h5;t\tt} \xith lager with Vikith \mlkttlfip l MI

IUnderground .it l‘tll_\ \ltlll\\

I Ipm 3 Want LI untn .tlIkl LI ;iIItIiinkx

} Edinburgh

I lThe Amphitheatre lttpm ntl Lora 2.1

hcttirc I 1pm. £3 .tlIL'l l'k'III.tlL‘\lIL‘C

IM‘IHt‘L‘ lttltlltlflltt ()wi 3<\.Iu.m\.mtl 'I-xhirtxmuht

IBusterBrowns lttpm ~1gtm Lilillnlt

ptlL‘L‘ thllltl\\ltlli .tiitl tlIlIle\ hutnto I Ipm. \Vm'th a \ wt (in Stiittlm ll titti'w nut l‘CL'tl

l‘k‘ltllk'. ICinderellas Rockertellas‘t Rttpm 1.1m

LI.51I.I)tc\\..tIun}; \klIli .ttmmphctc. l\

whiqu lilI Illt\ omI wt \xt'ckcittIutitiitu, I Melting Pot ;it llIt' Rut l lul l’t-ppu (ltll‘. Illpm 3.1m. LI.5llI‘L'ltti'L' II 3“. Lifllultu .'\lllllll_L' Ittl gm llIIk‘tlIJlt‘ltll‘

night. the \Icltitiu I’wt witch hunt tlanm' twincnthtixiuxticicgtil.” L‘ltnktl. IMOShpiI;tt the Venue Illpm 3am

Regular Inc l‘.tlltl\ .iml \tll‘pttllltl};

'I hmxh 8pm-«I tll\Ul make tut .m Ltl‘l;l\l\k'

L'IItl tn the \\ L'ckcntl \Vith .l tux luuc'lll

\umpx ;t\ ltll .tx l‘.lIIkl\ or». it'\ nut .t l‘.ltl

place tn lIlItl tuttixcll t‘l it Sunday


IThe Alhambra Rt \\.ttctltttt Strut-1.33

.‘Chll .\_‘~llpm llIlkllIllleI. Irma (\ll\.lIItlfill\ \tttllltIN. (‘hcupxpiiitx IThe Breezeatllcnry .‘\llll\.’l\. I Ipm 3 Want. ( ’niiiplimtt-tl: \tnuucit'tl

thin!” [‘1 tom arc lll Upri'ntinit hole. w Ict'x ltl\I\tt\ it htttltt‘ltiL‘Cdll} L‘lltttlljll\lltlt1L‘I in Int littIlillllL. .tiitI the Intel \t‘ll mime tho

tttttt'L‘ L'\[‘L’II\I\C lI hct'umcx. 'I hutc \\ Ill he I think [‘lttlttttllttlt\ and the HI ixwmmx hot ‘ni'iumrtl‘ \haII \xc xi}?

I Club X at tho \Vui‘ohwttxc,

I Ipm 3.3lluitt. I lip I littl\c .tiitI ( i;tt‘;t;;c

l gt'titi\c'\ lttl thmc (it _\tltl u hwum't out


I Freewheelin' at l'tll'_\ \Itti’t } x

11pm 3.3ll;tm, L I Flt. .\ genuinely u Ile‘

\ai'ict} Ht t'tiIt liltl\tt' truth the tillx. “Hmmtl

Hits. himthinu lllL' IIIIH ( Huggins '\

lltttttl'ltltl\l\ tltlll Humid} muhtx.

IJeansandT-shirtNight.n('lwpntrxtx Ill.3llpiit 3am. L31 l_I \xith ticket] I he PHPUIJI ,lCLlli\ and 'I Shirt night tintlxcxth


IPalomino Club‘lpm 3.1m. LI,

I Savoy I 1pm 3mm. 12, ( )\L'I ZFV muht \xithuhmpth'iithtiwntiuc tittmlunu: Iztuu'SdeittI\«ttlkolfip

IWarehouse ( )m :3\ Night, Slip thlittl\\lttlt and klI mks LI.


I Rhythm 'n' Booze .tt the Venue.

