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I1.1\L-L~'111111111'1I.111I1L'(1.1IIL~1\ 1111I1L'11.1\1 I FLYING COLOURS GALLERY 1‘ \\ 1111.1111 \tzL'L‘t. £51771 111.1111 11‘11‘. II1L'I1.1IIL'1‘. \11IIIt.1\L'.111L"i.?11111111'111‘1 1'11111L'z111‘11111‘1 \11111101 I’.111111111t\ 1111111 \t111‘I1111111I\ \11211xt
I FRENCH INSTITUTE i 3 I<.1111I11I1‘11
( 11's1‘1'111..‘._‘ .1111IQ ‘ “111:11
I I11~ 1 1.1111311. \11II I‘1' .stui‘. 111111ItI1: I-1'\11\.1I I 1.I:1I11111111111,\11:.1\1 ITHEFRUITMARKET GALLERY \I.11I.1~t .\11L’L-1..‘._T\ NM \11111 \.11lll.1111 ‘ ‘1111111 \1111I ‘ 1111111
Open Exhibitiont 11t1I i'1I11I‘. II11'J.1111\\
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111I11'1‘1I;11111-11111111‘g3.1s1r'.1l11.1:11 I GALERIE LA BELLEANGELE ll
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I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY '1‘ \1111l.1111i \tt. .1. ’~"~'11'.‘1' I'11‘
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I I1; 1 1.1II1‘1‘. 1s I ixL-1I 11:11
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I HILLSIDE GALLERY 1 11111111, \1. «11111111.
I.:.' \11 .11 111.111. 111131: Facadel :1‘1I.‘: tI‘1
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— EE FROM Poerqu_
.15. '.
Richard Demarco Gallery. Edinburgh. Powerful work by three artists 1er
Portugal—Helen Al111eida.Pa11la Rego
and Ruth Rosengartcn—share this exhibition named after they (7715:1111. the legend which inspired a new play currently running at the Traverse 131cc Theatre).
The point of departur1.: 1111 each artist is a personal response 30 this complex
narrative which. historiczilly situated in
medieval Portugal. records the tate oi lnesde Castro. Spat‘iislioutsiderand loverofPedro whowasheirtothe Portuguese throne. Perceived as :1 politicalthreattothecontinuatiouoi the dynasty and male power. the King.
enacting the Law oi the Either. ensures loes‘ death which Pedro is unwilling to challenge due to conllicting loyalties oi
state duty and personal love.
Ruth Rosengarien's paintings create a dialectic between pri '21’13 aspects Li tragic love. Sensual pleasure and mutual recognition are 15111111131311 with the despair of mourning anal loss in iw‘I1'111‘111 1‘.I!‘.1
“(WHC \I1‘I1_\ 1H1. 1. V1121‘ 1131‘. I .1' l
IKINGFISHER GALLERYA. 1,.1 '11- \‘111‘1‘1 .11‘. P ""1 " "11111 1 ~1111111: \1 H
William Baillie: New Works 1 : l t}.
R ‘11'111I'1L111111I '
H1111; 1I1111r\ 1111.1. ".171 \ I1 1111.
\11LL1._‘-"1:“ ‘i-I ‘111‘1'1.'11"
\11 111.1%! 'If‘ 1?.11I‘1I.l ‘37 \
I NATIONAL GALLEI Y OE SCOTLANOI \111111113 “t~‘1',‘. \I1 1. '11' 11:1. "
\1111: ‘1111.
AVIBWOIJEOOUIQOI :11 .LI‘. II.1 1 itIL‘1I"'111_':'1*.1..1~ ".II‘1‘11..‘ l :1" 1”“ 512111“. .'1:1‘
111.11L‘:.11I1111::\1 II 1 t; *::.i 1! 1111‘11‘111‘111 11111’ Iwhitrittms‘tkv ‘.:*'.1 11131;: I 1:;I1\1~ ; .‘ ; 1.41111:
ScottishRural Life ‘1 .1;.. 1.: 1:1-
'1111.‘.w .1'1 y'
11 111’ I ll ‘11 ~ 111
series of works “Fragments of a Lover‘s Discourse and ‘Melancholia‘ Inviting reference to Freud and the reality of pain and pleasure. Rosengarten‘s work explores the unfolding of private ilisiress 1n dream-like sequences which capture the alchemical iransiorrnation of death and the mystical nature of lost hope.
