Theatre Royal, Glasgow. Now on tour. Scottish Ballet's new Peter Pan is one of those works which will have an instant appeal to audiences, but has little lasting quality. Though the ballet rarely stands still, being packed with every incident from J.M. Barrie's famous children‘s story, it is a one-dimensional and unmemorable production.

Moments of charm were reserved tor the flying scenes and it says little for Graham Lustig's choreography that it did not rise above such gimmickry. Surviving then on flying, the music by Eddie McGuire, the crocodile and Tinkerbell's lairy lights—the ballet has flimsy foundations indeed despite its strong financial backing.

Here we have a production of uninspired compromise. Though the story has many dark corners, this interpretation of Peter Pan has been kept squeaky clean a children’s story for adults. There is no challenge on offer.

What is particularly disappointing is the lack of magic in the transformation from nursery to Never Never Land. The contrast in lighting and colour is not strong enough, the menace of Captain Hook‘s land not great enough, to carry the imagination through the cardboard cut-out characterisations. For much of the second act I kept wondering why the backdrop was white. NeverNever Land would never have had a white sky. It was not until near the end that the white was revealed to be a cinema screen on which to project film of the children's parents back in longed-for Glasgow (a la Wizard of Oz). A clever idea, but one which had not been thought right through.

Like this screen. there seemed many parts of this Peter Pan which remain unresolved. Were it not for McGuire‘s music, which wraps the pertormance in a cave of contemporary sounds

dripping with the influence of jazz and folky chords, this Scottish Ballet production could only dream of living forever. The mermaids who might have been a wonderful glamorous Hollywood spool were not given the sexy choreography their costumes craved, Captain Hook certainly did not dance with enough bad hissing through his teeth and the final scene change during a pause made such a commotion the cast would have been better supplied with Doc Martens than points.

Peter Pan does seem to have all the ingredients for a wonderful fairy story rivalling the Nutcracker. Scottish Ballet can hardly be blamed for trying it on for size. But it seems that this is a ballet to please the sponsors rather than add something to the world of dance. As I said earlier, there is no doubt the audiences will come and enjoy, but they ought to be transfixed. (Alice Bain)


Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh. Bun ended.

I should have known Lindsay John was already on stage. But even after several minutes of birdsong and an

unwavering spotlight, the stage

seemed empty. It was a surprising blue 1 Courses

toe which slowly, deliberately, gave the game away. Just enough movement to rivet attention, concentration and wonder. What next?

John moved towards the light source. Slowly. That he held his hands high above his head for so long was evidence of both physical and mental strength. The blue toe gave way to a fresco blue body, shaved head with red spaghetti spikes. It was a breath-taking disrobing.

Ignoring conventions of modern dance, John, through his solo interpretation of Buto (an unconventional 20th century Japanese dance form), continued the element of surprise and invention throughout his masterful performance last week at the Traverse. Though Buto presents sophisticated, even mannerist images. often very sculptural, the best of it can plumb an emotion and sensation rare in thisthree-minute culture. It is indeed fortunate that a mature and innovative performer like John, who has moved in the Buto measure of leaps and bounds since his work with Catalyst some years ago. is working in Scotland. (AB)

headquarterson3312031 lorlurther details.

I DANCE FACTORY I42 ( 'aldet‘ Streel.423 ‘)»1_‘sl‘_

The Dance I'actory isopen tor a Variety of classes during the ys eek. both eyening and day time [or example there is.Ia/.z (Beginner's) at (iJSpm on Mondays. Ballet at ti l‘pm on \Vedttesdaysand Ballroom and Latin at 7.3llpm on I‘ridays. I’ll! 'ITL' tor lilill'e tlc‘lttlls.

I GLASGOW ACADEMY OF DANCE 2 (i. 1‘) Queen Street. 22I “75”.

classes are held throughout the week in a mirrored and barred studio IIXXITeet square 'I he tollow ing is a selection of

yy hat‘s o". otter Phone for details ot’daily' classes I Open Elementary Ballet Mondays

h}! 1- (spin

Lunchtime Stretch I‘uesday-s noon~ l . 15pm. (itit‘cl It‘l‘ (It) centre ysorkers.

