top. check this out. Sheena Easton makes the first of several appearances as a fading singer with a contract on her life. What was that about life imitating art‘.’

IGloria Gaynor(BB(‘1) 1 1.104 [.55pm. ‘I Will Survive' and other favourites. reCorded live in Birmingham.

I The Beach Boys: 25 Years Together (Scottish) 13.3lL‘3am. Yes. but what do they have to say about litigene Landy and Brian Wilson's solo career. that's what the kids want to know.


I Paradise on Earth ((‘4 ) s s. 30pm. First of six parts. w ritten and presented by lidwin Mullins. who's mullin‘ overthc question ‘I low shall men live." and how artists and thinkers have posed their perfect worlds oy er the centuries.

I The Wisdom of the Dream ((‘4 ) () lllpm. The first of three one-hour programmes tracing the work and influence of .lung. Includes an unscreeiied lUSbmterview wfiieli. it is claimed. proves much more revealing than Jung‘s famous spot on Face to Face three years later.

I Take Me Home ( BB( ‘1 i935 10.35pm. Three-part drama starring ls'eith Barron and Maggie ()‘Neill. throw ii together by a chance meeting.


I ReafWindowlScottisli)8 lllpni. ()neof Hitchcock's finest. made in 1954. starring the inimitable James Stewart and ( iraee ls'elly.

I Thatcher's Children ( BB(‘1 i

9.35- 10.55pm.Numerousintci'viewswith young people to see how deeply Mrs 'l‘hatcher”s ideas hay e sunk into British youth. and a M( “(I poll conducted especially for the programme


I The Survivor's Guide l ( ‘4 i 0.3!) 7pm New scricsaimed al I" 37-year-olds. intending to provide practical adv ice for getting through this thing we call life.

I Foreign Bodies ( rim ‘3 i U ti. .‘snpm. A third series of the romanticcomedy that ‘transcends the Troubles' in l 'lster.

I Forty Minutes: Laid Offt BM ‘3)

9.30- It). lllpin. Two men at opposite ends of the country and the social scale face unemployment after 3!) years working for their respective firms.

I Gregorio ((21) A huge success in the country in which it was made. this l’eruvian liliii tells the story of a youngboy taken from a village in the Andes totlie slums of Lima by his father. whoshortly afterw ards dies. leay irig ( iregorio as the larnily breadw inner.


Auntie Beeb in Not All Done By Mirrors shock? The steam powered turntables are a thing of the past while the hand-cranked generators are btit a distant memory. Yes. the BBC goes marching through the white heat of technology with the broadcast of it‘s first digital recording this week. The Prince of l lomburg is the work in


Written in 1808 by l leinrich von Kleist. the play is widely regarded as one of German literature's greatest works. This shiny new knobs-and-all digital version is llans Werner l lenze's operatic translation.

The principal motifs underlying the play reflect the deep problems of the author's life. Kleist was a fervent nationalist and had a riiilitary career planned forhim. Such baseness. however. was singularlv unreconcilable with his poetic and ' introvert nature and the poor

baton-twiddler ended up shooting himself at the age of thirty-four. The opera libretto. nonetheless. is by distinguished (ierman poet Lageborg Bechmann and the hi-tech vibes will be broadcast on Radio Three (Sat. April 32 7.30pm). Damn edifying stuff.

Similar brow-furrowing will also be much in evidence when Radio'l‘hree broadcasts A Shakespeare (.‘oncert (Wed April thh 7.45pm). Music inspired by Shakespeare or Composed as incidental music for stage productions or films ofhis plays is the theme of the concert. which will include Walter Leigh's music for a Midsummer Night's Dream. Faure's Suite ‘Shylock‘ and Shostakovich's l larnlet.

Andstillon a literarytheme. couldthcre

be some extraordinary connection between a mutiny on the high seas. exactly two hundred years ago and one ofthe greatest and most mystical linglish narrative poems'.’ What binds together (‘aptain William Bligh with the Romantic poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor ('oleridge'.’