Itlpm 3am LI :2 Slipcihmtixit‘xt'lu‘tiuit ll\ :m :tm\iiipniiiiht'nt ti» IlIk' mgka Hit:

( iuiiuu .tIItl I he Itttxim-xx It _\tttl think

I li.t\( .t mutt \lILlC with . out «hm ll lIk'Ik' .tIItl villus I ht- IENItlL‘IIk’h l\ .1 I‘ll k'ltttIlL it lll.t\ IV \with pItuiiinuhcluic kt‘tltltttlitutl


I The Alhambra .zl \\ .tIc't IHHSIIL'CI :.‘.l 33h“ I'iu' \llx'thxt’wwtitttlx Sitmuxpiittx NIP

I LOVCCIUDtltt\\ll\1.tll\.tl l)\l‘.:l_:'\ Btlk‘K

Ill .Itlpm 33min :1 \‘It \\itIt-\.ti1ct\nt I‘Ik‘tlIk'lttl‘lL‘ .iittt tiiitmml gtilt \i lIIIItl\ twin 1l1gt»ll\_"ll\.md\ll\

IPanminOClUb‘lpiii “.lIII LI

I Rhythm 'n' Booze .tt the ( 'uttun ( ~lult

I 1pm 1 2thin LI \HIlI ticket. 2_.‘,\\itltt~ttt IThe Shimmy Clubh l’u‘ttttuh

1" :“pm Kim LI ()iit'nttIicInnuwt tIllIlIIlIL‘dIItl witxixtcnth l‘tl\\ \‘Itthxm (ilmumx . Ih‘iihct'x \ti.ttLIIit night HllL‘IMl [‘tu‘tllctdl‘lc‘ htit pnptthti 1.11194" wt mtmp

(iL‘I IlIk'Ik' out I} It) .l\ Uttl tltxtpptttttllttultl

I Streelbeat at the \\ .tichnttw

11pm .1 3min 1-1 l).l\l\l \\.llIL‘I\\\lIlIIlIL' latcxtchnit.tiitlhuatwtiitth IReggae Dance Hall .11 IlIL' \L'lttlL'


You are now being asked to ‘enter Mars‘ on a Saturday night at Fury Murrys.

Thelirstnightolany new club is usually something special. but unfortunately Mars didn‘tmakethe impact on me it should have done. It has allthe necessaryingredientstor success. with a credible venue on Saturday night and an excellent 6K sound system. butatthe moment it seems quite content to do nothing out of the ordinary. To me this seems like a waste. but according to one of the DJs. Nigel Hayes. this is a positive aspect: ‘We‘ll be playing what the crowd wants to hear. Atthe momentthatmeans deep house. garage. hip hop and anything elsethatgetsthe rave going wild. Ourprimary aim isto pleasethe crowd. then ourselves.‘ While I agree with the sentiment. ldon'tthink the DJ should assume what the crowd want. The sounds onthe nightwere good. strong dance songs. but lacked imagination and althoughthe tloorwas busy all night. the crowd seemed to be going throughthe motions. The best club music this summer has been a perpetual llow otbeats and rhythms interacting withthe hyperactive clubbers. driving them into a sweating trenzy ot motion. but at Mars the

sounds were spasmodic and didn‘t capture the imagination enough to let yoursellgo.

It will be interesting to see how Mars develops overthe coming weeks as the need for competition lorthe Sub Club is greaterthan ever. More Furys‘ news: Fridays will see the successful Edinburgh club Shag take up residency in Maxwell Street. Edinburgh punters who can't get enough of a good shag (sorry. couldn't resist it!) should look out for a ‘Summer Holiday-style bus leaving Bristo Square at 8pm on Friday 13 October (lingers crossed all goes well!). whisking you across early into Glasgow to allow time to investigate the wondertul pubs! Interested? The cost is $23 and will include entry and return trip at 3.30am (it you‘re up to it!) (Colin Steven)

