
Live band [.ord l)arnley. West Port.229 434i. ltlpm.

SUNDAY 18 Glasgow

I Worldwide and Boom 'I‘he Videodrome. 33 9 York Street. 221 (14-11. 9pm. Second (ilasgow outing for the packageol’ Precious ( )rganisation bands. I-‘resh from some dates in Shetland. much isexpeetcd in particular from Worldwide. Boom should be releasing their single. '.\'ever 'l'oo l.ate' loving You (‘razy‘on Precious soon.


I Reanimator Moshpit. Venue. (‘alton Road. 557 3(173. 7.3(1 11pm. Biggisli name on the thrash circuit.

I Very Very \egociants. l.olhian Street. 2256313. 9.45pm. l-rcc. lzdinburgh

funk pop group. They try hard. but don't really seem to know w here they‘re going. Still. some good grooves and tricky guitaring.

I Ranacanteen Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. L1 altci‘9pni. Pop.

I The Tex Fillet Five Trading Post. The Shore. 553 7164. Spm. l5rec. .lokey country.

I The Rootsie Tootsie Band ‘I'rtm lay crn. Hunter Square. Spin. l‘rec. Rhythnick blues.

MONDAY 19 Glasgow

I Anthrax Barrow land. 2-1-3 ( iallowgatc. 552 46”]. ".3Hpm. 'l he monstersof rock part 3002.


I The Beautiful South Venue. ( 'alltin Road. 557 303. The band that has risen from the ashes of The l lousemartins promotc theii rather sweet. if a bit sappy. siiiglc. ‘Song for \Vhocvci“.

I The Matter Babies and Crocodiles in Cream \loi'ay llouse Student 1 ‘nion. Holy food Road. L251) ( L1 .5“). Being the new namc for the long-serving lidinburgh band Article“). 3 I Johnny Sunbeam Negociants. l.othiaii Street. 225 6313. 9.45pm. l'it'c'c‘. Residency.

I The Rootsie Tootsie Band Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3S16. 9.3(lpin. l-rec. Rhythm ck blues.

I Fjaere Nilssen St James ( )y stcr Bar. (‘altoii Road. 55" 2925. Amcrican singer

appearing every second Monday .

I Seven Eleven ( )asts. Victoria Street. b.3llpni. l’rcc. Rock classics.

1 TUESDAY 20 '


I The Beautiful South l-‘ury .‘slurrys. 96 .\la\wc|lStrcct.22l 6511. 111.3llpin. 11 the llousemartiiis got nothing else right. they at least knew when they hadoy crstayed

' their welcome It came asaplcasant surprise. to me at least. that 'l he Beautiful

South debutcd w ith a single as good as ‘Stillg l'itil \Vhocscr.’ ( il\ cn lls chart success. this gig should be exceptionally busy.

I Sugarloaf \apolcoiis. 12b Merry lcc

Road. 637 5235‘. 9pm. l’rce. :\sSugarloal

Main. last year they w crc primarily

notable for the soulful vocals of (ierrv

.\lc(’usker. Apparently the new Iiiic up

w ith the strcamlincd name hay c a more aggressive sound. and hay c been meeting with good responses on their recent outings.

I The Radium Cats and Boxing Clever‘l‘he Buck. 272 St.\'inccnt Street. 221 5279. 9pm. £2. Strange combination of

lidinburgh‘s finest rockabilly act and

45 The List 16-- 29.1une 1989

l-';ilkir'k’spop hopefuls. Plusthedeino kllSL‘tli

I Bobby Wishart l lalt Bar. lfill\\'oodlands Road. 332 12111 9pm. l-ree. 'l'uesday night


o ROCK ’N’ ROSES The Stone Roses, Wed 21 at Edinburgh

Venue, Thurs 22 at Glasgow Rooftops. Manchester‘s Stone Roses haven’t needed a high-powered record company to drum up interest in them to lever pitch. The North of England's most pleasing group of moptops since —well, we needn‘t get into that— have builtthemselves a large audience through their live work, and theirdebut LP on Silvertone Records (but how much longer before the big fish snap them up?) has quite deservedly been hailed as one of the most outstanding British debuts of the year.

If you can imagine a broad spectrum that would include The Psychedelic Furs’ more uplifting moments and one ofJimi Hendrix‘s reflective ballads, that's the kind of area that The Stone Roses work within, and it's a tribute to the talents ofthe group (singer Ian Brown, guitaristJohn Squire, bassist Gary Mounfield and drummer Reni) that the sound they make can sound so familiar and accessible while being completelytheirown.

They can remind you of every

been this decade that has turned down the guitars and carried on the tradition of hummable but inventive melodies. They don't turn a blind earto the past, nor do they recycle it. Moptops and 22-inch flares (seriously!) aside, they take what they want as if they've stumbled across itthemselves. For what other group, in 1989, would a 90 per cent backwards track (‘Don’f Stop‘, a reversed echo of the LP’s previous song, ‘Waterfall') be a highlight and not an embarassing indulgence? Who else would even try it?

The only current group that I can relate to The Stone Roses is Happy Mondays—not in their sound, but in attitude and background (geographically, they're neighbours). Both have grown to prominence in the ferment of the provincial acid/Ecstasy culture, and both have amassed a dedicated live following that's independent of their flavour-ol-the-month status in the national music press. And more importantly, they seem to be delivering the goods. (Alastair Mabbott)



I The Tex Fillet Five Negociants. l.othian Street. 225 6313. 'I‘onguc in check country and western.

I Los Supremos St James ( )ystcr Bar. ('alton Road. 557 2925. 9pm. l’rcc. Wide range of coy ers from small blues-based band.

I First Dew Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. 9.3llpm. l'rce.

