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Happily riding along with a talk/roots label attached almost unthinkingly, the contrasting yet always engaging Gregson/Collister duo have already reached the third album stage, and are about to embark on their lirst British tour with a band, the only Scottish date being at the Queen’s Hall on 24 March.
‘A Change In The Weather‘ exemplilies the special quality that sets Gregson and Collister apart trom theircontemporaries, regardless of what pigeonhole they are placed in. Far lrom being an extension at any tolk/ roots movement, they are in the rare position of possessing two great voices — Collister in particular having a stunning range and emotional quality in her delivery. When coupled with a strong song, as is otten the case on their albums, the outcome is startling.
Gregson explained the lormation ol the partnership: ‘We met in Manchester when l was still in Any Trouble (who received much critical acclaim but very lew record sales in the early 80s) and had been living in London tor a while. When I‘d gone home, some friends took me to a folk club, which was where I heard Christine sing. lthought she was brilliant: the sheer emotional quality at hervoice was just undeniable. At lirst,l had no thoughts at working with her, but as Any Trouble were winding towards the end, and I got to know her better, we sort ol came together.‘
The lirst release was a sell made live cassette, Home and Away, which was later put out by the intant Cooking Vinyl, torwhom Gregson had produced the first Oyster Band album. A move to Special Delivery records subsequently was a result of Cooking Vinyl‘s lack ot linancial resources at the time with both subsequent albums being on the subsidiary of the talk label, Topic. I wondered it the label‘s reputation hampered the spread at their music outwith tolk circles: ‘I would never expect anyone at Radio One to be jumping up and down having listened
to ourrecord,‘ said Clive, ‘but, Ithink it we continue to get some good press and back that up with a tour then the word will spread. In that respect, I don‘t think it matters what label you are on, orwhat preconceptions people have!
‘I don‘t really leel like part at any movement, but I suppose it is notable that a lot of people are turning back to real music played by real people. about real things and with real emotions. In that respect, it people like Nanci Grillith and Lyle Lovett are part of a movement then I would happily be associated.‘
As tor the continuation and luture progress of the duo, Gregson is aware of the possibilities that ‘A Change In The Weather', which contains at least two classic songs in ‘Blessing In Disguise‘ and ‘How Weak I Am', presents, yet remains philosophical about the realities of their situation: ‘Basically we just want to keep taking people with us as we progress while reaching a new audience as well. I think everyone just wants to play as well as they can and put out records that are as a good as possible. That way you are achieving your ambitions all the time. It is really all about reaching more people and never lowering your standards. 80 long as that is happening I‘ll be happy.’ (John Williamson)
I Doug Rich Negoeiuntx. I.UIIII£III Street. 225 0313. 4,3tlpm. Free.
I Doug Rich I’udd§ 'x. Rme Street . 9pm. Free.
I Live band Lord Durnley . West Port . 22‘) 434i. Illpm. l’ree.
I The EIIIDIS I IilIl Bur. I(ill\\'imdlundx Road. 332 1210. 9pm. I‘ree. llictlltthh ()l the misqunte llTC hack? Buek? Buek?
I Big George and the Business In ‘luniere. IS I‘nx Streeel. 221 48-14. 3pm. I‘ree. Mnre til the same See hi.
I Come Ahead I.;t ’I‘uniere. l5 I'H\ Stl‘eCL'l. 221 48-1-1. 9pm. I‘ree.
I ShDDITD Kill Ingrzim Bur. Queen Street. 9pm. I‘ree.
Amune detect a \ inlent \lreuk running thmugh thew hands names"
I Rock Againstlhe PollTaxt‘sher l tall. I.ntlii2ianud.22H1155.Spmfl’hehiggig that exeryine'x been talking about has urrix ed tit ltlxl. illltl names ennlir med ure Deacon Blue. Hue and Cry. Texas i prnhuhl}
doing an ztetiuxtte \et ). The Silencers and The CI'IIICI Varminls. tlIl thilltg' \lttil'I sets. \\ ith prnlmhlt :i It“ mute nurnexnu the nigltt. StrungeI} . IlL'le'h had not wld uut \\ hen \\ e enquired. hut are sure tuhe gone mm. ()ne til the higgext e\etit\ in llll\ _\e;ir'\ rnek ClllL‘litllll.ll'\lltllt1(llllgltl result in the Poll 'I ;i\ being repealed. but the high prnlile til the llillIlL'\ inxnh ed g‘tk‘x u long nu} tn \IIU“ ing the depth HI leeling in thixenuntr) euneerning the(‘mnmunttt (‘hzirge‘s inttnduetinn
I Tackhead ( ‘tilttin Studim. ( ".iltiin Rlltltl. 55(i"ll(ih. Illpm Jam. LS. 'I'he reminped (‘tilttin Studimopenx II\tItlt)l\\\lllI tun nightsul the lull 'I tiekhead hundl Keith I.el$|;ine. Skip Mel )tintild. Dung \Vimhish) jiiined Iii \tieulixt Her lltlILI
I'rm Ier ( Int nier Iler hie Huneuek enllulmrutnr). l.i\ e mi\ hi .-\dr inn Shermmd und rudiegil dunee llIll\lL‘ until 411m Imm the 'Itiekheud Sound 8} stem. More ttitntirrtm night,
I Shakin‘ Stevens I’lti) house I Iteutte. (ireenside l’luee. 55“ 25‘)” "fillprn. Lh’, {-7. I’tint'SIttlkC} L'lIl)\L‘IIIL‘\\IUII}1IIII_IIIII() storm Izdinhurgh. didn‘t he"
IA Party OI PrDIeSIStudent I‘nmnfil e\ int Rt)“ . (illq 2ll‘ll 9pm 2am L2 Sill L I .Slll
44 The List 24 March—6 April 1989