'1‘} {E LIST

Sheena McDonald ponders the had buys mzttle guutl.

‘\\';tnl\'et‘l‘ Shutttetlxxith

Ll erup—hentletl

tlte pltttlut'ttt. ;t\ 111L‘11'1lllll‘lllle‘tl


.\ltle‘l‘le;tlt\Ltltlle;tllee1etllt} llttll‘e‘tli\

nunxeztn tnuntle, \lsignx. tlnrling.

Llle‘xllll1e'll'tllll\l_\ pave . .

lilte' ultteet ill llte' t‘ltllth ltll’_\ kllLlll‘1

huthet tu luuk tine1itnlurtitltle. lle

l'\llk‘\\ he‘tl h;

ttl tlte t;tett \ttpput‘t ul

the l‘e'\l ul the e.trt‘t;tge \\ hen he'tl

tultl the hu} tu \lttll tip illltl \ll tluxxn. lt lltlkl \xurlxed tuu, \\ itlt tlte \tllle‘tt

tilttetit} ul the t‘egttl;tt‘l_\—thtttnpetl,

tlte hu_\ h;itl Llllll l‘;lltglltg upen the

neeexx 'kltltll \ l‘e‘1\\ een 1lte'

l'ntlet'gtuttntl etll'l'lttg‘k‘\ nntl ehntting

l‘le'L'/ll\ . it \1

wine“ lint repetttnel}.

\Kllll lll\ litl ttlltl ettttnllt |tt\enile

lt'tentl .tltt i111





t\ 1 ’She ix? .-\ lllk‘lxlll};

.t pruxtittttel llillll‘l

;tn1l\.tt. \l.lll\ ;tntl t‘exentlttl. until the

llk‘\l \litlltlll.

Relemetl Lllltl putent :tgttin. lte‘tl

\ttttttttuttetllttwtpltttttttttilt\ttl1tu hnrl ;tltet' tlte tt'nitt—hutttttl ;ttlttlt.

Stielw ;tntl \lutte\. _\utt'll \;t_\

llll'L‘dl \\Ll\ met‘t: \\ hen lillt ltigget’.

tn;tte. tun ltl\1 It} 11 tintlxun‘ll tte

tlfg'illll. \Mtttlx

tt'_\ it inst unee \el' upen _\uttt' ltltl\ll

.\llkl\\llill\llkl\\&iliki1l‘L-illlll: gruu lt—tlp\ 1ltlltlx in uttt' tintttll_\' ll'lllllll‘lltllll eunxpitxtq ul exenpe'.’


pet'httpx. \& e tltuttgltt

Ih.tt l‘iltl twins .tt'ettt \\ lltll tlte\ \\ ere.

l'lte e‘tt\§ el‘lltte\ Hl titll‘ eltlltllttttitl

\ tlli;tn\ ()ur\\'ttllie

\Villitttn ;tntl the ( )tlll;t\\\.

e\ en the nnnrehte illltl

l;tt tttute tlttnget‘uttx l)enni\ the \lennee Lttttl lite lithlt Street Kltl\ r;ii\e ttu l‘ltl\lle'\. tttllle nu leztthet‘x.

Rather . tlte_\ \et’\ e Ll\lltt\1;llf_'l;l lut'nn

itnnginetl er;t ul tlelinetl euntt'ul nntl .ltlllll‘l'l1}.\Hlll;t\llll[1lL‘L'UtlL‘tll

\llplk‘l' illlkl e \\tll'\l

;tne illlklki1lll.1ll' ;tt ttpxtntrx \\ ith ttu ten.

l'he eletttentx th;tt nt;t_\ lutge n

l'L‘ttl~lllL' litttl l‘u}



h;t\ e nu plaee iii the

t‘e;t\\ttrtng litntttxtex ul lieit


l ille‘l‘ itlt 1lte_\ tht. Ul etttll‘\L'.

.‘\1ltllk'lleL'\ ;tt

the ll';l\e‘l\L' lhentre

thruttghuttt \l;t_\ hm e matched the textl—ltle t;tle ul l‘lLllllx ( itlehtt\t ttetetl

2 lhel l\1l~1

:q.ltll\ l‘lh‘l

hunrxe \ enutn hx

t}_\'e‘:it'—ultl lrunt

httt the



thix tuxxn. Nut tlt;it l't‘;tnl\ \xttx e\ er t'enll} ;t h;ttl hut. lttt illll111l

£1th ll-llp\ NH] “111 Ml [‘tlllk‘llek'. \\ L‘l'L‘

TL‘llC\L'tl tu he un the trntn pulling uttt ul l‘t'nnlex \tntiun at the tnutnent. hel'ure :trt enptnretl. enxhrinetl ;tntl

lt1tttt\e'tl ltle‘.

