l 'La La. LaHumensfepsl 5”“ RM” His Latest Flame. Venue. Edinburgh. & ‘- ‘Don't like that,‘ Moira complains.
: git 32:3“; 231331111 Wm Wednesday26;Maytair.Glasgow. -- .- ' ' ' ' ‘They don'tsaythataboutall-boy
’ IThe Driscollsl l.ili lm. trim willnmls Sunday 30‘ . , e bands" Ym ne-imgrdo the band. by Rwy :33 131.. «im im. Altera two-year hiatus tollowmg a lheltown admiSSion. wantto makea
. couple otunsuccesstul singles onthe lemlniSlSlalement. Theyjustsaythat
Edmburgh independentGolDiscslabel.His theywantto be approached bylhe .ShllehaRii\\ iimirr,inmr-cximi LatestFlamehaverelurned. public andthe music businessinjust (inldc'lh 1pm l m- iii-rill,“ woman Depending on whetherornot one the same way as illhey were all male. huriiciiillivl«ilkli\liiiit»l‘iilw will choosestobelievethe bad-taste press 1 J lorbetterorworse.Atone pointthe k't's'k’l'rl‘llllk'h“WV““H'lw‘lll‘1"“ biographysentoutbytheirnewlabel. issue olthe pressis aired. ‘lthink
lupin I“ tell \iiii .ilii ‘llI [lit-w tiiit't- \kiiiiic ii
London Records. concerning how the members spent the lime. they're now
you‘ve got as much ol a responsibility
i‘» y .l iiill/ l\ u 1', . iciti iiiiiii_ti lklll l l iili iii iii aswe havelnthatsensetwegetablt
alumni»: illlki kllllllllllllll.’ lliv llllc‘ tll‘ l‘»
W l. .H . _ ,M . backwithasparklingsingle. _ .l tired oljournalistswhothinkthatthe u pct“ ‘\ l \Iklllicli!ltlllll\ iii ‘ ,. . , ' ' ~ . “rummmpflhm “whiny,mme ‘Londonderry Road .writtenby . ' onlycomparisonthat svalidisThe IAvalontrim-Mini”ii..ii,\“rum guitaristslrene andTrima and sung by '. Bangles and Fuzzbox. \llk‘L‘l, Lin ‘xxlrl 2.1 .iiit-i ii liipm lead vocalist Moira. All three are rocky 'Londonderry Road”. They would. 'The record company heVe been lwlkriiink gatheredinaSkye hotelbetoreplaying they say.choose credibility over Drelll’goedabOUHheWhOIelhan' IBIUBTlngeTI)lrllltilllll)lic'.l\lilll.llltl arnernorablegiginfronlofagassed Conyniercia|succesgany (lav. ' MOTH} concedes. ‘Forinstance.The MM" “Wk ” “‘1' “l””""“‘l“‘l “‘“l Friday night audience in Portree's ’lt's a question olwhetheryou wantto eeVeFOHhe Single l5 "013 We“) 0W3- \HIhl‘llflllltllllltllk'lldlitlltl.llllllll‘l\'\\l\t' . _ ' . ' Th dd . (\ “l\L.\WIWMm]ka Gathering Hall. bring outsomething thatwdl zoom into W l n t33k“Smelessup- T0 be IalueVeinRHk;\H‘mmm km“ The Single.thoughlackingalittlein the chartsandwe probablywouldn't felllelhem-lhe‘r’d'dnvll’i’.L00d0n~35 :2""<,\_‘_ up,” i“... Rimim .\ my“ immediacy. lodges itsell altera tew like that. Probablywe'd just like to dip we“ 33 belng a blggel- more powerlU' RUMth plays. and the gig they play a few hours our teet in the water. a mild amount of ; companythan (30! give them the kind of IBuleormorantl mil 1 ).illilt'\ .‘\\c'\l alter our chat confirms thatthey re now success. hopelullyiust to set a control overtheircareersthatthey like l’iiit.le-1‘~1l mm im- lilii mi mm as ready aslhey'll everhe fora precedent lorwhat's to come. We'd That His Latest Flame aren't .l-Illl-lilvlglglakfiia‘l H) 1 \\ H) I W) concentratedstabatthe nationallive liketoliavesoniekind ollasting dogmaticaboutbeinganall-lemale i‘lt .tlll Us. t'\ 1‘! ....‘ ’ . ‘ mi nip,“ C'lell'lendSlelelhelle DJS. success. 5 groupisshownbytheirrecrUItmentota