I Hoakie Finoakie ( )asis. Victoria Street. S.3llpm. lirec. Southern hillbilly.



I Transvision Vamp and Syndicate

Barrow land. 24-1 ( iallowgate. 552 46”]. 7.3(lpni. .v\t least those ol us whohatc Wendy James and cohorts used to be able to pour scorn on their iiiiii‘kccl lack of success. Now w c cannot even dothat. which justgoestoshow something. Syndicate are l4dinburgh's and li.\ll's latest crack at chartdoni. their debut album haying taken some time tomakc alter the band's signing. 1 his support tour sees their first live outing.

I Slice l'ixx. S6 Miller Street. 2482559. lllpm. free. A good band worth seeing. judging by demo cs idence and i'cportsol previoUs gigs.

I Sult'l'he Bruce llotel. ’l'own ( ‘entrc. Last Rilbride. lllpm. l‘ormerly the Blue Monkey lixperiencc. they have a single coniingout soon.

I Marino’s Men llalt Bar. lotiwomllands Road. 332 1211). 9pm. l‘rec. Wednesday night llalt regulars.


I Stone Roses Venue. (‘alton Road. 557 31173. See panel.

I Woodrow Wilson Negociants. l.othian Street. 225 6313. 9.45pm. l‘ree. lixcellent locally-based soul singer.

I The Booze Brothers ’l‘ron Tavern. 1 lunter Square. Spin. l’rce.



I Birdland l-‘ury Murrys. 96 Maxwell Street. 221 651 l. lll.3(lpm. llatcd forthe same reason as 'l'ransvision Vamp in these quarters style over substance and no fun logo with it.

I The Stone Roses Rooftops. «)3 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5883. lllpm. Where those of an

alternatis e independent inclination should be tonight. See panel.

I Worldwide and Boom (‘afe Information ('entrc. 2 l‘innart Street. (ireenock. 9pm. See Sunday lb'th.


I Bradford and Car Called James \‘enuc. ('alton Road. 557 31173. A hasty return after Bradford's ‘Rock Against the Rich' tour up here. which isn't necessarily a bad sign.

I The Last Detail (ilobe. \Ncst Port. 229 4553. Sixties duo.

I Dave Robb St James ( )yster Bar. ('alton Road. 557 2925. 9pm. Free. folk-influenced singer-songwriter. accompanying himself on a resonant bouzouki. with a fine recent demo under his belt.

I Texas Breakfast Ryrie‘s. llaymarket Terrace. 337 7582. 9pm. Free. Rhythm & blues. Residency.

I The Famous Other Band Tron Tavern. llunter Square. Midnight.

I The Brothers Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. 9.30pm. Free. Residency.

FRIDAY 23 Glasgow

I Gun. Lixx. The Almighty and The Tremens Queen Margaret L'nion. L'niversity (iardens. 339 9784. 9pm. A fairly uninspiring batch of hard rockers. (iun having just released their album for A&M. The Almighty being signed to Polydor. and Lixx being touted as the next big Scottish Bon Jovi-style band. Quite what The 'I‘remens are doing here is hard to ascertain. although it is worth hanging around to hear their sub-pop classic ‘Westeriders.‘

I Baby‘s Got A Gun The Venue . 49o Sauchiehall Street. 332 3872. ll)pm..\1ore hard hitting rock. with one particularly good song called ‘And lt‘s1.ove.‘.\’ot startling yet. but potential for development is evident.


I Spacemen 3 and Birdland (‘alton Studios. (‘alton Road. 556 71166. Probably very interesting night out. and all that. but embarrassing evidence of the backward-looking indie scene. Spacemen 3 - wigged-out semi-psychedelia. and Birdland bleached roots. New York Dolls. Velvets and Patti Smith. New l'iP (‘1iP2' ) out now.

I Rose of Avalanche Venue. (‘alton Road. 557 3073. Which nevertheless is a better bet than grown-up Sisters of Mercy fans. I Tonight at Noon Preservation 1 lall. Victoria Street. 226 381611after9.3()pni. Fine folk-rock amalgam. getting their name around. and doing good business with the [.ismor LP Down In I/lt’ Devi/s.

I Live band Lord Darnley. West Port. 229 43-11. ltlpm.



I The Thieves. Capone and the Bullets. Jesse Rae and The Thistle Warriors. The Unit. Peach County and Question The Peasant Kelvingrove Park Bandstand. 3pm. [)onation. ()ne of the many anti Poll 'l'ax gigs during June. the best parts ofthis should provide a good afternoon's entertainment in the park. llere'shoping the weather supports the cause. See Listen.

I Loose Cut 1 la]! Bar. 160 Woodlands Road. 332 1210. 9pm. Free.


I Front Line Assembly War (‘lub. (‘alton Studios. (‘alton Road. 556 7066. Vancouver-based Bill Leeb (ex-Skinny Puppy) and Michael Balch bringtheir vision of hell to town. aided byelectronics samples and one-word song titles (some of the time. at least). lritense and suffocating. but impressive. and nodoubt will click with the War (‘Iub's radical dance aesthetic.

I Inch Park Festival lnch Park. by (‘ameron Toll. Noon. Free. Slice (see panel) headline this one. with support from Realm of the Shopping’l‘rolley. Blowback. Vacant (hair. She is Melody. Full (‘irc|e. 'l‘he Bronte Sisters and('iao. If none of that appeals. there‘s always the beer tent. or the bouncy castle. (‘reche available.

I Lisa Dominique Rock (‘afe. Venue. (‘alton Road. 557 3073. Hard rockin' tonight.

I Bluefinger Platform ()ne. Rutlarid Street. Residency. See Sat 17.

I Blueprint Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. £1 after9.3tlpm.

I Blue Vein Ryrie's. llaymarket 'l'erraee.