()l‘\\lttll;ll‘1ltll ll‘ulltllllL'l’lLllllillh eiti/en. .litntnt lluile'.’ l ltm luttg

\VL‘l'L‘1llCLl1le‘1lL'\ltl\llill\t' ltl\ttttll :ttttl

lilttl'VL'ltlllite1l';tlt\lttl'ltl;t1lttltlte‘ltll‘e‘ lllL‘Pth.1llL‘l‘tltll\.lllk' lllltt lulltmetl lit the e‘\ltll‘illtltt\. the theatre. the euttnxelling. :tntl itll and


ll'tttl liu_\ \ :tt’e. pt‘elet';

ll‘l_\ . \uttteutte

e‘l\L"\pl'HltlL'llttlltlll1lte\ lieeunte guutl ttthin. ;\ntl il _\utt ettn

\Lle‘L‘L'\\ltlll§ ttptue _\uttt‘ path tht'uttgh

lile ;t\uitling the r'.ttttluttt killingx

rapes. theltx. l‘t‘itllllL‘\ illlkl .ll‘tl\e‘\.

tlttllle‘\lle ut' t tllte‘l \k l\'e‘.

tlt;tt the \\ttl\1

lt1t_\\ tlule 0111 111 llttwe \\ litl ll\e Ht' \1l'Lt_\ within their tet t‘ttut'_\ . tltett sun tnnf. nexet‘ tteetl tu t'e\ l\e‘ thnt puint ut \ ieu. \un Itl;t_\ \it un the train.

and leel the tinge ul gtttlt tll\\lpillk' ;t\

the \tntiun gruus \tttttllet‘ and

disappears. l re;tll\ . _\utt tn;t_\

eun\ inee _\unt\ell. \\ ;l\ nut ettt uttt tu


.-\tttl sun're l‘l'ttl‘;tl‘l\ right. llttt tl _\utt ;tt'e \ttl'l'teientlt ntu\etl l\_\ the

renl—lile \1Ul'le‘\ ul linttl. haul-min

t'etletnptiun. then _\utt tnight ltl\1 leel

it's \xurth eunxitlering the

tlllllk‘ll\ltlll\1ll hrntttlity

. ll l;l\‘. Lllltl

Hl'tlL‘l' l‘L‘tlt;lllt\ I‘L‘tltlee‘tl lit the \llppet‘


hetlruutn. then \x e prulmltls~ ill'L‘

tltmlltetl 111il\Cll-§IL‘llL‘liilllllll e‘_\e‘le Ul

\‘iulenee ;tntl repreviun.

1;\tttlilit'\ \turiex _\utt neetl tu

lllt)1l\;tlc)Utll'l'e'ltlt‘lnliI \ee ;tn .-\tt\tr;tlt;tn liltn ettlletl (i/tm/i (’l the ( ll t/ Hem/



luul\' lUHKLlI'tl 11)LllttllllL'l'Lll'll\1le eunttnitntent tu ;t t‘enl—lile gleatn ul hupe ;tntl ittxpit'ntiun: l);t\ itl

ll;t\ mans \eeuntlSpeetnl1'nttliltn.

1lll\llllte‘tt\Llll'L‘e1Ul'\\l1ltl;lltt(ile‘ll \x'ell—enxt (Lil ltt\1l l ;t\l ill'l'} \Vintet'). Renlixtte uptiunx tu the \tntttx tittu

t'etttiit'e lungterrn \\ hulexenle pupttlnt' eunitnittnent. lhe alternative is sitting tight and \nttg l‘L‘llllltl \enletl

tluurx. pt'uteetetl h_\ glttxx. trim ing

lust. nut luuktng l‘ilk'lx. ne\ er getting


.-\ntl \xnnking .’ l’ruhnlil}.

l’le;t\e _\uttr\ell.


The Curethatwill be treadingthe boards otthe SECC on Tuesday 18 are as dilterenttrom the Cure ot‘A Forest‘ asthe groupthat recorded ‘ln Between Days' wasdilterenttrom the 1978 model. With Robert Smith atthe helm. The Cure are one otthe tewgroupsthat actuallythrive on being contrary and doingthe unexpected. Alterrecordingthe most angst—ridden LP evermade (‘Pornography'lThe Cure split. onlytoreappear shortly afterwards. transformed into proficient and loveable practitioners otirresistiblebut unsettlinglyperverse pop. They madethe most ottheir lacilitytorschizo pop by spreading itovertoursides ontheir1987 LP'Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me'. butthe most recentwaxing. ‘Disintegration‘ showsthat

even alterthey‘ve burntall theirbridgesthey can still come backand dothe more downbeattypeotsongthat madethem notorious. They‘ve covered so much ground, trom 'Pornography' to‘Love Cats‘thatthey can allowthemselvestoreturn toplough one ottheirmany turrows again. Butnowthere'sabig dilterence. Forthe tirsttime they will betouring without drummerturned keyboard playerLolTolhurst. Smith's lriend since school anduntil nowthe only Cure member who has stayedthe course otherthan Smithhimselt. Kicked outbasicallylorhis inabilityto cope withhis sell—destructive streak. his absence will changethe tone otCure shows immeasurably. Perhaps thisis why Smith has announcedthat ‘Disintegration'will bethe lastCurealbum. orperhaps hejustlikes keeping us on ourtoes. See Rock Listings


Yuppie invasion from outer space! Yes John Carpenter can reveal that beneath the stripy shirt and Brylcreemed barnet of every Wall Street tycoon boythere lurks deadly extra-terrestrial horror. In his latest ottering "They Live‘ ex-wrestler Roddy Piper chances upon a rathernilty patrol sunglasses that show the