alarming. Presented with a gift-horse, Gelderman, a Clydesdale among biographers. plods pedantically through one the most eventful literary lives ofthe century as ifit were a field of swedes.


I The Times Guide to 1992 Owen & Dynes (Times Books £5.95) The union of Europe. supposedly the most important event since the Battle of Hastings. is documented in this Doomsday guide. All you ever wanted to know about VAT. Structural Funds and the European Currency Unit.

I Climbing Days Dorothy Pilley (Hogarth £5.95) First published in 1935. it tells ofone woman's love-affair with mountains.

I The Sky At Night Patrick Moore (Harrap £7.95) The book of the TV programme ofthe same title. covering 1985—88 and including Halley‘s comet and Voyager Two‘s pass of Uranus. by the star-spotting man ofcrumpled-dom.

I Bloomsbury Good Beading Guide Kenneth McLeish (Bloomsbury £4.99) A literary dictionary and a reading recommendation rolled into


Something In A Cardboard Box by Les Stockertells tales of patients who survive and of those who don’t at the Wildlife Hospital. Aylesbury. Plenty of cutie pictures and sob stories at £7.951rom Chatto.

I Is e 20 rann-samhlaidh agus 33 duain a tha ann an A ' Caradh an Rathaid. le eadar-theangachadh arms a' Ghaeilge air a h-uile darna duilleig. Sgriobh lain Mac a‘ Ghobhainn ann an Gairm air seo. an treas leabhar bardachd le Maoilios Caimbeul. gur ann aige a tha ‘guth . an COmhnaidh reusanta is geur.‘

(Coisceim £2)

There are 20 haikus and 33 poems in A' Caradh an Rathaid. with a translation into Irish Gaelic on facing pages. As Mike Shields wrote in Orbis ‘This is a collection I would honestly recommend to anyone who claims to love poetry. and it is worth making some attempt. at least. tofind out what the Gaelic actually means

. . . and what it sounds like read aloud. It is a most illuminating experience. '

I Chaidh Reothairt is Contraigh ath-chIo-bhualadh agus tha e ri fliaighinn aig an aon phris is a bha e. Chan eil e a dhith c()rr mineachaidh.



- The ~~ Autobiography

I The Autobiography: Chuck Berry (Faber £4.99) The book of the man. I Reads: A Collection of Essays Brigid Brophy (Cardinal £3.99) The best of Brophy‘s non-fictional writing and reviews. ranging over the diverse terrain of Mozart. vegetarianism and the rights ofanimals. I The Business-Man’s Diet Michael Teff(Hodder £3.50) For gaping stripey shirts. this programme for svelteness tells men what they really should already know: over-eating makes you fat. I A Song of Love and Death: The Meaning ot Dpera Peter Conrad (Hogarth Press £6.95) A historical over-view ofopera‘s origins and triple chins. brought up~to-date with surveys of contemporary performances and interviews with current aficionados. I WarAs A Way 01 Lite: A Belfast Diary John Conroy (Heinemann £5.95) An American journalist's expose of the Troubles in Belfast. carefully observed from the Republican point ofview. I The Street Where I Live Alan Jay Lerner (Columbus £5.95) The story behind the hit musicals My Fair

Lady, Brigadoon. Gigi. and Camelot

by one of their two creators.


nach eil‘.’ (Canongate £4.95) Reothairt is Contraigh (Spring Tide and Neap Tide) has been reprinted and is available at the same price as before. There is no need of further description. is there?

I Aig deireadh na bliadhna an-uiridh nochd The Prose Writings ofDonald Lamont na dharna deasachadh. Is e seo cruinneachadh de rosg sgeulachdan agus aistidhean grinn. gramail nach robh ann an elf) o chionn 1960. B‘ fheairrde a h-uile sgriobhaichc Silii a thoirt air a' mhodh seo. (Scottish Gaelic Texts Society £12.50)

At the end of last year the second edition ofThe Prose Writings of Donald Lamont appeared. This is a collection of elegant but striking stories and essays which has not been in printsince 1960. Every Gaelic writer (and not a few English ones!) should look at this style.