Illpm ~1;tm. I: I'n‘cIIcttt lL'Edek‘ tn [‘III Ll

\ltlllL‘Hli .imttitc'x 1.1m". \Kttlt hw timxttii:

and whith .ttiiimphcic. tho l)§IIIuL' I l.tll l\ ltl\I thrill}, I The 0 Zone at ( IIILlCIClth RHLINL‘I lk’llitN l “Hill Ill.,‘~l|pm. LI \klIll ticket. .'\lk'lIlIt‘l"lIL‘L' tlIVLtI tilt the I1 soar-HM» Nip le'lxch \lIl‘IIltl \Illl l‘k' III


cit t'ttlattttn It‘l Ilil\ t'I.t\\stc‘c‘t1tI1\t’tt.

WEDNESDAYS f Glasgow ;

IThe Alhambra .11 \\ .rtt-rln.t\trcct.3.‘.l .‘Chllm 11pm. I'rm' ('Itthoiitlghnitnight Sitingxpiiilxtillp IGOWeSI;tt('Imtpntmx.

Ill..‘\llpm :._“lltlttl L3 l LI \\lIlI ttgkt'tl (III \\ L‘\I_\HIIIIL'III.tII LIL-cpiiituthchmttnt hquit 1.1th .tiitI thwmci IlII\L'IC.tI iitithwck t‘Itth.


L: L'.t\ pl.t\lll_‘.l Iniuch huim'

I Expansions .tt the \\ .iit'huttw

.- I’ittmtwttittt tho l‘k'\l llt

5H “'.t\\.\p1iit\ \1.ttiil\

Ilpiii 3 ,Itlam l- lIIp*lItl[‘;tIItllItt11\k‘III l‘tllltl‘tlltllltlll IttmtldtvttttflHamil“r~11\\ulito\tl.i\\ IJeans and T-shirt Night .tt rim mi. in ('Ittli I Ipm 3.1111 9.1511 (liit'wt the l\'\l phihxwii .l \Vuhtcxtlgn . \pt'pmlh tlt‘xtuitt'tl Itll wlitltIattt‘tity

I Libra rat I ltlll\\\tliltl \ttithm I 1pm Kim

L: Ml (MEI .j\\'\lI\Ltl

IMaytairllpm Kim 2.: tillx'iitwht lull monkalungtxtiht‘i I” Ill lll‘tltlttl timhtiwimlIntIhtmmtintittttv'i IPanamaJaxthm 1 Whit !_I \::.i\

might, plump huttw .IIItl I ll \Rti IPanminoClub‘lpm ‘xmt 2.1

I Sixties' Nighlh IIt‘itH .\liiI~,.1\

Illpm 3 ,‘llhii 'tllltl‘uli‘lplll‘ltl,1_1.tllt'f I Hillxt‘tll tut tllIIIlk\[‘ItlIIIttIlttl1\IlIIt'IIL’II thumth


ITheDeep.tltht'NIivtmii Ill Itlpitt 1.1m 2.: Ihquith tuttthtttlpl.t\t‘tutitmit.t \hk‘tlIIk'\tl.l\.IIIItlt‘IIk't’lIlIk'IIIthttllltthL IIIII\I\‘.tl\L‘lL'x'IItlIH.tltttllltl l\).tl\‘tillm\\fl \l‘IIlttIItll.l//[‘lII\L‘IIE\I\\k'lttE .t:'



IThe Alhambra ll \\;itt-rltm5rrt-ct..ijt Civil ‘» ljpm Irm- I’.titt\iultt

I Bennets I Ipiit 3.1m LI. \I.ttitl\ mix. lll.tllll\ I lltt‘lk'QII

I Blackmarketh \tllll ltll‘ I 1pm Villain LI *ll \I.iit\ .ttittittt-i\xu‘t‘lauiitlhumrtxit

ItI.it_I.ii‘..ti lxt‘l till I htiixtlhx \\lIll IIIL‘t‘l thy wat ]‘l.t\lI\I\ttl rtlt‘. gltthhtttiittl. IBloomersn(tr-mph“

