time. I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND George 1V Bridge. 2264531. Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm; Sat 9.30am-1pm: Sun 2pm—5pm. Exhibition room closed until July when an exhibition which celebrates the Library's 3001h birthday will open. I NETHERBOW 43 High Street. 5569579. Mon—Sat 1()am—4.30pm and evenings when performances. Cafe. Films Without Words Until 1 July. Photographs from India provide the source for Anne Devine's paintings which combine images from both the East and the West. I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 Cumberland Street. 557 1020. Mon—Fri 10am-6pm. Sat 10am—4pm. Summer Exhibition Until 29 June. The exhibition consists of 21 contemporary Scottish painters including Robin Philipson. Elizabeth Blackaddcr and David Donaldson. Alan Caiger-Smith Until 29 June. Ceramic work in lustre ware. Malcolm Morris I'ntil 29 June. A display of fashion jewellery in semi precious and non precious metals. I PORTFOLIO GALLERY AT PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 43 Candlemaker Row. 220 1911. Wed~Sat llam—-5.30pm. The Design or nature and the Nature oI Design L'ntil 1 July. Francois Dolmetch's photography is concerned with objects that have been structured by natural forces. Ile lives mainly in Columbia and in the garden of rare and exotic plants he built there 6000 feet up in the Andeshe finds mttch of the subject matter for his photographs. Gum-bichromate Workshop 24 & 25 June. The tutor. Christina Redina is a leading practitioner of this process. A One Day Introduction to Photography 1 July. This intensive workshop covers basic camera technique processing and printing all in the course ofaday. Black and White Printing In July. A fine printing workshop taken by Owen Logan. winner ofthe Richard Ilotigh award. Prior booking essential. I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 556 8921. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm: Sun 2—5pm. Old Closes and Streets at Glasgow tintil 7 July. Between 1868 and 1871 Thomas Annan compiled a photographic record of Glasgow's old city around the I Iigh Street and Saltmarket. He had been specially commissioned to take the photographs before a substantial programme ofslum clearance was put into action. The result is a celebrated collection of images of poverty and over-crowding. but also of strikingbeauty. I PRINTMAKERS WORKSHOP GALLERY 23 L'nion Street. 557 2479. Mon—Sat 10am—5.30pm. Equilibrium, Works in Handmade Paper Until 24 June. Victoria Cassidy's sophisticated lithographs are done on finely crafted handmade paper. SOII Ground Hard Ground 1 July~4 August. An open exhibition for all printrnakers working on the theme of town and rural life. Work to be submitted 24~28June. I OUEEN'S HALL Clerk Street. Box Office 668 2019. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Cafe. Images at Summer L'ntil 27Junc. Jenny Mathews spent last winter capturing the sunshine warmth and colour ofthe Continent for her latest one woman show. The sacrifices some people are prepared to make for their art? Working in watercolour she aims to capture the essence of summer. I RIAS 15 Rutland Square. 229 7205. Mon—Fri 9. 30am-5pm. Italian Watercolours and Fabric Hangings Until 17Junc. Anne and George Keith present work with an Italian theme toit. George apparantly took up painting as he dislikes golf. The Way We Live Now 20 June—27 July. The annual exhibition of Architectural designs for the houses of the present and the future.

Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh. Until 7 July. The second annual Open Exhibition at the Fruitmarket attracted around 700 entries from prolessional and amateur artists in Scotland. These were whittled down to 100 by a panel oi 5 judges. We canvassed opinions on it from a selector, 3 selected sculptor and an interested artist. COHDELIA OLIVER Selector. ‘Open exhibitions mostly depend on the ball at prize money. The Fruitmarket Open is different. As an experienced selector, I‘ve been unhappy at the invidious process at allocating substantial sums or money when a clear front-runner is so seldom presented, so I welcome the change’. ‘However, though I would say that myseli and the selection team are by no means unhappy at the result now on the Fruitmarket walls and floor, there certainly is a Ieeling that a non-Iinancial recognition of excellence might be considered for Iuture years. Perhaps an even more rigorous selection process resulting in an exhibition of groups or work by some ten or twelve tront-runners.’ LEILA JAY GALLOWAY selected sculptor. ‘I have both a floor and a wall piece in the exhibition: ll I'd just one piece I think it would have looked isolated, it limits how people see the work. As an artist it's no good submitting work that

; won‘t suit the particular gallery space.

I RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY Blackfriars Church. Blackfriars Street (off High Street). 5570707. Mon—Sat 10.30am—6pm.

Georgij Pusenkov and Neill Slaughter L'ntil

1 July. The former is from the IJSSR andis showing a series of paintings some of which were done at the Gallery itself. whilst the latter is from the [ISA and displays paintings of Africa.

4 Artists From the Galleria Oe Cavallino In June—1 July. A mixed show from one of the oldest and most respected Italian Galleries.


