display their work which consists mainly of paintings as well as some sculptures.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART Lauriston Place. 22‘) 931 l. Mon~ Thurs “lam—8.30pm. Fri ltiam—5pm. Sat 10am—l2noon.

Fashion Show 30 June & 1 July. The annual fashion display from the School of Design and Crafts at 7 & 9pm both evenings.

I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY CHAPLAINCY CENTRE Bristo Square. 6670222. Mon— Fri 9am—5pm.

Emotion Pictures I'ntil 3tlJune. A selection of work done over the last 2 years by members of the New Wilkie (‘lubz the l'nisersity Settlement's Mental Health Project which offers social contact and support for people w ho have experienced mental illness. Some of the members have been painting for many years whilst others began from scratch.

I ENGLISH SPEAKING UNION 23 Atholl ('rcscent. 22‘) I528. Mon—Sat

lilam «1.30pm.

31 Edinburgh Artists lo-anuly. Paintings. embroidery . ceramics. jewellery and weaving go on show from this large collection of artists.

I FILMHOUSE l .otlrian Road. 22S 2688. Mon Sat noon llpm; Stirro.31l--l lpm. Recent Photographs From the Gorgie and Dairy Photography Workshop Details yet to be finalised.

I FINE ART SOCIETY 12 (ireat King Street. 5560305. .\lon l-"ri 0.30am 5 30pm. Sat 10am lpnt.

New Acquisitions l 'ntil 5 August. In return for their previous exhibition. State ofthe At t . going to ( ilasgow ‘s Fine Art Gallery. l-tlinburgli recieves a scaled-down version ol the exhibition put together by its counterpart. which contains contemporary and Nth century paintings and includes some new work by artists that has e exhibited at the ( iallery in the past. I FLYING COLOURS GALLERY 35 William Street. 2256776. I'uer l-ri llam--6pm.Sat 10am lpm.

The Cyprus Collection 1 'ntil 7July. \Valercolotrrs from the liastern Mediterranean by Sylvia

Woodcock -( ‘larkc who now spends six months a year in ( 'y prtrs. After thisthe

( iallcl'y w ill has c an exhibition of contemporary Scottish Paintings from stock until 5 August.

I FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366. .‘vlon—I‘ri 9.30am- lpm and 2 5.30pm.

IIIL‘ ( iallcr'y will be closed until the l‘estival lixhibition in August.

I THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY Market Street. 225 2383.31on-Sat “lam-5.30pm Sttn l---5.3(ipm.

Open Exhibition I'ntil 16 July. The works leatttririg in this exhibition have been chosen from around 700 entrantsand encompasses professional and amateur artists.

I GALERIE LA BELLE ANGELE l l llasties ('Iose. ( ‘ovvgale i behind 36‘) ( iallery) .\1on l-ri 10am 5.30pm; Sat 1 lam—4pm. Framing for artists done on the premises. I GALERIE MIRAGES Raeburn Place. 3| 5 2603. Tue Sat 10.30am 4.30pm. Sun

2- 4.30pm. closed Mondays.

Animal Regalia ITntil 30 June. Selection of adornmcnts that man has used to beautify elephants. camels. donkeys and oxen. (‘ollected over a period of 12 years mainly from the Middle liast and India. The (iallery w ill then be closed for the first two weeks of July.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Belford Road. 556 8921. Mon Sat “lam—5pm: Sun 2—5pm. [1)] ('afe.

The gallery's justly renowned cafe isopen Mon Sat 10.30am—-I.30prn;Suit

2.30 --t.20pm. ( 'ream teas will be served front 3- 4.15pm.

Scottish Art Since 1900 L'ntil 24 September. Far more of the national collection is on show than ever before. with the entire (iallery given over to this major exhibition tracing the development of Scottish Art in the 20th century. The two polesof

Robert Callender, Talbot Rice Art Centre, Edinburgh.

Made in Scotland from girders? The answer is ‘no' but you could be forgiven ior making that wrong assumption when you iirst encounter this Edinburgh-based artist's recent work: giant rusting gates, rudders and the halt-dissolved skeletal remains oi a ship dominate the clean, white spaces oi the gallery. It is only upon closer inspection that the light dawns: these are not ‘iound' objects but instead have been built by the artist irom cardboard, paper and paint to create an eiiect not unlike a theatre set. The ‘Sea Salvage’ oi the exhibition’s title reiers to the artist’s Iiielong fascination with beachcombing and invites us to look at these relics of the sealaring communities more closely, enjoy their texture and colour and ‘discoverthem the way I (Callender) have discovered them in my own mind.‘ The works are guaranteed to strike a chord with anyone who has come across a rotting hull or a piece of driitwood on a beach and wondered what story it has to tell. As a counterpoint to these enormous,


‘industrial' works there is a second side to the exhibition. Quieter and more human in scale it has boat fragments part buried on the sea bed or hastily bundled together for scrap. Particularly poignant is the ‘Sea Box’, embellished with a beautifully painted old ship, yet containing another representation of (the same?) ship now wrecked and lying on its side. These smaller works locus on the role at the ship as protector and provider yet, like mankind, able to be destroyed by the sea or to die a lingering death through neglect. In contrast a work such as ‘Shut Out' with its rusting closed gates speaks of the decline at shipbuilding and related industries in the wider context at unemployment and social exclusion.

