have had tnore than 20 hits on either side of the Atlantic and have one ol the slickesl Rik B soul shows iii the business"? 1 low abotit. ‘£1 1 .50‘.’ .\'all oil. mate!‘ Well. that's one possible response.

I Rock Againstthe Rich Venue. Calton Road. 557 3073. Morrissey layesloneol many 18radlord. Welsh-language rockers Anhrein. Ay r's 81am 81am Y.C. and lidinburgh‘s The Beautilul Suit conspire to undermine the l’oll ’l‘ax 111 their small way. I Medusa Touch l’rcsery ation Hall. Victoria Street. 22b 38”». 9.311pni. Free. Heavy rock.

I Doug Rich Negociants. l,olhian Street. 225b313. 4.30pm Free.

I Johnny Sunbeam \egociants. l.ot bian Street. 225 0313. 9.45pm. Free. Residency.



I Mary Wilson and the Supremes tit-tree Hotel. Fast Rilbride. 03552 297ml.

£3750. l’ipped at the post o1 most successlul lemale group in history by liananarama. so w e't'c told. and continuing w illltltlt Diana Ross. bill with Mary W ilson still at the helm ol thesingmg group she lormed at 13.

I The Peat Diggers Napoleons.12b'

Merry lee Road. 6.3-" 5238.9pml1ce. Described in some quarters as the Scottisli l’ogties. w hteh apart lrom being a ridiculous ov ei statement. ser\ es as a warning lor what toexpect.

I Baby Lemonade l... 'l'amere. 15 Fox Street. 221 4844.9]3111.i‘l‘cc.'l'llls seems [it be the lortnight ot the comeback. althoug 1 it is debatable how much some ol the bands in question w ere being missed.

I Bobby Wishart l lalt Bar. lo0\\'oodland\. Road. 332 1210. 9pm. Free.


I The Tex Fillet Five Negociants. l.olliian Street. 225(i3l3. 9.45pm. Free. Country.

[— thirtysometbing | fortysomething l

As the name suggests, this is a new club tor people in their 305 and 40s. We intend to have a lew functions at nightclubs leaturing

occasionally live bands or cabaret acts. dinner parties at country houses, boat trips, theatre nights and weekend holidays. A list of events will be arranged and you can come to as many or as few as you want.

The lirst evening is Thursday 30th March from 11pm to 3am at 'Choice’ above Charlie Parkers. 23 Royal Exchange Square. Glasgow, and you'll find out more it you come

along that night. but it you cannot make it on the 30th then phone or write for details: thlnysomething. 54 Kelvlngrove Street. Glasgow G3. 041 332 1005.


I Los Supremos St James ( )yster Bar. Calton Road. 557 2925. 9pm. Free. Country blues. Residency.

I The Thomas Crown Altair l’resery ation llall. Victoria Street. 22b 3ts'lo. 9.30pm. Free.

I Doug Rich ( ilobe. \Vcsl i’ot‘t. 2294553. 9pm Free,


I Rock on Down to the liiverllall (iilicspic's. 2b ( ‘lteapside Street.

Show band.

I The Thieves Bruce l lotel. ixast l's'ilbride.


I Yes Yes Juliette and The Toxic Kangaroo

Babies Fury Murrys. 9h .‘yltixwellStrect. 221 b5] 1. 10.30pm. lhe lirst lit a tour week series of exchange gigs leaturingone band lroni ( ilasgow and one from

New castle. Yes Yes .ltlllclte are the Scottish representativ es and hay e recently recorded a much improy ed demo. stamping some ol their ow n personality on toa fairly dertyative sound. in spite ol.or peliaps because of the name. the "l‘oxics' are. on demo at least. \\ ell worthy ol'some attention \s 11b a gutsy rock sound.

I The Organisation i'ixx. .s‘t» Miller Street. .248 IS“) 10pm. l'it‘cc. ()11L‘ ()1 the levy (ilasgow based bands who appreciate the value of pertorniance. and that coupled with some good songs and a great singer make thtsan appetising gig.

I Dexter Slim and the Pickups 1.;1‘1 article. 15 Fox Street. 221 4844. 9pm. Free.

I Marino‘s Men 1 [all liar. lollWoodlands Road. 332 1210. 9pm. Free.


I Doug Rich Negociants. l.otliian Street. 225 (i313. 4.31 1pm. Free. I Live band Negociants. l.othian Street. 2350515. 9.45mi]. l'it'cc.