Gardens Mon—Sat 9am—sunset; Sun

54 The List 16 29 June 1989

LeilaJay Galloway with herworks ‘Yoke' and 'Flux'

You have to take the ultimate responsibility Ior what’s on show: even it you don't have the same degree ot control as in a solo exhibition. What the Open represents is an ideal opportunity tor me to see my own work in a major gallery and a chance to position myself in relation to my contemporaries in Scotland. Chances to show in Scotland are quite limited so every opportunity should be grasped.‘


‘The exhibition throws up a number of serious problems: weak entries both by submission and slide. Artists who did not submit work may sit back and criticise but through their lack ol involvement they have contributed to its mediocrity. (eg despite having one or the most advanced audio-visual centres in Europe not one video work was submitted Ior consideration). I would make two points: Firstly, the exhibition's success depends on quality work being submitted, this is the collective responsibility at all artists in Scotland. Secondly, the exhibition should be curated by one person who has extensive experience inthatarea.

As an international Iorum tor exhibitors the Fruitmarket should not have to dangle the carrots ol group shows or prize money to gain a response lrom committed artists.‘ (Alison King)

I lam-sunset. Plant houses and exhibitions I mounted iii lnverleith l louse) Mon—Sat 10am 5pm; Sun llam»5pm. Due to renovation of lnverleith House. there will be no exhibitions at the Botanic Garden until further notice.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Mound. 2256671. Mon- Sat 10am 6pm. Stilt 2—6pni

163rd Annual Exhibition L'ntiI 15 July. It‘s- time once again for this major display of painting. sculpture and architecture. this year sponsored by the solicitors .‘vlaclay. Murray & Spens. 497 exhibits were selected out of a total of 1300 entriesto represent the best of contemporary art iii

Scofland. I SCOTTISH ARTS COUNCIL 19 Charlotte Square. 226 6051. Art in the Making Until 25 August. This travelling exhibition brings together the work of 5 artists and demonstrates the different processes involved in achieving their finished products. The distinctive van will be in the Edinburgh area from 19-23 & 26—30 June (phone 226 6051 . for details). I SCOTTISH CRAFT CENTRE 140 Canongate. 556 8136. Mon-Sat 9.30am--5.30pm. New Work L'ntil 24 June. Innovative work from 10 members including embroidered and painted silk. blown glass. fine silver work and landscape tapesteries. I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 94 George Street. 225 5955. Mon—l-‘ri I0ani—6pszat 10am- 1pm. Figure, Flowers and Landscapes L'ntil 28 June. David McClure has his first solo exhibition at the gallery since 1969. Around 40 of his oils and works on paper will be on show dealing mainly with the female figure. There will be new paintings as well as work dating back to the artist's litne in Tuscany in the late 1950s. Janice Tchalenko L'ntil 28 June. This isthe first showing in Scotland for this leading British potter. ller work is characterised by intense bright colours on robust stoneware jugs. bowls and platters. Dorothy Black L'ntil 28 June. Iler drawings monon pes and prints centre on the themes of seafood and the human figure. which sometimes appear combined. The artist has gained a considerable reputation tor her confident drawing style since leasing Iidinburgh College of Art 2years ago. I SCOTTISH PHOTOGRAPHS WORKS 14a Nelson Street. 5564017 (phone for appointment). Scottish Photographers A gallery representing the most exciting contemporary Scottish photographers. There is a permanent print holdinggiving a varied display . On sale from the gallery is David Williams' book Pictures From No Ila/1's Lam! and the Raymond Moore photogravure entitled Avvr I979. I SCOTTISH RECORD OFFICE West Register I louse. Charlotte Square. Mon-Fri 9am- 4.30pm. Strange Revolutions - Scotland 1688—89 [Tritil further notice. I STEP GALLERY 39 I lowe Street. 556 1613. Mott-Fri l lam 5.30pm; Sat 1 lam—-4pm. Anthony Conduct and John Holmes L'ntil 27 June. Landscapes in oil and watercolour from the former and marine studies in watercolour and gouach from the latter. I STILLS GALLERY 105 High Street. 557 1140. Tue- Sat I lam- 5.30pm. A Post-Classical Landscape Lintil l7June. An exhibition of ( ireck photography from the 1980s ptit together by John Stathatos. Stathatos is himself a photographer as well as a critic and he has uncovered the work ofeight artists whose pictures show an exciting range of subject matterand approach. I‘rcc guided tours ofthe exhibition are available. Owen Logan: Photographs From Morocco 24 June 29July. The lidinburgh based photographer has spent a signifigant amount of time in Morocco recording his impressions of the landscape and people on film. There will also be a talk by himon l 1 July at 7.30pm. I TALBOT RICE ART GALLERY ()ld College. Liniversity of Iidinburgh. South Bridge. 6671011. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sea Salvage L'ntil 15 July, The power of the sea is reflected in Robert Callendcr's constructuions of decaying maritime structures. L'sing a variety ofraw materials. peat. sawdust. and ashes he recreates the appearence ofsurfaces weathered by time and nature. I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Ilamilton Place. 226 5425. Mon~Sat 10am—5pm and late during performances.

Blast L'ntil 30Juggfidisphgyfwork J