I B' e Donnchadh MacIIlIosa am fear a bu mhisneachaile ann am


I The Hindmost William Paul (Futura £3.50) A thriller with the usual ingredients: sex. Germany. missing nuclear landmines. army

intrigues and the life-or-death chase.

by one Scotland On Sunday journalist.

I Chelworth Brian Thompson (Penguin £2.99) TV tie-in book about estranged millionaire who tries to go home and finds a few obstacles. Soap power story in titchy writing.

I The Bad Sister Emma Tennant (Faber £3.99) Estate owner from the Borders snuffs it in editor‘s preface.

then illegitimate daughter takes over

the story. Weird and wonderful.

I The Winged Horse Pamela Frankau

(Virago £5.50) Newspaper tycoon pulls the emotional strings of his apparently well-adjusted family and entourage. and eventually gets his own cut.

I Set On Edge Bernice Rubens (Abacus £3.99) Earthy black comedy about mother Gladys, abandoned by grown-up children, in search oftemptation.

I Seminar 0n Youth Aldo Busi (Faber £4.99) Young peasant turns homosexual prostitute in Milan and Paris. Cynical and stylised.


V YOUTH i _ Aldo Busi

foillseachadh na h-Albann an-uiridh: nochd a bardachd fhein

mu choinneamh cuid Ie Shakespeare. 1s e eadar-theangachadh ann an cruth saor-rannaigheachd a thuilleadh air Seachd Luinneagan le Shakespeare arms a' Bheurla a tha anns an

leabhran seo. (Roinn nan Canainean

Ceilteach. Oilthigh Ghlaschu £3)

Donald Gillies was the bravest man in

Scottish literature last year: his own poetry appeared opposite some of Shakespeare 's. As well as the English versions of six sonnets by Shakespeare, Seachd Luinneagan le Shakespeare contains Gaelic translations into free verse.

I Is i barachd a rinn EOghann Mac an Tbisich. Bard Phort Sgeire. o chionn 30 bliadhnaichean a tha air a

cruinneachadh anns an leabhran seo.

Greannan 'm Fraoeh. Seo cainnt

bheothail Dhiithaich Mhic Aoidh aig

pris cho fialaidh ri luchd na Duthcha ud. (Melvich & Portskerra Senior

Craigievar Castle from Trustlands. a glossy book of glossy photographs by Glyn Satterley which displays the huge range of the National Trust For Scotland's land and properties. Published by Chambers at


EVENTS Edinburgh

I Glasgow writer Ewan McVicar has contributed ‘concrete kinetic‘ poems to a collaborative arts exhibition. The poems use computer techniques. and have in turn been incorporated visually in paintings on scientific themes. Stereo versions of the poems play at you when you stand in front of the paintings. At the Step Gallery. 39 Howe Street. Mon—Fri 11am—5.50pm and Sat 11am—4pm (031 556 1613).

I Maureen Sangster, Dave Gibson and Penpushers will be reading from their work on Friday 7th April at 8pm in the West End Hotel. Palmerston Place as another ofthe ‘First Friday: Poems and Pints‘ sessions. Admission is 50p and audience participation is welcomed.

In the last issue, we carried a listing for a William McIlvanney event at the Central Library. Edinburgh. Unfortunately, the information supplied to us was incorrect: apologies to readers and to William McIlvanney.

Citizens‘ Committee agus Friends of Eden Court £1)

The booklet Gleannan ’m Fraoeh is a collection of poetry by H u gh

M acl n tosh. the Bard o f Portsk erra. composed 30 years ago. This is the lively speech of Suth erland at a price as generous as its people.

I Ma Bhios sibh airson ciirr de dh' fhios fhaighinn air leabhraichean Gaidhlige. Ordaichibh ur Iethbhreachd dhe Leabhraichean Gaidhlig. clar dhen a h-uile leabhar Gaidhlig a tha ann an clo. bhon Chomann Leabhraichean airson cha mhbr £1.

I f you would like more information on Gaelic books. orderyour copy of Leabhraichean Gaidhlig. a catalogue ofall Gaelic books in print, only £1. from: The Gaelic Books Council.

An Comann Leabhraichean. Dept of Celtic, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ.

68 The List 7 20 April 1989