The graphic. tormalist style of the photography of Helena Almeida is employed effectively to transform the space of the photograph into a series of hieroglyphic gestures and movements. Using a black swathe of material as protection or escape. the self portraits
create a sense of enclosed space which
resemble a journey of the body against the forces which wish to contain it. The blackness itself seems to become the mice 01" the silenced woman.
The Rehearsal by Paulo Rego c1:-111p1etes'1he commentary on the legend of lnes by questioning the inevitability of fate and the celebration of lite. in death. (Lorna J. Waite)
.‘ ' I. i \3"}‘ . I‘ 1 ._
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:3 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND 11‘11‘ I\ I‘1111I11L'..‘:f'>1\“I \IUII I'll \11‘1 311.111: 111111. 81111
\1 11‘1~~f:‘111_
11.1:11 11:11 IVE. “1 1. 1301] Years 300 BOOKSI 11111 I I \111L'111I1c1
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.1111 M I1-111;1‘1~t H.111 ()11L'L‘11111
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‘11 \..1i1‘.111, I 31111111.1111IL‘11-11111us
J '."I1‘Ifll 111cm ( .11L‘ L
People and Placesl 1111131111111 1’11111.111s 1x g‘r11111I1'1‘.1~x111I:.-L1~11I111
I OPEN EYE GALLERY ‘1 11111I1L‘1I.1111I
1111‘ .1 Lovo1 ’s Discourse by Ruth Rosengarten
811cm. “" 111311 M1111 I-11 111.1111 1111111541. 111.1111 ~111111 John G Boyd I 1111l :11.I11l\ Rem-111
p.1111t111ex \L*1\11111L‘I11111I1L‘\t\l1'1111111‘ (1I11\L'_1‘\\ SL‘I111111
James Castle:Scquturet 1111131111111 .\ 1I1\1‘I.1\1111I1L‘.11'11\1\111:111.111\L‘\111111IL'11 \L‘1111‘t1111'x
Jonathon Gibb2Woodcutst 1111131111111 81111 I111“ .1111I l.1111I\1‘.111L‘\ 111 .111 .111\11.11't 1.1\I111111 MoiraBeaty:RecentPaintingsI311111 111 .\11_L!11\1 II1~1111‘\111‘\1‘L'111‘\1111111.1\L'LIIn .1 1‘111111'11111111.11\111\I.111:1~1\.1111I1‘111.111.1111I .I11.111 I'.111II1‘\
The Magpie Collection 11.11111 111.-\11_1;11\1
I I1111IL‘L‘111.1tL-1I \111111-\\.111‘ 1111111.I.111L‘
II111I1'1 (1111‘
Shiela MacDonald:Jewellery1 11111111 .\11§;11\1 I111'1L'.111'\1I\1'1.1111I1'11.11111‘I
1111 L‘IIL'H \111I1 1:1111I1I1'1.11I\
I PORTFOLIO GALLERY AT PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 111 .1111II1‘111.1I«.1‘1 R1111. fill I‘III I111- \.11II.1111 \ ll111111
Little Sparta: Photographs from a Garden
I 1111I It) I11l1. \I.11t\.11t111-11111.1I11I1'\111\t \1il1r1'\.I11I11111111 11-.111111'\I11~111I11~11~e1.111I1\
I.1I\L'll 1111I1. 1.1.111I1‘111‘1L‘.111-1II1\ 1I11'.1111\1 I.111II.11111I11111I111I.1\1111I1L-I’1'111I.1111III1II\. .1t.1\11111L'\1I‘..11111111-1 .1l111111IL'1I1.1111I1.1111l I‘1.1111'111\I111I1111'11‘I1 \1I1111‘\I11I1111~1I 11'1L'111I\.111I1L-11.1IIL'11
