exhibited her graphic. ink drawings all over Scotland. After graduating from Glasgow School of A rt she received a Travelling Scholarship to Portugal.
I PROVAND'S LORDSHIP Castle Street. 552 8819. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sttn 2am—5pm.
Louise Annand Until 16 May. An exhibition of original sketches that make up Annand‘s A Glasgow Sketchbook published by Richard Drew.
Paintings 2-12 May. A display of work by James McNaught. Edith Roberts and Roberta McLardy.
Photographs by David F. Walls 15—26 May. A new collection of eibachrome prints which sees the photographer moving towards landscape pictures and away from his previous studies of leaves and trees.
I THE SHED 25 Blackfriars Street. 553 2475. Mon—Sat 12 noon—7pm; Sun 12 noon—5pm.
Transligurations Until 20 May. Maylest This new gallery intends to use its big converted warehouse space to show large-scale paintings and sculpture. llere local artists Matthew Inglis. David Linley. Alastair Strachan and Donald Urquart show their work.
I THIRD EYE CENTRE 350 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7521. Tue-Sat 10am—5.30pm. Sun 2—5.30pm. Later opening hours during Mayfest.
Rudolph Fila Gallery One. Until 4 June. Maylest. This is the first exhibition in the West for a Czech artist who takes existing images. from calendars to Old Masters. and alters them as he sees fit. Vandalism as art perhaps.
AI Maghrib Gallery Two. Until 4Junc. Maylest. Award winning photographs of Morocco between 1983 and 1988 by Owen Logan.
Jacqui Poncelet Foyer. Until 4June. Maylest. Small. highly coloured paintings from London based artist.
David Newman Cafe area. Until 4 June. Maylest. Specially devised photographic works.
I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 13 Chisholm Street. 552 4813. Mon—Sat noon—6pm. Transmission has moved to new premises in 28 King Street. just around the corner. The first exhibition in the new gallery will open towards the end ofJune.
I TRON THEATRE 63 Trongate. 552 3748. Social Security Until 4 June. As part ofthe Tron's Scottish-Quebecois season the Canadian photographer Sunil Gupta exhibits this photo-text installation which explores the anxieties and insecurities that lead us ever forward in the hope ofa ‘better life'.
I WASPS 26 King Street. 552 0564. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm; Sat 10.30am—5pm.
A shop. exhibition space and resource centre with information on work by all WASI’S artists. Slide library and information about how to commission work.
Signs Until 1‘) May. Maytest. A luminary exhibition by Ian McColl in the third floor
Ruth Stirling, Collins Gallery, Glasgow The sounds at the Inuit reverberate deep into their culture. Music is rythmic, the language is old. It is a culture which has built the beauty ol simplicity irom the complexities oi tradition and inheritance. But alter thousands oi years survival against the cold and long sunless winters, the media culture which puts TV into their homes and jobs onto their horizons, is rapidly shaking its ioundations, just as surely as whale breaks through ice.
Scottish photographer Ruth Stirling spent some months last year recording that spirit oi Inuit culture which survives-the dreams at sleeping laces, the snug papoose, the shaman throwing open his cloak oi iur to otter a look oi penetrating hope. Without a shadow oi the sense that she might have stolen their souls, Stirling presents these people at the edge at an existence which has made them at one in their land. Eyes closed in sleep, a lace in shadow, a iigure obscured by a drum -these portraits show the subtle vulnerability at a changing culture.
This is no ordinary photography exhibition. Stirling has striven to understand and translate all angles at lnult lite and has split the gallery into three sections. One part has been dropped into the darkness oi winter, leaving the colour portraits to glow in their mounted light boxes like open doors. in contrast, the adjacent section is well-lit and contains the majority oi photographs, both in colour and black and white. In the third section the residents at Igloolik speak tor themselves. Recordings oi interviews on health, the military presence,
map-making, the iamily and education. it is a rare exhibition which manages to tilt magical corners oi culture while at the same time oliering a wealth oi practical research and background knowledge. It is that symmetry oi understanding which makes Stirling's work so penetrating.
Without losing a strong humanity, Stirling's exhibition is strengthened by an objectivity underlined by these research interviews. lithe exhibition reveals an unsettling sense at injustice about the situation in Igloolik, you can be sure that it exists.
