February 2‘) March.

I Originals Penguin Books launch a new imprint . ( )riginals. on ‘) l-c'bi‘tt;it'_\ . publishing fiction and non-fiction.

I Princess of Wales’l’he Scottish (‘hambei ()rchcslra are moving to4 Rosal 'l'eriacc. lidinburgh. and their Patron, The Princess of Wales. will officith open theii‘ofliccson l4 l'cbruarv

I Afghanistan 15 l'ebruars is the deadline for the final Sov iet withdrawal from .»\lghanistan.

I The FourTops 'l‘he (inc Motown group (and definitel} not the band who tried to pass

ever created for a 'l'\' games slt()\\ , begins on lT\'. 34 l-‘ebruarv.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra 15th Anniversary Concert With James (ialwas and livelv n (ilennie conducted h} .luklsa-l’ekka Saraste. l'sher l lall. lidinburgh. 25 l-'eluuar_v.

I Borderwarfare Sev eral tlungs single out this new plav bv John Mc( irth for \Vildcat: it w ill be the first play to be staged in the old .‘vltiseum of 'l‘ransport (re-christened the 'l‘ramvvav 'l‘heatrc i since l’etcr Brooks' .‘vfahabharata. it w ill be a promenadeproduction

involving a large cast and moving sets. and it aimsat nothing less than a re-tellingof the histor} of the relations betw een lingland and Scotland from the beginning of time to the present day . ‘l’he pla_\' is also being filmed for('hanncl 4.

I The Accused This is a clev erlv made. emotionallv manipulative film about rape (from the producers of I‘um/ Attraction) that soon has sou feeling desperate for instice for the victim. lt'sa pitv it has to btiild toa gratuitous and esplict scene of the rape at the end but .lodie l‘oste r asthe victim givesaother fine performance.

I Red Sorgum Much acclaimed award winning ('hinese film about the love between a highwavman and a young woman alreadv promised in ruarriage to a w inc merchant with leprosv


I Edinburgh

| I

International Folk Festival 17—26 March. Billed as ‘Scotland‘s Premier Celebration of Contemporary and Traditional Arts'. the

Right: Arthur Montlord retires as Scotsport presenter in May.


festival offers major performers from Britain. Europe and America. including Davv Spillane. the Battlefield Band and Whippersnapper‘. ceildidhs. workshops in harp. pipes. fiddle and instrument making; a range oferafts and children‘s events.

I Rugby Union Scotland plat Ireland at

Murra} field. 4 .\larch.

I National Theatre ‘l'he National 'l'heatre tour to the 'l‘heatre Rosal. (ilasgow with Sean

()'( ~asevsJimo tun/(lie l’ui‘t‘m‘kli ll.\laich. The play is directed b} l’ctcr (itll and stai's'l'on} l lagarth (who recently plated ( ‘aliban in the .\"l ‘s Tempest) and l.mda Bassetf.

I Comic Relief'l'hei-e will be more red noses earl} in March when (‘omie Relief repeat their successful fund raising e\ ent w ith Red Nose D21} 2.

I Bicentenaire 1789-1989 A three month bonan/a devoted to French art and culture runs at the Sotith Batik Centre. London from 11 March toZtiJune. includes a season at the bill. ‘l‘ilm and the French Revolution'. plus music. dance and theatre.

Above: All year France celebrates the bicentenary of the French Revolution. Right: In May Stevie Wonder makes hislirst appearance in Scotland for twenty years. Below: Penguin launch a new inprinf. Originals. in February.


I Edinburgh International FolkFesfival i" Josiah-h. I Long Story Short “:si have commissioned several plavs reflecting contemporar} life in Scotland; the first is 1.0)“: Sim-v Shan b} (‘oliu .\lc.\'eil and it tours to the Mitchell 'l’heatre ( ilasgovv 3U 35 March. and the (‘raw furd 'l‘heafre .lordanhill. 33 3‘) \larch. I Edinburgh Puppet Festival This has become a successful and regular date on the calendar for children in lidinburgh. l'he 5th fcsti\al \\ ill liflsL' place If March I Aprilat the \etltcrbovs :\rts (cutie.

I Muppets. Monsters and Magic Miss l’iggs . Kermit and the cast of Sesame Street will be revealing the electronic gadgett} to which the_v owe their existence in this exhibition at the ('it} Art (‘entrc.2_‘ March—31) Ma} . The show is devoted to the work of Jim Henson. and is just one example ofthe imaginative and far reaching programme of the lidinburgh International l’estival of Science and 'l'echnologv. See April below. I Freddie Starr At the l’lavhouse. lidinburgh. 32 March. I Petrushka/Oedtpus Rex A double bill b} Scottish

Opera and Scottish Ballet of work b_\ Stravinskv ()leg \'inogradov . artistic director of the Kirov Ballet. Leningrad. has been commissioned to choreograph l’etrushka. This will tour later in the year but the double bill is presented for 5 nights onl_\ at the Theatre Royal. (ilasgow . ( )pens 35 March.

I British SummerTime ‘l‘ltc clocks go forward one hour on Io Starch and British Summer Time begins.

I Things Changchun .-\meche gives as engaging and com incing a performance as _vou could w iin to see in this new film b_\ David Mamet. lle plavs an unliker character who goes from shoemaker to would-be gangster. gambler and murderer in a short space of time. but neveronce loses his sang froid or old fashioned charm. Don't miss it when it goeson general release this month.

I The Adventures of Baron von Munchausen The wild and wack} adventures of the Baron re-told. at great expense. bv the talented 'l‘errv (iilliam. never one to skimp on special effects or imaginative leaps of fantasv. The impressive cast list includes ()liver

Reed. Robin Williams. Bill Paterson and .lolui .\'e\ ille.

I New French Art laxhilution of sculpture and mixed media installations at the 'l'hird lac ( 'entie. ( ilasgovs. mounted in eoniunction \\ ltli Kettlc's \ .tltl. ('ambridge.

I l he lliiltl version of .\'etl Bartlett’s l'l\lnll ()l IJH't' [\lt'l t‘tlft'tf in Sleep is staged at the iron 'l'heatre. ( ilasgovv I Scandal 'l'he stors of the l’iofurnoaffau raisesits ugh head set again w itli this film. starringlohn

l lurt as Stephen \Vard. .loanne \Vhallev as ('hristuie Keeler. and Ian Mcls'ellen. lt will .tlsol‘c the feature film debut of Scottish director Michael ('aton-Jones. \\ ho made (‘hannel l-‘our's adaptation of [from].

I Madame Sousatzka (‘hosen as the Rotal l-ihu perfornumce this seat. thisisacollaborative adaptation b) .lohn Schlesinger and Ruth l’raw er .lhabvalaof Bernice Rubens' novel. If that wasn't enough to recommend it. it stars Shirley Mael arm in her first role since her ( )scar winning performance in 'I't'rms ofIim/eurmen!. pltis l’egg} Ashcroft and 'I‘Msgi-

The List 13 Zolanuarv 7