111E lel




I John 'Siadwel' Sparkes with Jack Dee Renfrew I‘errv. 0pm. L5 (£2.5(l). Sparkes' best known creation. Siadwel. alwap reappears like an old friend. vou think vou'v e seen enough of him. bill in truth _vou never have. He is a versatile performer with more characters than just the \Velsh dimwit to his credit. and is well worth seeing. Jack Dee is a newcomer who has been going down a storm in l.ondon.

I Hughes. MacPherson and Redmond Mitchell Theatre. lllpm. £5 (£2.50). The Irish contingent of l'lre Englishman. lrl.\/II71¢’It(lIttf Scotsman season arrives with a triple billot comedy.

I Decadence 'l ron Theatre. 11.15pm.

{2.5” £3.5I) (cones available). Stephanie Prince and l’enton ( irav are directed bv Victor Spinettr in Steven


I Bahhity Bowster to is Blackfriars Street. 552 5055.

I Book Trust Scotland 15a l.vnedoch Street. 332 (i391.

I Citizens' Theatre 119 (iorbals Street. 42‘)t)(l22. StrathclvdeBuses1.2; (‘entral Scottiin S14. 2‘). 182.183. 184. .‘vlagicBus 2U. ('redit eard sales on the above number. Tickets also available from Ticket (‘entre outlets (227 551 1 ). (‘oncs available (()AI’ and unwaged free at door). [1)] Bar.

I City Hall (‘andleriggs St Iinoch l'nderground. Argyle Street BR Station. (‘itv (‘entre bus routes. Tickets available from Ticket (‘entre (227 5511) and Ticket ('entre outlets. [1)] Bar.

I Crawford Theatre Jordanhill ('ollege.


Berkoff's hilarious expose of upper and lower class societv


IASmall Green Space RSAMI) Stevenson llall. S’pm. £(v(£3). Iinglish National ()pera‘s Bavliss Programme spawns the first collaboration between w riter I‘av Weldon and composer llona Sekacz. in the Scottish premiere of this work about the environment. Fusion of opera performers. rock. blties. soul and local vouth chorus.


I Lindsay John 'l‘hirtl live (‘entre 7.30pm. £5 (£2.5ll). .lohn Uses a v isual art trainingand a fascination with Japanese btrtoh dance to create a least for the e_ves. Before l5orm: .3 Skin is a piece he has been developing since a v isit to Japan last _vear.


I Les Fleurs Sauvages (ilasgow f-ilnl Theatre. ()plTl. Warm and

Southbrae Drive. 95‘) 1232 ext 22‘) (administration). Jordanhill l.ow l.evel Station (trains run from (‘entral and Queen Street BR Station). Strathclvde Buses 44, (i. ha. ()l). to and 58. Box ()ffice (9549-118). 9am 5pm. Mon- Fri. .\’o credit cards facilitv at venue. btlt tickets also available through Ticket ('entreoutlets. [1)] Bar. I Glasgow Film Theatre 12 Rose Street (off Sauchiehall Street). 332 (i535. ('owcaddens t'nderground. Strathclvde Btises 2t). 58. hf). lll. ()ffice: .‘vlon— Sat. noon»--performanee time. Stilt. 3t) mintrtes before performance. No credit card booking. (‘oncs available. [1)] Cafe“. Bar. I Govan Town Hall (McEwan's Music Centre) Surnmertown Road. Tickets fromTicket (‘entre outlets 227 5511.


accessible studv of three gerierationsof a ()uebecois familv. whose tensionsand conflicts reflect the wider struggles at work in society as a whole. (iood-looking and intelligent material from directorJean-Pierre l.efebvre. who’s known forachieving pictorial miracles on the most slenderof resources.

I Crazy Love(il;isgow I’ilm Theatre. 8,.15pm. Based on the w ritingsof ('harles Bukowski. this bizarre tale of alienated sexualitv follows three episodes in the life of a born loser from earlv awakening to acned teen trauma to middle-aged depravitv.


I Lunchtime Poetry Reading Book Trust Scotland. 1pm. £2(£l.25). Kenneth White and lidwin .‘vlorgan read some oflheir work.


I Sabri Brothers ( ‘iiv l lall. 7.3llpm. £5 (£2.50). Nine-man outfit. with four real brothers from

Ibrox ('essnock l'nderground. No disabled access. Bar. IHenry Wood Halls‘No (‘entre. 73(‘1arenmnt Street. Strathclvde Buses lll. 4-1. and 57. Tickets from ’I‘icket ('entre outlets. 227 5511. Venue information onlv. 226 3868.

I Hillhead Libraryws Bvres' Road. 33‘) 7223. Tickets from'l‘icket ('entre and Ticket ('entre outlets (227 5511).

I King's Theatre Bath Street. Tickets available throtigh Ticket ('entre outlets. 227 551 l and in person only at the theatre. noon 6pm. Mon Sat. ('haringfross BR Station. Strathclvde Buses. l. 2. 2‘). 7. S. 1-1. [1)] Bar.

I MitchellTheatre (iranville Street. 221 3198. Tickets available through Ticket (‘entre outlets. 227 551 l . and at

Pakistan who perform a four-part vocal ()uawwali group.

I Songhai Pavilion Theatre. Spm. £5.50 (£3.50). £4.5(l(£2.5ll). llannibal Records ptit together new wave Spanish flamenco blues duo Ketama with Malian kora (harp gourd) plaver 'l‘oumani l)iabate and ex-l’entangle bassist and man-about-music Darin) Thompson, The result is a startling. stimulating music that's nes er been heard before. IWhistlehinkies St Andrew s l’arish ( ‘hureh cfi .-\rts(‘entre. 7.3(lpm. £3.5ll(£2.5lll. Top qualitv Scottish chamber folk ensemble. with Low land pipes. flute. clarsach. fiddles. concertina. drum and vocals in ( iaelic and Scots.

