.leyy'ish: ‘there are l’tiles. l'kranians.

SILItlL‘ITlS antl UftllliilryCUSIUITTL‘I'S. We get a lUl tit yegetarians ettming in here. heeause there are ahstilutely

no animal tats used in the l‘l'L‘thlS. \Ve tlti use eggs. hut yy'e ean make speeial lULlVCS t'trr Vegans. We sell tuir hreatl all tty‘er— Aberdeen. Iilgin. Duntlee the Btirtlers. ’I‘he ttnly titherxleyyish bakery is in ( ilasgtiyy . alter that yttu‘tl hay e [U gt» tti .\lanehe\ter.’ .l\\ l‘UTCUlllPL‘llllUIT...‘l)tie\1‘lil;1lileel me at all.‘ he shruggetl. \ttmetrne CULllLl open a plaee next tltitir w yy‘ttultln‘t htither us at all.‘ I asked him ahnut the pttxsihility titxtarting a mail-tir'tler seryiee. 'XLIL‘l‘tlel\"S asked me. l‘tli I‘ll at» tt.‘ lie teplletl. dead-pan. (Russ PLH'SHITS) See Edinhurgh listings.


'l‘astetul \VllltltH‘y'LllSPlLlyS and a CtTITlPI'L‘lTL‘ITSlVC \ery'iee tit healthy snaeks eharaeterixe Breatlyy innerx. a hright mtttlern \http yy liieh in many yy’ay'x seemsstrangely tin-British. 'l’heir CllltiS til eustttmer—trientlly \ery‘iee tit quality. \liek antl prttmpt attetititin antlettnyement ttpenrng litiLlI‘S (Warn me SIX tlayx a eek t. seems pylSlll\L‘l_\ :\tttet‘iean. But they are a Setittish ettmpany . hasetl in titlinhurgh. yy lime etineept rs prtiy'ing highly \tle‘e‘e‘\.\ltll.

'l‘he \‘y'estl.ittelstt1tle‘tits yy hti llttULl into the shtip tti SIUL‘l'x' up tin lunchtime tilled TOllS and the


l mood otthe kosher Old Fashioned Bakery. Edinburgh

late-night yuppie l)e\tt‘;tl‘le l‘lattetl l’rttperty' ( )yy nerx are apparently a tlixeernirig huneh.

'l’ettple are y ery atly enturttus in their tastex' l)unean eheerily explains. '\\'e sell a lttt til \peei‘ality hreatlx; l’tilixh rye. ( ireek antl Italian and hanana lir'eatl. tlltlllL‘Slle ttur granary rangef

Set tip lilteeti years agtt lyy huxltantl antl yy'ite team Sean and lesley .‘yleVee. Breatlyy inners elaim ttt lie the lirst \Vllt‘lL‘lllL‘ill liaker's in Setitlantl with a haltery antl tyytt tillllL‘lS in litlrnhurgh l‘k'SltlL‘S the (ilaxgttyy \http.

‘\\ e ean tltt anything ytiu yy ant f Dunean etintitlently states. ‘( )ur llltTSI unusual retiuest yyax tttr a three-tieryyetltlrngeake yyliere the middle tier yyas earrtit ealtef

'l‘he intamttus Setittrxlr \yyeet tittith is intlulgetl yy rtlr a range t‘l ealxex and pastries t a tttr‘thettrriing l‘.ltl\ prtimtttrttn yy ill leature a \lah eake tlepietrng l’tamlu aritl l'hurrrper‘t. liut l)unean litilL'S that the \ayttury Sllilk‘hS antl the yy littletttettl l‘lk‘ille are iner‘eawngly their liextixellerxi

'l lere in the \‘y'est l rrtl tliere l\ a tletinrte trentl ltl\\illtl\ healtlrtttnxerttuxnew titrrrrrttst ptipular‘ rtern lS tlte lillt’« \y htilerneal lireatl.‘ says l)unean. then rtrettrlly LlthlS. ‘But I tltin‘t think that\ true til the \‘y’est til Setitlatttl it] general; the tratlitittnal liaker‘res are still ehurnrng tiut the yy hite pan lttay‘ex.~ {Sara \'illier\l


I Patisserie Francoise 13s By res Rtiatl, 334 1S8: Mun Sat‘lam ttprn. :\ little l‘reneh—sty le tleli yy‘ith eate attaehetl yy ltieh \ttieks a gtttitl range Ul lirerrehtarr baguettes. L’T'OlSSLlIllS. painsehtietilats and the liked