What strange events might have occurred in the village of Nether Stowey one stormy night in 1797'.’ It is said that Fletcher (‘hristian met a violent end far away on Pitcairn Island. in the Pacific Ocean. (‘ould it be otherwise? Probably not but it makes a jolly thrilling radio outing nonetheless. The Rirne ofthe Bounty ( Radio Four April 26th »- 1 UL? am) is ('hristopher Fraylirig's drariiatised feature written to mark the bieentary of The Mutiny on the Bounty. It explores some remarkable. imaginative and perhaps more tangible links between that mutiny and the story that begins "lt isaii ancyent Marinere . . .' Martin Jarvis plays Samuel Taylor ('oleridge and Fletcher Christian. Richard l’asco is William \Vordsworth.

()ne cultural phenomenon that has relentlessly become less literary as the years roll by is the once-credible Scots rock agglommerate Simple Minds. From their earliest days as (iorbals-based glam rock stylists onwards. the Mind's story has been paradigmatic of the typical liighties rock star trajectory: where once they were narcissistic and preeningly indulgent. they are now portly yeomen. dispensing (iood liarth philosophy to their impressionable stadium audiences and popping up at every available benefit with lentils in their hair and pep-talks for the oppressed.

From there. (iary Davies can only be a step up. llead honcho Jim Kerr will be guesting on his show this coming Monday at 13.45pm. giving a world premiere ofthe band's latest waxing Street Fighting Years. Jim will also be speaking about the band's slow rise to stardom. their first number one with Bellast (‘hild. their version of Biko. the composition of Mandela I)ay. their involvement with Amnesty International. the portents behind Street Fighting years ad nauseum. (iar‘y will be nodding tanned cfieekbones wearily and checking his diamond-studded Rolex to see if Stringfellows is open yet. Waves of compassion fatigue on the part of the audience. meanwhile. will garner The World At ()ne it‘s largest listening figures yet.

Arnold Kemp - editor ofthe Glasgow Hem/d. Norris McWhirtcr —— the man with the Mr Whippy barnet who once consorted with Roy ('astle on children's television (they can't touch you for it. missus). Bob Wylie well. the face escapes me for the moment. What links these three pillars of the establishment together is their combined appearance on Ten Years of Thatchcrism on Radio ( 'lyde this coming Thursday ( Radio (‘lyde April 27 7.06pm). They'll be coneentratingon the effects on personal freedom of Mrs Thatcher's premiership. That the gradual fading from greatness of Record Breakers coincided neatly with our leaderine's rise is an occurence that I hope will not go unnoticed by the panel. (Allan Brown)

I OPEN LIST is designed to coverpublic events not covered elsewhere in the magazine. We welcome submissions. which will be included subject to space. and of course no charge is made for listings. Please supply date. event title. venue. information telephone number. time. price and brief description. to reach our Edinburgh office not laterthan seven days before publication.

Information given below is as full and accurate as possible when going to press. We do. however. recommend thatyou telephone to confirm details.


I Feed The Minds Book Fair May rield (‘hureh Hall. West Maytield. ltdinbur’gh lrilo: no“ 88"]. " ‘lpm. .‘yllpl children li‘cc ). A sale of second-hand books and other goods. plants and home baking lll aid of Feed The Minds. a church-based charity supporting literacy proiccls indeyeloping countries and eastern l'uiope. An annual event organised by \ewrngtonchurches. I Introduction To Zen Salisbury (critic. 3 Salisbury Road. l-dinburgli. oo‘ 5138 8pm. L7 £5 for three days. Beginning tonight with a talk by Nari Shin. a Soto/en iitiri. entitled ‘The Practice of /.en'.

I Rag Week: Free Funfair \y esi Meadows, lzdinbur'gh. Info: 335 Jilly] 1 5pm. The time of year has ari'iv ed during which the cream of our youth disport themser es in garishclothmg. spray every iiroyiiigtai'get w itli shaving loam (o/onc-lriciidly . one hopes). and justify all formsof sayager'y in the name of a good cause. And why not'.’ 'l’hisyear‘s lilteen beneficiaries includea number of children's and disabled people's charities. as well as the British Kidney Association and Shelter. the campaign against homelessness. All groups and iiidiv rduals are my ited to partake of free rides. balloons and candy llosstliisafternoon \oagclinirt.