IThe Fabulous Singletts Renfrew I'errv £4(L2). All female 'bcehive-stvle‘ singing group. with a vast repertoire of old favourites.

IAly Bain. Phil Cunningham and Violet TUllOCh The Shed. h‘pm. £3.5(l. l‘rom liddler Alv's TV show. fellow

Mitchell Theatre Box office. noon (ipm (and later during .‘vlavfest ). \loll Sat. St (ieorge‘s ('ross l 'nderground. ('haring(’ross BR Station and Strathclvde Btises 2o. 42. 57. 44. IS. [1)] Bar.

I Pavilion Theatre lll Renficld Street. 5.52 “4va Booking through l’av iliori Box office ltlam Spm. .‘vfon Sat. (’reditcard booking. (‘oncessions in advance onlv. (‘owcaddens l'nderground. citv centre bus routes. [1)] Bar.

I Plaza Ballroom liglinton Toll.

I Benlrew Ferryt‘lvtle I’lace ()uav ('l‘icketlink). I Robin Anderson Theatre Scottish Ballet. 2M West Princes Street. ('l‘icketlink).

I Royal Scottish Academy ofMusic and Drama (containing Chandler Studio. New Athenaeum Theatre and Stevenson Hall) lllll Rentrew Street.

Shetlander and piano accompanist \‘iolet. with

the accelerating accordion

ofSill_v Wizard Hill.

I Bombay Talkie Riverside

(‘lub 8.30pm. £3(£2). Scotland'sonlv bhangra band pla_v for dancing.


IAmerican Bagpipes

'l ramwav 'l'heatr'e. 2.30pm & 7.30pm. £5 (122.5(1). lall lleggie's new awardwinnlng plav about verbalcrucll} ill a domestic setting. l’rcsentcd b} l.ondon‘s Roval ( 'ourt Theatre (‘ompanv

I Dr Who Kirig's'lheatre. 7.30pm. £5 {7

(£2.5l) L35“). ll.lohn l’ertw ec w as _votlr favourite Tillie l.ordthis could be the nostalgia trip for _vou.

I Project! (irawlurd Theatre. 7 3llpm. L5 (12.5“). The l‘r'ec Street Theatre from ( ‘hrcago's (‘abrini-( ireen with a musical drama based on the experiencesofthe resldetlts ot one of Americans most violent llotlslllg estates.

IThe Lucky Chance RSAMI) New

332 5057. 'l'in'cls available through 'l'icket ('entre outlets. 227 55] l. and at RSAMI) box office. lllani Spin.

Mon I'ri ('owcaddens l'nderground. ()trecri Street British Rail Station. cltv centre bus routes. [1)] ( 'afe. Bar.

I The Shed 25 Blacktriars Street. 553 2475 or 227 5.51 l (Ticket ('cntrc).

I St Andrews Parish Church 8. Arts Centre St Andrew Square (off Saltrnarkct ). IThird Eye Centre 35o Sauchiehall Street.332 7521 'l'icketsonlv available through Third live ( .elltr‘e box office. lllam 5pm.l tic Sat;

2 5 3llptn. Sons; and during cvenlrlgsori performance (lavs(tlic centre is closed on Mondap). (‘lcdlt cards accepted ('ow caddens linderground. cits centre btls routes. [1)] ( ale, Bar. ITicltetCentre (alldleriggs. ( ilasgow

l AthenaeulllTheatre. 7,3opm. £3.5(l(£2.5l)). l'inal vear students from the RS.-\.\II) in Aphra Behn’s 1087 comedv.

I The Real World Tron

Theatre. 7.3(lpm. £5 (£2).

('anada's Tarragon Theatre present .\licllel 'l'remblav 's domestic drama set irl l‘)o7and written in IUSO about a

plavwright's expose of his

own family.

IThe Summit'l‘hird live (’entre. 7.30pm. L5 (£2.50). Ralf Ralf made

the front cover of [he Its!

when the) first performed

The Summit in the lidinburgh l‘ringe two

w hat more recornmendation do you



I A Tale Of Two Cities (‘iti/en's 'l'heatre. 7.3llpm. L5 (Ll l’ree ). l)ickcns' novel is given a new adaptation to mark the 2l)llth anniversarv of the l‘rench Revolution. Designed b_v l’hilip l’rovvse.

I Tango Varsoviano

Mitchell 'l'heatre. 2.3l 1pm

& 7pm. f5(£2.5l)), Argentina's'I'eatrodel Sur in the first British performance of a

551]. lllltlam (r3llpm. Mon Sat. Ticket Booking centre for a wide range of Mas test and other (ilasgow events. l'.tlt[tllr‘les and credit card bookingson the number above (six lines). I Tramway Theatre 25 Albert l)rlve. Tickets available through Ticket (‘entre outlets. 227 5511. l’olloksltields liast BR Station (leave from (’entralStation). Strathcl}de buses 21 . 21a. 38. 3Sa. JS. 45a. ~15. 23. 5”. 57a. 57b. 2‘). 29a. (iltvdeslde Scottlsll btlses 4.7K. 1H. 11. [1)] Bar. ITron Theatre ()3 lrorigatc. 552 ~13)“ 5291. lrckctsonlv through I ron Box ( )tlicc. noon ( 12.3tlpm. Suns l till 1 1pm ( Illl Split on ntiii-pertormance nights) ('ledlt ( 'alds accepted St 1' riocli l‘ndergtourld. ()ueeri Street BR Station. cith centre btis routes [1)]

(ate. Bar.

The List ll) Mav- l.lune l‘)S‘)13