Blackand White Printing 11111111 1\11111- 111111l111.1\1111I\\I11111 1.1k1‘11 I‘\ ( 1111-11I 1114.111. '1111111L'11111I11'[{11'I11111III1111;!I1.1\\.111I.I’11111_ I11111I11111:;\\1’1111.1I IPORTRAITGALLERYI_I11L'1'11\11L'L'15511 ‘1‘le \I1i11 \11 111.1111 \11111.\1111.I R11111. William Adam Tercentenary Exhibition 1 “ .l11I\ \111'111I11'1 II11‘ IL~.11I1111'. .11L'I111L'L’1 111 12111111;1~1L:1.111\L'1~II.1111I.11111111I‘L' p1111111sg1I \111I1 I11\ 1'1 111 1111111‘ 1.11111111\\1111 I{11'111‘11.I1.1\ I11~1 1112L‘st \1111 I. 1I1\11I.1_\L'1I 111 the 1111111111 \L‘.1IL‘ 111111.11-l\.1111i1111u111.1l 1I1.1\1111es I11-11111111l11xl.1;111~111-11s111esnt IHI‘ .1111I 315 I11.-LIL'\11:111'1I.1111I11111111s IIIIIILIIIIL'.\I\‘I x111111‘111\11111.1111I'\1I1'.11I111: I1L:I11\\111111‘ 111 \1I111’I1 .111‘ 1.11II\ 111111111141‘1 .111111111I.1I11'111111111111:\1I1.11 1s Patrons and Painters 1111'. II1;I\I11I1111~11 I.111'i \1J1111 I 111111111~1I1u 111111113111 ‘1“
\I )LlitIu-r c1111 1\ 111p 111-11111I 11111111I1L' 111.1-111111'.1I1111111'I11I113111111111I111tI1L‘ 1.1I11'111I1L'11.1111111.11:L'1il 1111'11111 11111151 11.1s .1s11111‘1111.1111111lItL‘.111-w.\111l1I.1\1t11.1s111 1I11'1111I1111‘.1Is11I1L‘11'.5111111‘1111I1L'I1Lw1 11111111111\L'11111sli11.11111L‘1swl1I11~1111'11111I.11‘L' I1L'11'1L'1‘11‘\1_‘111L‘1I.1111I1‘1 L“1.lL‘11~111111\1111111 .111‘1I11is1'111.111'111111111xs111111-1I11111I11111111 1I11'111. I I1L'11.1111>11\ 1.1111’1‘ 11111111I1L' .‘111L'I111'1.11‘\ 1111I1L‘81111111111\‘utl.1111I1111I1L' 11:1111111111.1111..111'.11I1111111.1III1::I1I.1111I
I 111111.1I111I1;11II11~~L'111111'1‘1111111L~1111'1IL-1I111‘1 ..111\.1~1111. R11 I1.111l \\ .1111
I PRINTMAKERSWORKSHOPGALLERYQ.I I 1111111 \11L'L‘1. \‘ “1 \I111: \.11
11.1111 ‘ ‘11‘111
SOIIGrOUTld Hard Ground I 1:11! 1.\111t11\t v\11111u'11 L“1I:1I»1111111 1111 .1II 1111111111.1I1L‘1\
'11111I.111::-111 111.: 1I1L‘111L'111 11111.11 .1111I1111.1I
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IOUEEN'SHALLI'IJL\111‘1'1 II1‘\()IIILL' 1111.‘~_‘11I" \11111 51111111111 "11111 1.11L'. RoaldJosteinTellnest 11111< \111'11s1. 1111‘ \111‘111::{1.1111111\111\L'\1‘1q.1'\1il1111-111I.
'.'.11;w.1111I1111\1'11111.111‘1111\111111111I11L'L‘111\ 111111111L'11111.1\
ERIAS 1‘ \11111 I11‘l “1.1111 *11111
TheWayWe Live Nowt 11111; 11111 1111-
.1111111.1I :\I11111111111'1I .\:1Ii1tL*L't111.1I1IL's1e11x
I\’11'1I.11‘1I \1;'1 1: ; LI" ‘31“
1111 1111' IIHII\L'\1‘I 1I11'1111-su111 .1111I1I11:
IRICHARDDEMARCO GALLERY III.11‘I\111.11\( I1111L'I1. III.11}.111.11\\11'L‘L‘111111 ll1el1\111~1-11.\S’W'W'" \11-11 \.11
l11.1111 1111111
Eighty-Nine I“ :11I11I'1 .-\11L'\I11I\1111111111 I’I111111L'1.1pI1\.111LI1L'\11111 I’1L'11.11.1111I I 11eI1sI11I1‘1I1rl111X[11‘1111'1\1I11L'I11.1I\L'11\
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1\1‘1111L‘11tl\ 11111L‘l1L‘L'IL'I11.11L-1I
foes De Castro I 1111I21~I11I1 I11