I Celebration: Anniversary of Victory at Playa Giron. Cuba ( ‘lub ( ‘ubano. ( 'eiitial llolel. (‘enllal Slalioli. ( ilasgow. Info: 334 13b”. 0pm till late. L3 (Ll ). The Britain (‘uba Resource ( ‘entre invite you to celebrate resistance to l ".S lmpcr ralisnr al the Bay Of l’igs w till a special disco sponsored by .\'Al.( i(). Soul supplied by ('lub Sandino.

-- - imam: “tantalum “anyone

" m'WmW o «mafia-moi.

Greenpeace warns the public ofan unwelcome addition to the environment. See Mon 24.

I Feed The Minds Book Fair Maylicld (‘hureh l lall. West May field. ladiiibui'gh liilo: (m7 88"]. Want noon. 3llplchi|dien

free). See above. Fri 3| for details I Introduction To Zen Salisbury (critic. _‘ i Salisbury Road. lzdinburgli. ob“ S138 lllam; 3pm; 4pm. Second of three days. with an introduction to /.en practice. See above. Fri 33 for further details.

I Rag Week: Fete yy'esi Meadows. Itdinburgh. liilo: 335 ltlryl. 1 RH lfillpm l-r'ce Funfair. hot air balloons. karate display . stalls. live music. etc ()r‘ganisalioiis w ishiiig to set up a stall are lll\ ited toeoiilacl the l2dinburgh Students' ('harities Appeal on the aboy e number


I Introduction To Zen Salisbury ('ciili'c. : Salisbury Road. lzdinbuigli. rm" 5438 "am late afternoon. last of thiccdays. w illi a day -long session of /..iycn pi actice I Rag Week: Nine-Legged Bedpush w esl Meadows. ltdinbuigh. Info; 335 4th»! Free. A race in silly costumes w itli legs tied together \\ ell they ‘ye got to get it otit of their systems. haven't they' I Spring Fling l’i inces Square. Buchanan Street. ( ilasgow . 33] (Hi3!) rim (isopm L5 or L l ".51! including dinner A fashion show with music by Alex l)algleish and And .\'ow The World. lealtii ing spi mg

fashions from l’i'inces Square's boutiques. hairstyles and make-up liom Vidal Sassoon. and models from Best Promotions. .-\ltei'waids. a car andotlicr lavish pl‘i/csalc to be won in a raffle (tickets Slip) drawn by Miss Scotland All pr‘olitstochar'ity.


I Greenpeace Collection Week: Edinburgh l ltillse-lH-litltlsc llllti. 33‘) fill—7h fifi'IS’Viti Beginning today . the inter national

cny ironiireiilal pressure group will be

collecting ltiiids for its work in it y mg to

preserve the planet against mankind's appallirigabuses ltsmost pressing concerns are pollution l many ol Britain's

beaches. for example. are sey cr'ely conlariiiiiatcd). destruction of the habitats (the South American i'aiiiloi'ests home to many people as well as plaritsand animals art especially at risk ). and illegal liuiitiiigol endangeredspecies. such as whales. sealsaiid bigcats (ii‘eeiipcuice's actiye cariipaigniiig is very eypeiisiy c to sustain. btit ll ollei ssoiiie hope against the impendingecological crisis (iiyc generously

I Multicultural Fair Mel )onala Road library . l'diiibur‘gli liilo. SVJWM l.3ll-8..illpm. Sponsored by l/lr' I (ylaiid lllc Setilllslt .-\l’ls ( itillllL'll. Sc‘tillaml's lllsl sticheyentollcisa variety of Cosmopolitan. anli~tacisl acliy Ilies lrdinburgh's Multicultural l'ducation (‘entrc in l.eith Walk hasoigaiii/ed the Fair iii coniuiictioii w llll lxdiiiburgh ( 'ity libraries. whose l'.llllllL‘l ibiaiy Service will be launched dur mg the week Ml-t 's stall is keen to adv ci tise the resources it can offer w ithiii a iiiulti racial society . and stresses that eyeiitsol this type are held regularly elsewhere in Britain. Alley cuts are free and all are w elcoiiie

Resources workshop: Recognizing Bias in Literature and Learning Resources

1.3“ _‘s.3llpm. (ieaied to libiai ransaiid

56 The List 31 April 4 May 1989