HIV TESTING BBC TV's Facing up to Aids is making a documentary about the personal, ethical and political issues which surround testing.

We would like to talk in confidence to people who have recently taken the HIV test - whatever the result about their impressions and experiences.

What happened? How could the procedure be improved? What advice would you give to others? Help us to dispel some of the fears and myths that surround HIV.

Please call Chris Lent on 01 991 8016 (24 hours).

Congratulations! Good Luck! Well Donel

tell someone you care



I Learning in an easy atmosphere. lixpcrienccd language teacher offers (ierman; Iinglish as a Foreign Language; French for Beginners. ‘l‘ailor-made courses for individuals and groups— private tuition. Manfred Schnee. Tel: (I31 22% 3162.

I Ich bin Schotte und wohne in Glasgow lch brauche Deutsche privat-lchrer in bitte schreiben Raymond. 20 St Mary's Road. Bishopbriggs. (ilasgow (i(i~l 215.1 I.


Professional tuition in central Studio All styles Beginners to Advanced Phone: 031 332 7529



Flying Club

for introductory hot air balloon flights and all ballooning activities

031-551 3059

I Sax, llute, recorder theory tuition by experienced teacher with music degree (MU approved). Improvisation. exams. help with buying instruments. All levels. all ages welcome. Tel: (I41 337 1715.

I Portugese lessons: learn to speak. read and write Portugese in 75 hours. Native speaker. (‘an adapt course to suit specific needs: holidays. business. conversation for Brazil or Portugal. Tel: 041 3371715.

THEATRE STUDY HOLIDAYS July/August Subjects include acting. directing. playwriting. auditioning. Stagecralt ll()(iloucester Avenue. London NW1 81A Phone 01 483 2681.

PAINT ALDNGSIDE A PAINTER Sketch and paint in weekend house party atmosphere with Clive Desmond, working artist In SW Scotland. Lively conversation. Modest rates. Phone 038 778 683/665 ior details.

r0 essional ‘in er and teacher.


au ht by

exlperienced, ew York . In« to es vocal technique, o erforrnance. skills, work- ' ng With. mics and ac- ompanist. Beginners/ xperienced welcome. Central Edinburgh Small Grou s Reasonable ates

Donna Orlando 031 229 8472

(or/v.1 to /esson.<: also available)




031 668 1655


Established 1979, we supply tie UK and Europe with ready-operating or display antique telephoms. TIOIVO month guarantee.

We've many intriguing bakelite (inc. deco) varieties as well as rare candlestick types, all ready to use, with modem socket lead fitted. Although working perfectly, they are not officially "Approved",

hence obligatory footnote. Many bargain, 332's (pictured, dating fran 1936) at prices you'll happily choke on.

Ring for free illustrated price list or to arrange viewing without obligatim. If you already own an old 'phrne, we'll render it fully operational at a low, fused price quote.


any soloemmmkuloa mum Na by be taken sumac anyone so We».

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Traditional I Contemporary Stained Glass Design a. Construction Windows, Door Panels, Screens, Speciality Lamps, Restoration 0 Repair, Weekend Courses

031 331 4553

I Edinburgh Cyrenians require full-time residential volunteers. aged IX— 30. for our farm and


long-term care and support lor young. homeless people. Minimum six months commitment required. (‘ontact Rosemarie at 20 Brotighton Place. Edinburgh or on (I31 55o

,7 4971 (Ansaphonel-

} euv AND SELL

I Records. compact discs. tapes We buy. sell. exchange. ‘Scotlands' leading specialist'. [YB-ll) 8; student discounts.

‘I-Lvery milsic tastc'. The Record Tape lixchangc. .lamaica Street.

(ilasgowflcliHl 23] 4118.8pot cash. open 7 days. I VW Colt convertible A Reg.

July '84. Pillar-box red. light

coloured roof. alloy wheels.

leather steering wheel. (iood

condition. £5(I(I(Iono. Please Contact (I31 2204083. am pm.