I Grassroots 4% ( ireat \Vestet‘n Rtiatl. 334 ltS—Hr .‘yltin l~ri ()arn rtrpm; Sat 9am Softllpm. A large range tttttrganie

yylitilettrtitl hreatl and

CTUlSSLtITI\. the unhleaehetl yariety heingpartieularly gtititl. ‘l'heir bakers are (ilasgtiyy‘ \‘y'htileltititl Bakeryyyhieh isa worker's CUUPL‘FLIIlVC antl

(irassrtititsalstrstttek a gtttrtl range tit t'ltiury. yeast and titherhreatl . ittgtetltettts. l I Bezaleel (Till (ireat l yy't-ytt-m Rtt‘atl. 334 szzt. i .‘yltrrr Sat lllam late eyening. \Vhtilemeal antl etintinental l‘leiltlS antl

rttllx itr pl'UltlSlUll yyitlr Rtlssiatt Rye espeeially l‘k'k'tlllllllL‘llLlL‘kli

IArise, Awake, The Goal is Yours ll} l)ttugla\ Street. 3313‘lh4..\ltin Sat

William 5 .‘yttpm, 'lhrx rather prtttttuntlly nametl health littitl \ltttp sells a yyttle. \ylttilextime yarrety

tit hreatls. L‘l'lSPl‘I'L'dLlS antl lilletl yyhtrlemeal ertirxsantxalting yyith all

the rngretlrents tteee\\;1ry

It» make ytturttyyrr

I Fazzi Bros h“ ( 'amhritlge Street. 33: W41 \ltirr Sat Warn ttpm l’rtthahly (ilasgttyy '\ must lLHUUUS

tlelr selling. naturally a gtititl. quality range Ul ltalran bread and art adequate supply tit

prtttluee trttm tither parts

tit the ettntrnent l'reneh. (treekete.

I Peckhams llltlByt'es Rttittlp“sql~1s4;—13 ("lar‘enee l)rry e. 35" 2% it) and [hit lilit. ( ~entral Statrtin. :45 Jill: Seyen titty\ befittam 11 RH midnight .\ pl'L‘dUlnlllLHllly l‘r‘enel‘. l

\ttrekrst, Sttiprnt'ttr wmethingtlitterent atter a night HUI and sample

the hest liagelx in hunt l

IGreekDelicatessen t tt (ireat \Vestern Ritatl. 3“: W522 Mun SatVam ttpm, \Vtirtheheekrngttutttt tlt\et>\eT[lietlelitllitmil the \letlrterranean IBabir'slndian Brasserie l4” l ltlet\lte Stteet. l t-h‘: attaAshoka Tandoori ll” l’ ltlet\lte Street :1 l

l 'ttl \att\. ( liapatrxarrtl pittallTaSSetyetla\ \ttle

tllSllL‘S yy rth meals


I Old Fashioned Bakerym lia\t ( 'rttxseauxeyyay , rm“ 14W» 'lue Mr

Sam «1.3ttpm; Sun

"am lprn Atradrtrttrial leyyrsh hakery yyliere

Stewart Duncan. manager otthe Breadwinner. Glasgow

ey'erythingixyegetarran antl ktrsher. (‘urrently USIng littlper eent ' yyhtilemeal tlttur. they are \tyttnttixyyrtehttmrganie

lltiur. As yy ell as ageneral range tit hreatls. they lllilhk' RUSSlttll Rye. l’ttlrxlr Syyeet .tntl Sttur tyr, rtlr rye tlttur) aritl .leyy rxlr l lalali ITheltalianBakerij ltlm Rim 55“ S715,

Mun SatS 15am ttprn Brim n arrtl \y lute ltaltart range inelutlrng ‘lntrrarra rttlls t \tr arrgely ntit \hapeti trrtastrnglrlxeliarrartaxt atrtl 'rreyy‘ ltlll\ \tt talletl lieeause they are next ') .-\l\t>a\rnall rangettt l'rent'hltreatls

I Breadwinner " t) l’ttttlttlt Street. ::v\'1:(‘l‘ttllkl:ll Bruntstreltl l’laee. :3" 7247, .‘yltin l-rr Ham Sillprrr. Sat ham- »1 45pm lntlepentlerrt yylittlerneal l‘akerrexyyhreli ll‘te‘lltl preseryatryes, tltlklllHL‘Slll ehemreals antl tlxe trnhleaehetl \yhtte tlttur lttt Il‘teyyltlte liteatl\ l‘yerythrngrshaltetltlarly UH the premisesantltheir range lIlCllltlL'S ( treel; antl ltalianl‘reatlxantl Dark Rye l‘t'eatl IHenderson'sWholemeal Bakery l llrantlttn

