In conjunction with the Scottish Council For Disability. The Listwill be expanding on

venueintormation ol relevanceto disabled people over the coming months. The project begins with the Theatre section and it‘s hoped that over the next tew issues all the venues listed in this section will join those encoded this time. During the change-over period. the existing disability codes ([0) tor tacilitiestorthe disabled. and [E] tor tacilitiestorthe hard olhearing) will berun alongside the new system. We're keen to hearyour views and suggestions on what inlormation is most uselul and how itshould be presented. Write to The Editor. 14 High Street. Edinburgh EH1 1TE.


Access: P Parking I-acIIitIes. PPA Parking to be Pre-.-\rraiigcd. I. I.e\el Access. R - Rttlltpctl Access. ST Steps

[0 Itcgiltltitc.

Facilities: \VC Adapted Toilett \l. “S Wheelchair Spaces. AS Adiacetit Seals. Ii Induction 1.oop System. (i (iiiide I)ogsAllowed.R Restaurant Accessible. 11 liar Accessible. '1 Adapted 'lic‘lcplliitlc.

ielp: A Assistance Ayailable. AA

-\dy ise Venue III Ads ance.

Theatre is listed by city lirst. then by venue. 'unning in alphabetical order. Touring shows are listed separately under the relevant reading. KEY: [0] tacilities lorthe disabled. fE] tacilities lorthe hard 01 hearing. usually an induction loop system. For prices. price in Jracltets eg (£1 .50) is the concessionary Jrice. Long running shows. unless specilied otherwise. do not run on Sundays.


ICITIZENS'THEATRE(ioiliaIsSlt‘cet 41‘) 1023. I$ox()tlice.\1on Sat Illam Spin

Bar. [Accessz P. 1.. I'acilitics: “T ‘. \VSI .

(i. R. IIelp: AA]

Douglast'niil Sat I 1 Mai . ".f‘llpm L5 ( 1.1) Free 011 the (loot to ( ).-\l’s anti 1 .1141)» Robert I)ay id \IacI )onald directslohn IIome's lS’lh century Scottish tragedy ol love lost and regained. See Rey iew

I CRAWFUROTHEATREIordanhIII College. To Sotitlibrae Dr I\ c. ( ilasgow 0410503437 3.13s. [Acct-w. l’. R. I‘aciIities: we. Vs S. 1:. (i. R. 1%. Help A. AA].

Three Suttragette Plays '1 hurs Io .\ Spin ck 7.30pm. (’ompact Theatre man interesting two hour programme oi proto-leminist drama.

Asian Arts Sun 1‘) Mar. “.fsllpin. Music and movement. See 1)atieeI.IsliIIgs.

I CUMBERNAULU THEATRE ( ‘uin‘oci nauld. (1236 TESS". Bo\ ( )ltice Mon-Iii

Illatti (rpm;Sat Illam .‘spm;o Spmperl eygs Bar (lite. |Access: PPA.ST. Facilities: we. \\'S. (i. Ii. Help; A. AA]. Howard Carter‘s Amazing Quest lorthe Tomb otTutenltamen Thurs ‘) Sat ll.\Iar. 'I hurs Schri1.311pm.£3.5tl(£1.35):I-rick Sat 7.45pm. £3.50 (£3 l. Schools £1.25andone teacher free with ey cry lepupils. Borderline in a new kids' comedy written by I Iarry' Iint‘ield and Bryan Iilsley'. See Touring.

Them Through The Wall Thurs 33 Sat 35 Mar. 7.45pm. Thurs £2.5ll(£1.25)15ri& Sat £3.50 (£2 ). Written by the prolit‘icliz Lochhead in collaboration with Agnes Owens. this comedy is about relations between two sets ot‘ neighbours w hose circumstances are rather different.

I DOLPHIN ARTS CENTRE .Iames Street. Bridgeton.55-1 744‘).

MadaTMon I3—Sat 18 Mar. 7.45pm. £2 51) (£1.60). Tickets: (I41 227' 551 I . Jigjag Production ('ompany in a modern tragedy by Robbie .‘sIoffat. which concerns a

certain ‘Madam T‘. elected by the people. who ends up executing her critics inorder to execute her policies.

I DRAMA CENTRE 120 Ingram Street.552 5827. [Accessz P. ST. Facilities W81}. Help: A. AA].

Queen Christina Mon l.‘s—-Sai ls‘ Mar.

..~l lpm. John Street Theatre in a play by

Pam ( 'iems about the eponymous Swedish qttceli w ho has also been memorably

portray ed on the sily er screen by (iarbo.


.‘sIaxw ell I)I'i\ e. 05553 4800‘). Howard Carter‘s Amazing Quest ForThe

Tomb 0lTutenkamen Wed 15 ck Thurs to Mar . Wed 1.31ch "fillpnifl‘hurs Illamcy 1.30pm. £1.5llclaytiiitc‘ perts. £2.50( I .50)

es ening pcrtormance. Borderline. See


McGinn OI The Calton Tue 31 Mar. 7.30pm. £3 ( LI i. Stramash in a new play by Adam

.\Iac.\£aughton about the life of the Iiast

12nd ol (ilasgow reyolutionary poet and

writer Matt .\Ie(iinn.


The Subterranean Sun I 'niil Sat 1 I Mar.

: "pin. Iznttatice by donation atdoor.

Perlormance ol (’olombian play'w right

him Anibal Nino‘switty but powerful

drama about human rights abusesand repression in South America.

I GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE 12 Washington StIeet.331453(1.]Access: PPA.R. I‘actlities: \\'( i. R. ( i. Help: A. AA]. InnerVoices Wed 15 Sat IS Mar.7.3tlpm. LC ( Li I. The adult drama group in a production til deuardo I’llilipo‘s Absurdist piece about a murder which was ney er committed



The Yellow On The Broom wed 15 Mar. 7.10pm. Winged Horse. See Touring.

I KINGS THEATRE Bath Street. Box (It'tice. .\Ion Sat noon (rpm. 4 bars. Phone bookings. Ticket (‘entre. (Kindleriggs. .\Ion S;It1ll_‘sllaiii- (131mm. 0413:" 551 1. {Access: P. 1.. Facilities:

\\ (I R. (5. Help: A. AA].

The Gondoliers t'niil Sat I l Mar.7.3iipm. The amateur group. The ()t‘plletlsCItlb. iii tIIcopetella.

Gorispell Mon 15 Sat IS .\1ai'.7.311pm. .\ lll' group'I‘hc Pantheon (’Iiibin

Ste 'Wlicll Schw art/'s musical based on the

gospel according to Matthew.

Oklahoma .‘slonlll Sat 25 Mar. 7.30pm. . The I yiic (Tub in the Rogersand

Hammerstein musical.

I MITCHELL THEATRE ( iranyille Street. 231 F 1%. Iios()llice Mon Sat noon~bpm. Ital (kite. Tickets also a\ aiIabIe from the Ticket ( ‘entre. ( ~andleriggs. 237 5511 .\Ion Sat Ill..‘sllani bNIpm. ] I’PA . S I l’ttc‘llilicsi \V(‘. “S. ( i. R. 15. Help; A. AA].

Long Story Short Mon 20 Sat 25 Mar.

" .illpm. “.S-l. Sec Touring and Preview. I MODERN LANGUAGES THEATRE

I‘nn cisity (ial‘dcits. I‘icketson dooror lioiti Theatre Studies Dept 33‘)SS55.

Amphitryon I‘ntil Sat 1 I .\Iar.7._‘stlpm.

Ll 51111.1 I. A student production ot‘oneol~ Molic‘t‘c"s less \s ell known pieces.

I OLO TRANSPORT MUSEUM Albert Driye. T icI ets tor this show trom Ticket ('entre. (aridleriggs: (MI 327 551 l. [IIeIpz AA]. BorderWarIare Mon 13 Sat 25 Mar. 7pm. Lb ( t5). Wildcat and I-‘reeway I-‘ilms present a promenade production olthe history ot'Scotland's relations with Iingland. by John .\Ic(irath. See Review. I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE New Street. Paisley". SW 1010. Box ()fficeopen Tue-Sun noon—8.30pm. Bar (open noon—l 1pm Tue—Sat; 12.3()—2.3()pm & (330—1 Ipm Sun. Meals served). (‘afc (open noon 11pm). [Aecessz PPA. ST. I’acilities: \VC‘. \N'S. Ii. (i. R. B. Help: A. AA ].

The Tales oIBrer Rabbit Fri 10 .‘vIar.7pm. £2 (I. IT. I-‘amily' ticket £5. The Magical Moonshine Theatre from California tell the well-known tales. using three foot high puppets.

Miss Julie Sat 11 Marbpm. £4(£2).

Adapted by Stuart Paterson from Anton Chekhov,


A comic masterpiece of beauty and change. 10 MARCH-1 APRIL


Mon-Sat 7.45 pm (from £2.50) Matinee 25 Mar 3.15 pm (£3.00)

(031) 229 9697

Friday 10—Sunday 12 March 7.30pm ARTFUL ASSEMBLAGE FURNITURE FOR SATIRICAL LOVERS a dance and sculpture event.

Tuesday 14—Sunday 19 March 7.30pm Strathclyde Theatre Group present BLOODY POETRY by Howard Brenton

Tuesday 21—Sunday 26 March 7.30pm A Traverse Springboard Production MARX AND COCA COLA

by Nils Shari

British premiere of this hilarious Danish comedy. With kind assistance oithe Danish Cultural Institute


(09°23 wool 09°93 nuo TILls Station 8892 922 ISO aouao X08

‘I E ~| a: 52 s: 0) "1 E. 2.. :u '11.

A s D A" A i1] 313mm) 1





The Traverse on Tour presents

Two hilarious Scottish comedies


by Ann Marie Di Mambro


DEAD DAD DOG by John McKay

Thursday March 23rd 7.45pm

TICKETS ON SALE NOW Full Price £4.00 Concessionary Price £2.50

We azcept payment by ACCESS or VISA Box Office 031 665 2240


BABE fllli TIIE BIIlIIEN' IIIIP T.W. and Pilrig Park School

a musical comedy oi reed, jealousy and plain sii iness"

Part of ' Edinburgh International Folk Festival 1pm, Saturday 18 March Festival Club, Teviot Row


Presented by S.N.A.Y.T. "l8 Theatre Groups, 1000 Young People, 60 Workshops"

Saturday 25 March - Saturday 1 April 7.30pm, 8.30pm, 9.30pm £1 (50p S.N.A.Y.T . members)


T.W. Bale / Bar

Open lOam - 5 m Monday - Satur ay, Late during performances




The List 1()— 23 March 198‘) 23