’ equested Piece from One of the World’s Most Sought-after Orchestras.
()ur new Scottish season brochure.
livery year it's in great demand — opening up. as it does. a wonderful world of music on your doorstep . . .with special subscription savings to make it all sound even better.
Open up our freshly-scored brochure for the 89/90 season —— it's out now ~— and you'll be counting out the months to October!
Music! Music! Music!
Highlights of the up and coming SCO season? Too numerous to mention! Suffice it to say that we've got guest soloists of the calibre of Benjamin Luxon. Jaime Laredo. Radu l.upu. lgor ()istrakh. Carl Davis and Heinrich Schiff performing major works by celebrated composers ranging from Beethoven to Britten. Haydn to llindemitb. Mozart to Maxwell Davies. Jukka-Pekka Saraste will be taking the SCO baton confidently into his third season as principal conductor.
Savings! Savings! Savings!
lfyou like the sound ofwhat the SCO holds in store for you. just wait until you hear about our special subscription savings.
.»\s with every SCO season. the more concerts you subscribe to. the more attractive the individual prices become.
.\nd the 89 '00 season is going to be better than ever!
Make your request now!
l)on't wait to get your copy of the new SCO season brochure.
It's free — but you could be counting the cost if you leave it too late.
Pick one up in Glasgow at the Ticket Centre. Candleriggs.Glasgow. (041)227 5511. In Edinburgh at the Queen's Hall Box Office. Clerk Street. Edinburgh. (0311668 2010 or contact the SC() Publicity Department. 4 Royal Terrace. Edinburgh til I? 5.\B. (031i 557 6802.
I Music is listed as diary: by day. then by city. then by event.
SATURDAY 16 Glasgow
I Bearsden and Milngavie Arts Guild Open Day Kilmardinny Arts Centre. 50 Kilmardinny Avenue. 943 0312. Showcase for what's coming up at Bearsden and Milngavie Arts Guild including plans for the 1990 Arts Guild Festival. Enrolment is on the spot. there‘s live entertainment and light refreshments.
I Julia’s Concert Colinton Parish Church. Dreghorn Loan. Tickets: at door. 8pm. £10. An evening ofmusic and light refreshment by the students ofvoice teacher Irene Drummond. Proceeds to Julia Gammerman Cerebral Palsy Trust Fund to enable Julia to attend the Peto Institute in Budapest.
SUNDAY 17 Glasgow
I Organ Recital Art Gallery and Museum. Kclvingrove. Free. 2—4pm. Informal promenade concert as part ofregular fortnightly cycle.
I Westbourne Music Belhavcn-Westbourne Church. Westbourne Gardens. Tickets: 332 5057 (RSAMD). 3pm. £4.50 (£3.50/under 15s free). Sunday afternoon series returns with the SNO Junior Chorus and the Scottish Harp Trio performing choral music by Schubert and Brahms and harp trios by Debussy. Bax and Faure. as well as some folk songs. Tea and bisuits afterwards.
I Paragon Stevenson Hall. RSAMD. 100 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.45pm. £4.50 (£2.50/50p). A concert devoted to Indian born but Scottish resident composer Naresh Sohal in honour of his 50th birthday. Programme includes premiere of Madness Lit By Lightning. as well asthe older Hexahedron and Hexad.
I St Giles' at Six St Giles‘ Cathedral. High Street. Free. 6pm. Clarinettist Lorna Hall joins up with pianist Leon Coates for Rumanian Folk Dances by Bartok. a Sonatina by Martinu and dances by Stemtnewsky. Kossetto and Draskoezy.
MONDAY 18 Glasgow
I Glasgow Schools Orchestra Stevenson Hall. RSAMD. 100 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £2 (£1 .50). Talented young instrumentalists in a well varied programme ranging from Schubert‘s Unfinished to John Purser‘s Stone of Destiny and also including I Ierold‘s Zampa Overture. the Outdoor ()t-erture by Copland and the Symphony in E flat by the 18th century‘s Earl of Kelly. John Maxwell Geddes conducts.
TUESDAY 19 Glasgow
I The Merry Widow Theatre Royal. I lope Street. 331 123-1 or 332 9000. 7. 15pm. Extra dates: Thursday 21 . Saturday 30 September. 6. 25 October. 6. 9 December (Glasgow); 31 October. 4 November (Edinburgh). £3—£25. New production of Lehar‘s sparkly operetta launches Scottish Opera's autumn season. John Wells has come up with a new translation and director is Di Trevis. already well known
for her work with the Royal Shakespeare i Company and the National Theatre. but now making her opera debut in Glasgow.
I Glasgow Arts Centre Club Night and Social Evening Glasgow Arts Centre. 12 Washington Street. 221 4526. 7.30pm. In conjunction with Glasgow I Iarpsichord Society. All welcome.
I St Giles' at Six St Giles' Cathedral. I Iigh Street. Free. 6pm. The Choirand Instrumentalists of Fochabers I Iigh School are this evening‘s guests at St Giles‘ with an hour of music conducted by Gay Cadcnhead.
I Edinburgh Players Church ofSt Andrew and St George. George Street. Tickets: at door. 7.45pm. £2.50 (£1 H. A charity concert in aid of St Colm's College with Mendelssohn's ()vcrture to A .IIidsummer Night's Dream. Boccherini‘s Cello Concerto .\'o 3 (soloist Alexander Bartai) and Schubert‘s 2nd Symphony. Refreshments included.
MONDAY 25 Edinburgh
I Night and Silence New-battle Abbey College. Dalkeith. Tickets: at door. 7.30pm. £3 (£2). A concert of music by women in aid of Newbattle Abbey. Scotland's only adult residential college. which is currently threatened with closure. Composers include Cecile Chantinade. Wilma Paterson. Margaret Christie. Imogen I lolst and Mrs Philharmonica. Eastern Scottish buses 80 80a pass the College. There is no access for disabled.
TUESDAY 26 Edinburgh
I The John Tunnell Chamber Concert Queen's Hall. Clerk Street. (>68 2019. 7.45pm. £3—£8.80_ First of three concerts of chamber music in memory ofJohn Tunnell. leader of the SCO who sadly died last year. Aldeburgh comes to Edinburgh with the Britten-Pears Ensemble and music by Debussy. Frank Martin. Stravinsky. Ravel and Britten. Proceeds ofthc concert will go to the John Tunncll Trust. set up to help young musicians.
THURSDAY 28 Edinburgh
I Mozart/Puccini Double Bill Adam House Theatre. Chambers Street. Tickets: at door. 7.30pm. Extra dates: Friday 29. Saturday 30. £4.50. Pocket ()pera present The Impressario and Gianni Schicchi . described as ‘two dramatic and genuinely funny operas performed by a young and lively company with piano accompaniment.‘
I McEwan's Tarbert Music Festival Tarbert. Argyll. The wee fishing port's second Folk Festival is a weekend of music featuring Capercaillie. Dougie Macl.ean. Desperate Dam. Band and others. Info and tickets 08802 429.
I Sangschaw Tron Theatre. Parnie Street. 552 4267. 11.15pm. £3 £2. Acclaimed setting to music of I Iugh MacDiarmid's ‘Song I-‘estival' cycle of poems. Music by composer, cellist Ron Shaw with songs and guitar by Rod Paterson. reeds by Dick Lee and readings by Mhairi Grealis.
I Rumillajta Mitchell Theatre. Granville Street. 7.30pm. £5 (£3.50). One month
3D The List 15 — 28 September 1989