I OPEN LIST is designed to cover any public events not covered elsewhere in the magazine. We welcome submissions. which will be included subject to space. and 01 course no charge is made ior listings. Please supply date, eventtitle, venue, inlormation telephone number, time, price and briel description, to reach our Edinburgh oiiice not laterthan seven days belore publication.

lniorrnalion given below is as lull and accurate as possible when going to press. We do, however. recommend thatyou telephone to coniirm details.


I Guided Walk: Rocks 01 Ages Mugdock Country Park. Craigallian Road. near Milngavie. Glasgow. 956 6100. 2-3.30pm. Free. A practical demonstration ofthc volcanic and glacial activity which created Mugdock's contours.

I Guided Walk: Wild Food Cammo Park. Cammo Road. Edinburgh. Info: 447 7145. 2pm. Free. A chance to explore the park for edible matter of an untamed nature.


I Guided Autumn Ramble Starting Hermitage Of Braid Information Centre. Braid Road. Edinburgh. Info: 4477145. 2pm. Free. Presented by the I Iermitage's Ranger service. and relating to the local environment.

I Guided Walk: Sulphur Tults Mugdock Country Park. Craigallian Road. Near Milngavie. Glasgow. 956 6100. 2—3.30pm. Free. How the fungi came to make their home in the shadows of Mugdock. and what they did when they got there.

POLITI t- Fflday15

I Chile Solidarity Campaign Social/Benelit Trades Council Resource Centre. 12 Picardy Place. Edinburgh. Info: 225 7814. 7.30pm. £2.50(£1 ). To mark the 16th anniversary of Victor Jara's assassination. the CSC is holding this fundraising party. with music from Mae Shaw and Eileen Penman. Carlos Arredondo and Glavarino Ceron. Chilean food. t-shirts and a bar.

Tuesday 19/Wednesday

I Action On Poverty Debate Crest Hotel. Erskine Bridge. Near Glasgow. Info: 031 6670156. 2—3.30pm. Free. though places are limited. As part of itsJubiIee conference. Citizens‘s Advice Scotland has arranged this debate. with a motion that is. well. debatable. It reads: ‘This House notes the increasing prosperity in today‘s Scotland. and congratulates the Government on its Social Security policies. which have ensured that no Scot need go without the basic essentialsof food. fuel and shelter.‘ The speakers are Douglas Mason of the Adam Smith Institute. Tory Euro-candidate Aileen Bates. Malcolm Bruce. MP. ofthc Social And Liberal Democrats and Kevin Dunion ofOxfam.

Wednesday 20

I Anti-Poll Tax Demonstration Assemble in Parliament Square. High Street.

Edinburgh. 9.30am. Free. Organised by Lothian Federation of Anti-I’ollTax Groups.


I Popular Economic Planning Conierence Citv Chambers. 375 High Street. Edinburgh. :25 2424 ext 5844. 9am—5pm. Free and open to the public. but places limited. so booking advisable. Edinburgh District Council has arranged this conference to allow Edinburgh's citizens to influence the city's economic policies in the 1990‘s.


I Theosophical Workshop: Le Maison Dieu The Theosophical Centre. 17 Queens Crescent. Glasgow. 332 4924. Info: 0475 568 600. 10.30am. £10(member'UB40 £7). From the starting point ofthc Lightning Tower. this session will use the Tarot and other symbols ofwestern mysticism to explore initiative. self-assertion. adventure spirit and the Mars profile.

Monday 18

I Scottish Fossil Treasures Lecture Theatre. Royal Museum ()fScotland. Chambers Street. Edinburgh. Info: 225 7534 ext 219. 2pm. Free. A talk by Ian Bunyan. designed to tie in with the Wealth Of A Nation exhibition. which runs at the Museum until mid-October.

Tuesday 19

I Meditation In Action Cornerstone Cafe. St John‘s Church. Lothian Road‘ Princes Street. Info: 661 8403. 7.30pm. Free. Author Alan Spence discusses the path of Sri Chinmoy.

Wednesday 20

I The Role or The Catholic ParishionerSt Peter's School. Falcon Gardens. Edinburgh. 447 2502. 7.30pm. Free. Second of three sessions arranged by Edinburgh Catholics for anyone interested in finding out what Catholics believe and practise. St Peter's staff stress that there will be no pressure to participate or follow up. though all visitors will be welcome to ask questions.

I Shipbuilding On The Clyde Lecture Theatre. Royal Museum ()fScotland. Chambers Street. Edinburgh. Info: 225 7534 ext 219. 2pm. Free. Brian Speedie continues the Wealth Of A Nation series with a talk on what Used to be amongthe most flourishing industrial centres in Europe. now sadly dwindled.

Wednesdays 20/27

I Taming The Mind Edinburgh Dharma Study Group. 207 The I’Ieasance. Edinburgh. Info: 337 6349. 7.30pm. £2.50 per session or £10 for course of five. A short introduction to meditation. based on Tibetan Buddhist techniques.