Some images are simply uniorgettable. The mother with her
child on her back in deep black and white reilects one oi the lnult conversations next door. Childhood is changing. Schools are breaking down the old ways which made children independent and sure. The new ways have Introduced unemployment and a tile regulated by the clock, both lactors which activate stress related diseases and low sell-esteem. The old ways discussed tile in the womb, the decision to be born and choice at gender as it it were the child’s responsibility irom the lirst-this Is an image which reverberates against all that is ialse in our own society. (Alice Bain)
A smaller version of the exhibition in The Shed. featuring recent work by painters David Linley. Alastair Strachan. Donald Urquhart and sculptor Matthew Inglis.
I THE ARCHITECTURE GALLERY University of Edinburgh. Dept ofArchitecture. 20 Chambers Street. 667 I01 1 ext4544. Mon—Fri 9am—8pm; Sat/Sun 10am-3pm. Design Ellaborations Until 5 May. Work from an open competition from British Schools of Architecture.
Workin Progress 10—26 May. Ifyou wantto get an early peek at the plans forlhe hole-in-the-ground site behind the Royal Lyceum. here is a rare chance to catch the architects before it‘s too late.
gallery. St Mark‘s, Venice—Types Translormed 10 Transligurations Il Until 19 May. Maylest. May. 5.30pm. A free seminar by Phil [ .___.. .. _. w. W-“ _’-‘..___., . , __
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Tabor who teaches Design. Theory and Ilistory at Bartlett.
Early, Current and Future Projects 17 May. 5.30pm. This week’s free seminar is by Jeremy Dixon who is currently workingon Covent Garden Opera Ilouse.
I ARTIS 26 Gayfield Square. 556 7546. Mon—Fri 2—6pm. The Way We Live 5—31 May. Mary Louise Coulouris uses paint and pastel to record not only day to day life. but also imagesof tragedy like the sinking ofthe lleraldof Free Enterprise ofthe explosion on the Piper Alpha oil rig.
I BOURNE FINE ART 4 Dundas Street. 557 4050. Mon—Fri Ilium—6pm. Sat 10am—lam.
Scottish painting 1800-1950 and decorative arts.
I BYZANTIUM Victoria Street. 225 1768. Mon-Sat Want—5.30pm.
Young Scottish Artists Until 21) May. Recent graduates from the Scottish A rt Schools including Claudia I’etretti. l’aul Furneaux and Cameron Gault.
I CALTON GALLERY 10 Royal Terrace. 556 1010. Mon—Fri 10am—6pm: Sat
10am— 1pm.
19th and early 20th century British paintings and watercolours.
Scottish Landscapes L'nti127 May. An impressive selection of nearly 30Scottish painters including Joseph Adams. William (allow. Joseph l-‘arquarson. James Whitelaw Hamilton. George lloUston. Alexander Naismith and Percival Skelton. I CENTRAL LIBRARY George l\' Bridge. 225 5584. Mon -I-‘ri ‘)atii--S.30pm; Sat 9am~ 1 pm.
Women Live l'ntil 27 May A display in the
Fine Art Library.
Advertising Standards Authority 8—26 May. Check out the work of the Authority inthe Central Fiction Library.
The Scope oi Scottish Pottery Production
10 May. Noon. There are 50tickets available 15 mins before this lunch attlte library talk led by Graeme Cruikshank. Some Notable Pieces oi Scottish Pottery 17 May. 12 noon. Another lunch atthelt'brary talk by Graeme Cruikshank. 50 tickets are available 15 minutes before the event.
I CITY ART CENTRE 2 Market Street. 225 2424 ext 665i). Mon—Sat 10am-6pm. Licensed cafe. [D].
Muppets, Monsters and Magic Until 24 May. Admission £1 (50p). An excellent opportunity to see the workings ofJim Henson‘s celebrated puppets. It follows the course of his career from IocalTV work in the 1950s to the Muppets in the 1970s and to major films ( The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth) in more recent years. Videos. puppets and a Touch Wall all go to explain the technology that lies behind animatronics.
National Exhibition oi Children's Art L'ntil12 May. Only a fruit and nut case would miss visiting this display which is the largestof its kind. Sponsored by Cadburys. it features 1000 works ofart by children.
The Endeavour Competition 20—27 May. 10am-5pm. Every year the Altrusa Club organises an exhibition for
Edinburgh-based handicapped children.
The result is a display of 150paintings. drawings and sculptures ofstriking originality.
I COLERIDGE GALLERY 47b George Street. Class by Anthony Stern Until 6 May. While
The List 5 — 18 May 1989 77