THURSDAY 6 ' Glasgow

I The Tremens. Ostrich Plural and We Are the Men Buck. 272 St Vincent Street. 221 52"). Presented by the ( ilasgow Bands Cooperatiy e and. they say . ‘not soothing'. I Frazier Chorus Fury Murrys. 9o Maxwell Street. 221 b5] 1. 10.30pm. in the absence o1 any competition trom the holidaying universities and colleges. this looks like gig ol the lortnight. 'l‘he albttrn. Sue. should be in your friendly local record shopvery soon.

I The Man From Delmonte RooltopS. ()3

Saucliiehall Street. 332 5383. 10pm. 'l‘ypically one ol the other highlights ol the period is at the same time. 'l‘ake your pick. I Nyah Fearties and The Tremens and The Colostomy Bags l.a 'I'aniere. 15 Fox Street. 221 4844. 9pm. Free. Cotild be hecticand l’rantic. btit the Nyali Feartics at least are entertaining and should be reaching a wider audience. given that they have been

arotinda while.

I ShoolTo Kill'l'be()uthotise. 1155 Catheart Road. (#90154. 9pm. Free.


I The Cirkus Club Venue. ( ‘alton Road. 55-7 3073. Featuring The Rainmalestrom Dundee. The Last Minute trom ladinburgh and The Blue Monkey Experience from (ilasgow.

I Slice Pelican. Cow gate. 225 4513. Slice. w ho blew everyone away at their last appearance at the Cirkus ( ‘lub. come with

very high reeommendatioti and oursimtlar

expectations tor their future.

I The Brothers Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3s1ti. 0.31 1pm. Free. Residency

I The Rootsie Tootsie Band l.ord Darnley. West Port. 2294341. 10pm. Free.

I Bo'Weevil Ryrie's. Haymarket Terrace. 337 7582. 9pm. £1. Rock and blues. Fortnightly residency.

I Live band Negoeiants. l.othian Street. 225 6313. 9.45pm. Free.

I Nightlile is listed as a diary. lirst by day (in this section each at the two particular days of the lortnight are treated as one). then by city and then by venue. Special Club nights are listed under their club name followed by their venue. A separate venue Iistlollows the diary listings. with addresses and phone numbers. NB In order to be as accurate as possible. only those discos able to conlirm their prices and days are listed in the diary. The venue list may be consulted lor more nightlife locations— but check with venue. Please send information ten days before publication.

KEY: students and guestsonly;

[ND] no denims: no trainers;

[A] available for private hire on certain nights. please contact venue.


I The Alhambra 31 Waterloo Street. 221 3260. Spin—midnight. Free. Resident DJ with the latest sounds.

I The Batcave at Henry Afrikas. 11pm——3.30am. £4 without ticket.

I Bennets l 1pm—3.30am. £2.50. Mainly Cray with iii-NRC: music.

I Cleopatras 10.30pm-2.30am. £3. Non-stop mixed disco sounds in the West lind. Come early stay late. [A]

I Club Nuovo Knightbeat £2.50 with ticket: £3 at door without. DJ John Cameron with guests. playing acid. rap. funk.etc.

I Club Sandino at Tin Pan Alley. 10.30am—3.30pm. £3 (£2 for unwaged). 31 Mar only: Bob Jones. top London jazz’modern soul DJ.

I Colors at Joe Paparazzi. llprn till late. £1.50. Colors has revolutionised Friday nights with their ‘Rap. deep house. dope beats and funky jams' and particularly with their price and drinks promotions.

I Crash at the Cotton Club. 11pm—3.30am. £3.50 (£2.50with ticket ). A wide mixture of music will be played by DJ David Ross. 21 bit different from normal disco material. Look out for drinks promotions every week.

I Downtown at Hollywood Studios. £2. Fridays and Saturdays.

IFollies 10.30pm—3.30am. £3.50. Chart-based disco sounds. [ND] [N'I‘]

I Hallucination Generation at 46 West. 10.30pm-«3am. £2. Fortnightly. This new psychedelic club will begin on Fri 31st.

I Hard Rock Carlo at the Venue. 10pm till late. £3.50. Live music and disco.

I Hellraiser at Fury Murrys. llpm—3.30am. £2. Remember Iiden'.’ Well. llellraiser (great name!) isthe new club run by Andrew Dollard of liden fame. He dubs it ‘the ultimate rebel‘.