Thursday 21

I Theosophical Workshop: Autumn Equinox Ritual And Meditation The Theosophical Centre. 17 Queens Crescent. Glasgow. 332 4924. Info: 0475 568 600. 7pm. £3.

Celebratory group therapy with self-healing.

Monday 25

I Three Centuries or Scottish Natural History Lecture Theatre. Royal Museum Of Scotland. Chambers Street. Edinburgh. Info: 225 7534 ext 219. 2pm. Free. Geoff Swinney delivers another talk in the Wealth OfA Nation series.

Wednesday 27

I The Real Robinson Crusoe? Lecture Theatre. Royal Museum OfScotland. Chambers Street. Edinburgh. Info: 225 7534 ext 219. 2pm. Free. Ian Bunyan discusses the Scottish adventurer Alexander Selkirk. usually thought to have been the inspiration for Defoe's fictional character. Part of the Wealth Of A Nation series.

I What Does Being A Catholic Mean To Me? St Peter‘s School. Falcon Gardens. Edinburgh. 447 2502. 7.30pm. Free. Last of three sessions at which you can findout

a 122. A p-p-p-pick up ior the King Penguins at Edinburgh Zoo is needed to ensure the survival oi the colony. in recent years their numbers have been on the decline, due, says the Zoo, to the limitations 01 their present enclosure. Previously the Gentoo penguins have been so lusty in their reproduction that the poor Kings have iound themselves jostled out oi the space where the pregnant birds congregate, and as a result have tailed to produce in the same numbers. Thus the Zoo plans to

give the birds notjust a new win , but a radically redesigned home whic will

be more than twice the size of their present abode.

Architects are being invited to submit their designs ior the penguins’ new home in a competition organised by the RIAS. The resulting area, which will be one oi the iew architecturaly designed animal enclosures in Britain, will provide a lot more shade and sort ground lor the Penguins. Not as an aid to mating but in orderthat the birds (who democratically share the task oi carrying the eggs between the male and the female) don’t lose so many potential oitspring through breakages. Despite the cost, £500 000, the unllappable Zoo authorities are conlident that their ‘Preserve our Penguins‘ appeal will, unlike the waddling inhabitants, get oil the ground. (Ross Parsons)

For more lniormation contact Fiona Pringle,031334 9171.

about Catholic belief and practice without pressure. this time through personal testimonies. See above, Wed 20 for further details.

MET— Thursday 21

I Women And Food Nari Kallayan Shango, 200 Dairy Road. Edinburgh. Info: 337 5543. 11am—1 .30pm. Offering a chance to learn about Bengali cooking.

Thursday 28

I Morning Session: Holidays Well Woman Centre for Gorgie/Dalry. 9 Calcdonian Place. Edinburgh. 337 5543. 10am—1pm. Free. Open discussion for local women on what holidays actually mean.

Starting Tuesday 26

I Environmental Issues Evening Classes Drummond Community High School, Cochran Terrace, Edinburgh. 556 2651, 7—9pm. £18 for course often sessions. A closer look at and discussions on acid rain, recycling. rainforest preservation and other ecological issues. No entry exam or test.

OPEN EXTRA Sunday 17—Sunday 24

I New Glasgow Week A twenty-fifth anniversary celebration by the New Glasgow Society of its success in preserving the city‘s beauty and promoting postive development. Tickets and info: Hutcheson‘s Hall, 158 Ingram Street. 552 8391/New Glasgow Society, 1307 Argyle Street. 334 0202.

Monday 18

I City Centre Walk Departs Cenotaph, George Square, 6.30pm. Free. Admire buildings saved. lament those lost and discuss those recently built.

Tuesday 19

I Slide Show: The Renaissance OiGlasgow

Hutcheson's Hall, 2 John Street, 7.30pm.

£1. Showing 600 years of the city‘s history, and the part played in it by the Society.

Wednesday 20

I Victorian Walk Departs Greek Thomson Church. St Vincent Street/Pitt Street, 6.30pm. Free. Re~1ive the establishment of the Society in 1964 by treading the route ofits original walk.

Thursday 21

I Charles Rennie Mackintosh Reception Queen’s Cross Church, Springbank Street. 7pm. Free. An informalgathering to commemorate the emergence ofthe Mackintosh Society from the New Glasgow Society.

Friday 22

I Onboard Film Screening: Seawards The Great Ships Departs Riverbus Pier. Clyde Street. 6.30pm. £7.50. A special presentation ofJohn Grierson‘s Oscar-winning movie afloat on the Clyde.

Saturday 23

I Bus Tour: Transports Ol Delight? Departs IIutcheson‘s Hall. 158 Ingram Street, 2.30pm. £1.75. Examining the eternal dilemma of traffic problems and the necessity of landscape-carving motorways.


I Forth a Clyde Canal Walk Departs Maryhill Locks. ofi Maryhill Road. 2.30pm. Free. A chance to assess the past and future ofone ofthe city‘squieter thoroughfares.

The List 15 - 28 September 198947