7.15pm. 9.35pm. Mon—Thurs 5.05pm. 7.35pm, 9.55pm.

See also Strathclyde Lates.

I ARTS CENTRE New Street. Paisley. 887 1010. £1.50 (£1).

Exorcist II (18) (Thurs 6only)8pm.

The Killing DtSister George ( 18) (Thurs 13 only) 8pm.

I CANNON Titchfield Street. Kilmarnock. ()563 37288. £1.

1. Lady And The Tramp (U) Fri. Sat 1pm. Rain Man(15) Fri. Sat5.15pm.8.15pm. Sun 7.50pm. Mon—Thurs 2.30pm. 5. 15pm. 8.15pm.

2. Twins (PG) Sun 5.30pm. 8pm. Mon—Thurs 2.30pm. 5.50pm. 8.30pm.

3. Alien Nation (18) Sun 5.30pm. 8pm. Mon—Thurs 2.30pm. 6pm. 8.50pm.

I KELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 889 3612. £2.20 Child/OAP/Student/UB40 £1.20).

1. Rain Man ( 15) Fri. Sat. Mon 2pm. 5.20pm. 8.10pm. Tue—Thurs8. 10pm.

2. Lady and The Tramp (U) Fri. Sat. Mon 2.45pm. 6.30pm.

Allen Nation (18) 6.30pm (Not Fri. Sat. Mon). 8.45pm.

I LA SCALA Hamilton Street. Saltcoats. ()294 62051 [D] by prior arrangement. £1.80(Child/Studenv’UB4090p: OAP 50p). 1. Allen Nation (18) 6.30pm.8. 14pm. 2. Lady and The Tramp (U) Fri. Sat only 1.30pm. 5.55pm. Dead Ringers ( 18) 7.50pm. I OOEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. 0292 264049. Bar opens 5.30pm every day. [D] (cinemas 2 & 3 only). £2.50 (Child/OAP/Student/UB40£1.50— no concessions for last performance Fri and Sat). 1. Alien Nation (18) Fri—Sun 5.10pm. 7.10pm. 9. 10pm. Mon—Thurs 1.10pm. 3.10pm. 7.10pm.9.10pm.

LadyandThe Tramp (U) Fri. Sat 1.10pm. 2.55pm.

2. The Adventures ot Baron Munchausen (PG) Fri. Sat 1.20pm. 3.45pm.7pm. 9.35pm. Sun—Thurs 1.05pm. 3.35pm. 6pm. 8.35pm.

3. Rain Man(15) Fri. Sat 7pm. 9.30pm. Sun—Thurs 3pm. 6pm. 8.30pm.

I OOEON Townhead Street. Hamilton. 0698 283 802. [D] (cinemas 2 & 3 only). Fri/Sat £2.50 (Child/OAP£1 .40); Sun—Thurs £2.30 (Child/OAP£1 .30). Mon—Fri until 6pm UB40£1.

1.A|ien Nation ( 18) Fri. Sat. Sun 8.45pm. Mon—Thurs 12.40pm. 3pm. 6pm. 8.45pm. Lady and The Tramp (U)Fri. Sat. Sun 12.50pm. 3.10pm. 6pm.

2. The Adventures ot Daron Munchausen(15) 12.25pm. 3.05pm. 5.45pm. 8.25pm.

3. Rain Man (15) Fri. Sat 12.20pm. 3.10pm. 6.15pm. 9.15pm. Sun—Thurs 12.45pm. 4.15pm. 8. 15pm.

I RIALTO College Street. Dumbarton. 0389 62763. £1 .50(Chi1d/OAP/ StudentlUB40£1).

1. Rain Man (18) 7.30pm.

2. Lady and The Tramp (U) Fri. Sat 2pm. Allen Nation (18) 8pm.

I WMR FILM CENTRE Bank Street. Irvine. 0294 79900. £2 (Child £1 ; OAP— Mon—Thurs only - £1.50). Junior Club matinee (Sat only) £1 (Child 70p). Family ticket (2 Adults. 2 Children) £5.

Lady and The Tramp (U) Fri—Sat 2pm. 6.30pm. Mon—Thurs 6.30pm.

The Naked Gun (15) Fri. Sat 8.30pm. Sun 7.45pm; Mon—Thurs 8.30pm


I AMC CLYDEBANK 1D Clydebank Regional Centre. (Over 185 only). FtI'I/ Sat 8:

Twins (PG) Fri 11.45pm; Sat 11.15pm. Allen Nation (15) Fri ll.25pm;Sat 10.55pm Fright Night 11 (18) Fri 11.45pm: Sat 11.45pm.

