ion: ADT


LADY STAIR'S I'IOL'SE CITY ART CENTRE MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD I‘IUIII in 1622 by a prominent Ihc (Lcntrc houses the City's lhc lint museum in the world to be merchant burgcsx ol ltdinburgh Il permanent collection of Scottish dcvolcd solely to the history of was owned in the earl} lliih century pamungx. druwtngs. prints and Childhsxxl ll IS a lrwsurthousc of hi lililabclh. the Do“ agcr-( .ounlc“ \«uilplurc. and displays temporary hislonc toys. dolls, hobby items, ol ~\Iiiii'. Wldtm oi lhc first Izarl ol exhibitions ol tine and decorative an children's costume and numerous F. d t h sum xmt J mmcum ut' pirtraiis. throughout the year other things relating to children. a m knits 313d mansuscatplls ffiillllfl l01 Visitors can cmo,‘ a am 0! mile: or a MW" l'mlUCmCd b." Child'm» 'I has ' um" 'r a l" ' “u ‘"“ lull meal mlh mm in thc(;cntrc‘s been described as the "noisicst l ° ' 0 0 mix” I‘m" “6‘11"” allractnr talc museum in the world'" ' lclcphonclnl 225 2424 ext M91 lclcphoncml 22,< 2424 ext 6650 Iclcphonc 031-22,< 2424 ext 6645

show work behind the scenes.

n ~-CA!m.£ y. GEORGEivamocsg ‘05? g g A / ) / srcuss 06:5 a g . ~ 0 BRASS RL’BBING CENTRE 5......“ ”°"“ “mu- HOUSE I 8 MARCH - 25 .I UNE Inuit-ti :ii Irizuh .\;‘\4.‘. [lie Restored Imh ccnlur} mansion

"0"" "0"“ D g which own 113 name to the tradition

\LlHlHll): rcmimul oi the IlIlC\l “NONGA'E Dcnuncu that u was the home ol the Ill‘Sl

mllcxmtc tliiirtli in \ullaiid

- t J . ammo... Marwcmanunum1.3.1.... An exhibition of ceremonial dress to mark the Listiniimu tulle. nun ul mph.» i“ CLOSE it Is the cm] s pil'ifilcipal museum 0! U IxI‘xI {U . ‘i\ ‘i l I.» \I \ lil‘x, (X13 SIOI’)‘ ' ms littlgzi /\ N m... 3.5... and columns. .ih 300th anniversary of Ede and Ravenscroft, .l:. .l: b A -\ N..- ~ ~;\« PALACE '. n urg s \‘cran gass.. 'olli . . _ 3......3 $223133; mum...h.p..m.ni a... “1.... Robemakers and Tailors smce the reign of

‘_'u,',;,;;__,;;(:u l0 l-‘icld-.\lanhall liarl llaig.

'l‘cicphuncosi-zzs 2424 moose and Mary

OPEN .vIIondav to Saturday: 10am-5pm. June to .S‘eptmiher: 10am-6pm: For further details tel: 031 225

lclcphniic Ml “o 4 {M

During the Edinburin Fault-a]. Sundays 2pm-5pm.

A Conservation Survey of Museum Collections in Scotland

Brian Ramer

The first study of its kind on this scale to be published in the UK, undertaken by the Scottish Museums Council, and aided by a grant from the Getty Grant Program of the J. Paul Getty Trust.

Th F d' k ' l d' f o 'nvolved in etiléfiii‘a‘lii$123522Eeliaoélfiué’éuil‘iolliémns. THE GEORGIAN HOUSE

A Conservation Survey of Museum Collections in Scotland In the elegant New Town is No7 Charlotte square, is published at a time when there is substantial debate on Edinburgh, where you can absorb the splendid the quality of care and management of collections in atmosphere of the Georgian era,

Britain’s national museums and galleries and demonstrates that non-national museums in one part of the UK , have problems of a similar nature. S D - This 17th century merchant’s house is in the Lawnmarket near the castle.

Restored and furnished, it is typical of the Old Town of Edinburgh.

Both houses are open to visitors.

ISBN 0 11 4931460 6 126 pages Paperback £7 .95 net

Copies can be ordered from: HMSO Books, FREEPOST, Norwich NR3 1BR.

Please enclose a cheque for £7 .95 made payable to HMSO Books.

Open: Monday Saturday 70-5 Sundays 2 5 (last admission half-hour before closing time)

‘5' National Trust for Scotland

The List 24 March4i April 1989 63