I Hollywood Studios 10pm—3am. £3.51). ()ver 21 House disco. [A] [NT]

I Joy at Sub Club. 11pm—3.30am. £3.50. it‘s very strange suddenly Friday has become the best night in (ilasgow. Between Colors. 1992. Club Sandino. and Joy. there is a mini-revolution goingon. [Al

I The Kraze at the Warehouse. 11pm—3.30am. £2 with ticket; £4 without. Deep house. funk. hip-hop.

I Mayfair 1 lpm—3am. £3.50. Over 25s night in the ballroom and Radio City at the Cameo Suite. See below.

I Mardi Gras 10.30pm—3.30am. £3 with ticket. Commercial sounds.

I Mr D's 10pm—2am. £4. Fun atmosphere and games at Shawlands‘ one and only nightclub.

I 1992- Head Damage at 46 W'cst. £2. 10.30pm-3am. This is rather confusing. so listen carefully! 1992 is now on fortnightly.


sharing 46 West with the Hallucination (ieneration beginning on Fri 31st. lfyou can understand that. go along for 'l‘ackhead. Fini-Tribc. Nitzer Ebband other such glorious sounds!

I Palomino Club 9pm—3ani. £3. ‘Just ask the DJ. he‘ll play anythingfor you . . .60s. 70s. early Slls and all current popsounds. Don‘t expect too much house or acid. if any at all! All drinks fairly priced and there's a friendly crowd' says the l’alominos press release.

I Panama Jax1t).45pm-3.311am.£3.51). Sotil and mixed chart music with resident DJs. Tommy Arnold or Raymond l)avren.

I Radio City at the Mayfair. 10pm—2am. £1.50. Radio City has provided an ideal alternative to student unions for psychedelic sounds and long may it continue!

I Rattles 10.30—3am. £3. Discosounds with DJ Roddy Stewart. [A]

I SWDS (Single. Widowed. Divorced. Separated club) at Rooftops. 'l'his runson Fridays and Saturdays and plays (ith' and 70s‘ tnusic. Members£l (£5 tojoin): non-members £2.

I West End Kids at Cleopatras.

7pm» 10.30pm. £2; £1 with ticket. Another under 18s‘ night. this time at Cleos.

I Whizz at the Sub Club ( 14—le night). 7——11pm.£2.'l‘he popular under lb‘s' night has a name now and is on Fridays as well as Saturdays. [A]

I Young and Fresh at Mardi Ciras. 7—1 lprn. Cnder lb’s' disco.

I Zoom at 'I‘in l’an Alley. 10.30pm~3.30am. £3.50. A new venue for a new year. but still the same music.


I The Adventures of Tin Tin at the Mission. 10pm--4arn £2. Winners of the worst name of all time award. A ‘fun time‘ one presumes. I The Amphitheatre lllpm--4am. The Friday Night Spectacular. £3.50. [A] [ND] I Buster Browns l lpm—3.30am. £2.75; half price drinks and admission before midnight. Chart and dance music. Aims at over 20s atmosphere. Buster Browns' L'rider- lb’s disco. Spin—1 1pm. Very popular with the early teens. [A] I Cale St James Club 25 Disco Fri and Sat Spm—2am. £1 members; £2 non-members. Membership £2. A wide range ofpop sounds played to a relaxed. friendly crowd. [ND] [NJ] I Calton Studios 8 till late. 24 Maronly: slightly belated btit still worthwhile Comic Relief night. Fun and (Barnes all in a good I Chaplins at Finsbury Park's Night Club. 11.30pm—(iam. £2. Free before midnight. the middle floor of Finsbury is now open serving snacks throughout the night. Dancing upstairs. [A] [NT] I Cinderellas liockerlellas 9pm—3am. [A] [ND] [NT] I Edgars 10pm s-4am. £1 before 11pm;£2 before midnight ; £3 after. Quirky interior with plenty of dark corners. Also Edgars has probably the most expensive air conditioning. very cool. [A] IJolt at Rage. 10pm—3am. £2. A newclub with a varied music policy. from hip-hop to house to indie sounds. I Millionaire's 10pm—bam. £2. (£1 before midnight). Mostly but by no means exclusively gay club with a predominantly iii-NRC: soundtrack. I Outer Limits at Coasters. 10.3(lpm—4am. £2 till 1 1pm; £3 after. Very popular conventional disco. [A] [NT] I Reggae Club at Shady Ladies.

48 The List 24 March—6 April 1989