The Naked Gun(15) Fri 11.35pm Sat 11.25pm.

Rain Man (15) Fri. Sat 11.35pm. Scandal (18) Fri. Sat 11.45pm.


Friday 14-Thursday 20

See under Week 1 tor details at ticket prices. opening hours. tacilities etc.


Provisional programme details only—not contirmed at time 01 going to press.

I CANNON Clarkston Road. Muirend.633 2123.

1. Rain Man (15) 2pm (Fri. Sat only).5pm. 8pm.

2. Working Girl ( 15) or The Dead Pool ( 18) 3. Uncontlnned

I CANNON Sauchiehall Street. 332 1592. 1.Twins (PG) 1.55pm (not Sun). 5.20pm. 8.15pm.

2. Fright Night ll ( 18) 1.50pm. 5.25pm. 8.15pm.

3. The Accused ( 18) 1.35pm. 5. 10pm. 8.10pm.

4. Dangerous Liaisons (15) 1.40pm. 4.40pm. 8pm.

5. The Naked Gun ( 15) 3.30pm. 5.45pm. 8.35pm.

Possible Openings. replacing one at above: The Dead Pool ( 15) and Patty Hearst (18). I CANNON GRAND 18 Jamaica Street. 248 4620.

Adult movies. Phone for details.

I GROSVENOR Ashton Lane. Ilillhead. 339 4298/7814.

1.The Accused (18) 2.30pm. 6.30pm. 8.30pm.

2. Working Girl (15) 2.15pm. 5.40pm, 8.25pm.

See also Glasgow Lates.

I ODEON Renfield Street. 332 8701.

Alien Nation ( 18) 2.45pm. 4.35pm. 6.35pm. 9pm.

The Adventures ot Baron Munchausen (PG) 12. 10pm. 2.45pm. 5.30pm. 8.20pm. Rain Man(15) 2. 15pm.8.15pm.

Lady and The Tramp (U) 1pm (not Sun) Scandal (18)5.15pm.

New opening replacing one otthe abovezWorklng Girl (15)

See also Glasgow Lates.

I SALON Vinicombc Street. 3394256. The Dead Pool (18) 2pm.7.30'pm.

12 Rose Street. 3326535.


Camille Claudel (PG) 2pm. 7.45pm (15) Sign 0' The Tlmes(15)5.45pm. SATURDAY 15

Sign ‘0' The Times ( 15) 2pm.

Camille Claudel (PG) 4pm. 7.45pm. SUNDAY16

Camille Claudel (15) 7.45pm. MONDAY17

Planes. Trains and Automobiles (15) 3.30.


Camille Claudel (PG) 7.45pm. TUESDAY 18

Planes. Trains and Automobiles ( 15) 5.45pm.

Camille Claudel (PG) 7.45pm. WEDNESDAY 19

Les Parents Terribles (15) 3.30pm.5.45pm. Croque La Vie (15) and discussion with director Jean Charles Tacchella 8pm. THURSDAY 20

Travelling Avant(15)6pm. Mapantsula(15)8.30pm.


I GROSVENOR Ashton Lane Fri14/Sat15:

1. The Big Chi|l(15) 11.15pm.

2. Last Tango In Paris (18) 11.15pm. I OOEON Renfield Street. 332 8701 Call cinema for details.


Provisional programme details only-not continued at time 01 going to press.

I CAMEO Home Street. 2284141.

Patty Hearst (PG) 2pm (not Sun). 4.20pm. 6.40pm. 9pm.

The Sicilian (18) (Sun only) 1.45pm.

See also Edinburgh Lates.

I CANNON Lothian Road. 229 3030. Expected programme: call cinema to confirm.

1.The Dead Pool ( 18) 2.25pm. 5.25pm. 8.25pm.

2. The Accused ( 18) 2.05pm. 5.05pm. 8.05pm.

3. Tequila Sunrise (15) 1.50pm.4.50pm. 7.50pm.

I DOMINION Newbattle Terrace. 447 2660.

Expected programme: call cinema to confirm. 1.Twins(PG)2.15pm.5.15pm.8.15pm. 2. The Naked Gun ( 15) 4.30pm. 6.30pm. 8.30pm.

3. Madame Sousatzka ( 15) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm. I OOEON Clerk Street. 667 7331/668 2101. 1. Working Girl (PG).

2. Scandal (15).

The Adventures Dt Baron Munchausen (PG) 3. Rain Man(15).


Lothian Road. 228 2688.


