38.38a.48.48a.45.23. 57. 57a. 57b. 29.2911. Clydeside Scottish buses[D|Bar.
@ Open Circle 1 lillhead Library. 348 Byres Road. 33‘) 7223. 9.30am—8pm. Mon—Fri (closed Wed): 9.30am—5pm. Sat (closed 1—2pm).
@Pavilion Theatre 121 Renfield Street. 332 1846. Booking through Pavilion Box office 10am—8pm. Mon—Sat. Postal/Phone (on above number) bookings held for three days. Credit card booking. Concessions in advance only. Cowcaddens Underground. city centre bus routes. [D] Bar.
People's Palace/Winter Gardens Glasgow Green. 5540223. 10am—5pm. Mon—Sat. Sun l—5pm. EPlaza Ballroom Eglinton Toll.
ERenlrew Ferry Clyde Place Quay. (Ticketlink). EERobin Anderson Theatre Details as Scottish Ballet.
(Ticketlink). ERoyal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
,..,~ '15.” :-A 3’:
(containing Chandler Studio. New Athenaeum Theatre and Stevenson Hall) 100 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. Tickets available through Ticket Centre outlets. 227 5511. and at RSAMD box office. 10am—8pm. Mon—Fri.
Postal telephone (on the RSAMD number) bookings held for 3 days or up till 45 minutes before the performance. Cowcaddens Underground. Queen Street British Rail Station. city centre bus routes. [1)] Cafe. Bar.
@The Shed 25 Blackfriars Street. 553 2475 or 227 5511 (Ticket Centre).
Springbum Museum Ayr Street (adjacent to Springburn Railway Station). 557 1405. 10.30am—5pm. Mon—Fri; 10am—1pm. Sat; 2—5pm. Sun.
@StAndrews Parish Church 3. Arts Centre St Andrew Square (off Saltmarket).
fiStevenson Hall —see Royal Scottish Academy at Music and Drama.
Theatre Royal Hope Street. 331 1234/332 9000. Booking through Theatre Royal Box office. 10am—6pm (7.30pm on performance days). Mon—Sat. Postal/ Telephone bookings held for three days or until 45 minutes before the performance. Credit cards accepted. Cowcaddens Underground. Strathclyde Buses 20. 58. 66. 61 and 54. [1)] Bar.
Eihird Eye Centre 350 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7521. Tickets only available through Third Eye Centre box office. 10am—5pm. Tue—Sat: 2-5.30pm. Suns; and during evenings on performance days (the centre is closed on Mondays). Postalx Telephone bookings held till 30 minutes before the performance. Credit cards accepted. Cowcaddens Underground. city centre bus routes. ID] Cafe. Bar.
mTicket Centre Candle riggs. Glasgow 227 5511. 10.30am—6.30pm. Mon—Sat. Ticket Booking centre for a wide range of Mayfest and other Glasgow events. Enquiries and credit card bookings on the number above (six lines). There are also Ticketlink box offices at King's. Mitchell.
Theatre Royal and Citizens‘ outlets. other than for shows actually on at the venue in question. bookings can usually only be taken up till 6pm). Some tickets ordered through the the Ticket Centre can be picked up at the venue. some can't — check with the Ticket Centre. Credit card bookings for venues other than those which are Ticketlink outlets should be picked up at the Ticket Centre the day before the performance (ifordered five days or more in advance they will. however be posted out).
EETron Theatre 63 Trongate. 552 4267/5291 . Tickets only through Tron Box ()ffice. noon ( 12.30pm. Suns) till 11pm (till 8pm on non-performance nights). Postal and telephone bookings should be uplifted the day before the performance. Credit Cards accepted. St Enoch Underground. Queen Street BR Station. city centre bus routes. [D] Cafe. Bar.
E University of Strathclyde Montrose Street.
m WASPS 22 King Street. 5520564. 10am—5pm. Mon—Sat.