Spanish Tuesdays!» “.3llplll. BeginnersJazz \Vctlnestlaycts» 7.3tipm. Classical and contemporarylorthe male dancer 'I huisday s S--‘l..‘sllprri.

T‘ai Ct'li I’ridaysfifill (i.3tlprii. Contemporary Beginners/Elementary l‘ridaysb 2le Spin.

I HILLHEAD SECONDARY SCHOOL ()aklield \\ ecue. Into trom (ilasgoys lltti'e‘pcl' ii‘v' It 133b,

Stretch and Get Loose with Jane Simpson (‘Iass ey ery .‘ylonday. 7-S.3llpm. £2.


Clarence Drive. Phone 334 3507 for details. Workshop with Kedzie Penfield t 1 Mar.

lllam- 4pm. A day of release technique.

I SCOTTISH BALLET STUDIO 26] West Princes Street. 331 2931.

Junior Contemporary 'I'uesdays. (+7pm. £1.50.

AdultJazz Tuesdays 7.15—8.3(lpm. £2 (£1.50).

Adult Contemporary Wednesdays. 6—7.3llpm. £2 (£1.50).

Beginners Ballet Saturdays. 14 years to adult. l()—l 1.15am. £20.15“). Beginners Jazz Saturdays. 1-1 years to adult. I 1.3llam—Ipm. £2 (£1 .50).




A Solo Dance Lynn Denton dances with Derek Houghton making music. 23 March. 7.3Ilpm.

I TRAVERSE THEATRE \Vest Bow. (irassmarket. 226 2633. ArttuIAssemblage ll). ll. I2.\Iarch. 7.30pm. This young group present Furniture for Satirical l.oy'ers. a celebration of the (ireek view of Lose. It is the first joint project between Dundee sculptor (‘hris Biddlecombe arid performer Jane Scott Barrett. See Traverse Theatre below for workshop

details. Classes

I BRUNTON THEATRE Mttssell‘ttryzlt. (itfi 3711 ext244.

Dance Explosion T'iitil Iiaster. ('Iasses i un by [il.('II.»\'I‘.

Wednesdays iii the Supper Room: Adult dance class lllJIIartr noon. Dance tor-I year olds 4~5pm. Young people'sdance' 6—7pm.

Thursdays at Dunbar [.ibrary: Dance tor

8—12 year olds 4.30pm. Young people's

dance 5.30pm. Adult dance fr. .‘il Ipm.

Beginners welcome to all these sessions. Phone for further details.

I EPWDRTH HALLS Nicolson Square. Into 22‘) 1072.

Tracy Hawkes Iixcelleiit ey criirn.y classes with the artistic director of SI’RI.\’( i and dancer with Khoros Dance Theatre

Ballet arid .Iau. l’hone Tracy at theaboy e

number for details.

I KINGS THEATRE l.eyeii Street. 22"»1N1ll ext 133.

Dance with Sheridan Nicol classes by Edinburgh'sdancer—in-residence_ Sheridan Nicol is a y is .iciotis teacher yy ith bagsol‘enei'gy and Inn. ('ontact her at the aboye number tor more details oi the L‘IRISSL‘SII\Ic'Lll‘yIi \II ;' w Contemporary with Marilyn Williams MondaysSBIL—7pni.

Jazz with Sheridan—General'I‘uesctayy

5.3IL 7pm. Jazz with Sheridan—General Wednesday s flaw—7.

General Open with Raymond Kaye

Thursday s 5.30— 7pm.

Jazz Advanced—Professional Wednesdays 11am—1pm.

Edinburgh Youth Dance Theatre Mon and Wed at St Brides ('eritre (ipm and I-riopm.