1. Swann In Love (18)2.45pm.

Au Revoir Les Entants(15)6.15pm. 8.30pm.

2. Dead Ringers ( 18) 3pm. 6pm.8. 15pm. SATURDAY 15

1. Muppets Take Manhattan (U) 2pm.

Au Revoir Les Entants (PG) 4pm. 6. 15pm. 8.30pm.

1. Allen (18) and Aliens ( 18) 1 1pm.

2. Dead Ringers ( 18) 3pm. 6pm. 8. 15pm. 10.30pm.


1. Robert Burns (PG) 3pm. Manhunter(18)6pm.8.30pm.

2. Mon Dncle (PG) & MonsieurHulot's Holiday (PG) 2.45pm. 7pm.


1. Babette's Feast (U) 3pm. Manhunter(18) 6pm. 8.30pm.

2. Dada (3) (15) 6.45pm.8.45pm. TUESDAY18

1. Babette’s Feast (U) 3pm. 6. 15pm. Manhunter(18) 8.30pm.

2. Cinema 2 closed tor returblshment until Sat 22.


1. Manhunter(18) 2.30pm. 6pm.8.30pm. THURSDAY 20

1. Dogs In Space (18)2.30'pm. Manhunter(18)6pm. 8.30pm.


I CAMEO Home Street

Fri 14:

Platoon (18) & Full Metal Jacket ( 18) 11.15pm.

Sat 15:

Bus Stop (U) & Gentlemen Prater eiondes

(PG) 11.15pm.

I FILMI‘IOUSE Lothian Road. Sat15:

1.Alien(18) and Aliens(18) 11pm. 2. Dead Ringers ( 18) 10.30pm.


I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY Contact: Societies Centre. The Pleasance. 6671011 ext 4514. A 24 hour answering service (557 0436) gives details otthe programme week by week.

Tue 18 George Square Theatre: Travelling Avant7.30pm(£1).

Wed 19 George Square Theatre: The World According To Garp(15)7pm.

I FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph Place. Continuing Catherine Deneuve season. Thurs 13: Repulsion ( 18) 6pm. 8.30pm. Thurs 20: Le Sauvage (PG) 6pm. 8.30pm.


Provisional programme details only-not contirmed at time at going to press.

I ALLANPARK Allanpark Road. Stirling. 0786 74137.

1. Working GIrI(15).

2. The Dead Pool(18).

I CALEDONIAN Almondvale Centre. Livingston. 0506 33163.

1. Twins (PG) 5.45pm. 8pm.

2. The Dead Pool(18)6pm.8pm.

I CANNON Princess Street. Falkirk.0324 23805.

1.The Dead Pool ( 18).

2. Rain Man(15).

3. Alien Nation ( 18).

I REGAL North Bridge Street. Bathgate. 0506634152.

Twins (PG) 6pm. 8. 15pm.

Bird(15)8. 15pm (Thurs 15only). Macbeth ( 15) 8. 15pm (Thurs 22only).


Provisional programme details only- not continued at time at going to press.

I AMC CLYDEBANK 10 Clyde Regional Centre. C1ydehank.041 951 1949. Expected programme similar to Week 1. Call cinema to confirm.

I ARTS CENTRE New Street. Paisley. 887 1010.

No screenings.

I CANNON Titchfield Street. Kilmarnock. 0563 37288.

See Week One. Possible openings The Dead Pool or Fright Night II.

Contact cinema for details.

I KELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 889 3612.

1.The Dead Pool(18).

2. Working Girl ( 15).

I LA SCALA Hamilton Street. Saltcoats. 0294 62051.

Please contact cinema for details.

I OOEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. ()292 264 049.

Expected Programme: call cinema to confirm.

1. Working Girt(15).

2. Rain MantlS).

3. Alien Nation (18) or The Adventures 01 Baron Munchausen (PG) or Punchline (15) I OOEON Townhead Street. Hamilton. 0698 283 802.

1. Working Girl (18).

2. Uncontirmed.

3. Rain Man(15).

I RIALTO College Street. Dumbarton. 038962763.

1. The Dead Pool (18)7.3()pm.

2. Alien Nation(18).

I WMR FILM CENTRE Bank Street. Irvine. 0294 79900.

The Dead Pool (18)Fri. Sat 7pm.9pm. Sun—Thurs 8.15pm.

Moonwalker (PG) 1pm (Junior show Sat 15 only).

Lady and The Tramp (U) 3pm (Sat 150nly).


I AMC CLYDEBANK 10 Clyde Regional Centre.041951 1949. Call cinema for details.

The List 7 20 April 1989 21