

You've got the looks, the talent and want success so badly you can taste it. The only problem is how to let the world know that you've arrived. Now with the help

at The List and McEwans Lager you can put your demo where your mouth is and enter our talent spotting contest. The winners will get a first break in the music business that could send them on their way to the top. This follows last year's

hotly contested competition which was won by The Hummingbirds, The Beautiful

Suit and The Steel Chain. You could be next.

I F'RST PRIZE STUDIO RECORDING SESSION at Tower Studios, worth over £1300 three days In the studio recording and mixing to produce a high quality demo tape. EQUIPMENT £400 oi Instruments or

equipment. I SECOND PRIZE £250 01 instruments or equipment. I THIRD PRIZE £100 olinstruments orequipment.

A lull range at instruments and equipment will be available to choose Irom at Sound Control one at the leading music stores with branches across Scotland.

PLUS: A showcase gig in Glasgow Iorthe three winning hands. This will be promoted as part oithe McEwan’s Lager series at showcase gigs Iortalented new bands running through the autumn and winter.


To enter you need to put together a cassette at your band playing two or three songs (should be original compositions) and send it In along with the completed application iorm below by

15 December 1989. The cassettes will be judged by a panel 01 Craig Tannock (Tower Studios), Clive Ford (Sound Control), Graeme Moreland (Head 01 Music, Radio Clyde), Alastair Mabbott (lor The List) and a representative oi McEwan's Lager. The winners will be announced and prollled in The List magazine issue to be published on Thursday 25 January 1990


1. The competition is open to any Scottish-based band or singer/songwriter who has not had a recording contract.

2. Cassettes AND boxes must be clearly marked with a labelled sticker and accompanied by a biography and photo at the band. No responsibility can be accepted tor material submitted, but it you want the cassette back send a SAE and we will try to return it.

3. Entries must reach The List’s Edinburgh or Glasgow Ollices by Saturday 15 Oecember1989.

4. There is no cash alternative to the prizes.

5. Last year’s winners will not be eligible tor this year’s prizes.

l/We would like to enter The List/McEwan's Lager Rock Star Competition to win one at the three prizes.

Name ........................................................................................................... .. Address ......................................................................................................... ..

Telephone No .................................................................................................. ..

Send to ROCK COMPETITION, The List, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE or The Old Alhenaeum Theatre, 179 Buchanan Street, Glasgow G12JZ.

22 The List 24 November 7[)cccmbcr1989