Ill .‘llpiit .1 Watt: Littl ‘-\IllI\lIIthIIl tit.ttttpg.tttll IFTEESIYlEalall’.tl‘.t:.t//t

lll‘lll \mk Ihtttxilnxiltiigct‘ltth


I Wait: ‘lI iiiniot'ltmtpt‘ IFuryMurrys l ll‘lt‘. 3 ‘tltm I tut-mtth

\t'\\lt 'II\ x‘. 1th «It‘mt

.ll lllk“\ Irvin'vi-

( hull. I{<».'I.Ii\tiit:'\ INT l‘.tIIlltl\'l.tIl\

IMaylair I 1pm Rim If. Rptttdr'itidhtnt ll!\‘\l.l‘.l.tll

I MrD's Illpm _‘

\l. ltft tit Incl!

.lIII L‘tllttltmtlld \ll lllt‘l‘ltllllltllt‘ll\lllLIlIIWIIlI \lIt'rtI‘tlIIIIl

IPalominoClubvpm Rim II IRooltops


‘ll (Met .7\' ltlt’llI\\lIll Nutty IIIII\I\' I will. titll Ittt tho \IIYIII‘llIIIClIItl‘. ttpkt'txuitl ll. \tt .tiitINtlii ISavoy I It‘le \tiit ff


l.t\.:t'l \‘lt.\rltll«..t I h; Intiypxt ltlltttllttll h. pi .‘N‘ titttht .tIt‘IIII\.llll\\II l.\l ISevenIIES‘nghInlIIt‘itH \lttl..t\. I‘ti‘zlt * Whit ‘t'ii'twlwit'lliuit l_:.lll\‘l IStreetbeat ll( Imviutim lll‘ll‘t .‘ ‘lt‘i \‘l‘v‘-IlllIIt'l\t'I| l).l‘.ltl\\.lll\'l\ .t'tluutt \l'tll‘.IIII".t'\lll.lII\\‘IIII|\I\ ITheVenuellym lite L‘



ITheAmphitheatre 11mm l.tlt' if. ll.lll

pitta; I‘lk'll‘lk' I ll‘lll l)l\ttt littt‘titttltvhtxltp

ll'llIIrtII l\)ll.t\l.



it: .t Ifl.tlltllt twt the t )\.'i [I

\.|.r;flr_qi‘.:l \ lt'.ll!\.tlltl I \ltllI lilt‘ltI

ICale StJameswm lttlll lIt'k‘ \wtitt'thttiv\ltuhtlx tlIllt'It'III Ilt'lll‘xt‘lll

II\Il.tltlI t tittq‘[‘\ lli'tll llt‘ltt

‘» ‘ll‘Il‘. L't’tx It‘ll ll! .hy mtqu tut \wtttt' l.l\\'

‘llt thy MK. “k .lIItl Nix

ICinderellaRockerlellasw mpm .‘.tttt :fi


I‘L'lttlt‘ l ll‘ttt‘. I“, V-IllItIWk'll t'xtohlixht‘tlpimer llIIt'lIIt‘lI

‘..‘ll.tltci. ( )xci :5\ttl_\.1lil plk"\\k'k'l\\'llkl .ttlxt'iittiiu I‘t'i lct't \I.tll lwt tht-\wgkthtl\Itxt'wtht'titiptitttiit I-'\II\I’II\ II IDogEatDog.ti\\itk1t-llrmw I‘ltk‘t Illi‘m Kim [I \.IIIIt' lllrt\ \ttutlt'xt IlIt‘lk'\k‘II\lIt‘t‘IIII‘t'IIIIl‘Ihl‘t‘l\\k't‘lIllIL‘ lIk'IItl\ t'hihx\ llt‘IIlltt' up I he Sixtnhh ll.lIlk'III.lIt'tlt‘IIJlIIIL'I‘It‘t't't'tl\ll‘I\'\\'.II\'lI .mtl kl\"\\'lt‘l‘lIIk'lIl lll Ilhtitht tut thixtint‘. I Red HotPepperClub Illl‘tl‘. 1.1m lI.\ll “Milly!

