I Art is listed by city first then byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send listings details to ‘Art Listings‘ not Iaterthan 10 days before publication date. NB Museums are now listed separately in a selective guide at the end of the section. I ANNAN GALLERY l ‘iiit 208 Skillioii Business('entre. Washington Street. 221 5087 8. Mon Fri Illam 5pm; Sat lllam— 12.30pm. (ieneral exhibition of regular artistsuntil the (iallery is located in a more permanent home. I ART GALLERY 8i MUSEUM, KELVINGROVE 357 392‘). Mon- Sat Illam- 5pm: Sun 2—5pm. ('afe. [D| Voluntary guidesare available free of charge to conduct parties or individuals round the main galleries. Contact the enquiry desk. Stephen French: New Interiors limit 28 May. Mayfest Award winning (‘lydebank painter Stephen I-‘rench fractured hisarms in a motorcycle accident in 1983. His ability to paint and draw was impaired. so he turned instead to interior design. This exhibition consists of an open-plan flat featuring holographic venetian blinds that Change colour in response to light and movement. L'sing surprise and contradiction. l‘rench's work is stimulatingand often funny. lftlie Shangri Las were still around they would have written a song about it. John Quinton Pringle (1864—1925) t‘nitl 36 May. Maytest By day. l’ringle ran an optician‘s business in the Saltmarket. while in his spare time he created many drawings. watercolours and oil paintings. I Iis work is small in scale. meticulous in detail and often recognisable by his rise of tiny dotsol bright colour. Here isa selection of those works taken from the gallery's permanent collection. GSA—Unnatural Designs l ’niil 2‘) May. Student designs and scale models for the visitor centre at l-'ossil (irove. Wliiteiiicli. Glasgow. Four Great Scottish Etchers Iiiehings from the gallery's permanent collection by Bone. (‘ameron. Strang and McBey. I BARBIZON GALLERY ('ollege Lands. High Street. 553 I‘M). Mon Sat 9.30am 5.3llpm;Sun l lam 5.3llpm. Terry Frost and Adrian Heath 1969-1989 Until 31 May. Maytest. 'I'wodecadesol abstract paintings by two major British artists. I BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART 2H3 Bath Street.22ti5~ll3. Mon I‘t'l lllam 5pm;Sat 10am -- 1 pm. Twentieth ('entui'y Scottish decorative art and paintings by contemporary (ilasgow artists. I BELLROCK COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTRE 71 Skerry y ore Road. Cranhill Mural Brightening up the ( 'raiiliill area is a new mural painted by the Bellrock l‘nemployed ( iroup (aged l5~3ll) in collaboration with artist l.esley Burr. It depicts y arious club activities like pool. weightlifting and badminton as well as landscapes. cartoons and science fiction bages.

I BLYTHSWOOO GALLERY lo] West (ieorge Street. 226 552‘). Mon—I’ri

lllam —5.3llpm; Sat 10am lpm.

James D. Robertson (HSA. HSW, HGI) 1 “mil 3 June. Billed as a .tluy'fesrii'u/ l-fi‘ltibi'tion. this is not art official Mayfest event. but isa major display ofScottish work nonetheless. Maiii attraction is.lames Robertson who is one of' the most recently elected Royal Scottiin Academiciaris. lie is joined by an array of key painters including Iilixabeth Blackadder. l‘.('.B. (‘adell. Dr David Donaldson. John Knox. Sir William Mc'I'aggart. David McClure. Alberto Morocco. Sir Robin Philipson and (ieoffrey Squire. In addition there are ceramics by (ieorgina (iarland and sculpture by Jennifer Wendy Ross.

I COLLINS GALLERY I 'niversity of Strathclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 552 44litlext 2M2. Mon-~l"ri lllam—-5pm; Sat l2 - 4pm. ('losed 2‘) May.

lgloolik: towards the Night the Light limit 3


Paul Furneaux, Compass Gallery, Glasgow

With the sun set clearly in his line of vision, Furneaux is an artist who ploughs a mystical path, finding it populated by giant shells and angels, empty Iongboats and disembodied laces. Graduating from Edinburgh College of Art only two years ago. he is confident of his direction and liberal with his imagination.

Furneaux returns from a year spent in Paris courtesy of the Miller Homes ‘Young Scottish Artist of the Year' award, with no visible traces of the city or its influence in his new work. His poetic landscapes, all timeless places are more related to the sea, northern lights and legends. Furneaux it seems

June. Maytest. 'l‘he ('ollins ( iallery is lit in shadow and subdued light as strange sounds echo around for Rtitli Stirling's exhibition olplioroienrks. The Scottish photographer spent the second half of 1988 living in lgloolik in the Northern Artie and has returned w itli sounds and images which confront the Western viewer.

The Haunted Sleep 1 ‘iinl .‘s .lune. .-\ craft showcase from ceramicist l.orna ( iray es w hose work considers the relationship between people. animals and the four elements.

Workshop 2“ May. 1 3pm. Book now for this clay moulding session w itli l.orna ('iraves for 7 l2 year-olds. It costs f; l .5“ and you can book on 552 Hill) ext 2558.

I GALLERY I “S \Vest Regent Street. 221 ti37ll. Mon Sat lllam 5.3llpm. Paul Furneaux Paintings and Drawings t not 27 May. Maytest. 'l'liis is the young Aberdeen artist‘s first exhibition in Scotland although he liassliow n successfully in Paris and London. His paintings use many images of the sea coupled with figurative iinpressionsot mythological and sy iiibolic figures.