'l'erraee. stifle? \lttn l'ti" Kttam 5' ,‘ytlprrr Sat a Fltarn lprrr

f\tlkllll\ ex pte\et'yaity e and eherrrreal ltee l‘lk'tl\l\ halitetltin the premixesaritl hantlmtiultleti l-ttzrrteen typexare generally ayarlalile inelutlrnttxuear and salt tree tirganre yarreties .\l\tte.tter\ttrr \peetal rttruestx. lt‘l eyarnple. gluten-tree reerpes

IReat Foods?" lirttughttin Street. “V

l‘ll l and S lirttuglrarn Siteel.::\ ljill \ltttt Sat ‘tam tiprri \Vetl and Sat

.‘ ,iitprrrt g\ \a\1 yar rety til healthy lireatls antl ltreatl rrigretlrerrtxtttsurtall llCCtlS (‘liet k «tut tlrttxe \kllllSPItlllle‘tltfitllllS yyhreh rnt‘reaxe their yrtantrrtettnterrt arttlare ea\tet ttt tllge\t .ttttl ilte rrrttre unusual rrranrralr hreatlx. lttrrg lite Sunnyyaletirgarrrelireatl. (iary altl l rlietan l‘at ley antl millet yarretrexarrtl \Nlltllk'tlltilll[‘llllll‘L'lllllxel ttt name l‘tll a Ieyy

lhelrstli1 Ittt )t'tttt‘er i

.‘y1x\l{'l lNSllll-l I)S

IThe Sicilian PastryShop l4 ltt,\ll‘ertStreett‘Fr1 all" \lttrt Sat

"am * l‘iprn .\\peeralr\t rangetttyyluteltalrarr l‘lL'.ltlSit\ttllltl‘lCll't‘lllllllS \rnallltalranliakery rnelutltrq; \ienn tarri .'\l‘\tt

pttty tiles a \til‘\l.tllltal

Sexairte rttllx

take ayyay \ery tee

IDi Placido's yr» «their Sitt‘el. ‘tarrr ftprrrNIttrt Sat

l‘yterixry e anee tit

(1 irittnerrtal l‘treatl‘. l’t‘ll\l':. allrrzatlt'rrr \tttrre


l1allat‘..ltt'ttelt. (iteelx L'ly. lirwyynttr yylrrte

ttrgarat ya

gtttttl supply t'l the unusual liarrana. ellk'L'SL'tllltl her lix pttpp‘. \eetl. r‘. e antlrrtttxt ll|"l.ll‘lt‘ tirgarrreyyalrtutarrtleurry lttaI' l’rtttluee rwupplretl tlarly trtirrr\r‘ttlitteterrt liakerrexrrr titt'taprtal tiltl a yyrtle ranger ttrlleti titllN l\.tl\tttt\all.tltle

I Marks and Spencer \1

l’rrneexSttee-tm, \ Lit} \lttrr'la: ‘1 .il'art: ll'l‘lli,l\l»t'tl

‘tarrt 5 *trprrx lri rrx

ltt \r‘rr‘..\rt

‘tarrr S lint:


S Warn riprr: (It wt: tttralrt‘. litw‘ar‘.ttrttiuitt;

l‘l\|.l\l\ \yrtii a \rrtall ettrrtrrter‘tal' tr'vt a

liltltlt‘-t‘.lt‘ ‘lt'.tt.\ \l\t\1 \ill‘\l.ll‘lletl'itlltft't‘i :t titty rest-till". litx'rzevt rwletl

itr:ttl rte 'r're

tliet tittrrw

Late Night Bakenes

t mix the

ixJ'Nil“ .i'lil‘\ .trttlpwprrttw'.~',t: tin the wax 'r‘. err: "«‘il‘.llle l‘lll‘lt‘l‘ltr.Ill‘St‘fil ttes'trly l‘tlhe'rlalAl‘llly'l. ~~ttllyy trrtrarttrrtltax lire ltlllt‘vvlll,‘ are a text 'afirelt dBakeryxi

IOld Fashione

l a\l( :tmt t't.l\t‘.\‘t\

[lltl\lti‘ei li‘l\ ix


I James Lawrence \

\earrtarrl‘late I0ven Fresh Bakeries 1 1' \ltttrrwrt\tzt't't ‘7‘!

tilit‘v I‘Sttttrsrelx’wati

\tzeet XS 1 \T 'E I Thomas Dodds and Sons ~1l)1ei\\wrtStrqeti “ittii i aritl “t lilt‘llt'lll-‘l’. SIIeet. \\f‘:/‘.‘\)