29 July-5 August 1989 Beginners and Intermediate Tulsa's: Pat Key-ell and Mark Saunders For the {with year running, this practical comprehensive course is offered for tho: wl'n wish to explae the potential of mine, for performance purposes, as an educatimal tool, (a as a recreational activity. There is also a9 option fa tit application ofmime to rmet Special Needs. Con: For 8 days tuition: £100

Week 2

7-12 August 1989 Advanced hobsional Workshop (Scottish based, experienced perfanans and teachers only)

Tutor: Jacques Lecoq

M. Lewq will take The Mask and The 81-17000 as his Ileme. Cm: For six days tuition: £1“) (losing as for bookings: 1 June 1989 Fat Brochure and Apfiicatim Forms please contact: Pat Keyssii, Moray Noise College at Education (Incorporating the Scottish Centre tor Physical Edieatha. Movement and Leisure Studies), Cramond Road North. Edinbth E114 0J0. Tel: 031 312 6001 or 031 312 0329.

Subsidised by the Scottish Arts C0uncrl


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031-557 3979

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031 225 3289

10 Randolph Clift. Edinburgh EH3 7UA

I Glasgow Lesbian Line support and information service for women. Women-only discos held. (ilasgow college. alternate Fridays. Phone (I4 I 553 5708. Wednesdays 7~- linm or write to: (ilasgow Lesbian line.

PO Box 57. (ilasgow.

I Personality Power Drama Workshops for getting on: assertiveness training. positive thinking. problem solving. status work. relaxation and

more. Wednesdays 7 8.30pm. Phone Iain Shaw on (I31 332 l7‘)(I(veniic below I.

Jazz Dance IorBeginners‘l‘otlay-‘s modern way of keeping fit. \Vedncsdays 8.311 0.3(Ipm. l’liorie Yvonne ( iray on 7| 74785. Both workshops at New St Andrew 's ( 'htirch Hall. St James I’Iace (between St Mary's Cathedral and St James

(‘cntrc ).


Yes. there is the Inter'yar'sity

('Iub? l\'(‘rs a club lor'young professional people.

We arrange a large number of tlt\ er'sc c\ ents such (is badminton. hillwalkingand cinema trips in the ( ilasgow and lidinbtirgh areas.

For further details ring Glasgow 041334 0091 or Mid Calder0506 882142IL‘\L‘.\).

I Shy newcomers to naturism seeking similar (31 s I. forming small lriendly indoors group. l-‘emales especially rnyited'.’. Meeting \ entics r'cqtiired'.’ Welcome ideas suggestions? 3 .\ S:\l'.s essential (photographs returned I. stating personal

details. (ilasgow anywhere. Hos No‘M (i l.


I0uietmalei30) lnlcr‘esls include theatre. cinema. books, music. seeks lemale lor It'lclidslirp, ( ilasgow area.

lios Nollll 5.

I Female graduate (34) tall. slim. II\L‘I_\ . .‘illcctioilaic.sccks coirrpatible iiialc graduate

(3U 44 I. w ho Is single. emotionally trnalt.‘ichcd. caring. demoiistratis e. humorous and criroysliterature. theatre. Illms. wining. dining. conversation and long walks. liox No‘l3 3.

I Male graduate (26) alti‘actis c.

sensiliyc. with a sense ot

humour . ciiioys music. travel

and cons crsation . seeks similar Iciiialel lb' .illl tor on c. Inn and adsenttirc. (ilasgow area anywhere. Box \o‘l3 II.

I Male (29lqtrictly unconventronal. good humotir‘cd. masculine (btit not macho). \ arious idealistic and outdoor interests. seeks it


handsome man who's not alraid

tocornmit andshare.

Iidinburgh anywhere.

liox Noll} 13.

I Edinburgh—Elm male (25) academic. independent. reasonable looks. \ arious artistic and outdoors interests.

seeks similar man lor'

74 The List 19 May— 1 June 1989