I CYRIL GERBER FINE ART HS West Regent Street. 22l 3W5. Mon I'l'l 9.30am 5.3llpin; Sat 0.30am l2 3llpiii. Paintings of the Forties by Millie Frood and Selected Contemporaries t 'niil In May. Maytest. A key Scottish coloiirist in the l‘Mlls. I‘i‘ood‘s expressionist paintings continue to exert their influence on Scottish artists today

Scottish Paintings and Drawings 22May 3H June. Display of works by BeIIany. Iiardley . ( 'ow ie. Redpalli and Donaldson amongst others.

I EWAN MUNOY FINE ART -t.s‘ West ( ieorge Street. 33] 24W» Mon Sat

l).3llam 5.3(lpni.

is searching for a very personal vocubulary, a voice in the tradition of artists like William Blake and closerto

- home, John Maxwell.

While there is much effort in this work, Furneaux often suffers from giving away too much, either by over-drawing or by crowding the composition until it becomes sweet and superficial. Too many dainty eyelashes, too many hidden eyes, too many blank, emerging faces. But some of the paintings in this exhibition show

that he can achieve a dense composition without resorting to

clutter. Sun Carrier: Moon Carrier does justthis, achieving a quiet mystery. Sea Angel takes that a step further. In this small but graceful painting, one

face, painted as grave as an icon, rides a dove through waves like the prow of a

ship. (Alice Bain)

SB'I‘he List 19 May 1 June 1989

Watercolours, Drawings and Prints Until 9 .lune. Amongst the artists on show are Bevan. ('adell. l-‘ergusson. (iilIies. Knox and James Paterson.

I FINE ART SOCIETY I 3-1 BIy'tItsw'ood Street. .532 4027. Mon —l-'ri

0.30am 5.3llpm; Sat 10am - lpm.

Ten Years of the Fine Art Society in Glasgow l'ntil lti.luiie. (‘elebrating a decade in (ilasgow . the Society mounts an exhibition of their best paintingsincluding new works from all the artists that have shown individually at the (iallery.

I GATEHOUSE GALLERY Rouken ( ilen Road (gallery at entrance to Butterfly Kingdom). (i2lltl235. Daily

ll.3flam 5.3llpm; (‘losed Tue.

Jan Nimmo l 'ntil 2‘) May . The main exhibition features new paintings from Andaliicia by .lan Niiiiino and there are alsoceramics by Anne l.iglitwoodon display.

I GLASGOW ART CENTRE 12 Washington Street. 22l 452p. Mon - l'ri lllam Spin. Sat lliam 3pm.

John Hearttietd t 'ntil 25 May . Maytest. lleartfield was a founder member of the Berlin Dada ( il‘tillp and is famous for his anti-Nazi photomontages. 'l‘his major exhibition comes from the Werkbiind Arcliiy in Berlin and is presented in association wilitli the ( ioethe Institute. (ilasgow.

I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 22 King Street. 552 “704. Mon Sal lllam 5.30pm.

Neil MacPherson—Paintings and Prints l mu 3 .lune. Maytest. In the decade since graduating from ( ilasgow' School of Art. .‘vlacl’lierson has spent much time iii (‘aitliness painting rural images in a highly charged sly le.

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART IN Renfrew Street. 3329797. Mon- Fri Illam 5pm;Sat Illam l2pm.

Mackintosh Gallery t ‘niil It» May. work by the l-‘ine Art staff at the school.

Work in Progress t 'niil 25 May. Work by students in the Department of linvironmental Art on show in the

New bery ( iallery.

I GOETHE-INSTITUT 3 Park Circus. 332 25555.

Film I‘) May at lpm. 'l'he filmJolm lleurrlield. I’liorommireur w ill be shown to " coincide with an exhibition of work by this 'I'Itirties' artist.

Talk Mon 22 May at 2pm. Photography and Dynamite. John I leartf’ield and the Anti-l’ascist montage. An illustrated talk by Ray McKen/ieof(ilasgow Sclioolof Art.

I HARBINGERS 417 (ireat Western Road. 33‘) 999‘). Mott Sat Illam 53le.

Print Selection l 'ntil end of May . Prints and wood engravings by Stuart Duffin. lilspeth Robeitsaiid ( iwynetli leach.

I HILLHEAO LIBRARY 348 By res Road. 33‘) 7223. Mon l-ri‘).3llani Spin; Sat

9.30am lpm. 2 5pm. (‘losed Wednesday. Contemporary French Painting t'niil 3o .lune. Maytest. An exhibition mounted by ()pen ( ~ircle w lio inv ited the l-‘rench group

' 'l‘erre Bleue to celebrate the Bicentennial . of the French Revolution with a display'of

their members‘ work.

I F.W. HOLROYD ( 'oriier of (ieorge Street and l ligli Street. 552 2024. Mon Sat

9am 5.30pm; Sun 12.3” 4.30pm. Scottish Landsapes A general exhibition in a ( iallery that specialises in tapestry training.

I JOAN HUGI‘ISON GALLERY 1 (‘levedoii (iardens. 334 2473. Mon Sat noon 4pm. 7 9pm.

Annette Edgar I hid 2” May. New paintings from this ( ilasgow -based artist. ller lively work show s water churned by swimmers. Michael Hoschlau l ‘niil 3o May. I’hotogravures.

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l 'iiiy ersity of (ilasgow . S2 Ilillhead Street. 3305431. Mon I’ri‘).3llam 5piii;Sat‘).3llant lprii. Hill and Adamson t not 34 June. Maytest. l’liotographsofthe lS-ltls by the pioneer Scottiin artists David ( )ctavius I lill and Robert Adamson. A display tocelebrate the l5lltli anniversary of the my entionol J