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also his shrewdness as a writer. He is

lint so foolish that he doesn‘t c\ploil

the irresistible best-seller ingredients

of Richard's life. but he's also never so small as to sacrifice the truth for scnsationalism or toglossovcr the details of a chequered career.

Bragg and Burton make a formidable team. Anything that attempts to reveal the thoughts and character of a man who made millions and lived the life that millions dream ofshould by rights be compelling. and Bragg fails not. (Jacqueline [{dgar)


Glimmer of Cold Brine Edited by Alistair Lawric. llellen Matthews and Douglas Ritchie (Aberdeen Ifl’). The best anthologies are not

necessarily those in which every item ,

shines. Some. like this one and Noise and Smokey Breath. a (ilasgow gallimau fry. excel by giving a platform to many different voices and are uniquely evocative and eloquent. ’l‘he accent that prevails here is the ‘fit like' brogue of the

North-Iiast. making this not so much ;

‘A Scottish Sea Anthology" as the sub-title puffs. but a seine net bulging with poems. oral history. social documentary. sea shanties. novel extracts. photographs and paintings culled from the grey North Sea. No facet of sea life is ignored as the book drifts from the herring hey-days to the decline of the oil


by Joseph Heller

loseph Heller examines the painting Aristotle Contemplating the Bust ofHomerout ofits frame, circling through history and finding that not much has changed in 2500 years. As richly textured as any ofRembrandt’s paintings, PICTURE THIS turns history on its head, with Heller writing at his

inimitable best.

‘PICTURE THIS is brilliant . . . it has the astringency and wit ofCatch 22, matured’

1 v l‘v'l'l --,f. 3.,- ’f? "l _ -?


.si.’ g 5‘. MONSTER MASH

Sacred monsters, says Daniel Farson

in his autobiographical album of the ! same name (Bloomsbury £15.95). are enfants terribles who have not grown

up. This is one of his better definitions: expect others to surface in Pseuds‘ Corner. Included in his gallery of

rogues, among the fascists, bores, crackpots and irate young men, are curiously few female monsters— Elizabeth Taylor and Joan Littlewood

are notorious exceptions and a

handful of genuine SMs capable of illuminatingthe darkestalleywiththeir l glowing personalities, to wit: Francis Bacon. Orson Welles, George Melly

and Kenneth Tynan, pictured above. (AT)


Doris Lessing




invite you to two important events this month. Join us on Thursday 19th Jan, 1989 at 7.30pm for the launch of

WALKING WOUNDED the new collection of short stories by WILLIAM McILVANNEY (author ofDocherty and Laidlaw)

and on Wednesday 25th Jan, 1989 at 7.30pm come and meet


who will be reading from his new autobiography On My Way to the Club

Refreshments provided

Phone 031 225 343 6 for reservations of your copy

WATERSTONE & CO LTD 114-116 George Street. Edinburgh EH2 4LX i


The List l3 2r» January 47