Like the other, more ieted, paper boat launched earlier this year on Clydeside the exhibition is a powerful and dignified monument to a way oi lite in decline and an aiiirmation oi the skills and traditions which are in danger of being lost with it. (Alison King)

reference being the early (‘olourists to the aggressively figurative painters ofthe 1980s. This is the first major strrveyof Scottish painting encompassing the ttrrn of the century artists such as J . l). Fergusson and SJ Peploe through the Edinburgh School. Mac'l'aggart. Redpath and Maxwell to the post war generation Iiduardo Paoloui. William 'I'urnbull and Alan Davie. right up to the present day represented by Steven Campbell. Ken (‘urrie and Adrian Wiszniewski amongst others.

I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY 15 Scotland Street. 556 6020. Tue—Fri IUam—Spm. Sat 10am-- 1 pm.

My Sense at Your Sense of Language Until 30June. Maurizio Nannucci‘s striking neon-lit poems and Simon (‘utts' text painted onto the wall address the theme of language. The Gallery will be closed throughout July until the Festival exhibition which will be a display ofwork from the Dutch artist Pieter Laurens Moi. I HANOVER FINE ART 22A Dundas Street. 5562181. Mon—Fri Iliam—5.3(ipm:Sat Ilium—4pm.

Recent Watercolours by Roberto Merrilees l— 18 July. Flower studies and seascapes from California form the mainstay ofthc artist‘s most recent work. I HILLSIDE GALLERY Hillside St. 556 6440. Tue—Sat 10.30am—6pm Inaugural Exhibition Until 1 July. The

premier show at Scotland‘s first illustrators‘ Gallery is a foretaste ofwork from the artists that will be showingthere over the coming year.

Facade 3—21 July. Architecturaldrawings from Rowanne O‘Donnell go on display. I ITALIAN INSTITUTE 82 Nicolson Street. 668 2232. Mon 2-5pm. Tue 9am-5pm. Wed 2—7pm. Thurs 9am—5pm. Fri 9am—2pm.

The next exhibition at this venue will be during the festival.

I KINGFISHER GALLERY Northumberland Street Lane. 557 5454. Mon—Sat [Dam—4.30pm. Sat 10am—1pm.

Paintings by the Members oi the Royal Institute of Oil Painters Until 1 July. A dozen oil painters. including the President ofthe institute Brian Bennett.display their work.

William Baillie: New Works 6—29July. Recently completed oils and watercolours. mainly studies oflndian subjects.

I MALCOLM INNES GALLERY 67 George Street. 226 4151. Mon-Fri 9.30am—6pm; Sat 10am—Ipm. '

19th and 20th Century Scottish landscapes and sporting prints.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 556 8921. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.

A View of Jedburgh Until 16 July. This view ofJedburgh was painted by Thomas Girtin

(1755-1802) who died at the age of 27 and is now recognised as a major watercolourist. He was a friend of Turner, and this particular painting dates from 1800. Girtin’s two studies of the view and other English watercolours are on display to complement the new painting.

Scottish Rural Lite Until 16July. In the early 19th century many Scottish artists sought inspiration from the common man and two such painters are exhibited here. In tandem James Howe (1780-1836) and Walter Geikie (1795—1837) provide a glimpse of everyday Scottish life in their time.

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND George IV Bridge , 226 4531. Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm; Sat 9.30am—lpm; Sun 2pm—5pm.

300 Years 300 Books 1 J uIy—l 1 November. A birthday celebration of the foundation of the National Library whose origins go back to the establishment of the Advocates‘ Library in 1689. For each year of the Library‘s existence there will be a specific exhibit representing a particularly interesting or curious acquisition of that year. The enormous range includes the poignant last letter of Mary Queen of Scots, the Gutenberg Bible and the war diaries of Earl Haig.

I NET HERBOW 43 High Street, 556 9579. Mon—Sat lOam-4.30pm and evenings when performances. Cafe.

Songs Without Words Until 1 July. Photographs from India provide the source for Anne Devine‘s paintings which combine images from both the East and the West.

People and Places 5—29 July. Portraits and landscapes provide a visual record of Jackie Gordon's trip to the wilderness of Kluane in the Yukon.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 Cumberland Street, 557 1020. Mon-Fri IOam—6pm,Sat 10am—4pm.

John G. Boyd I-20 July. Recent paintings very much in the style of the Glasgow School.

James Castle: Sculpture 1—20 July. A display of the artist‘s figurative wooden sculptures.

Shiela MacDonald: Jewellery 1-20 July. Intricate silver and enamel jewellery with gold details.

Jonathon Gibb: Woodcuts 1-20 July. Still life and landscapes in an abstract fashion round off the July showing of four artists at the Gallery.

I PORTFOLIO GALLERY AT PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 43 Candlemaker Row, 220 I911.Tue-Sat11am—S.30pm.

The Design at Nature and the Nature of Design Until 1 July. Francois Dolmetch‘s photography is concerned with objects that have been structured by natural forces. He lives mainly in Columbia and. in the garden of rare and exotic plants he built 6000 feet up in the Andes, he finds much of the subject matter for his photographs.

Little Sparta: Photographs from a Garden



For exhibition details, see listings page

Opening Hours: Monday-Saturday [0.30-5.30

Admission Free

569 Gallery is subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council and the (lity of Edinburgh District Council

The List 30 June -13 July 1989 55