Sheridanisbuildineupayoutheroup which will take class and workshops at this

time at St Brides ( 'cntie. ( )i'yy ell Terrace

(lust oll ( iorgie Roadl (‘oiitact the phone

number .lI‘ii\L' loi details



Details of the dancers beloyy can be loiiiid

in the New .‘yloy es i'l'hird l'yL‘CL‘llllc‘I section of the ( iIasgoyy listings.

Jane Scott Barrett ll Mar. I lam 1pm. Improy isation. .\'o c\perieiice required. See .-\i tlttI -\ssetanaec aboyc lot pei'lorttiaitcedetails

Easterand Summer


Dance Attic. King's Theatre. I .L‘\L‘Il

Street. lzdiribureh. 22‘) 1201 or 22‘)-I.\-Ill.

Sheridan \icol. ltdiiibuigh's liist dancer -in~residence teaches i.i// dirt in;

i this yyeelscrid course. A II\ c [lit/l ti ioyy ill

play tor class throughout. ’I he course is

open to anyone in er 1-! w ith a basic

under standing; ol dance. 24.25 Match I‘lam 2pm both days. ( ‘ost LS iiiclusiye. litiiilsitiylessential.

I EASTER DANCE COURSE Royal Scottish .-\catletiiy ot Music and Drama. MI 332 5H5". liookiiiesand tur'theriiiloirtiation through I I-ll i.‘\~1-IS_1ii.(iI.tsgiiys Independent Dance haye organised \y Iiat promises to be .iii escellent contemporary dance course Ill Spineyeiy day. LJlllor' Scottiin based participants and Ulllor olhct’s. ('oncessions ay ailable on request. l.I/ Ageiss technique and choreoer aphy. .\Iieha Heteese. ( latte Hayes release and contact iinproy isatioti and I .iiidsay .Iohri neys esper'iiiieiitaldance physical theatre I l/ and \Iicha yy ill teach eyery lllttl‘ltlllyi and all day Sat. ('laire .iiid Lindsay will teach each altertiooii Tue l'l'l only . The course ys ill consist ot tyyo Ieyels.


SUMMER SCHOOL I am ie ( iroye. \eys

(loss. I oiidoii SI- l~1b.\'l I. III ti‘)2-Ill“tl. ()ne of the country 's best summer courses iot both prolessioiials and those with a special inteiest in dance Thisyeai there

are \c'\ eral ctitlt'sc's ltl c‘lttisc Iltiltti .-\ ItlIl

titiie course w hich includes the choice ot contemporary . ballet. choreography . singing and music tor dancers with the young; choreographer .Iacob .\Iar|ey iii residence. '1 his lull time course ititis born I“ 2S.Iuly and costs £22“ not including; accomodation I here is also a young people's course. a dance moyement therapy course. and a dance \ idcocotiisc (‘oritact the college i one ol Britain‘s top contemporary dance colleges) tor more details.


London Festival Balletin Swan Lakeyisiis Scotland litst at ( ilasuoys ‘s Theatre Royal liom .‘y h :\pi il l 331 12.1.1). then ll';l\c'lllll_t_' to .-\berdeeii‘s I Iis .\l.itesty 's I heatre in .-\beideeitll|22.1h.11l22llrom III 15

Apt ll l his \eision of Swan Lake. staged by \atalia \laisatiWa was premiered in

I illlilt‘ll last y ea:

Scottish Ballet'sPeterPan“Lesa Illltlti

I' llyIIaIlyI be: i: c ci lllllllyl bacls to Scotland iii .'\I‘IlI where it shoyys iii Iiiyerrtess.

I" 22 .'\[‘III Aberdeen lolloyss. 3 I.“.\Iay and I diiibuieli. 23 2" Stay. Information orill113312‘).‘~l Wayne Sleep lll Bits and Pieces .ii the "\ Ell\“]:l‘. I y i‘ilic-ei.i.i_'~.lii\l\hcii.\ill matinees. 'I iclsets L12 *H t~15ll.l’opiilai dance Il'itlll the still \sltii tell the Royal Ballet to become more of an entertainer.

ls!’ ."iil‘irt'iiliiiii.i\ 22


25 The List 1()— 23 March 1989