v'lt'slunny.‘saysMoira.‘We'reall HLFlindthemselvesinthepositionot drummerandkeyboardplayerolthe girls andwe'rebringingoutaserious havingto expend alotolhreath ‘ opposite sextoreplacetwomembers
Glasgow song. Peoplemightexpectlovey l juslilyingthemselvesasalemale on maternityleave.Being scrupulously songsbutitsagoodserious song. band.andthinkittiresmiie.Posters lair.the mothers havegiven birthto IGun.mtl\lnlc Hit-\lmiim l‘il' Ratherlhanplayonthe'lovey' around Portreeproclaimthearrivalot one oleach.'We'retheworld'slirst Sfiiivliirli‘ill\Iiwl. “3 “1‘— \i‘iii ’3 \" expectations by selecting a more 'Scotland's tiiiest all—girl hand (‘llwe sell-perpetuating band.‘ the joke runs. :lllll:;k;:"l::11li‘::\‘\L‘lllll;\\lll:{I‘llitlllj{skiff}“I lightweightnumber.whichmightstand hadamarkerwe'dscoreit0iit.').which though Womackand Womackland mg”khmt‘lllhfni:Hhi‘llfgl;_“films: melehehenee Olelllllay. HLF seeinstobethesumtotalotwhat i Womackand Womackand Womack) \Uh_hm_dml\\mm \IWJMWHMN unanimouslyleltthattheyshouldbe anyone cantindto say ahoutHis Latest mighthave somethingto sayabout \llllL'lll.llltl:IL'lll\‘lll\.tllll‘.tillildlc‘v‘l‘llll‘ truetomemselvesandre'easeme Flame. mats lAIaSlalrMabetl)
lk'lL'.l\L‘ lticii lll\[ \lllL'lL' iiii l l‘lllltlld
Rec-link. tun \\'.tl\ .illp: \lllllll‘lt' lii
l’liiiiiiiui.iiii lJohnny Sunbeam \.:'i‘\ li'lllt.lll .SUgarloaTtllll![)lull‘l \tziiii't'lmc \tiqut, \“h’W ‘l l‘iiii; l‘w \ ithlitliwiiiq. 11 1‘} \ mil. \llx'k'l. ill-1'. lx‘c lilt. iit i. ‘liiiii :1 \ll l\\l‘l‘llhk‘1\i_'11k‘iillilillll‘lk' lGreatJunctionStreetl‘m \L'l\ ili vi'llill. _ i. . . THEI- ' lllklll\lllllll\lti.l\c'llllplllh :‘iggiiti' \ lxli‘lld \llt'ch, it Will 'i ‘lll‘fll l: -
lc‘ullldlh I Fjaere Nilssen \l m. \r i-.- i.» ll i: .RfllnAngelsnlhch .\ll\( t-iilzc.\q\\ (ltlll‘ll limit! “ ‘lini: l r. v ,licct. l’.ii\lc\ . W ' llllll ‘ :‘ll‘ll‘i ,‘xlw \lllt lit.iii \llii‘c' ii‘i‘s.iiiii.' -i.;1~.\tx~ii.i
\Miitli \cciiii! .i 'tiiiiiit'tiiuii ::i~_' 1w: wiiimll \liiittl.i\
lllL‘ R.tlllx\l1_L’Cl\.\klll‘pl‘llll‘lllk‘lllt'\ I Seven Elevent ).t\l‘. \ it iwii i‘xlrl-qi
(‘1.lpflt‘dlllkilk‘LYllllrll l‘.tllll\\ll}l\lllllk' \ l'li‘iii ll‘x'L “lili‘ lint Ti cl, li~ .iw iiiwicxtmliiiiiiiiiit‘iilutctl\ilt.ili\iiii'
ITheSingerDoesn'tLikeltllic . -. _ (‘liililiiiiixtx \iictltliiii \tit-ct. l’.ii\lc \. . \W
lit!» \piii Slimxxlimx l\it\lllllll\."\.tl\’lll
(il.i\§_'.ii\\ \kllc‘l‘i tlicic .iit' .l\ lll.tll\ itivmiii IThe Cure ill‘lii \..\.‘llv‘..lii l )ll‘l II \l H
iii l’.ii\lc\ l lllllli‘\ll‘ll l_iii.ix ‘1‘;""" “’l‘ii: ?
