ScreenprinterEveleen Wright hopes to till a gap in the art world. literally.

Using a process involving edible ink. tor which she has recently applied Iora patent. she has devised a method at printing images directly onto cakes. Her exhibition(olconsumable art) atthe Glasgow Print I Studio. (irom 8—29 July) contains prints at her own work and the old masters all on a canvas ol Iruit sponge and icing sugar. Aiterthe public have had a taste oI herwork she intends to go into business supplying her dessert-as~artto anyone willing to iork out toraslice oi Degas on Gateaux or Monet on Marzipan (see Art Listings).


It seems that over the last decade the confidence at David Bowie's tours has dwindled in direct proportion to the standard at work he's had out at the time. The Serious Moonlight tour. as anyone who saw it will attest. was a huge and dazzling production. but the lollowing Glass Spider tour seemed ill-thought-out. and coincided with some 01 his least Interesting music. ; Now that the man has hidden himselt entirely behind the name at his band? - Tin Machine - and has : chosen to play at the l Livingston Forum on I Monday 3. the only Scottish %

date 01 a leg which is virtually a club tour by Bowie‘s standards. Word is that it's just a testing ground


With the aid at its youngest member. Daisy Costello.

Scottish Youth Theatre recently took up residence

lorthe real Tin Machine tour to come, but the rather ' dreary LP. barking back to

the sound at a lot at his mid-70s work. in no way matches that standard. The one thing that we can be certain oi Is the band's emphemerality. One thing that must be handy about being a David Bowie tan is that it you don't like this batch ot songs there'll be

another completely dittorent;

one along in a minute. See It

Rock Listings.

intheirA-listed acquisition inthe City oICulture; Buchanan Street'led Athenaeum building. A dramatic increase in Iunding permittedthe 2110.000 purchase with whichthe company are understandably delighted. The 99 year-old edilice is steeped in theatrical legacies. having been the birthplace oithe Citizens‘ Theatre and Glasgow‘s Unity Group. as wellas most recently housingthe RSAMD SYT‘s artistic directorRobin Peoples‘ unveiledthe company‘s comprehensive planslor the building‘srevitalisation which will allow the group to make an eitective contribution to the 1990 celebrations.

Paul Taylor Dance Company.

DANCE USA The Theatre Royal continttes its admirable promotion ot' major international dance with two of America's most respected companies. l’aul 'l‘aylor and his dancers arrive in (ilasgow on 4 .luly for a three-night stand which looks set to be one of the highlights ol‘ the year. His works are lrequently funny and can also sizzle with a wickedly biting sense ol'satire. At other moments they are filled with dark mystery. eyen dread. scratching and clawing at the darkest emotions buried deep inside the human psyche. Yet whether in l’rankly lyrical or maliciously dark mode. 'l‘aylor says that ‘all dance is really a kind ol‘symbol for [He and death and renewal.‘ 'l‘aylor's talents have been recognised throughout I his career taught by Martha (iraham in his youth. a dancer I'or (ieorge Balanchine in 195‘) and. appropriately enough on this eye of the i-‘rench Reyolution. knighted by the French goyernment as ‘( )l’l'icier de l.'( )rdrc des Arts et des I.ettres in 198-1.

In September. the New York (‘ity Ballet .stepping oyer the Pond. represents a major coup lor dance in Scotland. (ilasgow is the only stop for this letcd company and there can be no doubt that tickets will be scarce. with much attention generated nationwide.


‘Britain's biggestbook event' is how the Edinburgh Book Festival hypes itselt —and rightly so. This year. 12—28 August. over200 authors will be calling in at thetentedvillage in Charlotte Square Gardens. Big names include Gore Vidal. Garrison ‘Lake Wobegon Days‘ Keillor. Joyce Carol Dates. Martha Gellhorn and Richard Ford ailjetting in Irom the US. There isa strong Irish contingent. a Franco-Ilavour. more Macs thanthere are in Soho. lectures. talks. cookery demos. and—entirely unconnected—a Peter Rabbittea party. The Festival will be opened by

Gore Vidal

the all-time bestselling children‘s author. Roald

.Dahl.at11am on12August when entrance lorthetirst two hours will betree. Programmes and iurther detailslrom the Edinburgh Book Festival (253 South WestThistle Street Lane. Edinburgh EH21EW). The box otlice is atthe Edinburgh Bookshop. 57

. George Street. Edinburgh.


The National Library at Scotland. George IV Bridge.

v Edinburgh.celebratesits

300th anniversary this year with a fascinating exhibition entitled ‘300 Years. 300 Books’. which runs irom 1 July to 11 November. As the name implies. 300 books are out on display. one selected irom each yearotthe Library's history (not necessarilythe yearot publication. but most likely the year the book was acquired). In a collection that ranges trom priceless

illuminated manuscriptsto

a 1977 copy at ‘The Beano‘. there are plenty ol superlatives. like the handtul listed below.

I LARGEST 800K: ‘Richard Wagner‘ by Mary Burrell. 1838. In a momentous undertaking. Burrell attempted to chart in minute

; detail the lite other

lavourite composer. and

died long belore the work

could be completed. I SMALLEST BOOK: Atiny

version of 'Dld King Cole'.

published by Glenitter Press in Paisley 1985. and

authenticated asthe smallestbookintheworld

by ‘The Guiness Book of

World Records‘.

IOLDEST(AND MOST EXPENSIVE) BOOK: The Gutenberg Bible. 1455. the tirstbook printed in movable type. Adealer recently estimated that a 2-volumeseton the open market mightletch overStD million.

I MDSTIMPRESSIVE BINDING: ‘Disputatio Juridicia‘. printed (again) in Edinburgh in 1773. It‘s not hard to see how Scottish binding becamelamous: the covertorthis book sportsa wheel with wavy radiating spokes breathtakingly executed. Because oltheditticulties olmanually workingthe tools. this particulardesign was probably never



BOOKz‘Nepenthes. orThe VertuesotTabacco‘by


Barclay. who in 1614 wrote

thislittletome onthe benelicialettectsol

smoking (his prelerred method was on an empty stomach). The cause othis death is notmentioned.


BDDK: 'Monograms'. bythe eccentriccollectorotbooks.

china and bric-a-brac John Eliot Hudlin. appeared in 1866. inthe shape ola shield. with the spine atthe top olasplendid

coat-ol-armscover. PredatesThe Police's

lawman-badge-shaped picture disc oi ‘Message in a Bottle' by about113 I

i years.

The List 3li.lune -- 13 .luly 19893