mu .‘\ IIILIlII .iittl lx‘.tlIII\'\ .l Ik'\Itl\'IIl Imml

l‘k'llll\' I Illitm. 9f llIIII\tl.l\ l\ .tittl\r‘xt-iitit‘xhttlI lt’llllk‘N[It‘[‘\tltllltl\ I Shag .tt thy \ll\\lt‘lt .tlIkl \It.ttl\ I .ltlIL‘\ Illpm 1.1m L'. ‘II \wttthtttll\\htt‘hl\ti't ttt't't'wnith .t l‘.ltl Iltlllt' ltlt'lll witlmth llttttl\t‘l Iltl\\t‘lt1l.‘.\tllll‘l‘dllt‘ t‘.i\\.tl.tttt‘c \t‘IIlitl\Il\.tl.lI\_‘t'II lttll tallyimxrl ISUbway.ttt'h.tiItt-I’.ttI\.ut~ lllltlll ;.lllI. \‘xtth-tnitz'cwt llt‘lt ItI.tllI\IIt'.tlll\t‘lllltl\ \‘.Ill1ll\L‘\\tl‘.lI\‘ItlIItllrl\~lIIIIII\lltl\\\1‘l\g‘\ Illl\.ttl\t'ltlllltttl\ illutimtixt‘.‘IttIMi

lIEIlIIIIILIx'lltlIIt; I l\)\"\..llt'lil ’17..


ousooww "

IThe Alhambra {.jltll

IBennets‘\trt~rt.wTVrtt. IThe Choice II Ix’wmII athattyt'mittaty.

“.7? ICleopatrasllt-lmwntl tizt‘. l'\L'l\IIIl‘IItl‘.'k.‘ I Cotton Club ‘- \J-vll \lrr' ‘1. Hitt' IFollies lit; l’ttt \IILH'I. IFuryMurrysw\l.t~..v.~ll\irurt._ffl it‘ll

I Henry Alrikas i -‘\ t“ til ll,

IHollywood Studios» tumult\ttct-tjtx IJoePaparazzi*it:\..:t.-tzi\»t...ll\tm't. 1*i It I}

I Knightsbridge SW1 1% tIlII'lI H m; if.”

IMardiGras' I Mayfairi'1\.i:tgiti«?..ll\iit-t-t.<13

:l \\ .tlt‘lltttt\Ilt't'l..ljl


Vlllllll‘li‘ \trcct

IMTD'S l\llll1.t'llt l‘lwtl. '~\‘..“~TI

I Palomino Club \\ _ \l law-gum \litx‘l. .‘,.V.‘h-‘V‘I

IPanamaJaxi '.l w: llv'llw t.t-.t.t'.,.‘.‘1

I PEQQYSUC'S 1" W wt t I Stunt. I Rattles is lm: tltég: sir. .i thigh l.

(lit\\_ hi:

.ROOHODS‘WWMIXLIII li.tll\lttfil. ISaVOY\,t\w\t :trtzt \\.ltl~ '1.

ISUDCIUD I.t:t‘. ttpt‘wt: 'pl ITuxedo Princess \m u. II‘lt

IVenue1‘1\»..;.}:t.::_ ‘-‘I)'1I.I~it\tztxt.(inl

tll HIE-l. “.


I The Amphitheatre 41l

"lfllrtl.l\)t‘ttl ‘lt'll IBusterBrownsb ’\t t!l..l‘\tityl .“n 2331 ICate StJames “xi lmz mt _:.:.:. .m.

I Charlie Parkers \t “.IIIZ Iii H '- \\llllll‘ll I Cinderellas Rockerlellasw \z \lt'j,‘:':\‘lt

\Itt't‘l IFinsbury Park I " \ mt.:\t \: liz. \tit'pt.“‘t~ ill.“ ILIberly'Sirxt'tsz I’§.:-

IMadisons< itcur. 1'1... \ x IMorayHouse lit. l’l ix it... IRed HolPepperClub / IShady Ladies« IVenuei .tlIx‘lt l\' mi. W


lltL‘I t\l I; :hUL‘Itth‘t I‘lhllfil