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I Gentle. unassuming. thwarted extrovert man (31) seeks smart-ll

male I 33). likes cinema. theatre and polite company . seeks gentle. Iiiendly . similarly ct'eatiye lcmale (3“ 35 i loi‘ mutual support and understanding Photo \seleomed. Bo\ \‘miu (I

I Attractive lesbian (24)

i i l I

non-scene. non-smoking. Intelligent.seeks losing lemale \\llil interests tnctnenla. theatre. music. eating out and quiet mghtsin Photo appreciated

(ilasgoxs Idinbuigh Box No UH '7

I Handsome. tall. educated gent (34) seeks lclttalc tiishatc laugltlcl . making music. tennis. sensual massage. countryside Izdlubutgh l’hoto phone appreciated lio\ \'o‘)ll .\

I Enjoy Maylest (and more) i’liilcssiitlni llliliL' l 3“). considerate. kind. humorous. \L‘L I“ lL‘llIuIc l 3” .iIII. intelligent.non-smoker .\ pleasures: ( ilglsgtm . Imitks. talkrngand\salktng .-\l :\ Hos \il‘Ill ‘)

I Are there any young. gay guys out there .’ I'm 33. L]lliL‘l.ll\lltti interests. dislike the scene and looking tor someone.

some“ here to be more than a

non-smoking relationship. lidinburgh area Bos \o‘m ll IJapanese orChinese girl wanted to share the company ol sincere. good natured. Scottish malelIM. Interests: eatingout. theatre. lt‘.l\cl. II\ c music. conseisation, sutmmingand countryside Hos Not)” (3

I Glasgow male(27) straight-acting and sincere. seekssimtlar guy (II Z‘Illor nightsout relationship.

Interests include music. cinema.

thinking. outdoors. dining. Photoappreciated .-\l -\ Hos \(t‘ili (“v

IGay guy(21)seektnglungu} lot It iendshrp. ptissli‘iL‘ relationship. Discretion assured Interestsincludespoit. ti.i\ cl. nightsin .indoul

BU\ \ii‘lll H

I Attractive. straightacting tun-loving guy(24) \L'L'Is\\llllllill tocntoy lmtng relationship. sharing lull non-scene site‘IJI lite \\ ILIL ranging Interests. holidays etc Sincere applicantsonly please Photo and phone no itpplL‘L'lltlL'tI (ii.l\}_‘il\\ .IIL'J

Bos .\o‘)ll l."

I Attractive gay lemale (25) non-scene. sensttts e. see ks

similar tor lun. lose and laughs





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k“ L'ugh‘q“inchimd .lllt‘iIL‘IHc.Iltllt..tyctttgcilclgill. unsung-(I Bin \(l‘HI It)

Izdtnburgh Ros Noh’ 2-1

I Attractive lively woman 31 \\ llIl sense ol humour. interested in the arts. politicstlett|o_\s hrllxsalking. skiing. seeks intellectually inclined man lor 'I’tiendshtp. talk. and good times. I’IIHIHltpplcctttlcd.

BM \uSS 3

I Divorced lemale “UIIILI III-\c male company ; likes all music.

ltlms..iitantleatiugout .\Iust THISISA . ' ha\e humour and be 45 5t). Da.e (illls '0“ Bit. N05” 3, ° ° ' .

I Ma‘ie (25) triesperienced ADVERTISEMENT

straight acting gay . Sensitise

Io} .ll and uncomplicated. .-\ctt\ e interest III all the attsand Ielt leaning Seeks similar tor los tug relationship (ilasgoty

BO\ Ni) 5‘) I 3.

I Male (29) graduate sense or

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pop indie music. lilms. tootball and tun. seeks similaroutgoing t) pe for nights out and nights III. Photoessential. Box No9” 3. I Man (38) sense of humour. interested in the arts. reading. history . football. politics and cooking. seeks ssoman in Edinburgh region. .\'o 'I‘oriesor ‘Yahs'. Box .\'o‘)ll 4.

I Ouiet male (30) Interests include theatre. cinema. books. music seeks female for friendship. (ilasgtm area.

Box No9“ 5.

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The List 24 March—6 April 1989 75