The YearMyVoice Broke (15) (John Duigan. Australia. 1987) Noah Taylor. Loene Carmen. Ben Mendelsohn. 105 mins. Asglowingshots ofthe outback landscape unfold behind the opening credits and a reminiscingvoiceover beginsto intone. one's expectations slump atthethoughtofanotherbloody growing up movie. So the factthatJohn Duigan‘sfilm. which was heapedwith awards backhome in Australia. goes on to prove itself a much darker and emotionally mature piece of work is even more of a welcome surprise.

It‘s 1962. the sameyearas George Lucas's ‘American Graffiti‘. butwe're in a one-hotel town in New South Wales with tdyear—old DannleoahTaylor). who is. of course. profoundly in love with childhoodfriend Freya (Loene Carmen). She'sayearolderbuther hormones have gotten something of a iead on Danny's and so she madly fanciesteenagetearawayTrevor1Ben Mendelsohnl. the schooliockwho spends his spare time stealing cars. What's interesting here isthatFreya's 13esireforsexy Trev. onlyservesto 1811111111 ourhero olhis lack ofphysical 11iaturity. and as he grudgingly comes 1otermswitlithe difference between his almostchildish infatuation andthe older boy 3 adultattractiveness for her, '.he two males develop a mutual


re pect based on differing roles they each have to play in Freya's life. This turning around of cliched situations runs throughout the film in the way that it resists the usual kind of rose-tinted nostalgia. While Danny‘s dabbling in hypnotism is an agreeably eccentric naarative touch. forthe most part this is not a very pleasant locale. The schoolkids are generally vicious and spiteful. while the adults run the gamut from alcoholism to senility to moral hypocrisy. At the heart of the story is Danny‘s discovery of the secret at the centre of the town‘s heartlessness, and as the plot darkens in the second half. his coming of age is

couched interms ofdisappointment u

and disillusionment.

Duigan's handling of the shadings of lightand darkinthe material give ita sense ofdepththatfew ofthe outings in this genre posess. it‘s the fresh performancesfromthe principalsthat allows the piece to unfold as absorbingly as it does. Plenty of quirky detailsto keepthe viewerhappy as well: | particularlylikedthewaythe customary writerfigure inthese affairs between swigs of Scotch is hard at work on ‘Australia'sfirsterotic masterpiece...butthey'll probablyban it‘. (TrevorJohnston)

From Sun 16: Edinburgh: Filmhouse.

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Friday14—Thursday 20

This section gives details ofprogrammes showing at cinemas in central Scotland over the next week. Readers are advised that programmes may be subject to late change at anytime.

Cinemas operating a family discounlscheme allow an adult accompanying a child to ‘U' and ‘PG' certificate programmes to gain admission forthe same price as the child 11p tofipm.

.CANNON11H2‘11'; ;‘ \11:

("1 1‘1; 11111 1ll\11‘211'1f1. '1'.

1. PeliceAcademyVl:Cityllndei Seigl: 1'1 111:1. 1'1i\m 11’ .‘

2. lndianaJoiiesAnd The Las‘1111‘usa1le 111 1‘11‘111111111‘x111 ,1 '1 ,“1. 3.TheTallGuy1i , .

1‘111‘1. 1 1'

ICANNON11 I ~ 11-‘;r:-.1‘~111 11-

11’ 1‘111'121‘1

1,lndianaJonesAndTheLa::lC11is.111e 1'1 111‘. N i‘ 1' l" 2. Licei'ice'l'o‘riill

3. Police Academy Vl' 1.71131 11111111 81:111.? 1'1-

4. Dirt: Rotten Scoundrels 1'1.

5. [11111 P1/1C TheyLive * 1. 1' 6.Twins 1‘11

7.Who FramedHogerlhbhit‘) 1'11



\-- 1‘1\.1lll.. ..

'CANN0H\11 l1\‘ t'\1111111‘111‘ l.. 1.11 '1 l”‘1‘f.’. \‘1 1: ‘11‘ ‘1 1\:111 11::1"'.1‘:1 11' ._

1. PoliceAcademv‘vl: CitiniderSeige 1'111 1‘” “111’14 2.1ndianaJonesAnd‘1’he Last Crusade1 1'11 3.TheyLive 11:. 11.11

41ParisByNigl1t 1 .1. 1.

5.TheHakedGun :1. AFishCalledWanda

‘1 .111 . 1. ~11 HGANNGHGRAHD'~ ‘1w 1w: \11l'lll, '1_ 1.. :1. UTYCENTHEODEON1<1¢14va l: .' ‘- ‘.11 1 1:1 1‘1 1 1 11' ill 1 11 fl; 11 .111 1’ r11: \ I) \" 11I 1.1'. 11 \'1 \_ 1 LicenceToKill‘ '11.. 11111; ‘1":. iii. MacAndMel 111. 1111:111‘.‘ "11:. SkinDeep- “1:1. MississippiBurning Beaches ,‘1‘ ‘v1g:u DirtyRottenScour1drels11'11 1351111., 111*11111.‘ 111111: \ ~\;1:1: Homeboy: '1. "11:1. 111:1. $1.11,

\ 11111111.

\1‘1‘:l 1111\1‘11\k .111“