Winter Gardens Peoples‘s Palace. Tickets available through Ticket Centre outlets. 227 5511. Strathclyde buses 64. 64a. 18. 18a. 62; Kelvin Scottish 5. 5a. [D]
Bobby Baker (3. 4 May)
I Talk a Reading Book Trust Scotland. 2pm. £2 (£1.25). Poet Charles Causley reads from and talks about his work.
I New Poets Third Eye Centre. 7.30pm. £2 (£1 ). A mixed bag offive unpublished Scottish poets read from their work. Introduced by Robin Lindsay Williams.
I Arnold Brown Renfrew Ferry. 6pm. £5 (£2.50). Dry one-liners from the Perrier Award winner who seems to be increasingly jaunty on stage. And why not'.’
I Christine Cairns RSAMD Stevenson Hall. 8pm. £5 (£2.50). The young Scottish mezzo-soprano. Christine Cairns has already achieved international recognition. Here she makes her first appearance on a major Scottish stage. accompanied by pianist Graeme McNaught in a concert of songs by Brahms and Schoenberg. I Clydebank Lyric Choir City hall. 7.45pm. £4. £3
(£2.50). Programme includes Mozart's Requiem and the Vivaldi (iloriu.
I Behind The Lines'i‘hird Eye Centre. 2.30pm. Free. Carl MacDougall introduces readings by some of the contributors whose work appears in ‘Behind the Lines‘ a new anthology of poems and short stories.
I BIaCkThcatre Royal. 7.30pm. £3 (£2)-—£7.50 (£6.50). Moody Colin Yearncombe has been casting his influence on the charts throuin such singles as ‘Wonderful Life' and the last album (‘mnedy cemented Black's place in the British pop hierarchy.
I Clannad Pavilion Theatre. 8pm. £6 (£4). £5 (£3). Veterans (and very credible veterans at that) of the Irish rock and folk scene. Some haunting pieces will be recognised from their acclaimed TV themes.
I Class of '89 Kelvingrove Park Bandstand. 1pm—7pm. Free. An important event for anyone interested in the local rock scene. ‘Classof 89' takes a selection of bands who have recorded outstanding sessions for Radio Clyde recently. Ilorsc . The Wild River Apples. The McCluskey Brothers. llearts And Minds. Farewell Parade. and Moni are participating. and the event is being recorded for
future transmission on Clyde.
I Horse Mayfair. 9pm. £3. After a few hours' rest. Horse move to the Mayfair for a gig in their own right. And after several false starts as one of Glasgow’s ‘Most Likely To‘ bands. their new record deal and single suggest that things may be going their way at last.
I Pendryus Male Choir King‘sTheatre. 7.30pm. £3.50 (£2)—£5.50 (£4). One of the greatest Welsh choirs. four-score boyos from the Rhonnda.
I Tom Robinson Renfrew Ferry. 9pm. £6 (£3). Self-effacing star accompanies himself on keyboards and guitar. Small-scale Robinson shows can be enjoyable and quite intimate events. suited to festivals like Mayfest.
I The Guid Sisters Tron Theatre. 7.30pm. £5 (£2). Hench-Canadian playwright Michael Trernblay has been translated into Scots for the Tron’s production of this 1966' comedy. It's set in the good old days when you got (irecn Shield stamps instead of Air Miles.
I Arnold Brown Renfrew I-‘erry. 6pm. £5 (£2.50). See Sun 30.
I Beethoven: The Complete Sonatas for Violin and Piano RSAMD (iuinness Room. 1pm. £4 (£2). Virtuoso young Australian pianist (iusztave Fenyo joins the leader of the Scottish Opera Orchestra. Angus Anderson. in the first of three concerts (the next two on 8 & 15 May) offering a rare opportunity to hear all Beethoven‘s sonatas in three sessions. Tonight: ()p 12 No l in 1) major. ()p 23 in A major. Op 30
The List 21 April—4 May 1989 33