t Hum llivm' limit li ii:ii\\‘.ill l.i:u it l'fit
tlw liicl .i:_
. R t ,l i . .Vlrusxh mm'\kml ’ H lk'l\\\‘‘.\'\\?‘lt‘1lilislult‘lllllfi‘llllillih
T3“ llpiii ltii.i\
IVRK'I ITheTex FilletFive li.i lllii' l’mi [Ply '. .. . - ‘ I RaisonD Etre \iiwl .. ~» \lw'iklvv Slitiic,‘M llil \l‘lll ligt \iimii ‘ .. .. [ [\ixiil.‘\* ‘. ‘liiiil ll“
'. IASHJill’;.l\iiiit\.iiil\iilii«i~ [TV ICaptainScarlet\cumiinn.l i‘llllllll ' ‘ \ ‘V. . '
\iiituitlvitgl, .l ’l‘lll .‘l "* lli‘:
\llL'CI. llgti‘lF " ~1<iiiii I for lCharlie and herSheepdogsI’m-\t-niiiui:
H.1H. \ic'liiim Stic'cl I‘M Will ! 1.111x'f
l“‘l‘ \“lliz‘illlllv \\ lli.iiiiliii:. l‘i‘l‘ :ixL
T‘llllli. lx‘t' .illi‘fiiii Hit .il'.‘.\l1iili.i‘.v
li x ii ill‘lll‘. llii: tI*"‘Y. ll‘ll\ lipm \ (I ‘ ‘ \ HMJIIl llll‘l‘ l«._.iil’i\lllril\l~ _ lBobbyWisharliinzicr ivmx P‘- l\’l»iii 1‘"..“ll' ‘l‘fl‘. [lt' \illlli" ‘ Glasgow imbue-nil: iiwim \\ will riuiiiix
EDINBURGH — VENUE GLASGOW - MAYFAIR l (_); __‘.1.\.§lltltl T Ills fV11§ll>f‘1:\ll . ‘ .'\:ll::ll_fll.l\l lhx' l’ct \Ililililii Ht‘\\lTl[l}lt‘ . I'llilLT.\\llll\\llllI l‘lt‘llll\L‘\li‘l‘L' .il.i\i\li .TheTex Fillet Five ~\ 11,.“ we] _ W ' S- \t;l_uc tlicuitiituiliiiiitliit‘tiiiii \\lll‘.tll‘l\ llhl‘. MM.“ f w “1:: ii pulp}! i e e t ' ‘l. ' \ that will tlctitic‘t lllllll IllL‘ iitlci lL‘tllllllli‘I
IThe PetShop Boys \l t < .l llllllchHl‘.
l\’\‘\lllx‘llc\ ti‘lll IhL‘ll llllhlL‘. \NlllL‘llUllh \t-cziixtugnziicli» ILoswglmmmos\l [1,.....,. , .}.i X.
lllL‘\\hCll l)ll\I\ Siiiiiiuticltlixiiixrllxctl (HIM. R“ “i v HI... in .7
SUI'JIUI' ). ... ‘ i T . I. e ,. - - - . -
H .k k llxtlxitlc i.I \\ mt ll .t it tr \. ~~ \ .gi: GLASGOW: Just the Ticket (VIFQIn) Lost in Musrc.
ilynlllL' T\.lll\ Ilii'llxl'l lltili 'iixxf . . . .
h “Mi t Virgin, Rlpplng, ‘J IBig George andthe Busrness Rll\ll1ltlt\ lCaptain Scarlet lmm minim l iii! — AND T.O.C.T.A. THROUGHOUT SCOTLAND L’ ' Him/L".\t‘iillclflilliiiil{ixitt.**VWV; \ltliitii‘itttc! ‘."~ :‘V ‘1 ;"l"li l t‘ .‘ ‘ Rc\ldc'llc‘\ (il.i\uii\\\iiu'kiii‘wl IHoakieFinoakiel l t‘l\ \ it'wzi i‘vi u-i ,. 1' ' . ~. l l NUUHMH[It-MWM' l‘lhittl\uii\ciiiwi; \ ililwzi: If: p \lizilfz: ii: l lill‘iilli. .’ . ' I
_._fi_.., _ ,._l [hL'I l\l 1‘1 .‘qlllh l‘lh‘l39