 mins prior to evening shows; closes 9pm. [D]. Matinees Sat. Mon—Thurs£2 (Child/0APfStudentXUB40£1.20). Fri matinces£i .50

((‘hild‘OAP Student‘UB-illtillp). Evening shows £2.70 (Student L'B40£1.70; (‘hild/()AP£1.20).


Venus Peter(12) 3.30pm.8.30pm. Eat A Bowl 01 Tea (12 ) 0pm. SATURDAY 24

Dlva(15) & Moon inThe Gutter(18)1pm. Eat A Bowl OlTee(12)6pm.

Venus Peter ( 12) 8.30pm.


Drugstore Cowboy ( 18) 6pm. 8.30pm. MONDAY 26

Apartment Zero ( 15) 3.30pm. 6pm. Drugstore Cowboy ( 18 ) 8.30pm. TUESDAY 27

AWlnterTen ( 18) 6pm.

Drugstore Cowboy ( 18) 8.30pm. WEDNESDAY 28

AWinter Ten ( 18) 3.30pm . 6pm. Drugstore Cowboy ( 18) 8.30pm. THURSDAYt

Drugstore Cowboy ( 18) 6pm. 8.30pm.


Fri 23/Sat 24:

I CANNON The Forge. Parkhead

1. Sea DiLove(18) 11.30pm.

2. Honey. I Shrunk The Kids(L‘) 11.10pm. 3. LockUp(18) 1 1.40pm.

4. Black Rain ( 18) 11.30pm.

5. Parenthood ( 15) 11.25pm. 6.Scariace(18) 11.10pm.

7. Blaze(15) 11.30pm.


1. The Exorcist(l8) 11.15pm.

2. Throw Momma From The Train ( 15 ) 11.15pm.

I OOEON Renfield Street

When Harry MetSailyHS) 11.30pm. Blaze(15) 11.20pm.

Monkey Shines (18) 1 1.30pm.


I CAMEO Ilomc Street. 228 4141. [D]. Bar open Mon—Sat6—11.30pm; Sun 6—11pm. £1 .50 for 1st show; £2.5(lfor 2nd show; £2.90 for 3rd and 4th shows. Lates £2.80(£2). All tickets £2 on Sundays.

A Dry White Season (15) 2.30pm. 4.40pm. 6.50pm. 9pm.

See also Edinburgh Lates.

I CANNON Lothian Road. 229 3030. Bar: Ham—2.30pm. 5— 10pm (Mon—Fri).

l lam—10pm (Sat). 6.30—10pm (Sun). [D] cinemas 2 & 3. £3.50. £2.80 (cinema 1) £2.80 (cinemas 2. 3). Child £1.60 (Pullman). £1 .40. OAP£1 .40(before 6pm). Family discount scheme operates. 1. Sea 01 Love ( 18) 2.05pm. 5.05pm.


2. Parenthood ( 15) 1.55pm. 4.55pm. 7.55pm.

3. Black Rain(18) 1.55pm.-1.55pm. 7.55pm.

I DOMINION New-battle Terrace-147 2660. Restaurant 10am—3pm. 5—1 1pm (Mon). l0am— 10.30pm (Tue-Fri). 10am—-noon. 2—1 1pm (Sat). Bar

noon~ 3pm. 6—lilpm (Mo11~~Fri);6—10pm (Sat); 6.30—8.30pm (Sun). [1)]. Tickets

£1 .70 for late matinee showscommencing 5-6pm:£2.60((‘hild Student 1'134i)£1.70; ()AI’£1 .5011” shows cxeeptevemng showsin cinema 3).

1. Parenthood ( 15) 2.10pm. 5. 10pm. 8.10pm.

2. Shirley Valentine ( 15) 2. 15pm. 5. 15pm.